Clan McIntosh |
1939The McIntosh Clan held their annual reunion at the Lacey Keosauqua State Park, Sunday, August 27, 1939. It was in honor of the McIntosh centennial, as George McIntosh, who was born May 12, 1817, came and located in Van Buren County in 1839 on the farm now owned by Hazen Blackburn. Mr. Blackburn's grandfather, Alonzo Cox, was a descendent of the McIntosh family. The place chosen for the grand event was at the beautiful small shelter house built by the Keosauqua CCC enrollees, and is located high on a beautiful hill overlooking the winding Des Moines River. It also affords a very good view of Keosauqua's lovely new bridge. Many came to help celebrate this annual occasion from Missouri and many parts of Iowa. A wonderful chicken dinner with loads of other good eats was served, topped off by such good coffee as only Dan McIntosh of Milton has made for the last six years at the annual reunions. Officers were re-elected for next year and are as follows: Dan McIntosh of Milton, Iowa is president, Lola M. McIntosh and Minnie D. McIntosh both of Keosauqua are treasurer and secretary respectively. Music was furnished by Harry Kinnersly and old time songs were sung by all. As Mrs. Laura Esther Moberg of Hammond, Indiana and her husband L. E. Moberg could not be present they sent a beautiful American flag in the name of George McIntosh (father of Esther), 1839-1939, to be unfurled at each reunion following. A beautiful white cake, with 1839-1939 printed on it, was made by Mrs. Harry McIntosh. Ocie McIntosh and Mrs. Clara McIntosh were the oldest pioneers present. Other old timers were: George Barker, Mrs. Ocie McIntosh and Mrs. Morris McIntosh. There was over 100 persons in attendance at this 100th celebration, and 12th annual reunion of the families. The reunion for 1940 was scheduled to be held at Farmington, Iowa Minnie McIntosh
1938The McIntosh family reunion was held in two sessions this year, the first one on August 29, 1938 and the second a week later; both in the Farmington State Park. On the first Sunday there was a shower in the morning that made some of the family undecided, and finally to stay away. Dinner was served both days at the lodge in the Farmington State Park. In spite of the shower in the morning of the 28th, the following families came from afar: Ralph J. Diercks, wife Mary Helen and son Jake of Muscatine, John H. Fox and wife, Blanche of Morning Sun; Ivan Hootman, wife, Lela and two sons of Ottumwa; Harrison McIntosh, and family of Keokuk came in the afternoon. Harry McIntosh and wife, George Barker and sons, their families and friends also arrived to help take part in the events of the day. A fried chicken dinner was had at the noon hour and about 40 were there to partake of same. We missed our good coffee, always prepared by our beloved Dan, president of our group. However, in the absence of his loyal support, Marie McIntosh and Netha McIntosh took charge. After a trip to the home of Robley McIntosh, good coffee was served , with cream and sugar also. It was suggested that in the absence of the President , we would put to a vote the selection a chairman for the day would be chosen. There was a little confusion as to whether or not to call the meeting a regular one, but decided to go ahead with it and take the minutes. The chairman selected by majority vote was Dr. F.W. McIntosh, and he called the meeting to order. A request to have last years minutes read and same was approved. As some could not make the trip and attend two Sundays straight, the regular business was carried on, with the exception of the election of officers, and upon the advice of the president, all old officers were held over another year. The minutes of the meeting held in 1937 shoed all bills paid, and 33 cents on hand. A donation was taken and $1.23 was collected. The program was carried out, and an orchestra composed of four of the CCC enrollees, was on hand. These boys were from the Keosauqua Camp, and rendered a very entertaining program. Songs were played by the boys and sang by request. Linnie Lyons gave a very good reading, which was enjoyed by all, and we were glad to have her with us as a guest. George Barker gave a short history with the dates of birth regular pioneer family. 1939 being our 100th year, Harry and Edna McIntosh were asked to look up and act as historians and render the same at the 1939 meeting, the same to be placed in our family book. Following the program and business meeting our gathering closed with music and thus another very happy day passed for the McIntosh families. A request by the chairman was made, asking all those who could come again the next Sunday, to be with the ones who did not attend this day. Same was to be advertised in the paper the following week. The secretary could not be present at the second meeting, but informed that all officers carried over and all committees were not changed. Minnie McIntosh
1937The McIntosh families held their tenth reunion on Sunday, August 28, 1937 at the Lacey Keosauqua State near Keosauqua Iowa. An attendance of 125 persons with each pioneer family represented. The spot in the park chosen for the picnic was a part of the childhood home of the F. C. McIntosh family, at the small shelter house overlooking the Des Moines river and with the highway bridge crossing the river visible in the distance. At 12:30 the tables were spread with chicken and other meats and all the trimmings, pie and cake, along with coffee. The latter prepared by the President, Dan McIntosh of Milton, Iowa. The election of officers resulted in the selection of Dan McIntosh, of Milton, as President, Minnie McIntosh, secretary, and Lola M. McIntosh of Keosauqua, Iowa as treasurer. The Farmington State Park was selected for the 1938 reunion, by a vote of those present and the date set on the last Sunday in August. A program under the direction of Marie McIntosh and Margaret Werts was presented. It included the song "America", dedicated to the pioneer parents of the McIntosh families. Reading by Blanche McIntosh-Fox, of Morning Sun. Tap dance by Margaret Helen McIntosh and Betty Lee Thomas of Keosauqua, Iowa. Quartet, composed of Dan McIntosh, J. Leslie McIntosh both of Milton, Iowa, Arnold Barker and Harry Kinnersly of Keosauqua, Iowa. Reading by Mozelle Ashby-Hibbs of Columbus Junction in memory of her grandmother, Mrs. Sarah J. McIntosh, who died a year ago last February. Violin and guitar duet by Hubert Slinn and Harry Kinnersly, vocal solo by Marie Scott-McIntosh. Reading by Donald Barker of Morning Sun. A song by Jimmie Slinn and music by Slinn and Kinnersly. Songs by the quartet and a vocal number by Hallie McIntosh Slinn of Bonaparte. The president named as committee members for the 1938 meeting, the following: Hallie McIntosh Slinn, tables; Dan McIntosh, coffee and Margaret Werts entertainment. The oldest person in attendance was Mrs. Clara McIntosh of Milton, Iowa and the youngest was Jacob R. Diercks the 5 month old son of Ralph and Mary Helen McIntosh-Diercks. The remainder of the day was spent in horse shoe pitching and playing ball. A lot of visiting went on too. The meeting was adjourned and each one taking home with them a very happy remembrance of being able to attend. Minnie McIntosh
1936The McIntosh family held their ninth annual reunion at the Farmington State Park, one hundred and eight people attended this session and all members of the families, no guests present. The weather was ideal and could not have been better, or more to the desire of those present, if it had been made to order. The pioneers present were Mr. and Mrs. Morris McIntosh, of Farmington, Mr. and Mrs. Ocie McIntosh of Memphis, Missouri, Mrs. Clara McIntosh of Milton, and Mr. George Barker of Keosauqua, Iowa. The noon hour came around and tables were spread on the hill over-looking the beautiful lake. This table groaned from the load of fried chicken, and all the trimmings with all kinds of cake and pie. The good coffee was made by Dan McIntosh. After dinner a program was given by the song "America". Then followed reading by Mrs. Lewis of Farmington, duet by Jean McIntosh and Jimmie Slinn, tap dance by Margaret Helen McIntosh. Some selections of old songs by the "McIntosh Quartet", composed of Dan, Robley, Leslie, McIntosh, and Arnold Barker. A humorous reading was given by Blanche Fox when rendered was quite fitting and she received great applause. There was a ball game and plenty of visiting to help fill the day. At the business meeting following the dinner, officers were elected for the year 1937, same being as follows: President, Dan McIntosh of Milton. Secretary, Minnie McIntosh of Keosauqua, Iowa, and treasurer Lola M. McIntosh of Keosauqua, Iowa. A vote was taken on the place to hold the reunion for 1937 and by this vote the following decision was reached. On all even numbered years, at Farmington at the State Park. On odd numbered years at Keosauqua, Iowa at the Lacey State Park. The permanent date, the last Sunday in August of each year, unless rainy and in case of rain, the following Sunday. The secretary's report was read and on motion approved. The treasurer's report was read and approved. Treasurer reported a balance of $2.43, reported on hand, bills amounting to $1.10 were allowed. Coffee, ice, and cream 95 cents, postage 15 cents. Donation of $1.00. The following committees were appointed by the president, to act for year 1937; Entertainment, Marie McIntosh and Margaret Werts. Grounds, table, and water; Arnold Barker, Bob Slutts, and James McIntosh. Coffee making and serving the same; Dan McIntosh and Dr. F.W. McIntosh. At the close of the day, good-byes were said and partings felt, as each family gathered together their families and parted to meet again on August 29, 1937 at Lacey Keosauqua State Park. Minnie McIntosh
1935The 8th McIntosh reunion was held at Lacey-Keosauqua State Park, Keosauqua, Iowa on August 25, 1935. The day was beautiful and a very good attendance was there to eat of the wonderful good things that Mothers and wives had prepared for this special occasion. Afternoon was called to order by the President, Dan McIntosh of Milton, Iowa. Officers were then elected, and President Dan McIntosh of Milton, was nominated and elected to serve as president. Lola M. McIntosh, was re-elected to serve as treasurer, and Minnie D. McIntosh, also was re-elected to serve as secretary. The place for the next meeting was voted and Keosauqua State Park, and Farmington State Park were both voted on. Farmington State Park was decided by the majority of votes. August 30, 1936 at Farmington State park was the date and the place set. Committees were appointed as follows: Morris and Nell McIntosh, coffee, John McIntosh tables and water. A letter from Lawrence and Esther McIntosh-Moberg was read and greetings sent; also $1.00 donation and a vote of thanks to the Mobergs' was extended. Treasurer's report showed a balance of $4.18 for the year 1934, this was reported and the same approved. The secretary's report was read and by motion approved. The following bills were reported and allowed: coffee, 60 cents; cream, 80 cents; and a total of $1.40, with the treasurer ordered to pay them. The business meeting being over a program was had. Songs of long ago were sung, music by Hubert Slinn and Cyrus Winters, also other volunteer selections were given. A picture was taken of the pioneers present which were: Morris and Nell McIntosh, Ocie and Effie McIntosh, Clara McIntosh, and George Barker. The oldest in attendance was Clara McIntosh of Milton and the youngest was 4 week old daughter, Lola Marie McIntosh. She is the daughter of Robley and Netha McIntosh. Catherine Barker, 7 week old daughter of Hugh and Mary Barker. Many of the young folk present sought entertainment by a trip around the river and park, through the valleys and hills that their fathers and mothers had enjoyed years before them. Also the lovely shelter houses that makes this park so nice and dear to the memories of many of the McIntosh families. All reported a good time and good-byes were said until we meet at Farmington the last Sunday in August or August 30, 1936 Minnie McIntosh
1934The McIntosh "Clan" held their seventh annual reunion at the Farmington State Park, on August 26, 1934. This day proved to be an ideal one. Committees were on hand and tables arranged on the hill overlooking the beautiful lake. Car after car arrived and by noon hour 116 were there to partake of the fried chicken and many good things to make a meal a "feast". The afternoon session was called to order by Dan McIntosh, of Milton, and the following officers were re-elected: President Dan McIntosh of Milton, Iowa, secretary, Minnie McIntosh, of Keosauqua, Iowa, and treasurer, Lola M. McIntosh of Keosauqua, Iowa. The place for the 1935 reunion was voted on and the Lacey-Keosauqua State Park, at Keosauqua was selected. Time, the last Sunday in August and if rainy, the first Sunday in September. Committees appointed were: Grounds and water and the tables also, Wyatt and wife, Lenora McIntosh, and Bob Slutts. Coffee, Dan McIntosh. Entertainment committee, James Leslie McIntosh of Cantril and Roy Simpson of Milton. Bills were ordered paid and as follows: To Morris McIntosh $1.10, for coffee, cream, and etc. Minnie McIntosh, for postage and stickers for our book, 35 cents. No receipts. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved, also treasurers report of $5.28 as balance on hand was read and approved and bills allowed and order drawn on treasurer for payment of same. The program of the afternoon consisted of a trio by Clara, Dan, and Leslie McIntosh and several other songs, readings by tiny tots, Mollie Hoskin, Stanley Barker, and Irene McIntosh. Also a reading "God Gave to Earth a Mother", by Margaret Helen McIntosh. Music on an old dulcimer, 60 years old, was presented by Mrs. Gephart of Keosauqua, Iowa. The happy day ended with community singing. Good-byes were said until August 25, 1935 at Lacey-Keosauqua State Park, Keosauqua, Iowa. Minnie McIntosh
1933The McIntosh reunion was held August 27, 1933 at Lacey-Keosauqua State Park, Keosauqua, Iowa. This day proved to be a very rainy one, but car after car arrived and 117 persons were in attendance. We were invited to hold our meeting in the lodge by the custodian, but coffee was already brewing and the tables were placed in the shelter house and a wonderful dinner was served. Afternoon was called to order, President Dan McIntosh of Milton, Iowa. Election of officers was next in order and Dan McIntosh, was elected president, Lola M. McIntosh, treasurer, and Minnie McIntosh secretary. Various committees were appointed by the president, and a vote was taken for the meeting place of the next annual reunion, which carried for Farmington State Park, and the date was Sunday, August 26, 1934. A report of the treasurer was read and motion approved, which left a balance in the treasurer of $5.28. No bills were presented and nothing was paid out by the treasurer. The report of the secretary was on motion and approved. A program followed the business meeting which started with that old beloved reading, "My Trundle Bed", given by Aunt Phoeba Madden. Duet by Dan and Clara McIntosh. Songs and so forth by others present. As the rain slacked and the beautiful trails (laid out by our CCC boys) were followed. These lovely hills and valleys are full of dear memories as quite a few present were reared among them. Pioneers present were: Mrs. C. T. McIntosh, Morris McIntosh, wife and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ocie McIntosh of Memphis, Missouri, Jane McIntosh-Matheson, George Barker, Mrs. Charlie McIntosh of Milton, and although they were not pioneers, we were all very glad to have among those present, L. E. Moberg and his wife, Esther McIntosh Moberg of Hammond, Indiana. If it is possible, they make the drive from Indiana to visit George McIntosh, of Memphis, Missouri and to attend the annual reunion. A report of five members of our large family since the 1932 reunion was given. A beautiful cake was made by Mrs. Ocie McIntosh, and presented to those pioneers attending, which was cut and each partook of this delicious cake, which was decorated very appropriate for the occasion. Mrs. Sarah McIntosh, being the oldest member of the family present, was served with the first piece. Following the program, a social time followed, and this happy day ended when good-byes were said until 1934 at Farmington State Park. For the information of those present today I will read the list of our loved ones, members of our large family, who have been called from our midst by death, since the last reunion, as the same has come to my knowledge:
Minnie McIntosh
1931Sunday, August 30, 1931, the fifth annual reunion of the McIntosh families was held at the Farmington State Park, with the attendance larger than 1929. It was estimated at 100 including friends of these families . The day was partly cloudy with a little shower and the skies cleared and we had a very pleasant day. Of the pioneer families present were Mrs. C.F. McIntosh, (Sarah), of Keosauqua, Iowa; Mrs. Charlie McIntosh, (Clara), of Milton, Iowa; Ocie McIntosh and wife of Memphis, Missouri, George Barker and wife Catherine, more commonly known as Cassie, of Keosauqua, Iowa; also two daughters of George McIntosh, Nellie of Memphis, and Mrs. Esther McIntosh Moberg, with her husband L. E. Moberg, of Hammond, Indiana. Committees were on their jobs and tables were spread with a fine feast which was enjoyed by each one present. The afternoon was called to order by the President, Dan McIntosh of Milton. The Secretary's report was read by Minnie McIntosh, secretary, and approved. The treasurer's report read and approved. The balance on hand reported this day, $7.30. Donated as follows: Curtis McIntosh, 20 cents; George Barker, 10 cents; Esther and Lawrence Moberg, 50 cents; Emery Simpson, 25 cents. Bills as follows were allowed and paid by the treasurer: Coffee, 70 cents; cream 25 cents; postage to secretary 10 cents for 1930, and 15 cents for 1931, total postage 25 cents. Total to be paid out $1.20 and the balance on hand $7.05. Following the secretary's report and approval and the treasurer's report and approval was the election of officers. Dan McIntosh being the only nominee for President it was moved and seconded that he be, and he was duly elected President. Also moved and seconded that Minnie McIntosh as secretary and Lola M. McIntosh as treasurer continue serving as such secretary and treasurer for the ensuing year. Committees were then appointed by the President for the entertainment committee, Blanche McIntosh Fox, Mae McIntosh, and ?? (I did not get the name as my paper was picked up by someone and mislaid). Next in line followed our entertainment, which was enjoyed by all. A piano was trucked out from Bonaparte and an orchestra under the management of Hubert Slinn, gave several good selections; John and Vera McIntosh’s little daughter favored with a tap dance; readings by Blanche Fox, Florence Mozelle Ashby, daughter of Nellie McIntosh Ashby, deceased, and granddaughter of Sarah McIntosh; also reading by Mary Helen McIntosh Diercks. After the program, baseball and other amusements helped to make the pleasant afternoon short. A letter of greetings and list of attendance were sent out to Mrs. Ellen McIntosh Keiser of Ashland, Nebraska, who was reported very ill. Also reported Jane McIntosh Matheson was not so well. A vote was taken on the next place to meet in 1932. Farmington won and the Farmington State Park was set down for our next meeting place and the time decided on the last Sunday in August and that is August 28, 1932. The business meeting closed and the visiting began and lasted until the sun was dropping down behind the beautiful hills of the Farmington State Park. Handshakes and good-byes were said, wishing them all back August 28, 1932. For the information of those present today, I am reading a list of our loved ones, members of our large family, who have passed on since our first reunion, five years ago.
Minnie McIntosh
1930The fourth annual reunion of the McIntosh families was held at Farmington State Park, on September 21, 1930. The date was set for September 14th, but was postponed on account of rain. But it was held as stated above which was the following Sunday. The day was a very pleasant one and a number reaching 100 was present. A wonderful dinner was the first thing on the program. All committees present, being Morris and Nell McIntosh, reception; Oscar and Edna Thomas, coffee and serving, and John McIntosh, water. Meeting was called to order by President, Dan McIntosh, and officers elected for the ensuing year (1931); Motion was made by Morris McIntosh and seconded, that the rules be suspended and an entire vote cast for the two present officers Dan McIntosh, President and Minnie McIntosh secretary. Motion carried; and so ordered. Leslie McIntosh was nominated for treasurer for a second term but withdrew and made a motion for the nomination of Lola McIntosh, which motion was seconded and the result was that Lola McIntosh was elected treasurer. The President appointed the following committees for the 1930 reunion; these are the same ones who served this year. The bills of 60 cents for cream and 15 cents for postage were brought up. Emery Simpson donated the 15 cent postage bill and Lucy Whitaker donated the 60 cent cream bill. Two pounds of coffee was donated by Mac Fray at the Clover Farm Store at Farmington, and a vote of thanks was extended to the custodial of the Park whose services were splendid, and we also extended him an invitation to eat dinner with us in 1931. A vote was then taken to determine the place of our next meeting. Milton, Keosauqua, Moulton, and Farmington were suggested. A standing vote was on each place and Farmington received the most votes. The time decided on was the last Sunday in August and if the weather prevented it , it would be the first Sunday in September. Cash on hand reported by the treasurer, $7.30, which was then and there turned over to the treasurer-elect, Lola M. McIntosh. The business meeting being over the afternoon was turned over to the entertainment committee. The first number being presented was "Dunbar" so ably given by Mrs. Lewis of Farmington, a guest. A harmonica solo was next by Master Leroy Scott, which was very much enjoyed by all. And the poem read by Edna McIntosh was likewise appreciated. A trio consisting of the Pettit Brothers visited our large family, and presented us with a few vocal selections which we all certainly enjoyed. A spiritual song was sung by Dan McIntosh and Clara McIntosh. This closed another very happy reunion of the McIntosh families, each one looking forward to the next happy occasion, to be held in 1931, and good-byes to all. Minnie McIntosh |