Excerpts from "Jesus
... Yesterday, Today, Forever"
book by Bruce Marchiano
is yet another amazing, intimate look at this very real, incredibly good
Jesus I discovered ...
Jesus...Yesterday, Today, Forever, Bruce Marchiano shows you what it
was like 2,000 years ago when Jesus single-handedly altered the course
of universal history. And as in his award-winning In the Footsteps of Jesus book,
Bruce vividly shows the tenderness, compassion, and incredible joy of the Jesus he discovered
while playing the part of Jesus in The
Visual Bible™'s film, "Matthew."
In ministry,
Bruce reveals how his faith went from a simple belief in Christ to a
profound awareness of God's powerful reality in his life.
Be sure you see the In
the Footsteps of Jesus excerpt section on this site, too.
(And thanks yet again, Bruce, for letting
me create and use this second excerpt section on my web site. I had a ball doing
it—and got to know
this Jesus even better.)
Click on the picture or the title text below to choose an excerpt
that you'd like to read in full.
"Now!" "There
were years—no, decades—of shaping and trying, of testing and
forging. There was a perfection of timing, a perfection of
obedience, a specific millisecond..." |
not judgment—it's joy!
"'Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is
near!' It's a message that ever-so-tragically carries the
image of a crazed man on a street corner with a sandwich sign and
megaphone..." |
Great Light has dawned "Eventually,
someone, somehow, heard those words in the depth of his or her heart and
stopped. Something tells me it was someone so utterly desperate, so
terribly broken..." |
was God in the flesh! "How
do you describe One who is utterly indescribable? I picture Him on
the Mount of Olives as day breaks, exploding in wonder and dancing in
praise to His Father at the grandeur of His own sun rising across the
Judean horizon..." |
blindness far worse than not being able to see "There
were many who were blind 2,000 years ago: many who were crippled; many
whose sons and daughters and fathers and brothers were demon-possessed
or dead or languishing neck-deep in pits of the worst kind of poverty
yet would choose that rather than..." |
stood in front of them was what Messiah was...and they missed it. "He
loved them as well, you know—the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the
religious authorities and teachers of the law. Many attacked
Him. They challenged Him, mocked Him, lied about Him, plotted
against Him, and did all they could to destroy Him. And in our
2,000-years-later-hindsight, how we hate them for it. But not
Jesus..." |
the JOY set before Him, Jesus endured the cross. "I
leaned back in my chair and thought, 'What joy? What joy could
there possibly have been in an awful, hell-ridden thing like
that?' ..." |
"But for me, the greatest mysteries (about Jesus'
resurrection) are not so much those "spiritual" things, but more the
practical, behavioral things...
It astounds me, the things He chose not
to do. He didn't..." |

the Son of the Living God, and He loves me! "It
is the mystery of mysteries, the reality of realities. It is
the one constant, the solution to it all, clawing for air beneath
the mudslide of human foolishness and self-seeking..." |
from Jesus...Yesterday,
Today, Forever. Copyright © 1999 by Bruce
Marchiano. Published by Harvest House
Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97402 and Visual
Entertainment, Dallas, Texas 75248. Used on www.LoveLavished.org
by permission.