long ago, I was reading chapter 12 of the Bible's book of Hebrews
where it says, "For the joy set before Him, Jesus
endured the cross." I'd read those words many times, but
for some reason this particular day, it really caught me. I
leaned back in my chair and thought, "What joy? What joy
could there possibly have been
in an awful, hell-ridden thing like
that?" I prayed and prayed, and after the longest time,
words rose in my heart; words for me, words for you, words for
everyone reading this page and beyond, for He has the same heart, the
same hope, the same desire and passion for everyone and for all:
joy set before Me was you.
You are My joy.
That the day would come when we would share sweet companionship,
today, tomorrow, and for all eternity.
It is you, My beloved.
It is you."

Text and photos taken
Jesus...Yesterday, Today, Forever, by Bruce
Marchiano (p. 94). In Jesus...YTF, you'll taste what only a
handful of people tasted 2,000 years ago as Jesus walked among His
most treasured, beloved creation: people. Filled with
breathtaking color photos from The Visual Bible™'s "Matthew."
Today, Forever. Copyright © 1999 by Bruce Marchiano.
Published by Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97402
and Visual Entertainment,
Dallas, Texas 75248. Used on
by permission.