Clan McIntosh |
Name: Jennifer McNiven CommentsThe MacKintosh comes from my grandfather Roy McNiven, who came from Boston after his relates came down from Newfoundland and changed the name from MacNiven to McNiven, anyone know of some Newfoundland MacNivens? I don't know when they migrated from Scotland and would love to trace my lineage further. Name: misty sue Mcintosh Commentshello all you McIntoshes my great grandfather is from some where in scotland . he the brightest red hair . So guess thats where me and my two sons got it from. e - mail me if you get bored . Name: Jeannie Mackintosh CommentsI really enjoyed reading this site but I am still confused because all I know about my dads name and my grandma's name on his side...here's are their names and is anyone knows anything about them then please email me...Malcolm Black Mackintosh...Jeannie Mackintosh...My dad never shared much about his side except that he left home when he was nine and both his parents have died by the time he left...please help me out...I am almost thirty and I feel bad that I don't know anything about my ancestors on my dads side... Name: Nicole McIntosh-Schlessinger CommentsI was curious if McIntosh was an Irish or Scottish name. Name: Terry McIntosh CommentsName: William Keith McIntosh CommentsGrandfather Charlie Wayne McIntosh married Vitrue McNutt and they lived in Graves County Kentucky. My Dad, Willis Byrns McIntosh (1927-1990) had 2 younger Sisters, Donna and Sarah, and an older Brother Charles, who died in Detroit Michigan. Dad was in WWII, was watchstander with Blue Spader 26th Infantry Regiment at Nuremberg trials and was also 19th Inf/24th Inf Div US Army Infantry veteran of Korea. Uncle Charles had 7 girls and obviously the Sisters children didnt carry on the name. I have 2 Brothers, Gary Wayne who recently died at age 52 without children and Richard Dale, now 49, who resides in Weakley County Tennessee and has 2 girls. Gary was in US Army and Richard was in US Navy during Viet Nam. My wife (of Sinlair Family and also a former Marine Sergeant) and I have daughter Sara Marie age 23 and only remaining male McIntosh of this family, Charlie Wayne II now 19 (named after my grandfather). I am retired US Marine Corps Chief Warrant Officer 78-98, and reside in Weakley County, TN. We hope to one day make it to Moray Castle and would also like to attend Highlands Festival in Glasgow, Ky. Loch Moy!!!!!!!!!!! and Semper Fidelis, Keith Name: Tammy Higgins Logston CommentsName: Alison Ryder (nee McIntosh) CommentsMy dad was James McIntosh born and brought up in Glasgow he joined the Merchant Navy (Henderson line) my Grandfather was Donald McIntosh also of Glasgow my granddad married a girl called Sarah Taylor I do not know anything about my roots I am 45 and my would have been in his late 70's but I did not get to know he as he died when I was three months old anyone know me or my family Name: Misty Sue Szczyrba (McIntosh) Commentshello my name is misty McIntosh - my great grandfather wallice McIntosh was born in the Scotland highlands north side of Glasgow. He moved to Kentucky in 18 something he had 6 children and one of his sons my grandfather wallice jr has 13 children of his own it would be nice to hear from someone from my family that still resides in Scotland or any where for that matter thank you for taking the time two read this. I am 23 and have too children of my own so I know family is important.:) Name: Belinda McIntosh CommentsName: Deborah McIntosh CommentsI was wondering if you knew how many McIntosh's are in the Sacramento area? My father had 5 brothers and 1 sister. Most lived to have many sons and daughters. The eldest 'Larry' moved and most of his children are on the East coast. The 'Grampa Mac' came here many years ago and would be a great grandfather if he were alive today. Name: Glennie Wilding-White CommentsMy grandmother was Elizabeth Glennie, she married George Alvin Loud of Oscoda-AuSable, Michigan. Her father, John Glennie, came to Michigan from Canada, where his father had emigrated from Scotland to Nova Scotia. John is memorialized in the town of Glennie, Michigan; he died in the course of a maritime rescue from shore. Name: Sheila A Kanuszewski CommentsDonald came from Perthshire. He was married first to Elizabeth Woods and then to my GGgrandmother Jenny (jean) Duff. Name: Kimberly McIntosh CommentsName: Alistair McIntosh CommentsJust about to start a 6 month motorbike tour of US / Canada / NZ. Interested in catching up with other McIntosh families that are out there. (OK – I’m looking for cheap accommodation – I’m not going to lie to family :) Trip details here http://www.b4time.net/rtw/index.html Name: McIntosh Commentsplease check out hurricane charley at Mcintosh home at Fort Myers Beach also please sign guest book. www.fortmyersbeach1.com or http://www.deanfmb1.com Name: McIntosh Commentscheck out photos of hurricane charlie taken at Fort myers beach at Mcintosh home, also please sign guest book www.fortmyersbeach1.com Name: McIntosh Commentscheck out photos of hurricane charlie taken at Fort myers beach at Mcintosh home, also please sign guest book www.fortmyersbeach1.com Name: Webmaestro CommentsVery nice and useful website. Please visit my website!!! :) http://www.metropolis5000.com Name: Sarah Elizabeth Reames CommentsMy family (on both sides) hails rom Darien,GA. I am a McIntosh on my paternal grandmother(Sarah Agnes McIntosh) side Name: laura mcintosh overturf Commentsmy great grandfather angus came from scotland around 1860 to houston texas md ellen dean in 1861 houston ellen the daughter of alexander dean who came from scotland around 1839 to galveston texas. can anyone help me. Name: Denise McIntosh CommentsMy familly come from Invernesshire in Scotland ; but have lived in the Glasgow area now for nearly 5 generations. My Great Granpa was Francis MacIntosh. He was married twice and left his first wife and child in New Zealand. My Great Grandmother accompanied him and their eldest sons Thomas and Peter around New Zealand , australia and Canada, where there are familly a plenty -known and unknown.They lived in Canada for some years and only returned to Scotland when the eldest boys were of school age. Where they then settled in Glasgow Parkhead/Eastend area. My Grandfather was Thomas McIntosh. His brothers Peter ,Francis and James Name: Denise McIntosh CommentsMy familly come from Invernesshire in Scotland ; but have lived in the Glasgow area now for nearly 5 generations. My Great Granpa was Francis MacIntosh. He was married twice and left his first wife and child in New Zealand. My Great Grandmother accompanied him and their eldest sons Thomas and Peter around New Zealand , australia and Canada, where there are familly a plenty -known and unknown.They lived in Canada for some years and only returned to Scotland when the eldest boys were of school age. Where they then settled in Glasgow Parkhead/Eastend area. My Grandfather was Thomas McIntosh. His brothers Peter ,Francis and James Name: Denise McIntosh CommentsMy familly come from Invernesshire in Scotland ; but have lived in the Glasgow area now for nearly 5 generations. My Great Granpa was Francis MacIntosh. He was married twice and left his first wife and child in New Zealand. My Grandmother accompanied him and their eldest sons Thomas and Peter around New Zealand , australia and Canada, where there are familly a plenty -known and unknown.They lived in Canada for some years and only returned to Scotland when the eldest boys were of school age. Where they then settled in Glasgow Parkhead/Eastend area. My Grandfather was Thomas McIntosh. His brothers Peter ,Francis and James Name: Randy S. McIntosh CommentsName: Jack O. Cash CommentsI visited in Stratmiglo Scouthland where my ancestors came from. What a peaceful, quiet little town. Name: Finley Scott McIntosh CommentsMy Grandfather Major Scott MacKintosh born on Prince Edward Island, Canada. His Father was Born in Scotland. Name: gary mackintosh CommentsName: Dee McIntosh CommentsName: Dee McIntosh CommentsName: Dee McIntosh CommentsName: Thomas Glenny CommentsVery intersting site. As a Glenny, listed as a sept. Originated in Strathdon. Always interested to hear from others. Tom. Name: Ron McIntosh CommentsI noticed someone at your site would like to have some links to me . Above is my e-mail and soon my website www.ronmcintosh.com will be completed.Send me aline and I would be happy to get back to you. Sincerely, Ron McIntosh Name: Mike Adamson CommentsI have tracked down my last name from PA. USA to northern England around 1700s and can not go find were it goes from there. does anyone have info on ADAMSON going from Scotland to North England?? please help thank you p.s. ( I will be disappointed to fine out I am English ;) Name: Sharon Edgington CommentsName: Mona Wade Turner CommentsName: Paula A. Fife CommentsI found your site after plugging in my brother's name "keith c. fife". Anyway, we're from Kentucky. Our family wasn't big on talking about history, ours or others. Shoot first, talk later to those still breathing. Name: Jonnie R Cozart CommentsI would like any information on the family of Chief McIntosh after his death. Name: McIntosh CommentsWith regards to searching for the country that your ancestors came from, if you order your LONG BIRTH CERTIFICATE-- in Canada it will state on it the country of origin or both your parents and grandparents. This does not show on the small wallet one you carry in your wallet. for instance it says on mine that my father McIntosh was of Scottish descent and grandfather McIntosh of Scottish descent, my grandmother was of Irish descent and both her parents of Irish descent My gr grandfather McIntosh was of Scottish descent and my gr grandmother McPherson was of Scottish descent. It is really pretty easy in Canada to trace your ancestors, and with the new visas at the border, they must contain, country of origin of parents and grandparents when applying for a visa in Canada.--much the same as what is known in Canada as the Long Birth certificate, which in actuality is a copy of the form made out by your parents and stamped by the govt. Your photo also accompanies the visa as previous. Name: mcintosh CommentsI realize that many of you related to the McIntosh family may be of another heritage. I am writing to let you know that I have an encyclopedia of books of ancestral names and I would be willing to look up the correct country of your ancestors for you to assist you with your genealogy also. Ann Name: Grant McCombie CommentsHello. My family originate from the McIntosh land at Fife Keith in northeast Scotland. I stumbled across the site and thought I would express my pride of my clan roots. Name: MCINTOSH CommentsMany of you have asked for Castles of Scotland. If you click on the url below you will find all of the castles, be sure to go to the bottom and go to the next page until you have viewed all of them. DO NOT PUT THESE CASTLES OR THE URL ON ANY SITE http://www.softcom.net/users/bbeacham/frames/scotland_photos_castle_a1.html Also if anyone would like to have free search sites please send me the name of the place or area you have searched your oldest ancestor to and I will send you some sites to assist you. ladymcintosh@sympatico.ca Name: raba MCintoch Commentshello all! Name: John CommentsMy Stewart McIntosh was born in Comrie Scotland ,and then moved to Zimbabwe where I was born. I am now living in Houston Texas with Family still in Scotland. Love to hear from any Texan McIntosh's Name: Willie R. Cozart CommentsI am trying to find more on my Ancestors and Relatives on the McIntosh side of the family. Name: Beth Wright CommentsName: Catherine McIntosh Thomas CommentsI am the eldest daughter of Alexander McIntosh. He was born in Montreal Quebec and his parents came from Dufftown Banff Scotland. They were William McIntosh and Jessie Kelman. I am just starting a family tree and would like to know more about my Scottish roots. My father told me , many family members came over to Canada together but they split up and went to Ontario and New Jersey. the family home in Banff was on Church Street. I believe his grandfather had eleven children. My father had a sister Jean who married Jean Roy and they had no children. His brother Greer married Joyce Stuart and they had four children. Margaret, Robert, Nancy and James. His youngest brother Robin married Helen and they have two children I think. I have a brother Robin and sisters, Lucy and Susan. I would love to hear from anyone who knows more about our family. Great site. Name: Fiona Togia (nee McIntosh) CommentsI was born in Lower Hutt, Wellington , NZ. My father was George Harold Vivian McIntosh. Would love to know more about my clan affiliations and generally . Thanks for the easy to find web site Name: william a. mcintosh Commentsborn in Sussex Brighton 1969 father William Laurence McIntosh of yackandandah, Victoria Australia, mother elvira orozco, Mexico. raised in Bourke, western nsw. full family histories available for our clan from Australian settlement to Scotland highlands. currently professional musician in Melbourne, Australia. www.tonchi.com.au Name: John Mackintosh CommentsNice site, although I now live in Edinburgh I was born on a croft within the Clan lands near Nairn. I travel across the "pond" quite a lot, so I'd like to hear when a gathering is being held as maybe I could arrange a trip then. Name: MCINTOSH CommentsI lost the e mail of the McIntosh who requested this site so Jim I will put it on here for you. I got it from Maggie in Sarnia, Ont Canada who is having the country and western jamboree for all mcintosh's on aug 18, 2005 6.30 p.m. followed by 3 days of the highland games. Her grandson will be playing with his band. I will be there and hope all of you come too, and hear songs by johnny cash, merle haggard, hank williams and many more. I got there a wee late last year but it sure was worth it. Anne Ann Name: JoAnn McIntosh Curtis CommentsMy great grandfather, on my father's side, fled Scotland on a ship and came to America. On my mother's side, my grandfather's family is Thompson. Both clans are Highlanders. Name: JoAnn McIntosh Curtis CommentsMy great grandfather, on my father's side, fled Scotland on a ship and came to America. On my mother's side, my grandfather's family is Thompson. Both clans are Highlanders. Name: JoAnn McIntosh Curtis CommentsMy great grandfather, on my father's side, fled Scotland on a ship and came to America. On my mother's side, my grandfather's family is Thompson. Both clans are Highlanders. Name: Sharlotte Peel Denny CommentsMy Grandmother was a McIntosh from Canada. I am interested in finding my grandmother's history. Her full name is Marguriete Marie McIntosh, born August 27, 1906, Married in Owen Sound,Ontario Canada to Earl Archibald Peel, and Died in London, Ontario Canada on July 18, 1976. Her Father was Thomas McIntosh and Mother Mary Smith Ditmore. If you have any information, please email me at sistersharlotte@hotmail.com. Name: Trish Jessa (nee Mackintosh) CommentsHello, I have an interesting background which I know very little about. My father, Michael Gregory Sebastian Mackintosh is the son of a Mr ? Mackintosh who served in Kenya during the 1930-40s. It is my understanding that my father's father took up with my Grandmother and the result was my father. My Grandmother is a black african who died several years ago. All I know is that my father took on his father's name of Mackintosh. That the Mackintosh family came from Glasgow and that my grandfather had two other sons. I am now 38, having been born in the UK in 1966. I am intrigued to know anything about my father's side of the family as the details I have are extremely sketchy. Thanks for reading this. Trish Jessa Name: ROBERT. MCINTOSH CommentsI WAS born in nelson/ new zealand/1930/MY FATHER WAS JAMES.MAIN.MCINTOSH.born, 23/12/1901/,in NAIRN, SCOTLAND/ MOTHER WAS ,AGNES.MARY.ANITA.STONE.born,12/6/1908/in NELSON,N.Z/ MY FATHER/MOTHER-IN-LAWS WERE ELLEN.COOPER,born, in GREYMOUTH N.Z/ AND RICHARD.STONE.born, in NELSON,N.Z/ MY WIFE WAS ELIZABETH.MCDOUGALL.ELDER.born,24/2/1936/in PORT.CHALMERS,N.Z/ WE HAVE 3.CHILDREN,JOCELYN,BARBARA,AND CATHERINE!!!! Name: william e. mcintosh iv CommentsLooking for my great great grandfathers information William SR. my Dad is the third and grandfather was Jr. he served in Korea and my Dad served in Vietnam both were Captains in the Army while serving their country. I am trying to find any information on who William S. was and pictures...etc... where he was buried , where he was from and who his parents were...etc...no one seems to know Name: Ross McIntosh Thomson CommentsTouch not the cat without gloves. Name: Jeffrey CommentsThank you for the info! Name: Rhonda CommentsName: MCINTOSH CommentsHere is one for Maggie who has helped me an awful lot with my genealogy TO YOU MAGGIE Name: MCINTOSH CommentsIf anyone would like free searchsites, please send name of place or area, plus country you have traced your oldest ancestors to to me and I will send you free searchsites to assist you. They have all been scanned. Similar to the one I put in below for the Churches for Eng-Ire and Scotland. Please try to be explicit in the area you wish as I have over 1100 sites which my distant cousin has sent me from Scotland who is a genealogist. Name: Canada CommentsIf anyone would like to have a pic of a church in Eng Ire or Scotland where their ancestors got married please send name of place and I will send you the photos of churchs I have for that area. Name: MCINTOSH CommentsThis one takes all Scots home http://bell.mma.edu/~mmapdc/BrahrtAmaGra.mp3 and this one brought us here http://bell.mma.edu/~mmapdc/scotlandthebrace.wave |