Clan McIntosh |
Name: Shannon Hudson CommentsHave traced back to a Mrs. A McIntosh who stepped off the City of Brooklyn at the port in New York with her 2 children William, 10 and Jane, 1, in June of 1874. Before that have no clue, not even sure what the A stood for in her name. If anyone has any info it would be great. Would also like to know her path once she got to New York to that of my family's here in Alabama. thanks Name: Randy L McIntosh Stollings Commentsmy grandfather was James son of Wiley, Willie, William, from the Perry county and/or Breathitt county area of Kentucky. James was born about 1909. He married Palina/Pliney Gross believed to be the daughter of John and America Gross. I am having trouble finding info on my great grandfather if any one has info please feel free to email me. Name: Steven C. Noble CommentsName: MCINTOSH Commentsmy e mail has been changed from annieoakley[at]sympatico.ca to annieoakley_1[at]sympatico.ca ANN Name: MCINTOSH CommentsUSA information http://oldbluejacket[dot]com/america.htm Name: William Hiram Augustus Frederick McIntosh CommentsAt last I've found my people! Need info on our family lands in Scotland and where on earth a man with a 60 inch waist can buy his kilts and other gear. I have the book "So You're Going To Wear The Kilt" and a pocket history of our clan but precious little else. Help! Name: MCINTOSH CommentsIf you wish to check for pedophiles in your area--or someone your children are corresponding with, get either their last name or zip code in USA click on URL below and type in either their last name or zip code http://www.criminalcheck[dot]com/ You can never be too safe where children are concerned. Name: Ayden McIntosh CommentsI am the great great Grandson of John and Janet McIntosh...who lived in the area of Rapid City Manitoba ..in Harness and Implements business and farming,,,,originally raised on homestead in Seaforth Ontario ...anyone with information on our family ..would be pleased to know more!!! Name: MCINTOSH CommentsI just received this song from a gentleman in UK who said it was written for the Scots. I don't have speakers so you will have to let me know how you like it. Be sure to turn your speakers up he said. Click on URL below http://www.mhbrands[dot]com/LachlannHills/scotsman.wav Name: Ardy McIntosh CommentsMy gggrandfather, William McIntosh b. 1794 in NC. He and wife, Judy (last name unknown) lived in Maury, TN where most of the children were born (oldest were Malinda Catherine and Nancy Elizabeth may have been born in KY; John, Abner, Beverly, Aaron James in TN and Thomas in IN. Family moved from IN to IA and MO. Looking for info on father of William, possibly also William McIntosh. This name appears in Emigrants in Bondage and therefore it is a possibility that he was sentenced in Lancashire sent to London for transportation on the convict ship, Justitia, Sept 1766. It is known that he told his son, William, that he came to America when he was young. Young on bondage ships could mean 9 or 10 years of age and for crimes as minor as stealing a handkerchief. The archivist in Lancashire have searched the record for his trial and found none suggesting that he was either young, tried in another jurisdiction, or an orphan (also grounds for deportation). Anyone out there with any clues....your help would be most appreciated. Name: Kathleen Louise McIntosh Commentsfather john russell mcintosh grandfather james mcintosh married to velma. would love to learn more....no contact with mcintosh side Name: Paula Morgan Commentsmy Mom is a McIntosh...descendant of Joseph McIntosh who married Elizabeth Ann Todd (d/o John Todd and a relative to Mary Todd, wife of President Lincoln). Looking for more info on the family line....know that we are descendants of Angus McIntosh, married to Lady Anne (nee Farquharson), also called Colonel Anne! Cead Mile Failte!! Name: MCINTOSH CommentsJust wondering if anyone remembers Minnie McIntosh who was such an admirable secretary for the McIntosh. I think the other ladies name was Lenora or Lenore. They were truly great people and should be acknowledged. You know that song--They dont make them like that anymore. Name: Wendy Pettett CommentsA Big hello to those distant relatives around the world. How am i related. About forth generation from Daniel and Margaret McGreggor. Date of arrival in Melbourne July 1841 settling in Macscove. Name: Les McIntosh CommentsI have my family tree showing from the first McIntosh who came to Australia in 1814 plus a book showing the first 4 generations from 1814. Name: MCINTOSH CommentsTry this so you can search easier for your ancestors--click on URL below http://www.clean-your-screen-for-free-now[dot]com/ Name: Ron McIntosh CommentsName: MCINTOSH CommentsI just received my photos of the tombstone of my cousin LCPL Orbie McIntosh who is buried overseas on the 12th of Oct 1944. This was a very sad occasion in my life and always expected him to come home to Canada. Last spring I wrote to a gentleman who belongs to the Legion in England and he will take photos for anyone with loved ones buried overseas with a donation going to the legion overseas. I think this is a great way to contribute to the Legions. His e mail address is john.moors2[at]pandora.be The photos are of beautiful quality and I am proud to have them. Name: Mary C. Brown CommentsI am the grgranddaughter of Eliza McIntosh of North Carolina born ca. 1800 married Matthew Lee Martin of S.C. on 14 May 1829. Have been trying for number of years to find her family in N.C. Can anyone help me? I am also a graduate of Flora McDonald College and taught school in N.C. several years. I do hope you can help me find Eliza as I'm very excited to learn more about her. THANK YOU Mary C. Brown Name: Dennis McRitchie CommentsI am looking for McRitchie TARTAN Name: MCINTOSH-ALSO--TARTAN AUTHORITY SITE CommentsHere is the official tartan site which I received from my genealogist in Scotland. Click on this url and check your tartan. If for some reason you cant get it, please feel free to drop me a line. I have been advised by my genealogist that if your tartan does not come up on this site that your ancestors may be from Eng or even Ireland or some other country and I will check that for you. There is nothing more devastating as one man put it last year to have a jacket made and have it made in the wrong tartan. My experience was to walk over to a couple who both had McIntosh tartans and find they bought had them tailor made as being their tartan. When they told me their name, I explained to them their tartan and they were somewhat amazed as to why someone would tell them this and go to the expense of having their jackets made in the wrong tartan. ladymcintosh[at]sympatico[dot]ca Here is the site to click on http://www.tartansauthority[dot]com/Web/Site/search.asp Name: FEDERICO MAC INTOSH CommentsName: Beth Lynne Elder CommentsName: William Cromwell McIntosh CommentsI am descended from James Pearson Mackintosh, who emigrated from Scotland to NYC/Brooklyn sometime before 1852. By that date he was married to Maria Brassington. Their oldest son William, born 1852, went on to become the managing editor of the Buffalo Evening News(1880-1910). I am seeking any information about James Pearson and his wife Maria. By 1870 they had moved to Highland Mills, NY and are listed in the 1870 census for Monroe Township, Orange County, NY. Name: LEGAL NOTICE CommentsThere is now a law in Canada where it is illegal to post information to the internet where the person was BORN--LESS THAN 100 YEARS AGO DIED--LESS THAN 70 YEARS AGO MARRIED--LESS THAN 80 YEARS AGO I didn't want anyone to lose their site so thought I better post it to let all of you know. Name: Shirley Collings CommentsMy ancestors John and Ann (nee Robertson) McIntosh arrived in New South Wales Australia on the Midlothian in 1837 from the Isle of Skye, they lived at Chatsworth on the Clarence River, and were pioneers of the district, one of their sons Donald married Margaret McGregor from Inverness and had four sons and seven daughters, one of the sons Dugald married Jane Reeves, they moved to Queensland and my Father Clifford was the youngest of his 4 sons, Clifford married Elspeth Cameron, and I am their only daughter. I would be interested to find out more about John and Ann any help would be appreciated. Thank you for a great site. Name: doris mcnaughtan Commentsmy great great grandmother , anna macgillivray mcintosh. Name: Sean Ian McIntosh CommentsName: Don McIntosh CommentsName: Shaun McIntosh CommentsHi All, we certainly seem to have been busy, busier than rabbits! Can anyone assist with the origins of Robert McIntosh (b. 1825 Gladsmuir) m. Catherine Bruce (b. 1826 Borthwick) on May 14, 1847 - Temple. They had two children John/James (c.1844) & Grace (c.1850) before leaving Gorebridge Midlothian for Australia, where they continued their family with Ralph Bruce (b.1857) m. Isabella Shepherd in 1883 -Australia , Catherine (b.1860) m. James Pearce in 1884 - Australia and Mary Ann (b.1862) m. Alexander Anderson - Australia. Can anyone assist? Name: Gail Hardy CommentsJust wanted to add that I have just been made the Maine convener for the Clan at the Maine Highland Games. Also, the comment about the name spelling, I believe that the McIntosh version is actually the old Gaelic spelling; the MacKintosh or Mackintosh is the English version. If I'm wrong, let me know. Name: Gail Andrews Hardy CommentsMy great-grandmother was Laura Ann McIntosh (1869 - 1961), daughter of John Wesley McIntosh, son of Benjamin McIntosh, son of Charles McIntosh who came from Scotland to Charleston, South Carolina, with his brother George in 1805. George stayed in the south, Charles moved north. I will be coming to Scotland for two and a half weeks in July and August, ending with the gathering, which I believe is the first weekend in August. Can anyone give me any suggestions? Thanks. Name: Bruce MacKintosh CommentsName: Tela Patterson CommentsWould like to hear from McIntosh family related to Lachlan McIntosh & Margaret McKenzie, both born & md 1825 in Braemar, Scotland, came to Canada 1828, to Asshippen, Dodge Co, WI about 1840, had 11 children 7 born Canada 4 Asshippen, WI. Two of dau were nuns at Notre Dame, two sons Civil War, one died Antitam buried at Arlington, about 1868 Lachlan, Margaret & most of family went to Cloud Co, KS, I am looking for info of Charles Edward McIntosh, b. Apr 13, 1836 Canada went to school in Asshippen, WI, was a teacher, served 1861-1866 the Grand Army, md Mary Conklin from Elmira, NY on Dec 11, 1864, Dodge Co, WI after war was a lawyer in Marinette Co, WI, died July 16, 1915 King Veterans Home, King, Waupaca, WI. Please contact me if you have these people on your family. Many thanks Tela Patterson tpatt66[at]hotmail[dot]com Name: David McIntosh Commentswhere are you all. Name: Adrian Paul CommentsI trace my McIntosh ancestry back to Murdoch McIntosh m Ann Muckersie in Perth (Scotland) in 1836 Their son, John McIntosh (b1856) m Elizabeth Scott in Glasgow (1878) and their daughter Marion Crockett McIntosh (b 25.12.1878 in Glasgow married William Paul on 23 Apr 1903 in Calton, Glasgow. They were my grandparents. Anyone who can provide links would be greatly appreciated. Name: Ron McIntosh CommentsClan MacKintosh is also a part of Clan Chatten. History tells us clan McPherson & clan MacKintosh have an ongoing dispute over who is the presiding Chief. According to Chief McBean of McBean{a current Chatten Chieften) whom I met at the Pleasanten, California Highland games Sept. of 2004, John MacKintosh of MacKintosh is the current acting head of clan Chattan. The way I understood it anyone in clan Chatten can wear MacKintosh colors unless of course they wish to wear their own tartan colors. My own Grandfather wore a Cameron Kilt as a member of the Cameron Highlanders in the Boar war. my family still has the Kilt.) Here is the history I found: http://A2fister2000.tripod[dot]com/id68.htm Prior to the fourteenth century, Clan Chattan appears to have been a conventional clan though little is known of it. Subsequently, however, it evolved into a confederation or alliance of clans made up of (a) the descendents of the original clan (Macphersons, Cattanachs, Macbeans, Macphails), (b) Mackintoshes and their cadet branches (Shaws, Farquharsons, Ritchies, McCombies, MacThomases), and (c) families not originally related by blood (MacGillivrays, Davidsons, Macleans of Dochgarroch, MacQueens of Pollochaig, Macintyres of Badenoch, Macandrews). By the eighteenth century the clans in and around Strathcairn (Shaw, Macbean, Macphail, MacGillivray) looked to Mackintosh as their chief, having none of their own, but whether this was Clan Chattan or Clan Mackintosh is unclear, the histories of both clans being inextricably entwined. Name: Donald McIntosh CommentsName: Stephen John McIntosh CommentsName: Dee Dee CommentsI have a piano by Burling & Mansfield 381, Euston Road London Manufactured for Henry McIntosh 130, George - St. Edinburgh. It is beautiful. I bought it at an antique store. Name: MCINTOSH CommentsI have a site that I will send to you and you just type in your name and your tartan comes up. I noticed that Stewart Ritchie had written with regards to buying the wrong plaid and he is right. It is not a McIntosh plaid as you will see when you get the site I have from Scotland. Also when I clicked on the site as suggested by someone else found that several names on there have their own plaid and not McIntosh Drop me a line and I will send the site to you so you can check on your own plaid etc. ladymcintosh[at]sympatico[dot]ca I agree with the lady below. Name: McIntosh CommentsThe Ritchie plaid as you probably already know by now is a royal blue background with a mint green plaid on top. Name: McIntosh CommentsMy goodness someone is making terrible errors in putting all these surnames under the McIntosh name for their plaid. Check on the plaid site and you will find your correct plaid. also I checked on the site as suggested by someone who told you to check on it and several names are in their whom have their own plaid. Name: Chris Noble CommentsCool site Name: Ron McIntosh Commentshttp://A2fister2000.tripod[dot]com/id51.htm Mr. Ritchie, Please click the above link. You are a sept of clan Mackintosh, according to your name and are entitled to wear Mackintosh modern, Mackintosh hunting, Mackintosh ancient, and one other Mackintosh kilt, which I forget the name of right now. I chose Mackintosh modern, it's the brightest...Loch Moy!!! Name: Stewart jams Ritchie Commentsplease can someone tell me my tartan I have been told that its Stewart hunting. as I don't want to spend a load of cash on a kilt and find out its the wrong tartan. thanx clan Name: Stewart James Ritchie Commentshi everyone top site. found out loads. but dose anyone know much about tartan .as i am wanting to buy me and my dad a kilt. and I don't want to spend loads of money on the wrong tartan. I think my family tartan is Stewart hunting. if anyone knows please e mail me. thanks clan Name: Victoria McIntosh CommentsJust got here about to have a look. My dad will love this site. Name: Shawn C. Mollitt CommentsName: Shawn C. Mollitt CommentsName: Shawn C. Mollitt CommentsName: Bill McIntosh ( William Neil) CommentsI am the fifth generation of our family to leave Scotland to settle first in Australia and then New Zealand. I have had my interest in all things Scottish since visiting the New Years Day celebrations at Waipu in the North Island Of New Zealand about two years ago. It was here while watching the pipers march, that I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand on end and a feeling of great pride wash over me. I whispered to a man standing next to me in the crowd, " this would send shivers up the backbone of an Englishman, and he raised his hand in the air and yelled aye, aye. Thanks for a great site. Name: Marian & Dave Thomas Commentswe have just found your site we are new to this i have found that my great grand mother from my mother side came from moray she was a Ritchie be for she married A Charles Harrison in 1871 in Moray then lived in Portsmouth U/K & we hoping we can find some family that might be alive & well just like us thanks your site is great & I am sure you have helped a lot of family's best wishes Maria & Dave Thomas in Australia Name: Christopher McIntosh CommentsI am the great-great grandson of Louis Hamilton McIntosh of Bay City, TX. Name: Christopher McIntosh CommentsI'm trying to find out more about my family, but have been unable to find anything. If you have any information, please contact me. Name: Dennis Williams CommentsGreat website. I have been wanting to express my thoughts on it, but just haven't done it. Lots of interesting facts! Name: DAVID JOHN McINTOSH CommentsSON OF JOHN McINTOSH OF DUNDEE TRYING TO SORT FAMILY TREE.ANYONE KNOWS US EMAIL ME.THANKS Name: Iain & Suvi McIntosh CommentsI am currently gathering together as many mcintosh clan members as possible to regain the lands in scotland where we belong,this involves taken the castle of moy (the ancestrall home of the big chief which will be me and land around inverness) anyone who will join are pledge will be rewarded with a share of land. ps bring your own sword and daggers full battle dress and whiskey. Name: Bradford McIntosh CommentsWell I'll be. My father Jeremy McIntosh came from Zambia in Africa. I don't know much about my roots... but i do know those Mc's know how to throw a shin-dig and can dance up a storm:) Name: james patrick noble CommentsName: Ron McIntosh CommentsTo Ronnie McIntosh of Sweetwater Texas,,, I have the same first name and last name and proud of it, here is a little trivia. By the way Mackintosh is a Highland Clan in case some readers didn't know: http://www.armor[dot]com/2000/catalog/item100.html Every able bodied man in the Highlands carried arms, as can be attested to by John Hume in the passage below written on his experience as a prisoner after the battle of Falkirk (1746). " Thy [the Highlanders] always appeared like warriors; as if their arms [weapons] had been limbs and members of their bodies they were never seen without them; they traveled, they attended fairs and markets, nay they went to church with their broadswords and dirks; " Name: Ronnie McIntosh Commentsson of Roy McIntosh grandson of Roy Lester McIntosh. always looking for other people with same last name very uncommon out here in west Texas Name: John Andrew McIntosh CommentsHello all of us, The McIntosh´s is still going strong all over the world, =) Name: Shirley CommentsI am a descendant of Donald McIntosh who married Marian McLeod, they had a son John b 1827 married Anne Robertson, a son of theirs Donald m Margaret McGregor. Would like to know more about the first Donald and to hopefully hear from other family tracing the McIntosh/McLeod Family Tree. Thank you for the great site. Shirley Name: Samuel Jonathan
McIntosh CommentsThanks for keeping the traditions alive. I don't know my roots or my father (key person). Just moved to Illinois from Arizona. U.S. Marine and just got back in Oct from Iraq. Name: Stephen George McIntosh CommentsTo all the Clan we are but one. Thank GOD for that! I'm the youngest of the sons of Keith George McIntosh The chief of the Cheyenne Wyoming Clan, Son of George Fredrick McIntosh, My oldest brother is Keith James McIntosh, then Richard John McIntosh....I too want to Know of The Clan... I was born and raised in Cheyenne . I feel ...no I know I have native American blood in me and I'm proud of it. I know of the McIntosh at little big horn I believe he is of my Clan, As are we all. God Bless us all Name: Rob Kelley CommentsFamily Ancestors emigrated from Edinburgh in 1620 to the coast of Maine in the Blue Hill/ Bar Harbor area. lots of wedding dates along with birth and death dates on the family tree. Anyone looking for info in that area email me and I'll see if the lines crossed. Name: M. McIntosh CommentsForgot to mention that the Elder family I did the queary for also had a grandson that went to the Netherlands where Lyntje Elder was born in 1604[at]Zuid, Holland Netherlands. If you have any information on the Elder family between 1500 and 1604 with regards to Olaf Elder who was born in Vest Agder, Norway please drop a line. Name: M. McIntosh CommentsDoes anyone have information on Olaf Elder born 1501 in Vest Adger, Norway. He left Norway to Scotland, Iceland to Canada and in her snail mail said there are many families in the Netherlands but is interested in this specific family, whose original name was Van Elder. Thought I would give it a try on this site for her. Name: Nancy McFall CommentsWe are trying to find the clan my husband family is from they are McFall from Wise County, Va. Name: Megan McIntosh CommentsHi! I am a student looking for more information on my family. I'm from Martintown, Glengarry County, ON. All of my family is buried in St. Andrew's West, Stormont County, but I'm afraid I do not know too much about them and would love to know more. I think that Duncan`s parents came from Invernesshire, Scotland. Duncan McIntosh, b. Scotland, (22 Sept, 1861) in St. Andrews-m. Isabel McDonald (1790-24 June, 1847) kids- Catherine, Christy, Duncan (1838-1908) Mary, Angus, Anne, James, Mary Donald, Alex, Stephen Stephen John McIntosh (26/4/1826-6/5/1912) m.1) Catherine McDonald (1841-2/4/1875) 2) Catherine McRae kids-Isobell (1873-1946) John Angus (1871-1934) Duncan (1866-1953) William Angus William "Steve" Angus McIntosh (17/2/1870-12/12/1917) m. Mary Elizabeth "Minnie" McIntosh 3/12/1871-6/5/1958) kids-Ardis, Doris, Angela, Anthony Anthony Joseph McIntosh (25/12/1907-10/5/1983) m Mary Ellen Rose McClave of Harrisons Cors. ON (30/8/1918-) kids- Helen, Heather, Robert, William, Leslie, Archie, Marion, John, Stephen, Stuart John McIntosh m. Elizabeth McDonell of St Andrews West, ON kids- Katie, Ian Emily, and myself My great grandmother, Minnie McIntosh was from Harrisons Corners, just west of St Andrews West, in Stormont County. As far as I can determine, the two McIntosh families aren't related. Her parents were Johnny "Big John" MacIntosh and Flora "Danny Alec Duncan" MacDonald brothers and sisters were- Donald, Annie, Alice, Ally-May, Florence, Archie (a great lacrosse player, know a little about him) and Alec, d. 1943 Any information would be wonderful!! We've traced Duncan's wife, Isabel MacDonald's side right back to William the Conqueror and beyond. They were United Empire Loyalists from Knoydart to Mohawk Valley, NY, to St Andrews West, ON. Name: Helen Tilley (nee McIntosh) CommentsHi Everybody, Nice to know there are so many McIntosh's out there, at home and abroad. Name: Don McIntosh CommentsI will be visiting Scotland in May and would like to visit the clan headquarters. Loch Moy is the location which I recall but would appreciate further details. Thanks, Don Name: Lynn Larr CommentsI'm looking for information on the McIntosh family who owned a Oatmeal Mill in Springfield, Elgin County, Ontario Canada. I believe his name was William he came from Inverness---(his father was William and he married Marjory Frasier they both lived and died and are buried in Inverness, I'm told) any information would be GREAT! also I have a picture of the McIntosh silver Canadian dollar from 1796 any idea's on that? Name: Robert Louis Daniell CommentsThis is to update my email address for these two posts: Date: 2003-01-15 M(a)c(K)Intosh ancestor name John McIntosh Place ancestor lived Fairfax, Virginia Date range 1730-1770 Comments: If anyone knows the current email addresses of Linda (choctawlady[at]thegateway[dot]net) or Jeff (jvaillant[at]corio[dot]com), please advise me. We are looking for the same folks. Date: 2003-01-15 M(a)c(K)Intosh ancestor name John McIntosh Place ancestor lived Fairfax, Virginia Date range 1730-1770 Comments: John McIntoush/McIntosh's will was proven on June 20, 1769. His daughter Ann "Nancy" married John O'Daniel of Fairfax, Virginia. These O'Daniel's are part of my line. Lachlan McIntosh was an executor of John O'Daniel's will in 1798. I would like to find a copy of John McIntosh's will (above) and if possible, more information on this McIntosh family. Name: Ivan McIntosh CommentsName: Ayden McIntosh CommentsGreat great grandson of (William McIntosh) original homestead in Seaforth Ontario..descendent of William McIntosh...who was raised there before his children moved to Manitoba.[dot]cardale area Name: Billie Denise Elder CommentsThis site is great!!! Neat to go back to your roots, we moved from Edinburgh when I was only 5 1/2 and I haven't been back, but I am proud of my heritage!!! Name: douglas patrick mclain CommentsName: MCINTOSH CommentsI highly recommend anyone to sign up for this site click on url below or write this out type into a e mail sent to yourself and click on it and sign up http://www.codeamber.org/email_alerts.html Name: Jenny Liddell CommentsTrying to track Clan MacIntosh before they came to New Zealand Name: Deborah Dunstan CommentsMy grandmother once lived in Edinburgh Scotland and as I understand I still have relatives there today. There is a gent who retired from running a butcher shop in town. Have no other connections as to tracing my grandmothers lineage other than him. If you could help I would greatly appreciate it. Also my grandmother was born in Inverness, and married an Englishman by the name of Lincoln Woodworth. Thanks. Name: Jacob McIntosh CommentsI am the grandson of Dennis Durber McIntosh who is also posted on this page and i am trying to retrace my family right back to Scotland and see if anyone knows about the name Durber and if it has any link to the McIntosh clan. great site by the way! Name: Clarence A. Robst Jr. CommentsMargaret Blanche McIntosh was my great-great grandmother who came over here from Inverness, Scotland in 1853. Name: Color Laser Engaver LLC CommentsHello, Write me a line on MSN Name: Wynne McIntosh CommentsI am looking for history regarding my McIntosh Family. We apparently settled from Scotland to Novia Scotia, then Montana. My great-grandpa was Archibald McIntosh and my grandpa was Joseph McIntosh (died 1970 in Billings, MT). Please let me know if you have any more info! Thank you! Name: Wynne McIntosh CommentsI am looking for history regarding my McIntosh Family. We apparently settled from Scotland to Novia Scotia, then Montana. My great-grandpa was Archibald McIntosh and my grandpa was Joseph McIntosh (died 1970 in Billings, MT). Please let me know if you have any more info! Thank you! Name: Wynne McIntosh CommentsI am looking for history regarding my McIntosh Family. We apparently settled from Scotland to Novia Scotia, then Montana. My great-grandpa was Archibald McIntosh and my grandpa was Joseph McIntosh (died 1970 in Billings, MT). Please let me know if you have any more info! Thank you! Name: Dennis McIntosh CommentsWould love to hear from other McIntosh's from around the world Name: Laura McIntosh CommentsHello!! i am in an geography lesson. I am a mcintosh lol Name: CAROL FOX CommentsI am looking for McIntosh family members that lived in Kingfisher, Oklahoma. My mother was a McIntosh. Her father was John Daniel McIntosh and his father was William Henry McIntosh. They were from Virginia and Ill.. Thanks Name: Stephen McIntosh CommentsMy Grandfather was Robert G. McIntosh from Nevada. He said we had relatives in Ohio, any help? Name: McIntosh James Lyon CommentsI would like to find any McIntosh with the same middle name Particularly anyone still in Scotland, the U.S.A. or Canada as I believe I have relations in these countries. Name: Robert William McIntosh CommentsHi I was born in Edinburgh 1952.My dad William was born in Inverness Scotland 1910.Many of my relations come from there also Nairn/Forrest.. Hope to trace kinfolk through this web site. Name: MCINTOSH CommentsValerie McIntosh was born at York hospital, Ontario, Canada on Mar 13th, 1981. Her mother worked in a hospital. She was adopted and is in need of finding her birthright mother as soon as possible for health reasons. Please contact me at ladymcintosh[at]sympatico[dot]ca Your reply will be highly appreciated. Name: Michael Elvin Currant CommentsName: Rory Allan Mackintosh CommentsI'm looking for for any Mackintosh's of Grand Rapids Michigan. Apparently George McIntosh emigrated there from Canada, married Bertha May Rich, and had 4 children (that I know about). they are: Lyle George b.1908, Norman Harrison b.1910, Russell Hugh b.1912, and Barbara b.1916 who married Carl Nelson. It would be great to get in touch with anyone of you. Name: Rory Allan Mackintosh CommentsI'm the son of George & Ellen Mackintosh of Toronto, ON,Can, from John Leishman Mackintosh & Jane Blair CLELAND, from Isabella Mackintosh & George Cowan (Unmarried) of Inverness, from Hugh Mackintosh & Elizabeth LEITCH of Croy, Scot., from William Mackintosh & Christina FORBES. That's as far as I've been able to get. Any help going further would be greatly appreciated Name: Andrew David McIntosh CommentsMy line of the McIntosh family comes from Lawrence, in the South Island. I will pass this site onto my Father who looks after the family tree. Thanks for providing this service, it's great! Name: John McIntosh CommentsLove the web site! Name: Deb McIntosh CommentsHi, just found this site, playing on line. I will be back to check it out. Name: Janet Shaw Grant CommentsNice to find your site, we will be home in April, after an absence of 8 years, and looking forward to it, maybe you can get in touch with myself and my husband Thomas McFarlane Grant, we are both from Paisley, yours Janet and Thomas Grant Name: MCINTOSH CommentsAdopted Children searching for their birth parents\ George McIntosh 1947-10-08-Sudbury, Ontario. McIntosh 1960-01-01 Halifax, N.S. Baby girl McIntosh 1965 McKay/MacIntosh Toronto, Ontario. Please contact ladymcintosh[at]sympatico[dot]ca Name: Sarah Anne Ritchie Carlson CommentsThis is a great site. I have been looking up my families tree for some time now but have know that I am from the clan McIntosh for years through my mother's side. If any one knows of the family tree for the Ritchie's past the 1700s it would be greatly appreciated. Name: Alan Jay McIntosh CommentsHello kinsman I just found some more branches of my family tree, if you see a name you connect with please get in touch with me and we can share information. J.W. McIntosh (a teamster) (my Great Great Grandfather but we have no proof of this yet) b 1832, Kentucky his wife was (I think) Martha (?) b 1838, Indiana. Their children were Martha McIntosh b 1859, Iowa, Amos C. McIntosh b 1858, Iowa, James O McIntosh (my Great Grandfather) b 1856, Illinois. James O McIntosh wife was Inez Richardson b 1862, Iowa. Their children were Charles Warder McIntosh (My Grandfather) b 1879, Council Bluffs, Iowa, Frank E. McIntosh b 1880, Kansas, Murlin L. McIntosh b 1884, Kansas, Lloyd McIntosh b 1888, Kansas, Jimmy McIntosh b 1892, Kansas, Elster McIntosh b 1893, Oklahoma, Verna McIntosh b 1898, Oklahoma, Nina McIntosh b 1900, Oklahoma My father is J.W. McIntosh b 1924 Oklahoma. I am Alan Jay McIntosh b Modesto California 1949. Any McIntosh's out there from Council Bluffs Iowa? If so drop me a line I would love to hear from you. e-mailme[at]wazzuume2[at]aol[dot]com Alan McIntosh Scotland Forever Name: Craig McIntosh CommentsHappily I just found my dad Donald after 48 years and now know my family of brothers and sisters .Just thought I would broadcast this ! Name: McIntosh CommentsI have located the birthrite mother for the lady that was searching for her mother in Halifax N>S and never seen her since she was born. She searched for 5 years. Due to my ancestors records I was able to find the McIntosh birth mother from Halifax in a week. Thanking you for all your fine wishes you sent me in locating her. She is the 71st birth parent that I have located since 1979. My next one is a young gentleman from Nova Scotia and now lives in Flda. I will post the info in 7 days if I do not locate a parent by that time Thanks again. ladymcintosh[at]sympatico[dot]ca Name: Todd McRobbie CommentsName: Shelley CommentsI am looking for information on a Robert McIntosh born March 10, 1832 in Perth Aberdeen Scotland. He married a Margaret McCardy(McCarty?)June 2, 1854 in Crathie Braemer Scotland. They immigrated to the US in 1855, settling in Iowa. They had 4 children, John(b. 1856 IA USA), Robert Jr.(b. ?)Andrew "Andy"(b. 1854 Glenmuick Aberdeen Scotland, and Jane "Jennie"(b. 1859 in IA USA). I am looking for Robert Sr. father and mother, anybody out there who can help me? Please email me[at]the about address. Name: Don McClellan CommentsAm trying to find out anything on Peter McIntosh b.abt 1754 possibly Aberdeen Scotland. He immigrated to the States in May 1775. He married Margaret(Peggy)Turner in about 1783. She was b.abt 1760 in North Carolina. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. Don Name: Chris Ritchie CommentsGlad sites like this are around. I had a blazing row with my Grandmother who seems to think I'm a MacKenzie. I know from my Father this is untrue but sadly he isn't around to give her the slap she deserves. Name: Leah Hart CommentsI am looking for information on John Stanton MacIntosh born 1820 married Margaret Hanna McAlister who was from Virginia, they married in 1844 in Ohio. Then moved onto Gasconade Co., MO in the 1850s. Had several children, one Isaiah born in 1860. Name: David Hart CommentsI am try to hunt down MacIntosh ancestors in the US and back to Scotland if possible. Name: Sophie Elizabeth McIntosh CommentsQuestion: Is there an official McIntosh Day? My dad says that I can stay up late on McIntosh Day and I do not have to go to school. Thank you. -Sophie, 6 years old. Name: Ian Craig McIntosh CommentsOriginal family from Dunkeld Scotland. Eager to hear from any possible link with that region. Name: McIntosh CommentsDoes anyone know where I can get information on the Mohawk Chiefs of Canada or where I can write to. I just received information that my gr gr grandfather was a Mohawk Chief in Canada in 1832--Charles McIntosh ladymcintosh[at]sympatico[dot]ca Name: Robert Backus CommentsIt's me mum that the genealogist, her maiden name is Elder and I know she has the history and genealogy tracked pretty well. We both made our maiden pilgrimage when I was 10 (many summers and winters ago) ;) and I look forward to returning some time soon, this summer looks unlikely, so probably the next. Name: McIntosh CommentsIf someone is searching for Native heritage, the Dawes Roles does not go back to cover the period prior to 1898, and you had to be living on a reservation. Does anyone know where you go to search for someone with Native American heritage prior to this period. please drop a line ladymcintosh[at]sympatico[dot]ca Name: JAMES McINTOSH. CommentsGREAT SITE, HAVEN'T HAD TIME TO HAVE A GOOD LOOK YET, IT'S 4.00 O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING AND ONLY HAD THE COMPUTER 3 WEEKS AND FIRST TIME I'VE BEEN ON THE NET. WILL DEFINITELY VISIT AGAIN SOON. ONLY 5 OF US MAC'S IN MY IMMEDIATE FAMILY OVER HERE. HAPPY NEW YEAR AND ALL THE BEST WISHES TO ALL THE CLAN WORLDWIDE. |