Clan McIntosh |
Name: Christie McIntosh-Sonnier CommentsI am looking for our Plaid. I am especially interested in finding it for scarves and hats. If anyone has information regarding where I can find these items, please e-mail me[at]the above address. Thanks!!!! Name: Jennifer McIntosh CommentsWas just checking out the website, just wanted to find out a little more about the clans history. Does anyone know if our motto "touch not the cat bot the glove" is translated into Gaelic or Latin as I would like to know what it is in these languages. Name: GARY MCINTOSH CommentsName:
Andrew w. McIntosh CommentsMy father Wilfred j. McIntosh came to the u.s. from Canada after WW II and settled in Tonawanda, New York {north of buffalo} and raised 5 children 2 sons live in the area, one son lives in n. Carolina , one in Ohio and a daughter in Texas. We are all proud to be McIntosh's the family is doing well and continues to grow. Name: Sheila CommentsMy Great-Great Grandfather Was Donald McIntosh. He was born in Muthill Perthshire Scotland in 1816. He settled in Taymouth Mi.I would appreciate any information. Thank you Name: Sheila CommentsMy Great-Great Grandfather Was Donald McIntosh. He was born in Muthill Perthshire Scotland in 1816. Name: Tyler McIntosh CommentsName: mandy mackintosh CommentsName: Sarah CommentsName: Rainy McIntosh CommentsI would like to become more involved in my heritage. Name: john manning CommentsName: Ariel Adams CommentsI have been searching for the history of my clan since 3rd grade and now 4 years later I have found it thanks to this web site. Hi, everybody in my clan!!!!!! Name: Rick McIntosh CommentsName:
Edward McIntosh nairn CommentsName: Cynthia L. MacIntosh CommentsI am looking for information on my husband's ancestors who came to Scotsburn Pictou County. Family name originally spelled McKintosh Name: Edward Crarer CommentsHi just trying to trace all Crarer's out there, please feel free to e-mail me!!!!Great site!! Name: ERIC MCINTOSH CommentsName: Susan Mcintosh CommentsIve only just begun to search my family history, if anybody has any advice for me then please email. thanks. Name: James A. Ritchie CommentsI would like to communicate with other Ritchie's out there concerning the family history and any famous Ritchie's that any one may know of. Thanks, Jim Name: Robert McIntosh CommentsI believe my ancestors came from Scotland to Perth County, Ontario. They then moved to the leamington , Ontario area. Any info would be appreciated. Name: Barb CommentsI am helping a friend out, if anyone could let me know if they heard of this Man Donald McIntosh and if he had a wife and child? or anything about him Lafayette, Indiana LAFAYETTE JOURNAL AND COURIER NEWSPAPER INDEX, 1902-1952...... McIntosh, Donald Died - 26 Oct 1947 Thank you! Name: Kath Mathieson CommentsTried to get in touch with Juanita Robinson but e mail address failed. If you see this Jaunita please contact me. Your Henry Toshach was brother to my George Henry Watson born in Battersea London England who was my Gr. Gr. Gr Grandad. I have details of their life in Hartlepool from 1881 - 1891 and perhaps the date of his death and possibly the site of his grave. Any other Watson/Toshach Black Horse Inn Middlegate Hartlepool on 1881 census I would be pleased to hear from you. e mail address kathmathieson2[at]aol[dot]com Sarah A Toshach/George Watson had 9 children living with them in 1881 They were born in Battersea/Sunderland/Bolton/Seaham Kath Mathieson Name: Dawn Lewis CommentsI have been working occasionally on my family tree for over 24 years. I recently had some great luck in tracing my Indiana McIntoshes. Thanks for the interesting web-site. I have found the Allen Co. Public Library's Genealogy Department in Fort Wayne, IN to be a great resource and a few other sites on the Internet. I would be willing to share my incomplete information with others. God Bless Name: kath mathieson CommentsMy family were living[at]the black horse inn in Hartlepool in1881 Head of house was George Watson / Sarah A Toshach Their son George Henry Married wife 1 Eliz. Jane Appleton wife 2 Emma Marshall My Granddad was the son of Emma Marshall & George Henry His eldest daughter Anne (Nancy ) was my mother Please send me more information as to the ancestry prior to 1881 Thanks Kath Mathison Name: Duncan Logan McIntosh CommentsHi Clan Members I was born in Govan, Glasgow in 1937 and had three brothers and one sister. I was adopted and lost touch with them. We also lived in Clifford St Ibrox for a few years. Contact if you are related. Name: Jason Colin Mcintosh CommentsI am currently trying to trace my family history and I wish to find out more about clan Mackintosh and Mackintosh County. Name: Belinda McIntosh CommentsLooking for info on a Douglas G. McIntosh From Edinburgh, Scotland. Married to somebody Cardinal. Has a son George McIntosh. Born in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.. George was married to Mildred Allen. Anyone have information please e-mail me. Thanks Name:
Lonnie Joe McIntosh Commentsplease email any history of my past to my address. Name: sharla Commentsgrand daughter of Florence Macintosh Name: William McIntosh CommentsLike Hills Wine and Beer, not all in that order Name: Robert E. McIntosh CommentsMy grandfather came from Shelborn Nova Scotia His Name was Adolphus E. Mcintosh . Born April 17 1864 Came to Marblehead Mass. as a young man. Not sure of the date. Name: Paul Edward McIntosh CommentsName: Marlene McCollum Naumann CommentsGreat-great grandfather was Union officer in Civil War. Named his son Zachary Taylor McIntosh, who named his, Franklin Pierce McIntosh. We also had relatives in Virginia, and the family story was that related McIntoshes fought on both sides. Name: Ben Gates CommentsI don't know so much about my family history , but my granddad always wears his McIntosh clan , his name is Douglas Gates. I'm proud to be an English/Scots man of the McIntosh Clan. Name: Dayle McRitchie CommentsJust starting my genealogy. My father was Gordon David McRitchie, son of David and Corabelle (I think). David's father was Thomas from Alabama or Georgia. He was born in Scotland. Thomas had 7 or 8 kids and from what I read in the census records so far I have determined that he liked his wives young. I have him married to 2 women. My father, Gordon, had only one sister. Her name is Gladys. As of this date she is probably in her 70s or 80s. I would dearly love to find her and/or her family. Name: Gretchen Politte CommentsHello hoping that James Robert McIntosh sees this I am looking for information on Mildred Clemintine Lynch McIntosh she was my grandfathers 1/2 sister they were raised[at]Alley Missouri and I have some family history to pass onto you and you may have some to pass onto me we are family Clemintine and my Grandfather had the same dad. Please get a hold of me. Name: Jennifer McIntosh CommentsMy grandfather and grandmother is James and Mary McIntosh, my fathers name is John McIntosh. If anybody has information on my background please contact me, with my e-mail above. Name: Barbara & Donald McIntosh CommentsLove this website, any McIntosh's from Western PA working on the family tree? My husband and I have been doing some research and are[at]a dead end. Any information regarding McIntosh's from Inverness Scotland to Western PA would be appreciated. Have attended the Highland Games here in PA. just wonderful, my husband has the McIntosh kilt and accessories and wears them proudly... Name: Todd Sutherland McIntosh CommentsDon't know much about my Scottish heritage but I would like to know more. Also wishing to meet a Beautiful Scottish woman age up to 30 to befriend me, tame me and fall in love with me!!!! Name: Eric Sheffer CommentsMy great-great grandmother was a MacIntosh. Her family came to the U.S. by way of Wales. Other than that I know very little, but am always willing to learn. Name: Dianne Childs CommentsMy ggg-grandmother was Catherine MacIntosh married to Alexander McRae, both born in the 1750's in Scotland , emigrated to Canada from Glenelg, Scotland in 1815 on the Eliza and settled in West Hawkesbury. Name: James Harold McIntosh CommentsName: MORAG FIONA MCINTOSH CommentsName: Victor Wrigglesworth CommentsKnew we were special just felt it proud, stubborn, might be English born but every now and then do come home to Scotland, and proud of it. Name: Dennis Kirsch CommentsMy mother is Beverly Ann McIntosh, her father was Delbert John McIntosh if there is any further information please contact me. Name: Pablo "Paul" McIntosh CommentsJust wanted to stop by and say hello to all the McIntosh clan around the world. I would like to make an attempt[at]visiting the reunion this year in Canton, MO. I am the same Paul McIntosh involved in the American Airlines Flight 1420 crash in Little Rock, AR back on June 1, 1999 that killed 11 and injured 80. I will post a copy of the story[at]a later date. My father was Duane Donald McIntosh of Albion, NE. Grandfather was Mann McIntosh also of Albion. I will be completing a book with regard to the night of the accident as well as draw on stories from early days of life in the Sand Hills of Nebraska. Have a great year. Name: Torey McIntosh CommentsI have another comment.....I also have a long lost brother my mom told me his name was Jeff, from Wayne McIntosh....he'd be about 20 something...i would really like info concerning Bruce McIntosh and Susan Crow....and brothers and sisters of them, my brother and sister would too...I'm anxious to know more about my lineage. Once again, any McIntoshes in the western US or anyone who thinks they know, please contact me!!!!! Name: Torey McIntosh CommentsI'm 20 yrs. old, born in CA, and my father is Wayne McIntosh, born from Bruce McIntosh and Susan Crow...and this is all the info I have. I am desperately seeking information on my family, my father has no clue about anyone, and it leaves me feeling that I don't know who I truly am. He has told me he knows of relatives in CO, and other than that he does not know much, If you have any information regarding this, please let me know... it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Name: Heather Barrett CommentsMy father was John Mackintosh. Born in 1879 in Forres, Ayrshire. He was the youngest son of seven children. His parents ran the local post office back then. Unfortunately that is all I know. He lost touch with his family after he moved down to England. I only wish I knew more. I loved visiting this web site. Name: Gary Seawright CommentsIs there any information on Scots that migrated in Ireland around 1600? Name: Gregory McIntosh CommentsI am trying to find my friend Gregory McIntosh who was on board of the USS Lawrence in 1986. We met each other in Rio de Janeiro and I would like to hear from him. Name: Justin McIntosh CommentsName: Diana Reynolds CommentsLookong for Betsey Harriet McIntosh married James Mckensie of Scotland. Children born in Australia[at]Glen Ample Station Victoria . Family tales has her as sister to The Mcintosh.I was born 1947 and she was my great great grandmother Name: Alan Wiensczyk CommentsI'm looking for any information on an Alexander McIntosh (1840- who married Isabella Richardson (1837-1912) in Scotland. They had 6 children, Alexander (1870-1966), Amelia, Mary, Janet, Georgina, Jane and Catherine. The young Alexander had two sons, another Alexander and Harold. The third Alexander had 3 children, lo and behold another Alexander, Margaret and Fiona. TIA for any info Name: Danney R. Glaser II CommentsName: Robert Donald McIntosh CommentsName: Shelley Neuhalfen CommentsI am looking for my great grandmother, Amelia McIntosh. I have run into a dead end. She was born 5-7-1898 and died in Dec of 1978. She is buried in Mt Ary Cemetary, Ringwold Iowa. She Married an Earl Drake and lived in Iowa and then bought an 103 acre farm near Bloomsberg PA. They had 5 children, Dawn, Duane, Donald, Kenneth and LaVerne (my grandma). I do not know where Amelia was born or who her parents were, if you have any information for me please email me[at]sntinkerbell [at] yahoo[dot]com. Thank You! Name: Cynthia Kamm CommentsMy grandfather was from Scotland. His name was George McComber. I was wondering what part of the country was clan lands, if that is the appropriate question to ask. I have wanted to visit Scotland since I was a girl, many, many moons ago. If you could provide any info it would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks, Cindy Name: yvonne mcintosh CommentsI am looking for relations in New Zealand of my late husband. My in-laws were Robert and Peggy McIntosh and they lived in Greenock Scotland can anyone help. My husband cousin Played for the all blacks around 1953 Name: David Steiert CommentsWas just wondering whether anybody would like a game of chess. I play via email, or use a web based java chess site. My ELO Rating is 1600+, join three clubs around London and participate in online chess tournaments, having amended our local Streatham and Brixton chess site, in Stockwell with average ratings of 1700. How about you? Do you play? Email for further details, thank you. Name: Twyla McIntosh McLellan CommentsGrandfather was Hugh McIntosh. Married Elinor Ainlay in late 1800's in Brussels, Ontario. Any information about his parents, siblings, etc., would be most appreciated. Name: Marjorie Ellen Wymore Spencer CommentsMy Great Great Grandfather was James D "Jim" McIntosh born in Cornwall, Ontario, Canada. We think his father was John McIntosh who found the McIntosh apple on his homestead. A grandson remembers hearing that he went to Oklahoma, USA where he met Mary Ellen Hawk whom he married in Keokuk County, Iowa USA. I would like information on his ancestors, where & when he died & where he is buried. He left his family & Iowa in 1888; we think he went to the state of Washington USA & worked for the railroad &/or was an artist & lost his vision. Name: Scot & Sherry Mackintosh CommentsWould love to hear from other Mackintosh folks. I am also interested in finding material in the Mackintosh Clan colors to surprise my husband with. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Name: Scot & Sherry Mackintosh CommentsWould love to hear from other Mackintosh folks. I am also interested in finding material in the Mackintosh Clan colors to surprise my husband with. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Name: Graham Lewis Alexander McIntosh CommentsName: Robert W. Smith CommentsSome say Smith is also a sept of MacIntosh. Name: Paul Mcintosh CommentsInteresting site, I'm enjoying studying about the clan. Cheers Name: Keith Lawrence McIntosh II CommentsName: Scott Troup CommentsDoing research on McIntosh Clan, Catherine McIntosh is husband's 4 th great grandmother. Love the website. Slightly confused with Roderick "old Rory" McIntosh. (Her brother?) Who were her parents? Anyone have that info? Name: Randy and Jennifer McIntosh CommentsWe are researching places to explore in Scotland that have historical ties with the McIntosh clan. Any suggestions? Name: MCINTOSH CommentsHIGHLAND GAMES IN SARNIA, ONT CANADA Beginning Aug 19, 2004, 7-10 p.m. there will be a 7 piece country and western band called The Waite Bros. Jamboree, with musicians Hailing from Nova Scotia, as well as parts of Ont.[at]the Dow People place on Front st. Centennial Park, Sarnia, Ont. for your relaxation for a donation only. This is an excellent band with songs by Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, Hank Williams, Kenny Rogers and more The Highland Games will be start early on the 20th and go through to the 21st of August. Sarnia, Ont. Canada is directly across from Pt Huron, Mich. USA with a twinned bridge---one for traffic each way. If you wish to have more info on the Highland Games, or a list of motels to book in[at]drop me a line. Dont Forget Aug 19th, 7 p.m. where all McIntosh families meet once a year, every year, Dow People Place Band stand front st. This Band is hosted by a McIntosh contact firstlady [at] xcelco.on[dot]ca Name: MCINTOSH CommentsName: Herman Shaw CommentsLooking up our family name. Name: Michael James Mackintosh Comments
Name: Lois A. Nairne Grueneich CommentsName: Suz Anne "Ritchie" Walker CommentsName: Sara McI. Gilmore CommentsFor some reason, I cannot locate the parents of Alexander M. McIntosh, born 1750 in Inverness, Scotland. His wife was Isabella McDonald. Their children were born in Scotland and he moved his family in 1800/01 to Columbiana County, Ohio, in the Scotch Settlement. Can any one give me a clue? Name: Bruce D McIntosh CommentsName: Bruce D McIntosh CommentsName: JAMES MICHAEL McINTOSH. CommentsFATHER CAME FROM ABERDEEN SCOTLAND DON'T REMEMBER ANYTHING ABOUT HIM BUT I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM ANYBODY WHO THINKS WE COULD BE CLOSELY RELATED HIS FIRST NAME WAS DANIEL. Name: Rhonda McIntosh Kelsey CommentsMy husband is from Scotland, Dundee area. We just returned from a 2 week visit. It was beautiful! I bought lots of McIntosh Clan souvenirs. Name: Rhonda McIntosh Kelsey CommentsName: Michelle McIntosh Kubat CommentsName: Jason McIntosh CommentsJust wanted to stop by and say hello. Name: David Mcintosh Commentsplease contact if any gaps in your family which may be in England would love to help if possible Name: Howard Peek CommentsMy paternal grandmother was Katherine McIntosh. She died when my father was a baby, approximately 1896 in or near Mystic Iowa. He was married to William Peek, my grandfather. That is all the information I have. If anyone has any further information I would greatly appreciate hearing from you. Name: DOUGLAS JAMES MCINTOSH CommentsNEED INFORMATION ON ANGUS MCINTOSH WHO LIVED NEAR PORT ELGIN ONTARIO IN 1856, SON WAS JAMES, HIS SON WAS EDWARD WHO SAILED OUT OF PORT ELGIN AND LANDED IN TORONTO CANADA. HE WAS MY GRANDFATHER. I CAN BE REACHED[at]416 686 0877. Name: douglas james mcintosh CommentsI NEED INFORMATION ABOUT Angus McIntosh of Bruce COUNTY ONTARIO Name: james robert mcintosh Commentstracing my heritage, if anyone has info please help. my father was clyde thomas mcintosh, born in alley springs, missouri, 8-16-1913 died 5-26-1978. his family william ,edna, mable,and pauline mcintosh. their father was george mcintosh born 1872 in scotland, died 1960 in arkansas. married mildred clementine lynch in mississippi. this is all i have, maybe someone out there can help. Name: Summer Stough Horn CommentsAccording to our family records, Chief McIntosh is my great, great, great, great, great (5), grandfather. One of his wives, who lived around Montgomery, Alabama, gave birth to Josephine. Lots of info on the other wives, but not much on the Montgomery family and their descendants. Where should I look? Thanks, Summer Horn Name: Tony Lee CommentsThis is Tony from China. I'm looking for one of my friends whose name is Micheal Monsieur. He lives in Belgium. He is around 75 years old, 5'8''tall, fat, bald-headed, speaking Belgiumese, French and perfect English. He once worked with Macintosh (Belgium). He went to China in 1992 and I was his tour guide and we became good friends but after he went home we lost contact. Should anyone that happen to know Micheal Monsieur be kindly enough to send me an e-mail or tell him my e-mail address? Your help will be greatly appreciated. Name: Grant McIntosh CommentsIf you are working on the descendants of Peter McIntosh and Jane Fraser of Stormont County, Ontario or any of their children (William, Elizabeth, Donald, Margaret, Richard or Peter), contact me as I am doing the same and maybe we could coordinate our efforts. My email address is NOT correct above - the g must be replaced by grant and the mc by mcintosh. Name: Barbara McIntosh Potts CommentsName: Juanita Robinson CommentsJust checking on the history of the name Toshach. My ggrandfather and his brothers and sisters all had the name Toshach as a middle name due to a family tradition. His name was Henry Toshach Watson. His mothers name was Sarah Ann Toshach b. 1873 in Middlesex, Shadwell, London and her father was Henry Toshach. This is all I have. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Name: Catherine McIntosh Hanley CommentsDaughter of Irwin C. McIntosh and Janet E. VanDeLinder. Grand-daughter of Irwin L. McIntosh and Catherine Brazeau (sp?) formerly of Oswego, NY. Born Sept. 21,1968 in Baldwinsville, NY. Just found it odd to find another Alan Jay McIntosh. It was my brother's name who passed away June 1985[at]the age of 22. Strange coincidence! Name: JOHN GOLSON & JO COLLEEN CommentsFAMILY OF FIVE SETTLED IN AUSTIN TEXAS. ALWAYS LOOKING FOR CLOSE FAMILY. |