Clan McIntosh |
Name: Sue MacIntosh CommentsMy father was Ewen MacIntosh, born in 1927 to Peter Thomas MacIntosh and Eva Marie Drennan in Lucknow, Ontario, Canada. My uncles were Harold, and Drennan, and aunts Mary and Jean, all from Ontario. I know next to nothing about Peter MacIntosh, but would love to find out more. Name: Alison McIntosh-Johnson CommentsMy father was the famous architect Charles Douglas McIntosh of Tullybody (Not Charles Renee McIntosh) who lived happily in exile in Warrington, England. I also have a brother, Stuart in Comox, Vancouver Island, BC and two sisters in UK. Name: Dale Mackintosh CommentsMy father Brian, Ronald Mackintosh came over from the UK with his parents when he was 8 years old. He is now retired in Halifax with his wife, Margaret Mary (Peggy) of over fifty years. We have Sandra, Brian Jr. (deceased), Dale and Allan. We all live in Canada. It was a pleasure to review this site and I will come and view again. Name: Mariano Rechy CommentsWould like some information about my name RECHY on the clan list. Can anyone help? Name: BRUCE MACKINTOSH CommentsFATHER WAS ALEXANDER COLIN MACKINTOSH BORN 1900. HE HAD A BROTHER IAN WHOSE WIFE WAS RUTH, WHO LIVED IN ST PETERSBURGH, FL MY FATHER DIED IN 1950 WOULD LIKE TO KNOW IF I HAVE RELATIVES SOMEWHERE AS I WAS 5YRS WHEN HE DIED AND KNOW NOTHING OF HIS FAMILY. Name:
Cary as Lowe Commentshope to find ancestors of lachlan macintosh b. 1495 who married jean gordon Name: Joseph Paul CommentsMy grandfather was Theril (Ted) Mcintosh. I am looking for information on medieval McIntoshs circa 1400-1500. Does anybody have Clan history information for that time frame? Thanks. Name: Robert McIntosh CommentsNo Dyce, Hamish? Sorry, I just couldn't resist it! Robert Name: Robert E. McIntosh CommentsName: Hamish McIntosh CommentsJust found the site busy trying to acquire mcintosh.co.uk from mcintosh of dyce since they don't use it but they aren't wearing it...my mother also has a rather nice little item a Scottish gold seal with the clan crest for sealing documents currently fitted to her charm bracelet.. Name: MYRNA MCINTOSH CommentsI am a descendant of Chief William McIntosh, Jr., eldest son of William McIntosh, who came to America from Scotland and married the Princess of the Creek nation. Name: Fred McIntosh CommentsMy great-great granddaddy John Angus McIntosh emigrated from near Inverness about 1820. I am working on my family's history Name: mcintosh CommentsIf anyone would like to have a photo of the Canadian McIntosh Silver dollar, i have scanned mine and will send it to you. It is not for sale. also if anyone has any jokes they would like to send to me please feel free to do so as I print them off and take them to the seniors homes===age 55 and up. There are 189 of them that like to have jokes. firstlady @ xcelco.on.ca Name: Michelle,Dawe CommentsWell Update ; Walter Mackay McIntosh (of 8 arrabella, Nigg station, mail through Tain post) Married Mary Eileen Reardon (of Rawtenstall lancashire) walters parents were Janet Mackay and George MackIntosh their children : James, Katherine/Catherine (katie) who married nad became harman, Donald who inherited the farm, Walter, Josephine who i believe they called her Joy & a deceased child Margaret. Any help in locating living relatives would be appreciated.. love, hugs and kisses chelle Name: Rick McIntosh CommentsName: Michelle,Dawe CommentsMy Grandads Name was Walter Mackay MacIntosh, though he spelt McIntosh. Mackay was his mothers maiden name. Unsure on dates but married my nana Mary and they emigrated to Australia in the early 1950's had a son Ian(1956) and a Daughter Janet(1959 my Mum) I believe he had a brother Jim who married a lady Mary and they had a daughter Elizabeth Janet around 1959.. will get better details later but would love any info on anything, they had no other family in Australia and my nanna is in her late 70's and her memory is getting old. Walter McIntosh died in or around 1970. any help would be appreciated. thank you. Name: Carol L. McIntosh CommentsFather was born Milton Louis McIntosh, in Elmira area of New York state in 1932, his father was Milton Edward McIntosh. I don't know if grandfather had any brothers or sisters or what his father's name was. Never met any of my fathers relatives except one of his sisters and his mother. Any possible relatives out there? Name: William &Dorothy & Callum McIntosh Commentshi Every one in the states that's related to me and also Canada and Australia From Callum & Parents Name: Morrice MacIntosh Commentsjust found the web site, will come back again. Name: David "Mac" Wayne McIntosh CommentsI have recently reunited with the McIntosh's of Warren County, IL and we are looking forward to the 2003 reunion! I welcome any and all contacts and I highly recommend signing the guestbook! Keep up the great work on the website, and long live the traditions of our families!!! Semper Fidelis Name: Colin Tosh CommentsWould like to find more "Tosh's" proud of our fantastic Clan, and to find out where the "Tosh" name arrived from. Son of Allan Tosh-Glasgow, and grandson of Angus Tosh-Perthshire Long live the wildcat Name: patricia baker Commentsthis website is great info. thanks! and i am very proud to be a family member of the McIntosh family.....my grandmother is a McIntosh and there is so much great history in this family! thanks again for the sites! Name: MCINTOSH CommentsIf anyone would like a picture of the McIntosh silver dollar from Canada, please drop me a line. I bought mine through the post office in Canada some years ago. They were around $45 dollars at the time. I will send you a scanned picture free if anyone would like to have one. Drop a line to firstlady @ xcelco.on.ca Name: MCINTOSH CommentsI am searching for the descendants of the following people Laughlan McIntosh b. abt 1826, Canada died Sept 18, 1832 Marr Mary Jane Brophy b. 1826 Donald McIntosh b. abt 1828 Canada marr in 1855 to Julia B. b. 1839 Canada Mary McIntosh b. 1834 Canada d. June 16, 1882 Clyde, Cloud, Kansas, buried St. Joseph's Cemetery Cloud, Kansas; Marr Wm Hall b. 1830 Canada Isabella McIntosh b. 1836 Canada marr Charles Deline b 1826 Margaret McIntosh b. 1838 Asshippun, Didge WI Ellen McIntosh b. Asshippun, Wi USA James McIntosh B 1849 """"""" D. Sept 7, 1875 Clyde,Cloud, kS buried St. Joseph Cem Cloud, Kansas USA Marr June 3, 1874 Clyde Cty, Kansas to Kate McCrea B nov 17, 1856, Canada, Died Oct 1, 1905, Salinda, Chiffie Co. USA Louisa McIntosh b. Apr 25, 1852 Wisc. Wi, USA d. Apr 1, 1934 Beloit Rock, Wisconsin, buried St Joseph Cem, Escanaba, Mich Marr Dec 26, 1870 Junction City Clyde, Cloud KS, USA to Walter Herman b. Sept 15, 1848 redswetter, Ont. Canada d. Mar 3, 1917, Marinette, Wisconsin USA Anne McIntosh b. Apr 28, 1830 Canada, D. Notre Dame, Indiana, b. St. Mary's Cemetery, Notre Dame, Ind. Elizabeth Mcintosh, b. June 15, 1842 Assippun, Didge, wis USA d. Oct 20, 1879, Clyde County, Kansas, bur. St. Joseph Cem, Cloud, Kansas marr Dewitt Palmer born 1841 I am the gr. Grandaughter of Charles Mcintosh brother of the above please drop a line to firstlady @ xcelco.on.ca I will send you a copy of Charles picture. and further information Name: Adam Alexander Mcintosh CommentsHello all fellow Mc's , Just wandering if any distant relations are out there, My Grandfather was Alexander McIntosh, who married Mary Downer also from Southampton, his parents were Alexander and Isabella, his brothers were Jack, William, and Joseph Morrison which was there mothers maiden name. Alexander and Mary had 2 daughters named Valerie and Jean. Jean had 4 daughters and Valerie had 1 son , who's me! And I've taken her maiden name. Any possibility of relations out there give me an email, Regards Adam Name: Glenn McIntosh CommentsOur family came from Canada. My father was born in Niagara Falls, Ontario. He had three brothers and a sister who still live in Canada. Name: Louise Hopkins CommentsI am searching for info on the family of my Great Grandfather, William Bailey McIntosh. He was born in New York--just don't know if State or City. He was son of Angus McIntosh who is suppose to have come to America from Scotland. His Mother is said to have also been from Scotland. William had at least one brother that I know of, John and possibly also Stephen as there was Stephen in Renville Co. Mn. at the same time as William and John were there. William married Isabel (Mary) Elizabeth Robideaux in1880. He was born 11 June 1857. Would love to hear from any relatives. Louise Name: Caroline Sarah Hindshaw CommentsCan anyone help please? There are very few Hindshaws in the UK, does the name have anything to do with Shaw, as in Seach MacDuff of the MacIntosh clan. My father's name was Alexander MacIntosh Hindshaw. Be careful of the MacIntosh motto, it's true! My sister suffered from a rare disease called cat scratch fever, which was directly caused by a small scratch from a cat. Thank you and take care. Name: Paul McIntosh CommentsName:
Mark McIntosh CommentsI am looking for other teenage McIntosh's feel free to contact me. Name: MCINTOSH CommentsIf you would like to have some new search sites for Canada, USA, Eng. Ireland and Scotland which are free, please drop me a line at firstlady @ xcelco.on.ca Name: John Adamson McIntosh CommentsHi I just stumbled across this site and thought I would sign the guest book and say keep up the good work!! I am looking for other McIntosh out there!!! So feel free to email me!! best regards! Name: Crystal McIntosh CommentsI've been trying to find my ancestors for years now, and when I stumbled across this page I was so excited! It's been a big help in my search, so thank you very much! Name: Adam Macintosh Commentsthanks for helping me find my inner clansman i now see the size of the clan all over the world. Name: Marvin G. Thomson Commentscongratulations on the most informative site on the web. Where can I get a Family tree of the chiefs through No. 8 , William, where the Mac Thomases take off ???? Name: P. McIntosh CommentsI am looking for my grandfather who was a McIntosh he passed away in 1947 He had a daughter she was 5 weeks ago when he passed. If anyone can drop me an email with info on this this would be great! I do not know his first name. Thank you. Name: Patricia Jones CommentsI would like to here from anyone doing family tree, on the McIntosh family from Breathitt Co. Or Estill Co. Kentucky. I have a lot to share on this line. Thanks. Have a Blessed day. Patricia Jones Name: DARYL MCINTOSH CommentsName: MCINTOSH CommentsIn my fathers diaries in 1992 were the following Mcintosh's, which he had met during his travel. I will not give their addresses on here. Newfoundland J. McIntosh, Freshwater Frank Marys Harbour E. McIntosh, Kay, and Michael, Stephenville --- Nova Scotia Floyd, Glen, D.B., Myrtle, Bass River Eldon, Waverley John W Laurencetown John W. Zwickers Lake John,Eric, Stephen,Tony, Glace Bay Reg, Burke, Reginald, Dan G, Sydney Bernie, John E, P, A., j., Halifax, Pat, Ray, J.,Stephen,Sackville A.J, and Frank J. at Yarmouth Prince Edward Island Neil F, Mike, Frank, Ron, Andrew, Ronald, at Souris Grace, at Charlottetown Brian at Summerside Drop a line, if you know these as I have pictures of some. firstlady @ xcelco.on.ca Name: Keith McIntosh CommentsGreat web site! Name: Hazel CommentsI am looking for information re John Edward McIntosh who came to Canada in the early 1800's with his wife Elizabeth and children Flora, John and an infant. It is believed he came from Kilmarnock. Any info would be appreciated. This is a great site!! Name: Gilbert McNicol CommentsI am just browsing family heritage. My paternal grandmother's maiden name was MacIntosh. Name: Ann CommentsI have a friend whose father who passed away over 10 years ago kept track of McIntosh's he met across Canada as he traveled. I noticed in one of his diaries which were left to his daughter 3 McIntosh Families 1. Richard who lived in Frobisher Bay 2 Mark who lived in Inuvik 3 Doug who lived in Yellowknife If any of these families are out still out there, would you please drop me a line at firstlady @ xcelco.on.ca I will not give the addresses on this page but would like to contact you and will pass the information along to Maggie daughter of the late Harry McIntosh. Name: Dominic Steiert CommentsI would love for any one to email me with any ideas of which sites I could use to find out about my ancestry with the McIntosh clan! I had no idea until I visited Scotland a week ago that I was related to so many people in so many ways!!!!!!!!!!!! Name: Robert Shiol Macdonald Mackintosh CommentsAs a 14 year old, in 1964, I recall the tremendous treat of being taken by my Aunt Jean Mackintosh to the Highland Games. With great excitement, I met the then Chief of Clan Mackintosh, who presented me with a 'welcome' note embossed with his seal. I treasured it and still have it in a keepsake box. On the same day, I met the Creek Chief McIntosh, at that point a white American from Chicago, proudly displaying his Headdress and proud to be a Native American Scottish Chief - the Ultimate Quest!! My wife and I are expecting a new Mackintosh (a Boy - we found out!) at the end of the year, and are going to name him 'William' after my Uncle and Great Uncle; also it seems after the first Mackintosh Creek Chief. This is definitely more interesting than being related to an Apple... Name: Rosannagh Esson CommentsJust to let you know that there is a whole other family of Mackintoshes (essons) out here! Name: Richard McIntosh CommentsWe recently transferred from Aberdeen in Scotland Lafayee in Louisiana. I was delighted to see that we (the Clan) had an active presence here in the States. I would be very happy for you to send me information regarding joining the Clan here and or the activities that you undertake. It is fair to say that we have caused a stir here in the South with our kilts and my eldest (11) son who plays the pipes. Many thanks Dick McIntosh Name: Ann CommentsSORRY PUT MY ADDRESS IN YOUR BOOK WRONG If anyone would like to have free pictures of Scotland, drop me a line at firstlady @ xcelco.on.ca Name: Peter W Dallas CommentsSo far have not found anything much relating to Dallas. However the website is most interesting and I will keep looking. Name: Marni McIntosh CommentsWow, I never realized how totally cool my family was! I hope to visit Scotland as soon as I can i just need to save up some money. Go SCOTLAND!!!! and so on and so forth. Loch Moigh! Name: Jeff McIntosh CommentsHi everyone! http://www.shiftback.com Name: mac CommentsRecently I had the opportunity to visit with Maggie peters at her home and I was utterly amazed by the old newspapers, dating back to 1834 of what I seen. I would say well over 1000 books of Scotland, Ireland and England, along with family bibles dating back to the early 1700's, cook books, scrap books etc, which she inherited from her father and his ancestors. She was kind enough to look up my ancestors for me and we had a great laugh when she showed me an adv in an old paper dated 1834 where plucked turkeys ready for the oven were 30 cents mac firstlady @ xcelco.on.ca Name: Leslie McIntosh CommentsOriginally from Aberdeen, Scotland. My parents moved south in 1958 from Aberdeen to Corby, Northants. Have researched the McIntosh name and am proud to be one knowing the history. Am pleased to see so many from round the world who are as proud. Name: Sandra Paton Hill CommentsLooking for any information on my ancestors from the Alva,Clackmannanshire, Scotland. Grandparents were Alexander Paton, Sr., and Jessie Tainsh Paton. Have no idea what their parents names were or where the parents lived. Any information would be helpful. Thank you for listening, Sandra Name: Brian McIntosh CommentsGreat To Hear From McIntosh's Around The Globe Name: Thomas Mcintosh CommentsI would like to hear from McIntoshes from around the globe Name: Linda Sutton CommentsGreat website. Noticed on the map that there are a lot of McIntoshes in Michigan. I see very few of them at the St. Andrews Society's (Detroit) Highland Games. Would like to see more of them there. Name: jamie gordon blyth CommentsName: Nada Marlene (McIntosh) Stone CommentsMy parents were John Franklin McIntosh and Nora Virginia (Rundall) McIntosh. My father, John McIntosh, was born April 18, 1900 in New Virginia, Iowa. He was one of eight children born to George and Ida McIntosh. Name: Etta McIntosh Woosley CommentsI am trying to find out the name of my gggg/grandfather. My McIntoshes family came from Scotland to Va. then to Tenn and Ky. Name: Christopher Foster CommentsName: Gregory McIntosh CommentsHere! Name: F. Gerald Beveridge CommentsJust beginning to research my family history and noticed my surname listed on your website. Name: F. Gerald Beveridge CommentsName: Adam Paul McIntosh CommentsJust checking out the website. Wondering how directly related to other McIntoshes I am Name: Andrew Glen CommentsWonderful to be able to trace back and know to whom we belong Name: Cora Bunn CommentsName: Cora Bunn City: Fremont State: Ohio Country: USA Email: bcbunn @ ezworks.net Clan: Date: 2/2/00 Comments I am researching my husband's McIntosh line. His ggfather was Donald McIntosh born 25 May 1844 in Lanark County,Ontario, son of Duncan McIntosh and Martha Galbraith. His wife was Emma Weeks. Their children were Duncan Galbraith b 27 April 1870, m Anna Bertha Gould, d 9 May 1951, Charles Haggart b 25 December 1872 d 9 December 1964, Mace Donald b 14 May 1875 d 25 April 1923, Mossom Sinnett b 8 June 1877 d 14 October 1964, Russell William b 31 January 1879 d 1971, Maxwell Margeret b 17 March 1881 d 11 July 1886, Violet Isabella b 17 August 1883 d 10 July 1886, Martha Pearl b 21 November 1885 d 30 March 1980. Russell McIntosh moved to Brandon, Manitoba. Mossom McIntosh moved to Australia. Charles married, moved to the Yukon during the gold rush and ended up settling in California (Novato). Would enjoy hearing from anyone who is related. Name: Kim Mackintosh CommentsI'm looking info on William Mackintosh, son of Daniel McIntosh born Wellsville, Ohio in 1820 and moved to Pittsburgh, Pa and became partner of Mackintosh-Hemphill Co. My husband is descended from his brother, Andrew. Name: Kim Mackintosh CommentsName: GIOVANNI MCQUEENEY CommentsName: Rory Noonan McIntosh CommentsMay we all prosper and support Eire and Scotland in their battle to win independence from Britain!!!! SINN FEIN!!!!! Name: Winnie Mackintosh CommentsName: Winnie Mackintosh CommentsName: Margaret Cameron McIntosh CommentsWould like information on clan gatherings in the area. Name: George Crockford CommentsName: Warren D. McIntosh CommentsJuly 10, 2003: I had the wonderful pleasure of visiting the beautiful country of Scotland for my 30th birthday in 1999. I am responding to an earlier post regarding the inability to visit the Clan's house and grave memorials. During my visit, I was able to drive right up to the house and actually speak to and shake the hand of the current MacKintosh Clan chief. His father had passed away the year or two before. He took me into what looked like a shed or barn, but was actually a small goldmine of Clan artifacts! In that building was the bed frame that Mary, Queen of the Scots, slept on! There were many other historical and interesting items! Due to the lack of time on the Clan Chief, I was not able to visit for very long. He was taking his mother out somewhere. He did tell me how to get to the memorial that he and his family built as a lasting tribute to his father and the fathers before him. The land was absolutely beautiful as was the memorial. If anyone is interested, I have some pictures that I can send digitally. Just let me know at my e-mail address. Name: Scott and Tina Mcintosh CommentsScott grew up in Bo'ness, Scotland. His schooling years were spent here. We have just come back from this area and visited Moy Hall where Clan Chief Lachlan 7th wife Lady McIntosh currently resides. We found the memorial stones which have been laid to commemorate the clan and chief but we were extremely disappointed to find that we were unable to go to the house. We appreciate that the house is private residence but surely it is home to the McIntosh clan and each and every person belonging to it??? Has anybody else an opinion on this or visited the memorial stone we would be interested to hear from you. Also if you have any connection to Scott as we are trying to trace his family tree. Name: Lora Lynne Kesilis CommentsI may not carry the name McIntosh, but it was my mother's maiden name, and I consider it a great part of my heritage. Name: Robert Allan McIntosh CommentsName: Brenda McIntosh Carlile CommentsHey, Just passing through, full of curiosity. My McIntosh family grew up in rosebud, Texas.... have you ever heard of that place. My grandfather was Eugene McIntosh, grew up aroung Buffalo Texas, Red River area. He was a huge fox hunter even on his little farm in Texas. I didn't realize there were so many McIntoshes. I noticed that they must have migrated from Canada, Massachusetts and NC area.. more there than anywhere. Name: MCINTOSH CommentsIf anyone would like to have free search sites for Scotland, England, Canada or USA please write to me. I have a distant cousin in Scotland, that sends me free search sites and I will forward them to you. I also have free search sites from Canada USA and England from genealogists which I have used. They were kind enough to send me these free sites as I sent a free copy of my McIntosh's Genealogies Book to them with all entries to Canada and Usa from Scotland. I think it was a good trade please write to me at mpeters @ xcelco.on.ca to receive the free sites. maggie nee mcintosh Name: Violet Ksiezopolski nee (Kavanagh) CommentsLooking for any links with family or friends of my granny Mackintosh. we left Aberdeen in 1965 and have not too many contacts since. I was almost 11 years old when we emigrated to Australia. Fenton family are related to Granny Mackintosh. My granny and my dads mum granny Frances were sisters. My Granny Mackintosh was actually my great Aunt, we were extremely close. We lived in Balanagask Road Aberdeen and she lived near where the carnival was, that's about all I can remember at this stage. Hope you can help me find some sort of link. Yours in faith Violet |