Clan McIntosh |
Name: Dorothy Cato McIntosh CommentsAm searching for the parentage of Roderick McIntosh and Mary Anderson. Both immigrated to North Carolina in 1781. Have been unable to connect Roderick to one of the McIntosh families in Scotland. Name: Mark McIntosh CommentsName: Linda Kaden CommentsI am, like millions of other people searching my family tree. I have a John McIntosh born in Old Monkland, Scotland about 1766. He married Elisabeth McFarline on May 16 1791 in Cambuslang, Lanarkshire, Scotland. They had a son also called John born 1798 in Cambuslang. I feature in the tree 8 generations later. I am looking at your web site in the hope that I will find something to help me get back further. Name: William Dorathy Callum McIntosh CommentsHello to all the our McIntosh ancestors all over the wolrd William Dorathy Callum Name: kathy mcintosh conner Commentsi love this site and come here often Name: Matthew McIntosh Commentsheh heh heh some1 talk to me... im all alone Name: Kim McIntosh CommentsI visited Scotland recently but did not have enough time to do a geneology search. Didn't know this website existed. Most fascinating! Name: Rick Brown CommentsI am Descended from the McIntosh line from Rachel McIntosh, interested in the McIntosh FAmily history but more specifically the research of the "Assinzes" or courts of Kent England as relating to the transfer of Scots to America cir 1740's. For What purpose? Criminals against the political Ideals?.. Wards of courts?.. assigned a servitude with some others? and common Criminals for petty crimes? Anybody have any history of this time and the "political prisoners" of Scotland in Kent England? Descendants of John McIntosh 1 John McIntosh b: 1747 in Rockbridge, Virginia d: March 02, 1821 in Tazewell Co., Va .. +Elizabeth "Betsey" Preston Vineyard Tollet b: 1733 in Rockbridge, Virginia m: Abt. 1771 ....... 2 Elizabeth MCINTOSH b: 1773 in , Virginia ........... +John Greenup ....... *2nd Husband of Elizabeth MCINTOSH: ........... +John Richa m: July 14, 1813 in Tazewell Co. VA ....... 2 Catherine MCINTOSH b: March 12, 1775 in Rockbridge, Va d: June 27, 1854 in Mcdonough, Il ........... +Thomas Greenup m: 1795 in Wythe Co., Virginia ....... 2 John MCINTOSH b: July 13, 1776 in Rockbridge Co, Va d: April 29, 1857 in Tazewell, Virginia ....... 2 Margaret "Peggy" MCINTOSH b: Abt. 1778 in , Va ....... 2 Mary "Polly" MCINTOSH b: May 12, 1780 in Virginia d: April 19, 1858 in Tazewell Co., Va ....... 2 Anne McIntosh b: 1782 d: December 1860 in McDonough Co., Illinois ........... +Stephen Deskins m: May 25, 1840 ....... 2 Nancy McIntosh b: February 02, 1785 d: August 25, 1865 in Tazewell County, Virginia ........... +Bird Lockhart b: September 19, 1787 d: June 16, 1860 in Tazewell County, Virginia m: March 17, 1803 in Tazewell County, Virginia ................. 3 ?? Lockhart ................. 3 Rachel Lockhart b: May 27, 1804 ..................... +James Brewster ................. 3 John McIntosh Lockhart b: 1806 ..................... +Sarah McGuire b: 1800 m: 1822 ................. 3 Elizabeth Lockhart b: 1811 ..................... +Archibald Brewster ................. 3 Milton Lockhart b: 1812 ..................... +Rebecca Brewster ................. 3 Mark Tollett Lockhart b: 1815 ..................... +Nancy Deskins ................. *2nd Wife of Mark Tollett Lockhart: ..................... +Catherine/Katie Whitt ................. 3 Elijah Lockhart b: 1819 ................. 3 George Lockhart b: 1821 ..................... +Elizabeth Brown ................. 3 Nancy Lockhart b: 1823 ................. 3 Bird Lockhart, (Jr) b: 1826 ..................... +Sally/Susannah E. Brooks ................. 3 Elisha Lockhart b: 1828 ................. 3 Patton J. Lockhart b: 1831 ..................... +Caroline S. McGuire ....... 2 George MCINTOSH b: June 02, 1788 in Rockingham Co., Va d: November 26, 1863 in Vernon Twp., Van Buren, Ia ........... +Isabel Brewster m: December 19, 1816 in Tazewell Co. VA ................. 3 James MCINTOSH b: August 22, 1820 ..................... +Sussannah Peterson m: September 12, 1841 in Van Buren Co. IA ................. 3 Sarah MCINTOSH ................. 3 Thomas MCINTOSH ....... 2 Sarah (Bap. Sally) MCINTOSH b: April 13, 1790 in , Va d: November 21, 1862 in Mcdonough, Illinois ........... +Thomas Dailey m: September 23, 1814 ....... 2 Rachel McIntosh b: 1792 in Virginia d: Bef. 1880 in Virginia ........... +Thomas Brown b: May 10, 1789 in Russell County, Virginia d: November 05, 1861 in Richlands, Tazewell County, Virginia m: June 22, 1815 in Tazewell County, Virginia ................. 3 William Bird Brown b: November 1815 in Tazewell County, Virginia d: November 05, 1861 in Tazewell County, Virginia ..................... +Malinda J. Brown b: January 01, 1829 d: March 05, 1859 in Richlands, Tazewell Co. VA m: December 04, 1851 in Tazewell Co. VA ................. *2nd Wife of William Bird Brown: ..................... +Nancy Wilson b: 1837 m: January 05, 1860 in Tazewell Co. VA ................. 3 John M. Brown b: 1817 in Tazewell County, Virginia d: 1880 in Tazewell, Virginia ..................... +Elenor ??? b: 1818 ................. 3 James P. Brown b: October 16, 1819 in Tazewell Co. VA d: December 16, 1895 in Buchanan County, Viginia ..................... +Hannah F. Johnson b: 1823 d: in Buchannan Co., Va. ? m: 1842 in Virginia ................. 3 Mary Lou Brown b: August 25, 1823 in Jeffersonville, Tazewell, Va d: July 25, 1890 in Tazewell County, Virginia ..................... +Thomas Brewester Peery b: October 26, 1819 in Tazewell County, Virginia m: September 08, 1843 in Tazewell County, Virginia ................. 3 ? Brown b: 1825 in Tazewell, Virginia ................. 3 Elizabeth "Betsy" BROWN b: 1828 in Tazewell, Virginia d: Aft. 1880 ..................... +Joseph Claypool Brown b: September 1806 in Tazewell County, Virginia d: October 04, 1877 in Tazewell County, Virginia m: February 18, 1862 in Tazewell Co. VA ................. 3 Patton J. Brown b: April 11, 1833 in Tazewell, Virginia d: January 29, 1910 in Richlands, Tazewell Co. VA ..................... +Mary Jane Steel b: December 22, 1840 d: January 07, 1907 in Richlands, Tazewell Co. VA m: December 27, 1865 in Tazewell Co. VA ....... 2 Rebecca McIntosh b: 1794 d: 1819 in Tazewell County, Virginia ........... +Thomas D. Brewster m: September 19, 1816 Family legend has it that John McIntosh, born and raised in the Scottish Highlands, was run out of Scotland and subsequently convicted of crimes against the Crown in 1741 while living in Kent, England. He is alleged to have been "ousted" from England on the ship "Seahorse", arriving in the U.S, in October of 1741. I'm not even sure where to start looking to document this. Is anyone familiar with the Seahorse? Where would I be able to find a passenger list for such a voyage?According to the information that I have your John, Jr., b. 1755 who married Elizabeth TOLLETT was the son of "John the Immigrant" MACKINTOSH, b. 1731, who came to the US on the "Seahorse" as a prisoner. From the book Mackintosh/McIntosh Significant Lineages, Vo. V, Walter H. McIntosh, submission by Mrs. Irene Auld of Nipomo, CA: "John Mackintosh, political prisoner, from Kent Assises#, England to Virginia on the ship Seahorse, John Rendell, master, arrived in VA October 2, 1741 (reference Emigrant Index from London, 1600-1800 also at Public Record Office, London, Money Books T-53, Vol. 40, Pg. 414, ledgers which contain details of payments made by the British Treasury to the transportation contractors, which record thenames of those transported from the City of London and the Home counties). John Mackintosh was probably indentured, but no record found. Settled in Culpepper Co., VA where his 4 known sons were born. Place of his father's birth given in affidavits of Thomas McIntosh when he filed for Survivors Pension, based on his military service against the British in the Revolutionary War. Also given by Charles McIntosh's widow when she filed for Widow's Pension based on her husband's military service." He married Mary BORAN in 1754 and lived in Caswell County, N.C. then Culpepper County, VA. Their children: John, Jr., b. 1755, Thomas, b. 1757, Charles, b. 1759, m. Candis McAELHANEY, their son Benjamin married Elizabeth H. MASON), Nimrod, b. 1761, m. Nancy MURPHY, Jessie, b. 1763, Mary, b. 1765, Benjamin, b. 1767, Alexander, b. 1769, and Cornelius, b. 1771. Name: Robin E Wright CommentsI have traced my roots to MacIntyre, and have just discovered that my G Granmother was a Noble, and that Noble is a Sept of Mackintosh. A great site, keep up the good work Name: Brenda Paul CommentsName: Shane Kenneth Mackintosh CommentsI have been seaching the web for days i search of the Mackintosh Clan Coat of Arms Could anyone help me . Name: Ronald Neil McIntosh CommentsIt is with great sadness that I must report the passing of my Uncle Neil McIntosh(The Sixth) on June 12,2002. He was 93 years old.He had no children. A memorial service will be held June 26th,2002 in Manomet(Plymouth)Massachusetts. He was the son of Neil McIntosh(V) born in Paisley Scotland and lived at, 17 Ferguslie, Paisley. Neil McIntosh(IV)(born 1848) had 8 children, and migrated to North America. Neil McIntosh(III)(DOB UNKNOWN) and Sarah Hardie(DOB UNKNOWN) of Scotland had only one child. That's as far back as my records go, anyone out there recognize this part of the family? Name: Dr John Igho CommentsMake una wey be guy men take note say I don already bomb this guest book finish. Name: Porschea McIntosh CommentsThank you for this new found Information ,And I'm very happy about this site I know that my backround is jamacian so, I'm very happy about finding this thank you. Name: Phyllis W. Prejean CommentsMy great-great grandmother was Katie Lamar MacIntosh (born April 23 1882 in Talapossa County or Dale County, Alabama and died December 11, 1962 in Harlingen, Texas). She was married to Relus Lee Ellis. They had 3 children - my grandfather, Hansel James Ellis, Dolores Ellis and Noel Ellis. Any information would be greatly appreciated. I think her father's name was John. Name: Rosella McIntosh Mohr CommentsName: Rosella Mcintosh Mohr CommentsName: Dawn miner CommentsI am looking for some info on surnames Wood and/or Mabie....Thanks Name: Dawn miner CommentsTop of the morning to you I,am looking for some info on sir names being ether scotich or Irish the name is wood can you help me with thisor mabie thank you for your reply sincerly Dawn Name: Bill Mac Intosh CommentsName: mark mcintosh CommentsI'm so amazed that I got told about this website from my older brother who is below (named philip) I am 11 years old and I love football although i live in england i love scotland that much that if i played for a country i wish that it would be scotland Name: mark mcintosh CommentsI'm so amazed that I got told about this website from my older brother who is below (named philip) I am 11 years old and I love football although i live in england i love scotland that much that if i played for a country i wish that it would be scotland Name: philip mcintosh CommentsWe are one of the best clans, i'm a 14 year old boy (in 6 days) who went in search of my history and my heritage and i found this website which i think is unbelievably amazing and I'd just like to say you must sign the guestbook Name: William & Dorathy & Callum McIntosh Commentshello to our McIntosh ancestors world wide from William Dorathy & Callum McIntosh Name: Alan Jay McIntosh CommentsHi all I’m back, I’m still tripping over the roots of my family tree and here is what I have fond. If you see anyone you know of please e-mail me. My G. Grandfather is James O. (Otis?) McIntosh born in Ohio (I’m told), date unknown, He marred Inez McIntosh nee Richardson, date unknown,I only know of three of there children. My grandfather Charles Warder McIntosh, b, Iowa 10/31/1879 d, 5/29/1970 Modesto Calif. Marred to Margaret Loretta McIntosh nee Dodson, b, Texas 4/18/1884 d, 6/27/1965 in Modesto Ca They were married 12/10/1900 in Oklahoma The other children of James & Inez that I know of were Walter McIntosh that I know nothing of and Frank McIntosh, I know very little about him, He married Margaret L. McIntosh’s (nee Dodson) step sister Mary Ann Braine and they had one child that I know of Johnny McIntosh he had a son Johnny McIntosh Jr. who lives some were in Ca. (Johnny Jr if your out there e-mail me!!!) The children of Charles and Margaret McIntosh were all born in Oklahoma, (Town of Pond Creek). They are, Charles Clair McIntosh, b, 5/5/1902. Meta Vie McIntosh, b, 7/8/1907. Dale Warder McIntosh, b, 3/30/1909. Vivian Inez McIntosh, b, 12/9/1918. Lee Otis McIntosh, b, 10/9/1924. J.W. McIntosh, (my dad), b, 11/26/1924, (Granddad must have ran out of names because he gave my dad just initials), Norma Jean McIntosh, b, 12/21/1930. My Dad J.W. and Uncle Lee are the only children of Charles and Margaret still with us. I have a lot of info about my Aunts and Uncles i.e. who they married when and were children and Grandchildren ext, Way to much to post here so if you would like any of it e-mail me and I’ll be more then happy to share it with anyone. I am Alan Jay McIntosh born in Modesto Calif 10/18/1949 Married to Maureen Lillian McIntosh nee Corpac we have two daughters both born in Mountain View Calif. Brittany Brei McIntosh born 1/7/1987 And Catherine Helen McIntosh born 9/19/1999. To save you time on the math yes I was a father again at age 48 and proud of it. We McIntosh’s are virile aren’t we! If you can help me with any info on James O. McIntosh, Frank McIntosh or Walter McIntosh I would be most great full. Thanks. ! Scotland and Clan McIntosh Forever! Name: Roderick James McIntosh CommentsI am an Australian born McIntosh. My Father was James McIntosh of Edinburgh He was born in LochWinnoch and went to the same school as Sean Connery (wee Tam) Name: Laurie and Katie Law CommentsOur maternal grandfather's mother was a full blood Scot! We love any and all things Scottish! Name: Dana Winchester CommentsGreat Grandfather James McIntosh came to Texas in 1846 (Sulphur Springs) His daughter Dovie Jeanette McIntosh was my Grandmother I am very interested in any information anyone may have. Thank you for this site....I was so thrilled to see the crest and motto that are so familiar to me. Name: Pamela Meacher CommentsI dont belong to your clan, but what a wonderful site for collecting and sharing information. Congratulations.!! Name: Margaret Dillon CommentsI have just signed on a short while ago and after looking through archives I found an e-mail from Paige Wyatt, Anchorage Alaska dated October 1996 if you are still looking for Mackeggies please contact me Name: Margaret Dillon CommentsI am trying to trace my family name anad wondered if there was anyone out there who can help. The name has various spellings ie: Heggie, McKeggie, Mackeggie, MacKaggie, Mcagy, Macagy. Family comes from mostly N.E. Scotland and also on the west coast of Scotland. Ayrshire, Renfrewshire. If anyone has any information it would be most appreciated. Name: Ruby Mc Intosh-Williams CommentsI am a Jamaican and I believe my foreparents were named or fathered by their slave owners from Ireland. I would love to get any information about my Mc Intosh roots. Name: WILLIAM E MCINTOSH IV CommentsI WILL BE IN IRELAND IN 2 WEEKS AND WOULD LIKE TO VISIT LOCATIONS WHERE MY FAMILY ONCE LIVED AND LEARN MORE ABOUT THE HISTORY OF MY FAMILY. THANK YOU I WAS BORN IN FORT BRAGG N.C. MY DAD WAS A LT COLONEL IN THE ARMY MY GRAND FATHER WILLIAM E MCINTOSH JR SERVED WITH PATTON. I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW EVERYTHING DOWN TO THE FIRST MCINTOSH IN THE FAMILY TREE OF OUR DIRECT LINEAGE.THANK YOU BILL MCINTOSH IV Name: Louise Hopkins CommentsI am looking for an Angus McIntosh who was the Father of William Bailey(Bailie) McIntosh. I believe that there were at least two more sons but haven't proved it yet. William was born 11 June 1857 in NY. Don't know if City or State. He married in Mn. and died 18 June 1924 in Minneapolis Mn. This is my "Brickwall". Name: Marvin Mc Intosh CommentsVery informative site would like to know more about those that came to the caribbean Name: Wlliam & Dorathy /Dorothy &Callum McIntosh CommentsHello to Andrew David McKintosh from William & Dorathy & Callum McIntosh hope to see you along with your family at the Highland Feild sports fair at moy and the agm. From William & Dorathy & Callum Name: William & Dorathy/Dorothy McIntosh CommentsHello to Andrew David MacKintosh from William Dorathy/Dorothy and Callum McIntosh, Hope to see you and with Your Family at The Highland feild sports fair and the agm. From William Dorathy & Callum Name: Callum McIntosh CommentsHello to William David McIntosh in Forfar from Callum and his perants and we all hope to see you at the agm and the Highland feild sports at moy. along with your Family Yours Callum Name: Amy McIntosh CommentsName: Callum McIntosh Commentshello William maybe you Cand contaact my father who is also William on our email address which is 16.Caddam @ aol.com Name: William &Dorathy & Callum McIntosh CommentsHi Steven McIntosh father of Bradley McIntosh even though you are coulored Name: Jenny McIntosh CommentsHi to all the Mcintoshs all over the world. I'm 14 years old and think being a Mclntosh is great. Name: ruth mcintosh tibbles CommentsName: michael mcintosh CommentsMy father is William Robert Mcintosh, Named after the Creek Cheif, William Robert McIntosh, My Father is now decesed, i am the son to the decesed, my name is michael r. mcintosh my Father William R.McIntosh, had a brother, whom resides in Norwalk California, Named John McIntosh also is followed by two living sisters left that i know, Silvia lives in California, and Jane McWhorter (McIntosh) now resides in a nursing home in McAlester Oklahoma, thanks to her nice, and my (x)sister i am wondering if this is the John McIntosh,form Norwalk Calif., who has put this genealogy on the internet if so you may respond to this email at mmcintosh @ drs.state.ok.us I kind of stumble onto this genealogy, reconize the coat of arms and the Picture of Chief William Robert McIntosh since i have the same pictures. Name: Janice Vanderhoef CommentsMy great grandmother was Fannie McIntosh of Jackson, Kentucky, daughter of the late Levi McIntosh and Elizabeth Johnson McIntosh. I was told by relatives that our clan escaped another murderous clan via the Berring Strait. Vanderhoef is my ex-husband's name which I chose to keep because I have twin boys. I am here in California with very little family and have been induldged in geneology by the internet. Name: Joey McIntosh Commentshey all you mcintoshs Name: William & Dorathy & Callum McIntosh Commentshi to all our McIntosh ancestors all over the world the McIntosh family Name: William Dorathy Callum McIntosh Commentshi to all our McIntosh ancetors all over the world the McIntosh Family Name: Sandra Paton Hill CommentsHello, I have been looking for about 2 years to find any living relatives of my grandmother Jessie Tainsh Paton and grandfather Alexander Paton,Sr. They lived in or around Alva and left there in 1911 and set sail from Glasgow aboard the ship Furnessia,They arrived in the U.S.A. on May 1, 1911 and proceeded to Pennsylvania in the coal fields. They settled in the southern end of the coal fields first in a town called Lansford ad then moved 1 mile up a hill to a town called Summit Hill a small town where coal was first discovered by a man called Philip Ginder. I hope someone recognizes this information and sends me an e-mail. Alex was born abt.1882 and d.1943, Jessie was born abt.1884 and died 8/1962. Son Alex was born 6/21/1906 and died 12/17/1975. Both Alex died of miner's lung disease and other complications. Jessie died from complications of diabetis. More than this I can not express with dates but I had a very loving life with them and heard many times from Grammy about her rough trip on the ocean and how she spent all of her time in her cabin sea sick. She said dhe was so glad to step on soil that no matter how homesick she became she would never go on a ship again.She stepped here and now this was her home.These days must have been a frightening experience for young people that ventured to a land they did not know. e-mail sandra60 @ webtv.net, Thank you for the opertunity to give my generation background. Name: Robert Hunter CommentsHello, I was just surfing around when I found your site . It`s looking good . Good Luck to Clan Mc.Intosh Name: Misty McIntosh CommentsHi, just proud to be a McIntosh. Not changing my name when I marry either!! Name: william Dorathy Callum McIntosh CommentsHi to steven McIntosh how is your son and hi to The McIntoshs in edzell, steven I do hope your son is better and i still hope to see you and your family at Moy and the agm yours Callum Name: Tom Arnold CommentsAlice E. Mcintosh age 51, living with father William J. Massengale according to 1920 Federal Census Falls City, Richardson County, Nebraska. Also living in household was her daughter Ethel M. Mcintosh Morris and her husband Roy. Ethel was born 1895 in Missouri, Roy about the same time in Virginia. They had a daughter born about 1918, but unable to read the name. Ethel died in 1962 in Nebraska, place unknown. Info? Name: Robert R McIntosh CommentsName: Patrick Evan McIntosh CommentsThank you for this web-site. I have been helping my 8-year old daughter do a school project and you provided great help.. I am a Chief Officer in a fire department here in Southern California. Our fire department has the only Pipes and Drums band of its kind in the State. Visit the web-site at http://ocfapipesanddrums.com Name: maggie peters-mcintosh CommentsMCINTOSH+++++CHARLES BORN Aug. 2, 1833 was my gr. grandfather. desc. of lachlan mcintosh i have info for person seeking name change back to mac and address of person for them to contact. i will be changing to sympatico internet soon so you may have to write me by hand. maggie Name: maggie peters-mcintosh CommentsName: James K. McIntosh CommentsMy gradfather change the name from Mackintosh back in the 1900 to same time in writing or other purposes. So I am able to trace back 4 generation but want more. I have not the time now but have other brothers who can help. Thanks for your help. The family grew up in youngtown OH working the coal mines, after which a general store was opened, best mac Name: Joeine Caffero CommentsResearching "Muskus" from Kankakee,Il. area and Vaicaitis. Name: Joyce McIntosh Armstrong CommentsTo Louis McIntosh Dundee Scotland ina9942 @ btopenworld I saw your post 12/6/2001on the McIntosh site .My email to you was returned. My Grandfather was Alexander McIntosh b 1873 married Georgina Kidd. my grandfather had a book and the name Edna Robertson b Sept 4 1906 is in it. I think his grandmother was Margaret Robertson. My grand mother often talked about a relative Chrissie who had many children. I thought she was my grandmothers sister but have never been able to find out. Does this ring any bells with your family. Name: Joyce McIntosh Armstrong CommentsName: kay Janett Tobin CommentsThank you for this site I am looking for my husband Robin Tobin Robin Mcintosh Name: Nate Rutkowski CommentsI have just recently found out that I am from the MacDonald and McIntosh clans. My grandmother has been the one who always tells me how great Scotland is and about my ancestory. I am only a young student in college here in the states, so I still do not know a whole lot about my lineage, but hopefully with a little help from my grandmother I will be able to trace some more of my family. Name: marjorie peters nee mcintosh Commentsmcintosh-mcintosh-mcintosh SEARCHING FOR INFORMATION ON WILLIAM MCINTOSH BORN MAY 30, 1760 CHARLES SON OF ABOVE WILLIAM CHARLES MCINTOSH SON OF ABOVE BORN AUG. 2, 1833 AS MY E MAIL ADDRESS WILL BE CHANGING I WILL GIVE YOU THE ONE I HAVE NOW WHICH IS mpeters @ xcelco.on.ca or you will have to write me. thanks for any info. maggie. i can fill you in on all the gen. down from charles born aug. 2, 1833. maggie Name: William Dorathy Callum McIntosh CommentsHi Steven from Callum sorry to here that your we boy had Largerhands or Largerhinds disorder or desase , hope is full recovery, ps still hope to see at Moy and the agm Name: William Dorathy Callum McIntosh Commentshi to Steven McIntosh and Family in Kirriemuir and the McIntosh's in Edezle and Lethont. all the Best From William Dorathy Callum ps hope to see at Moy and the agm Name: Alan Jay McIntosh CommentsMy McIntosh Family Tree James (Otis?) McIntosh Marred to Inez McIntosh nee Richardson (who later married Mr. Goodin after James died) Son of James and Inez was Charles Warner McIntosh Marred to Martha (? ) McIntosh nee Dodson Son of Charles and Martha J.W. McIntosh Marred to Helen Ruth McIntosh nee Vagal (called Helen Smith stepfathers name)Son of J.W. and Helen Alan Jay McIntosh (me) Marred Maureen Lillian McIntosh nee Corpac Daughters of Alan and Maureen Brittany Brei McIntosh & Catherine Helen McIntosh I’m trying to find any information about my g grandfather James O. McIntosh and beyond, I’m not sure when or were he was born but his son Charles Warner McIntosh was born around 1873 and lived in Pond Creek Ok. In the 1920 and 30’s hope this info helps someone out there. If we are related drop me an e-mail I’d love to hear from you. Scotland and Clan McIntosh Forever!!! Name: john david mackintosh Commentsyour web site is great half the stuff on it i didnt know myself way to go Name: Becca McIntosh CommentsMy brithday is coming up soon and I really wanted to know more about my heritage and were I belong I am 11 I will really like it if you can help me. Name: Stewart William Walls Mcintosh CommentsName: Sharon W McIntosh CommentsI believe my great grand father John McIntosh migrated to New South Wales, Australia in the 1800's. My father was B L McIntosh and born in Coogee NSW, Australia . I am interested in any news that will put me in touch with this part of my family history. Name: Kimberley A Rice CommentsI just learned that my father's paternal grandmother was a Macintosh and I was intrested in learning more about there history Thanks Kim May 5, 2002 Name: Kathleen Hood (McIntosh) CommentsName: Lyvonne McIntosh Helton CommentsStill searching for info. on 5x grt. grnf. Peter McIntosh B.1754/60 in Glasgow or Aberdeen, Scotland; mar. Margaret Turner N.C. My line: Peter, Samuel, William Banger Bill, Leander, James, Albert, Ruther James, and then myself. We have been told that Peter sailed to U.S. in 1775 on the ship Monima. He was in Virginia and N.C. His son Samuel (my gggg. grnf.) moved to Breathitt Co. KY. and mar. Polly Deweese. Any help would be so much appreciated. Thanks cousins! Name: Marni McIntosh CommentsI really want to find out more about my family so I checked the net and here I am! Name: Brian McIntosh CommentsName: GERALDINE BASTIS (MACRAE) CommentsHOPE TO HEAR FROM PEOPLE LOOKING FOR INFO FROM MELVICH Name: GERALDINE BASTIS (MACRAE) CommentsHOPE TO HEAR FROM LOOKING FOR INFO FROM MELVICH Name: Paula King CommentsI am trying to find the Jim McIntosh Cemetery, in Breathitt co. I am tracing my family tree. Does any one know where I may look. Name: Alan McIntosh Commentsborn of mcintosh derek and mcdonald ellen 1974 macdonald of mcallum and macdonald. Name: Donna Cobb CommentsI have not been to the site since 1997 and wanted to renew my lineage and give y'all my new email address: < dndcobb @ bellsouth.net > If I can fill in any blanks for anyone, send me a post and I'll try! The old < cavers @ sprynet > address is no longer active if you have tried to contact me. I am an archaeologist and recently worked a project in carrollton, Ga. near the McIntosh preserve. I strongy suggest anyone in the south go visit this most beautiful place, either by the website www.mcintoshpreserve.com or in person, just outside of carrollton. The owners/ caretakers are wonderful and it is open all summer! This is where Chief William McIntosh, is buried and they have restored his trading post and hotel. The sping house and other buildings are still intact and restored. Gorgeous place! Across the street is a grave marker where he was shot to death by Menewa's band of rouges who thought he "sold them out" for personal gain, but later Menewa recanted and said it was a huge mistake that he wished he could change. he was shot 36 times and not allowed to be buried until later that night. His Uncle, Georgia's first Governor, Troup, spoke with the president of the US and got financial help for his Creek and White wives. The kids, Chilly and Rorey went out to Oklahoma and their families are still there in McIntosh County. My genealogy: Captain William McIntosh (Scott) & Senozaie Tuskehenehaw (phonetic) (full Creek, Wind Clan and name spelled in ten ways!) William McIntosh (1775-1825)(1/2 Creek) signer of Treaty of Indian Springs & Eliza Grierson (or Grieson) (Full Creek) William Cousins (Chief of Eufali Creeks- ful Creek)) (1800-1876) & Catherine "Kate" McIntosh (1809-1849) (1/2 Creek) Zaf Naf (Zaphania (sp?) Payne Turner(1824-1893)(1/2 Creek) & Sarah Ann Cousins Turner (1826-1897)(3/4 Creek) George Washington Williams (1838-1939) (1/2 Creek) & Louisa Ann Turner Williams (1863-1944) (1/2 Creek) Samuel Brown (no date, no clue) & Fay Bell Williams (1906-1993) (Docketed Creek and member of Friendly Creek wich became the Poarch Creek in Alabama; spoke MvsKoke but did not allow children to; sold land allotment in early 1970's; Aunt Teresa sold, but Jimmie did not) Jimmie Ray Brown (1938-)(3/4 Creek) & Janet Marie Humin (1943-) (Irish) Donna Louise Brown (1963-) (~1/4-1/3) Creek & Daniel E. Cobb (1962-) (1/4 Cherokee) Name: Stuart Ritchie CommentsName: Linda Macintosh CommentsName: JOHN THOMAS McINTOSH CommentsHELLO JUST WANTING TO SAY HI TO ALL Name: Tricia McIntosh CommentsName: James Gordon Mackintosh CommentsOriginally from the Easter Ross (Alness/Evanton) area of the Highlands where a lot of my family still live. Name: Joseph Peters CommentsI am looking for any info on my Great Grandmother Lydie MacIntosh. Who may have changed her name to Lydie Tosh when living in the USA. She Married my Great Grandfather William Cook. And had at least one son Leonard Cook. Please send me any information that you might have on her, thank you. Name: Betty CommentsI am looking for George Washington McIntosh, born in Virginia in 1843. Died in Missouri in 1882. If any one knows of my great grandfather please e-mail me. Thank you. Name: Kevin Blain McIntosh CommentsGreat Great grandfather Hugh McIntosh,and Great grandfather James McIntosh both from Nokomis, Saskatchewan. Grandfather Donald Vern McIntosh. Father George Ray McIntosh, who married Bella Lefebvre. They had four children Priscilla Lynn, Jeffrey Earl, Wendy Mae, and myself, Kevin Blain McIntosh all from Cold Lake Alberta. Name: Lynne MacIntosh CommentsI just found your site. I plan to be back for a better look. Thanks you. Name: George Ray McIntosh CommentsGreat grandfather Hugh McIntosh came from Owen Sound, Ontario in late 1800's. He settled in Nokomis, Saskatchewan. James McIntosh and wife Olive (Doan) McIntosh, my grandparents, had four children, three of whom lived full lives. My father Donald Vern, and his two sisters Famie and Jean. Donald Vern McIntosh married Eva Marie Grice, who had three boys, James, Donald, and George(myself). Name: Sandra Estelle Paton Hill CommentsThis ia a wonderful site to look into and just try to find a hope that you can find a long lost relative.Jessie Tainsh Paton then 27 and her husband Alexander Paton Sr.29 along with their son Alexander Jr. then almost 5 left Alva, Clackmannanshire,Scotland for the U.S.A. in 1911 leaving from Glasgow aboard the ship Furnessia and arrived in New York May 1,1911. They settled first in a coal mining town in Pa. called Lansford andlater moved 1 mile on top of the hill called Summit Hill and remained there until all were taken by the lord.Both father and son were deep coal miners in the area coal fields. Hopefully some relative will get in touch with me from over that way as my tracing of their life ends in their sailing from Glasgow. I know my grandmother had several brothers and I thnk a sister or 2. A niece lived around the Alva area and her name was Jessie Tainsh a post mistress married to a Morrison (may have been William) they had 2daughters one named Kay. I hope that if someone sees this and can help in any way I would be most grateful for information to make a complete history of their life before the U.S.A. I know when I was a small child my grandmother wuld talk some of her trip over here and said she was sea sick all the way and when she got off that ship she said this is my home now because I could never go back.It must hae been a terrible trip for many folks that had to have seasickness on the voyage.E-mail Sandra60 @ webtv.net Name: Dean Michael Niven CommentsMy Grandfather David Niven came to Australia from Scotland as a young boy. Name: john neil Mcintosh Commentswhat about a 2002 reunion? may be I could bring some real "drinks" Name: Fiona Mcintosh CommentsI was born in glasgow in scotland if you had the least bit of scottish in you you would know where thats located!!!!!! Name: Robert Macintosh CommentsName: William & Dorathy & Callum McIntosh Commentshello to all the McIntosh ancestors in Austraila south Africa America Cannada newzeland Scotland from Bill Dorathy and Callum Name: William Dorathy Callum McIntosh Commentshello to all the Mcintosh ancestors in south Africa Cannada & America & Scotland from Bill Dorathy Callum Name: Linda Christina Hughes CommentsI am doing my family tree and my family of McIntosh's and Ramsay's come from Dufftown in Scotland if there are any relations out there can you get in touch as I know we have connections in New Z ealand on the McIntosh side. Thanks Name: Linda Christina McIntosh CommentsName: Thomas Bernatis CommentsMy great grandmother Jean Watson was origionally a MacIntosh. She had come over from Scotland in 1912 and was one of the last of her immediate family to arrive here in the states. We still use her recepie for short bread cookies. Name: Timothy Neil McIntosh CommentsThe only relatives that I know of are my father and grandfather.They are from Liveoak,Fl. Name: Margaret MacIntosh CommentsFamily home is in Cape Wrath , Scotland where some of our family still live. Name: Doug Phillips CommentsMy mothers father's name was James Alexander McIntosh born Oct 24,1883 in Aberdeen Scotland as far as I know. He married Agnes Georgina Sinclair who was born July 29,1885 in Peterhead Scotland.They had 6 children.I am looking for any history of our family in Scotland. Name: Dave Linn CommentsLooking for ancestors of Peter McIntosh, married Jessie Mitchell in Alyth Scotland on 3/31/1882. Immigrated around 1885 to Cherokee County, Iowa, USA. Name: David Proper CommentsMy fathers mother is Edna McIntosh b.1902d.1955 I do not have any info on her AT ALL. she could have lived in either Pittsfield, MA, Columbia County-Hillsdale, NY, Rome, NY or surrounding areas. I dont know her parents name or if she had brothers or sisters. I really need help on this one as I have searched both sides of my parents and there is a big hole where my grandmother is on the family tree! Please Help anyone have ideas??? Name: David Proper CommentsName: Boyd Hartman Comments1927 Obit: Susan McIntosh passed away at age of 91 years. She was born Susan Peck near Toronto, Canada March 8, 1835 and died at Harlem, Montana Jan 17, 1927. At age 27 she married Gilbert McIntosh. They had six children: James of Houghton Lake , MI; Edward and Fred of Chinook, MT; Daniel of Orlando, Fl; and Emma Lighthall of Harlem, MT. Eight Grandchildren…….Charles and Harry McIntosh of Houghton Lake, MI and Ms. Lettie Holman of Chicago. Any information on any of these persons would be greatly appreciated. I am the gggrandchild of Susan and Gilbert. Email me at boydhart @ worldnet.att.net Thank you for a great website. Name: Shirley Wharton CommentsMy grandfather was Earl Don McIntosh,he married Ethel Cora Metheney.They lived in Texas and had 6 children,Mary Elizabeth, Nellie Etta,Eudene aand Earlene(twins),Lillian Molly and Lonnie Richard Mcintosh.My mother was Nellie Etta. Do we have any relatives out there? They lived in the Ellis and Hill County areas. Name: Scott Edington CommentsMy father was adopted by Frederick Richard Edington, born in Bombay,India, but he (my father) was a Scotish Glendye (Stuart Scott Glendye), which is part of Clan MacIntosh, as I understand. Name: Scott Glendye CommentsName: Callum McIntosh Commentsthis is a great site and please could any Mcintoshs from Kirriemuir in the states get in touch with us yours Callum Name: shirley juneau CommentsMy mother was born in Dundee, Scotland daughter of Dave & Elizabeth McIntosh they left scotland when my mother was about 5 years of age and came to Montreal, Canada she married Harold Aspin and had 7 children. |