Clan McIntosh |
Name: Bill McIntosh CommentsI am actively searching for information on my family. My father was Roy E. McIntosh Jr. from Russellville, KY as was his father. I would appreciate any help I can get. Thanks, Bill McIntosh Name: Robert Bruce McIntosh CommentsFamily is from Bellshill, Inchinnan, Bridge of Weir. My aunt (Elizabeth McIntosh) is a Councillor in Glasgow. I was a member of the '95 and '96 World Pipe Band Champions, Simon Fraser University Pipe Band. Most of us are now in North America ( Vancouver, Oregon, California). Name: Tara Jayne McIntosh CommentsName: William McIntosh Dorathy McIntosh & Callum McIntosh CommentsHello to all and Happy Christmas and a Happy Newyear Name: Keith McIntosh CommentsI have just discovered this great site, My father Peter McIntosh came from the Nairn / Inverness area. After leaving the Army the family moved in 1950 to Chorley, Lancashire, England. Name: Eric Chapman MacIntosh CommentsName: Debra CommentsMy Mc Intosh family are traced back to Inverness Scotland with Donald Mc Intosh born in 1818 who had a son Duncan Mc Intosh. This branch is now in Australia Name: Kris Thornton CommentsMy mother is a Glen. We know that Alexander Glen (many times Great Grandfather) was of Clan McIntosh and that he left Scotland from Glasgow. Am just beginning a search for ancestors. Name: Matthew Scott McIntosh CommentsName: Terry Davidson CommentsWondering whether anyone can help me! I am writing the biography of an Australian, Joseph Anderson Panton,(1831-1913) who married an Eleanor Margaret Fulton, daughter of a Col. John Fulton (Bengal Native Infantry). So what has this got to do with your McIntosh guestbook, I hear you ask? Well, there is a photo in the library collection here in Melbourne which indicates that the family "seat" was Moy Hall in Inverness-shire. Now, I realize from the net that this is the McIntosh seat so where might the Fulton's fit in? Eleanor was married in 1860 so the Colonel would presumably have been middle-aged at about that time. I would like to be able to make contact with any descendants of this Fulton family to see if they have any personal letters from Eleanor concerning her marriage and her time in Australia. Any information would be appreciated. Please email Terry Davidson on tands2 @ dodo.com.au Name: Karen CommentsMerry Christmas to all the MackIntosh's/ McIntosh's overseas and all the decendants of those who came to America. While America struggles with those who have tried to strike terror in our hearts by attacking the innocent, I am also reminded of those who struck terror in the Scottish hearts of those innocent people who were slaughtered hundreds of years ago.Unity is the only solution to those who try to destroy a family, whether it be a country or a people. God Bless all the MackIntosh's and all the clans associated with, and God Bless America. Pray for justice and the preservation of freedom.... Name: robert mcintosh CommentsName: Graham McIntosh CommentsName: Dawn Nosaty (Macintosh) CommentsMy great grandfather was Alex Macintosh born May 2/1852 in Bowling, Scotland. He married Mary McGown who was born Jan.22/1870,also from Bowling, Scotland. My great grandfathers father was Donald Macintosh and his wife was Margaret Tainsh. Trying to find out all I can about the clan! Any information would be appreciated! Name: John F. McIntosh Commentsggrandfather Duncan Stewart once owned the corner of portage and main in Winnipeg until he lost it in a poker game. Name: Margaret (peggy)McIntosh CommentsName: Carol McIntosh CommentsMy husbands grandfather came from Scotland when he was a small child......We know that there are still some of his relatives that are still there.But where we donot know.We would love to find out how to go about finding these people. Name: Mark Smithson Commentsmo chairde, Good health and long life to the Chief of the great clan Macintosh. Name: James McIntosh CommentsGood to see a website with info on the McIntosh Clan. Name: LOUIE M MCINTOSH CommentsName: Donald B. McIntosh CommentsName: Christopher Mackintosh CommentsHi just found this great site and would like to contribute and hear from people around the world with the same name to see if we have any ties,my fathers name Donald Andrew John Mackintosh was born in Penicuik Edinburgh Scotland 1929 he is from the clan MACKINTOSH,TOUCH.NOT.THE.CAT.BOT.A.GLOVE-Personal arms of MACKINTOSH of MACKINTOSH. Name: James R. McIntosh CommentsPlease send me information. --Jmc Name: Louis Fearns Mcintosh CommentsHI FROM lOUIS MCINTOSH, BORN IN DUDDEE 1941,I 1AM from 11 off a family and i am the seventh child, fathers name(EDWARD) MOTHERS CHRISTINA (NEE) ROBERTSON INTERESTED IN ANY ONE WHO THINKS THEY MAY BE RELATED, MY FATHER ALSO CAME FROM A BIG FAMIL, AND WAS THE TWELVE SON AND HAD ELEVEN BROTHERS AND ONE SISTER PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS THANKS Name: Karen CommentsI have just recently found out Iam McIntosh decendant, so please do not think I am silly for asking this..whew I need a Scottish dictionary..what in the world does "Loch Moigh"mean, and as I have read on previous postings, why would a man go around yelling it? and what is "haggis/hagus(sp?)" thankyou,Im just trying to learn more...sincerely, gggrandaughter of Joseph and Catherine(Welch)McIntosh. Name: Heather McIntosh CommentsName: Linda Letcher CommentsI am gr-gr-gr-gr-great granddaughter of Absalom and Rachel Haddix McIntosh from Breathitt County Kentucky. I like to know abou them. Name: Karen Dempsey CommentsI am decendant of Josheph McIntosh(b.1837) and Catherine Welch,married 1859 in Ill.Joseph was son of Nicademus McIntosh/MackIntosh(born in PA) and brother to Ambrose Amaziah,Benjamin,and James.All lived in the Ohio/Ill area in 1850's on.Would like to trace to Scottish roots, Nicademus' ancestors..parents?brothers? I love this site, and am so proud of my ancestry, and fascinated with the McIntosh clan history, as I have just found my gggrandfather was not only a McIntosh but he and his brother served in the civil war. I am passionatly reading anything about Scotland and the clans and the history of all,I hope I can trace Nicademus'ancestors back to Scotland or England. Name: jackie douglas mcintosh Commentsneed to find family pre-civil war in Indiana. 1835 moved Kentucky. Name: David Allen Deans CommentsI wish to know alot more about my Scottish Heratige and find out about my Great grandfather who was an American Immagrant from Westhouses Scottland. I have learned a bit about the Chattan Clans history and but would like to know more, especially about the history of the Deans and the origin of how and when Dean came to mean educator. I understand that the Deans were the child care givers and teachers for the MacIntosh rulers so many hundreds of years ago. In America we only get black and Hispanic history. It's been quite difficult to find authoritative sources on thousand year old Scottish history relating to the Chattan Clan. Any Ideas or direction would be appreciated. For example where would I write for 150 year old birth records birth records for Westhouses near Edinbourough. Where did the extra S come from in Deans, and what part of Scotland is the DEan bridge in? Thankyou. Name: martin johnson CommentsI have begun a trail from my great grandparents, Jefferson Crawford (or originally Crofford) and Georgia Lee Treadwell. Georgia Lee's grandmother was Ruth Sarah McIntosh (1835-1919). Name: Cindy Collis CommentsIsabelle or Elizabeth was born July 12th, 1829 in Glosglow? Scottland she was 19 years old when her family migrated to the U.S.A. She meet George Collis in St. Louis MO they were married there than movie up north to Cleveland Illinois. I would like to find out who her parents and siblings where. Name: Blake McIntosh CommentsName: Edward Angus McIntosh CommentsIam trying to find my roots, because my mother passed away without telling me anything of our past. Name: Ledtkey Ronnie McIntosh, Jr. CommentsHello all! I'm a direct descendent of Chief William McIntosh. I know most of my Native American genealogy but would love to know more about my roots. Any and all information will be welcome. Name: Terry McIntosh CommentsTo Liam McIntosh--Surrey, England I am searching for descendants of a tailor in Saint Savior, Surrey, in 1854, a John McIntosh and wife Mary Forsyth. The family lived in Surrey for 20 yrs. and then returned to Glasgow. Name: Liam McIntosh CommentsI'm 11 at the moment and came to this website when i was looking up my name for a R.E project. I will tell you what I GOT FOR IT WHEN I GET MY RESULTS it was really interesting reading about though and finding out about my ancestors. Name: Donald Bain Mackintosh II CommentsI look forward to checking out this website and trying to find out more about my ancestors. Name: Ian Hallam CommentsName: Aliya McIntsh CommentsName: Brian E. McIntosh CommentsWill be spending more time at this web site in trying to become more familiar with the entire clan. Thank you for all of the time spent putting this together. Name: Melissa M. McIntosh CommentsName: Robert R Mcintosh CommentsI am looking into my family history, my mother (Elizabeth nee Logan) came from Paisley in Scotland. My father, also named Robert Robertson McIntosh came from Glasgow, Scotland. If there is anybody that knows them or has any information concerning their ancestors I would appreciate it. Name: Wlliam & Dorathy & Callum McIntosh Commentshi paige nixon from Callum your great nephew is the chief of the Clan today please feel free to get in touch with him he still lives at moy most of time and yaer,also I think I might be a ancestor of the original chiefs of the Clan MacKintosh /McIntosh Name: Paige Nix CommentsI was looking for my family's history. Laclin McIntosh is one of my dad's ancestors, so I was looking for Laclin's grandson Chief William McIntosh. Most of my dad's family lives in or near Darien (where the Scottish settled), because that is where they came from. Name: Sarah Malalla CommentsMy mother is Beverley McIntosh and was raised in Dingwall! Her father was Maxwell McIntosh! I was so glad to find this site and would love to know who out there knows my mother! If you do then please write to me! I have not been to Scotland in about 12 years and would love to catch up with my family! Especially my cousins Bruce and Gordon McIntosh who are living in Milnathort! Take care and stay strong all you Mc's out there! Touch not the cat bot a glove!! Name: Tara McIntosh Commentsi did not there were so many of us!!!! Name: Tara McIntosh CommentsName: Marjorie McIntosh CommentsI love my peoples! Just trying to locate people and find out more about myself. Name: Marjorie McIntosh CommentsI love my peoples! Just trying to locate people and find out more about myself. Name: Anthony C. McIntosh Commentswas just wondering how to go about finding my family's history Name: william camerlin mcintosh Commentslooking for more info. gggrandfather was Alexander McIntosh born 12 jan 1827 in brora, sutherlandshire, parish of clyne, scotland. died 11 mar 1892. reared in st. thomas, elgin county , ontario, canada. married margery douglas 22 feb 1853. born 30 sep 1834 died 15 apr 1904 on concession 8, enniskillon township (in son's((alexander)) house) had 10 children-isabella born 1854 who married william harrison resided sault st. marie, ont-james (my ggrandfather)born 1856, married miss lavina peacock of middlesex county, resided on concession 6, enniskillon township, he died 1899--had 5 children-george born 14 mar 1858, near st thomas, elgin county, was well to do farmer on concession 6, lot 30 enniskillon township, lambton county, ont.married sarah evans.-alexander born 1860 married ellen boscock, was a contractor and builder on lake muskegon, 4 kids-margery born 1863 married john francis, foreman on the railroad at st thomas, 2 kids-john, born 1867, died in his youth-mary, born 1970, married donald campbell on concession 7 enniskillon township, 1 kid-charlotte born 1873 married burton print resided sault st marie on the canadian side, 3 kids-william noble born 1876 , was married, lived at sault st maire on the ameerican side-jennie born 1879-------------would really like to connect to the scotland side in Brora. thank you Name: Alicia CommentsName: Ethan Stringfellow (MacKintosh) CommentsMy grandmother's maiden name is Macintosh, so we researched it, and i am in this clan......if theres any way to send me a picture of our tartan, it would be greatly appreciated...im thinking about our crest as my second tattoo....................thanks, and god Bless the Macintoshes Name: Andrew Thomas McIntosh CommentsHey Family, I dont know anything about my family but I want to find out. I am the son of Thomas McIntosh, son of Earl McIntosh. I know my Great grandad was a construction co. owner in Michigan and he may have come from europe, my great great granddad did for sure. Would love to hear from anyone. Please subject: McIntosh so I dont delete it as trash. Andrew Name: Geraldine Kulpa Oliver (Ollivierre) CommentsI have bookmarked your site for further investigation as I am a decendant of the McIntosh's through marriage to a direct decendant Laura Wallace. I am not actually a member of either clan personally, but by decendants. My cousin Stanley Wallace of Florida, USA is still active in the Wallace Clan activities where he lives. Nice to meet you. Name: Forbes Daniel McIntosh CommentsI am happy to see web sites such as these promoting the clan Mackintosh heritage. Name: Patricia Hastings Rogers (nee McIntosh) CommentsLooking for family of my father Louie McIntosh He married my mother Jeanie in Fraserborough in 1943 my Father & his Father also known as Louie resided at the "Haining" in Plocton I was in contact for a period but unfortunately circumstances beyond my control ie health lost touch now many years later I would love to find you all again. We are from around the Kyles-of Lochalsh in the west coast of Scotland I hope you will contact me Name: Janine McIntosh CommentsThere has been a story passed down through my family that our branch of the McIntosh's went to England in support of Bonnie Prince Charlie, and "liked it so much" they didn't return to Scotland. Can anyone out there enlighten me or fill in some facts about this? We're having a difficult time linking our Manchester McIntosh's back to our Scottish ones (Isle of Skye I believe). We have a John McIntosh b 1865 in Middlesex, London, and m 1888 in Broughton, Lancaster. He was the son of John McIntosh, b?, and Elizabeth, b? Edinburgh. He had a sister Sarah McIntosh b abt 1867 in Salford, Manchester. Have so far been unable to find any further records. Any leads or more stories about the McIntosh Clan support of Bonnie Prince Charlie would be greatly appreciated. Janine Name: Ryan McIntosh Commentsvery nice site Name: ALLEN McINTOSH CommentsMY FAMILY ORIGINATE FROM THE DUNFERMLINE AREA OF FIFE, I AM PESENTLY RESEARCHING MY FAMILY HISTORY AND WOULD BE KEEN TO TALK TO ANYONE WHO CAN HELP OR I CAN HELP THEM. I CURRENTLY RESIDE IN DENNYLOANHEAD, NR GLASGOW, SCOTLAND. I LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING FROM ANY McINTOSH'S OR RELATIVES. Name: Stuart McIntosh CommentsHi all, It's good to see all the family out there and keeping in contact. I'v just moved to australia so would welcome any Australian McIntoshes to get in contact. Yours aye Stuart Name: Andrea McIntosh CommentsName: dave mcintosh Commentsfather and grandfather were both born in northern ireland, the family chat says that this branch came from aberdeen with greatgrandfather going to ireland with his new bride. Name: Debbie Fazekas-MacLean CommentsI am wondering if anyone has ever heard of "Little" Dan MacIntosh, I have reason to believe that he possibly was from the Northside East bay area in Cape Breton Nova Scotia.He would be my great grand father ,he married Red Kate MacNeil ,they had 7 children .This is all I know about him.I would appreciate any information if anyone has any. Name: Debbie Fazekas-MacLean CommentsI am wondering if anyone has ever heard of "Little" Dan MacIntosh, I have reason to beleive that he possably was from the Northside East bay area in Cape Breton Nova Scotia.He would be my great grand father ,he married Red Kate MacNeil ,they had 7 children .This is all I know about him.I would appreciate any information if anyone has any. Name: Debbie Fazekas-MacLean CommentsI am wondering if anyone has ever heard of "Little" Dan MacIntosh, I have reason to believe that he possibly was from the Northside East bay area in Cape Breton Nova Scotia.He would be my great grand father ,he married Red Kate MacNeil ,they had 7 children .This is all I know about him. I would appreciate any information if anyone has any. Name: Tina Fuller CommentsMy great great great grandfather's name was Neddy McIntosh. He had a daughter named Elizabeth McIntosh born 25 April 1856. They lived in Breathitt County Ky. That is all I know except that I have always felt a connection with anything Scottish. Name: Patricia Jones CommentsThis is a Great sight. Im looking for a connection to Peter McIntosh, Born in 1764 in Glsaglow Scotland. Came to the north American Colonies. IM not sure when.Married a Margaret Turner Born abt.1760,and settled in Russell County Virginia.Children were, Margaret McIntosh B-1799 William Mcintosh B-1790 Samuel McIntosh B-1787 Joseph McIntosh B- 1792 James McIntosh B- 1795 Tabitha McIntosh abt. 1797 Nimrod McIntosh B- 1801 Mary McIntosh ? John McIntosh B- 1792 If there is anyone out there with any information on this family I would love to here from you. My E-Mail is Patricia2741 @ aol.com Thanks Name: Scott J McIntosh Commentsthe site was very informative i gained a lot more knowledge of my clan's history. Name: Callum McIntosh CommentsHello to all the McIntosh ancestors that got in touch sofar and maybe there still some that will get touch with dad mum and I Name: Callum McIntosh Commentshello Mcintosh to all the McIntosh ancestors that have got intoch sofar and maybe there are still some that will get in touch with dad mum and I Name: SCOTT T. EASON Commentsjust found out that I am part of this clan via my family sept of Eason. Welcome any and all responses. Name: Dennis Holden CommentsI don;t know my affiliation, only my Great Grand Mother was Ophilia Mc Intosh and I would like to know more. Thankyou Name: Robert B. McIntosh CommentsThe correct date is October 27, 2001 Name: Stanley Russell Moye CommentsI am searching for information on Hans Moy Name: Keith McIntosh CommentsHas anybody taken a real close look at the clan crest? I think it actually realy neat piece of work. I've had it tattooed on my left arm and it lookes even better than the original. Does anyone have any more information about the clan crest? If so, please post it in the guest book, or e-mail direct to me. Or if you want I can e-mail anyone a photo of my tattoo! It is on my arm, honest! Name: Charles (Chas) Macintosh CommentsMy grandparents, Charles and Jean (Jane) moved from Kirriemuir to Edinburgh, so hello to all the Kirrie Macs, also to those who moved to the states. Love to hear from any relatives! Name: Willim Dorathy/Dorothy Callum McIntosh Commentshello to all the McIntoshs in the states including the ones from Kirriemuir that are there Name: Malcolm French CommentsMy mother Beryl McIntosh is the daughter of Henry McIntosh (born Aust 1880), son of Frances McIntosh (born Aust), son of James McIntosh arrived Melbourne 1854, Ship Duchess of Northumberland. Name: William Dowinn Clark Jr. CommentsHi. Long Live all things Scottish!!! So I need help, We have traced the family history back to Sam Elder at about 1780 he married Martha he had to kids William and Samuel at this time the Elders go to Ireland. I hope some one out there can help me find everything before the Elders go to Ireland. Thank You very much (a lost Clark in Europe.) Name: Stuart J McIntosh CommentsHello i would like any information on my family that anyone might have.My g.grandparents were Charles John McIntosh, born 27/1/1882 at Castle Corgarff, Strathdon & Mina Henry Thomson, of Montrose.My g.g.grandparents were Charles MacIntosh, born in St. Nicholas,(Aberdeen) born around 1853 & Jessie Hay, born in Strathdon around the same time.If anyone knows any additional information please e-mail me at plmcbride @ eircom.net Thank you Name: Murray John Friar CommentsValma Friar, nee McIntosh, was the daughter of Fredick Duncan McIntosh born 11 September 1923, Gisborne, New Zealand. Fredrick McIntosh was the son of Lachlan McIntosh, born 2 April 1897, Makaraka, New Zealand. Lachlan McIntosh was born in somewhere in Scotland. I hope this is of some use to McIntosh genealogists out there. Name: ROBERT BRUCE McINTOSH CommentsI AM A DESENDENT OF JOHN McINTOSH WHO ARRIVED ON THE "ANNABELLA" WHICH WAS SHIPWRECKED OFF THE COAST OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND IN NOVEMBER OF 1770. Name: ROBERT BRUCE McINTOSH CommentsName: Peter John Mc Intosh CommentsName: Joshua Cromwell McIntosh CommentsI have been working for some time to establish a genealogy following my family back to Scotland. If anyone is related to or has information about a William Cromwell McIntosh or a Walter McIntosh in the New England area namely Albany or Buffalo NY, mid 1800's. Thanks. Name: Yvette McIntosh CommentsName: Eugene F McIntosh JR CommentsName: Rebecca McIntosh CommentsI really want to find out if I have a heritage though I am 11 year's old I would really love to hear anyone who is related to Robert McIntosh who has a son & a daughter. Name: Ginny McIntosh CommentsHello Everyone! ~ my name is Ginny (may) McIntosh. I don't know all of my Scottish heritage well enough to clearly state it. Although if anyone would like to help me, it would be appreciated and free at will to do so. I would hope to meet some descendants of "myself". I know that one of my ancestors is Laughley McIntosh. If that helps any. I'm 14. So If there are any "young" McIntoshes that would like to be in E-mail contact or even snail mail contact with me, I would also appreciate that also. Ginny Name: M.PETERS[MCINTOSH] CommentsMCINTOSH=========CHARLES BORN DEC. 21, 1833 ALVIE,COUNTY OF INVERNESS SCOTLAND MARRIED TO MAY FORBES DOES ANYONE HAVE INFORMATION ON THIS PERSONS ANCESTORS CAME TO CANADA IN 1848 I HAVE WRITTEN A GENEALOGY OF THE MCINTOSH FAMILIES ACROSS CANADA WITH THEIR GENEALOGY AND NEED MORE INFORMATION ON THIS ONE. Name: McIntosh CommentsTrying to look in to my roots and trace the heritage. Looking for ancestry dating back to Scotland. Name: Kris Adamson CommentsThis web site gave me a lot of information about my clan Name: Sarah Craik CommentsI am searching for my Scottish roots. I know that my name came from the Scottish Craerick or Crarick. I am a descendant of James Craik who was the first Surgeon General of the U.S.A. and a close friend of George Washington. If anyone knows where I might be able to find more information, please let me know. Name: GERALD F. RITCHIE CommentsDIDN'T KNOW I WAS SCOTTISH, NO WONDER I LIKE PLAID SHIRTS. Name: Ann Lemmon CommentsLooking for GGrandmothers family, her name was Anna Mary McIntosh or Annamary McIntosh. Any help would be great. She married my GGrandfather Robert Green on May 15th.,1872 in Lincoln County, MO. I do not know her birth date, date of death was 01-01-1918. Had a son by a previous marriage named William Hamilton Baldwin. Name: Matthew McIntosh CommentsGrandparents lived in Dunblane - other relatives near Stirling - are any of you still out there? Name: Matthew McIntosh CommentsGrandparents lived in Dunblane - other relatives near Stirling - are any of you still out there? Name: Matthew McIntosh CommentsName: Matthew McIntosh CommentsName: Rachael Wentworth CommentsName: Jim McIntosh CommentsName: Craig and Carole McIntosh CommentsJust updating as e mail address has changed since last entry Name: tyler foster CommentsName: Linda Story CommentsI am trying to research the ancestors of my great great grandfather; Nelson Kindred MCINTOSH b. 7 Jul 1856 in Kentucky - d. 12 Jan 1925. Nelson married Abigail Rogers. Has anyone possibly seen these names in their research or have them in their family trees? This is a great site! Name: Teri King CommentsI am looking for ancestors of my Great grandfathers. His name was Harold MacIntosh. He was born in Wisconson and died in Washington. He spent most of his life there. I have only been able to trace as far back as Daniel McIntosh the second. He was born in Wells, Rutland, Vermont in 1737 or 38. He died there on 26 August 1794. If any one has any further information the they could pass to me I would really appreciate it. Thanks for your time, Teri Name: Carol Alexander Russell CommentsName: Jennifer CommentsOkay, I am trying to do research on my McIntosh family. My g-grandmother was Lena McIntosh of Georgia. She married a Raymond Harvell. Her father was a Wallace McIntosh and her mother was Ettie Powers. (Wallace could possible be a middle name) Wallace's father was a Thomas McIntosh. This information was obtained in my family Bible. And this is all I have. If anyone knows anything about any of these people, PLEASE e-mail me. Thanks. Jennifer |