Clan McIntosh |
Name: Heather Willis CommentsI am researching my family tree and have found I am related to a Robert MacKintosh who lived in Virginia in the late 1600's/early 1700's. I am wondering if anyone else can trace their ancestry to him, and if anyone has traced it back beyond that and found the family's origins in Scotland. Name: Bill McIntosh CommentsName: Deni CommentsLooking for information on GEORGE MCINTOSH (c.1768- c.1865), wealthy merchant in Norfolk, Virginia. Sons were Captain Charles F. and John McIntosh. George had a plantation in nearby Princess Anne County. He was associated with this area's prominent Calvert and Walke families, by marriage. Name: Charles Hosick CommentsI saw the Hosick nane here and would like any information anyone might have Thanks--Chuck Name: Charles Hosick CommentsI saw the Hosick nane here and would like any information anyone might have Thanks--Chuck Name: Duncan Glen & Joanne Helen McIntosh CommentsHello! Just logging on through interest - having a look out of general curiosity. We are the siblings of James Ian McIntosh (born in Hazel Grove, Stockport) and Pamela Jean nee Getty (family from Paisley, Scotland.) Any one who knows us/the family, please contact us. Our dad has been researching the family tree for a while now and has got back to 1740. Cheers, Duncan & Jo Name: Duncan Glen & Joanne Helen McIntosh CommentsHello! Just logging on through interest - having a look out of general curiosity. We are the siblings of James Ian McIntosh (born in Hazel Grove, Stockport) and Pamela Jean nee Getty (family from Paisley, Scotland.) Any one who knows us/the family, please contact us. Our dad has been researching the family tree for a while now and has got back to 1740. Cheers, Duncan & Jo Name: William Dorothy & Callum McIntosh CommentsHi mike Name: William Dorothy & Callum McIntosh CommentsHi mike Name: William Dorothy & Callum McIntosh CommentsHi mike Name: McIntosh, Howard CommentsHave family tree going back to Aaron McIntosh, Lt Federal army, Civil War there are some ommissions and errors any help to correct would be eagerly appreciated. I, myself, was born in Mercer, Missouri, 30 August 1927 to Wiulliam Howard McIntosh and Felma Perry (Livick), GFather Thomas Abner @ Neelie May (Alley) of Mercer. Waiting to hear from someone out there. Also need information on A James McIntosh, New Roads, La, Jamesis son of James Harley McIntosh (Deceased) Name: Carson Lee McIntosh CommentsI'm using site for Autobiography. Name: Carson Lee McIntosh CommentsName: Ruth B.Wessling CommentsMy Great great grandfather was William McIntosh born about 1820 in North Carolina he came he lived in Live Oak Co. Texas from 1850's until sometime in the 1860's on the McIntosh Ranch on Ramirena creek Live Oak County,Tx. He married Lavinia Jones they had 8 children. Neal,William,Margaret,Ruby Jane (my great grandmother}, Samuel, John Jackson, and Alexander and Nancy. Does this qualify one to be a member of the McIntosh clan. Name: ANDREW McINTOSH CommentsLOOKING TO TRACE ANCESTORS Name: Colin Crabb CommentsJust started tracing the family background this week and good to come across websites like this. Great grandfather was a Robert McIntosh b1862 d 1949 married to a Sara Jane Essenigh (sp ?). They apparently emigrated from Glenshee, Scotland. Had the pleasure of spending a few days up in the Loche area a few years back - sure is beautiful - anyone who hasnt done it ought to. Name: Stephen McIntosh CommentsName: Stephen McIntosh CommentsName: Douglas Blair McIntosh CommentsJames Hyland McIntosh, grand father, Toronto ON, (1922). Garry Edward McIntosh, father, Waterloo ON, 18-May-1944. Glen Edward McIntosh, brother, Calgary AB, 2-Aug-1962. Douglas Blair McIntosh, myself, Waterloo ON, 16-Nov-1969. Douglas Jackson McIntosh, son, Waterloo 13-Jun-1996. Name: Daren McIntosh CommentsName: Barbara A. McIntosh Ho CommentsJust found your site; hoping it will help me find my ancestory! I want to thank you all for this site!!! Name: Beth McSweeney CommentsMy g-grandmother was a Ritchie. I have some genealogical info, and would be willing to share if there are any connections out there. Name: Beth McSweeney CommentsName: Pamela D. McIntosh CommentsI am a female adoptee born on July 24, 1965 in Akron Ohio, Summit County. My birthmother named me Pamela D. McIntosh. She was 18, 5 ft 2, blond and blue eyes. She gave me up for adoption at 2 months old. My birthfather was 6 ft, blond, blue eyes and a basketball player. They were not married so McIntosh was my birthmother's biological name. My bmother's father died when she was just 5 weeks old. He would of died in 1946 or 1947. She never told her father's family about being pregnant so none of the McIntosh side of my birthfamily even know I exist. This makes me sad. I have searched for 8 long years and I am hoping that one of my many hundreds of messages I have sent out will someday pay off and someone will contact me that is of my biological heritage. I am proud to be a McIntosh and I am very interested in learning about my family history. I do not know where my birthparents were from and this has made my journey a long and exhausting experience but I will never stop searching. I have so many poems I have wrote for my birthmother, by the time I find her, I should have an entire book published! If anyone thinks I may be a birth relative or any of this info sounds familiar to you, please e-mail me at lbailey @ adamswells.com Anyone that knows of a female McIntosh that was born in 1946 or 1947 in any state or a male McIntosh that died in 1946 or 1947, would appreciate your kindess in assisting me in my search. Thank you so much! God Bless Lori Smith Bailey (Pamela D. McIntosh) Name: Lawrence J McIntosh CommentsMy father came south after WW 2. He was George David McIntosh born 15 feb 1923. He died 13 Jan 93, before I could say goodbye. A great man,a loving Father and Grandfather to us all. My grandfather and Grandmother lived in Pasiley near Glasgow.His Uncle moved to Canada after WW 1. Name: jean watson CommentsDonald came with his brothers john, james, alexander and adam campbell to canada in 1856 from ther they came to baycity mich. donalds son william was the father of my great grandfather william donald HAVE INFORMATION TO SHARE Name: jean watson CommentsDonald came with his brothers john, james, alexander and adam campbell to canada in 1856 from ther they came to baycity mich. donalds son william was the father of my great grandfather william donald HAVE INFORMATION TO SHARE Name: Sharyn McIntosh-Brogger CommentsName: Colin McIntosh Commentsoriginally from Bo'ness in Scotland Name: Sandy McIntosh CommentsName: Gregory Martin Mackintosh CommentsName: Donna CommentsHi everyone, This may seem like a strange request but here goes. Just this past November I lost my mother Mary Jane McIntosh to cancer. It was at her deathbed that my siblings and I found out that she had another child before us. She was quite young when she had him and the child was "forcibly" taken from her and put up for adoption. We promised her that we would try and find him. All I know is that the child was probably born between 1947--1952; I believe his name was Christopher and he would have been born around the Parry Sound area. My mother was very sick when she told us about Christopher: but would not relax until we promised to find him. Any help or suggestions on where to look would be greatly appreciated. Donna Name: Donna CommentsHi everyone I have been working on my family tree for some time and I just stumbled onto the site. I am looking for any information at all on Peter Archibald McIntosh. I know that he was born Mar 2 1855 and died April 30 1906 and is buried in Britt Ontario. Peter married Margaret Moore and had four children John, Peter, Benjamin (my line) and William. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Great web site Donna Name: Chadwick Ritchie CommentsGreat site.I'm still loking for more detailed history of my sept of the clan. Thank you for supporting clan pride Name: Tom Arnold CommentsAlice E. Massengale b. 1877 Iowa (probably Decatur Co.) was married to Oliver B. Mcintosh, b. 1858 Ringgold Co. Iowa. On 1900 Census Holt Co. Mo. Alice is living with her father, James Massengale b. 1855 Iowa (probably Decatur Co.) and her daughter Ellen M. Mcintosh b. 1895 in Missouri. Oliver and Alice were not living together (oliver was at another residence nearby) they had been married for eight years.I know that Oliver died at Thayer, Missouri about 1940, but do not know what happend to Alice or Ellen. Name: Charles Mcintosh CommentsSon of Warren Joy and Lois Alice McIntosh of Marrianna Ark. Warren was born at Malden Mo. 1915 Lois was born at Paulding Mo.Both now deceased.Iwas born in 1934 Campbell Mo. Name: Daniel John Mac Intosh CommentsI live in Cape Breton ,N.S. well known for a number of different clan family.I am orginally from Sydney N.S. Like to hear from any body that could be related or from the area. Thanks Name: Katrina Ann McIntosh CommentsAs far as I can get info. my familr tree runs to Lanane McIntosh b1822 d1849, any info would greatly be appreciated. Name: Mary Gayle (McIntosh) Schwarz CommentsOn my grandfather's headstone there are two lines under the c in the name of McIntosh. Does anybody know why? My fathers' family lived in Kansas but were in Kentucky prior to the generations of farmers. Harvey Shiloh McIntosh was a founder in Cheney, Kansas. I miss them all. Name: Sandra McIntosh Love CommentsName: Linda Line CommentsName: Robert Gibbon McIntosh CommentsName: Robert Knuth Jr CommentsFairly new in the geneology field. I know where my name is derived, but beyond that it is horrible to find some info through the computer, so I end up in the libraries. Any assistance or information to help remedy my back and forth through the libraries for research that I could do online (a.k.a. websites) is apreciated. Thanks in advance for any and all assistance. Name: BORN: RAE LYNN MACKINTOSH CommentsI am an adoptee seeking birth relatives. I was born in Toronto, Canada on July 12, 1975. My mothers name at my birth was Leona MacKintosh. She at that time had been in and out of catholic childrens aid since she was six years of age, when her mother died. Leona has siblings, between 4 to six of them. I suspect that one of her siblings was also an adoptee, and that this was the youngest sibling, who i beleive was adopted prior to Leona's mother's death in the 1960's.. ( I think it was between 1960 and 1964..) Leona's father was of Native Canadian decent. Her mother was Anglo Saxon. Leona's father was also a truck driver acording to the records i have obtained from the society that I was adopted through. Any information you might have if this sounds fimiliar might very help me in my search.. please do not hesitate to contact me at my email address posted here. maryplainejane @ hotmail.com Name: Ann Smith CommentsMy grandparents were McIntosh and I was told that I had come from the Black McIntoshs because of the Spanish blood. Thankyou for this site as it's great to learn of one's roots. Name: Surfergrl8734 CommentsI just found out today that I am a McIntosh!! I love our heritage. McIntoshs 4 ever!! Name: Jose Antonio Mackintosh CommentsOur family live in Mexiko and I am the third generation here in Mexiko. I don´t have information about my family. The only thing that I know that one Mackintosh came here to Mexiko to find gold and sylber. Any information! Thanks Name: Luke Schitka CommentsName: ruth ann crawford holbrook Commentsraan onto your web site by accident. my grandfather john crawford was married to a henerittia mcintosh from fayette cco. pa. about 1786? --- he divorced her and married my grandmother nancy ann williams, wva. i don't know if you will accept this or not , just thought i'd try Name: Pamela L. CommentsI have a genealogy nightmare! Please help if you can! My great-grandmother, Bessie May MacIntosh, was the illegitimate child of a Preacher in Pennsylvania. Her mother (name unknown at present) later married a Mr. Jordan and had two other children, Bud Jordan and Mary Jordan. We think Bessie's mother died in Buck's County, Pennsylvania. Bessie was born in 1885 and died in 1982 in Charlotte, NC. She was married to William P. Musselman and had two daughter's of her own. If you have any knowledge of these events and name's to add, please contact me! Name: Pamela L. CommentsName: Angela Wolverton CommentsI'm tracing my genealogy. I would like info on Elizabeth McIntosh, born 1745, married Donald Urquhart. Please e-mail me. Thanks a bunch! Name: Adam E.J. McIntosh CommentsMcIntosh's rule. Name: Alan Jay McIntosh CommentsThis is my first time to the Clan MacIntosh web site. I hope to use it to learn more about family tree. I've always been proud of being a McIntosh and I try to teach my two daughters our family history. Alan J. McIntosh Name: David Hales McOmie CommentsDoes anyone have the history of when clan MacThomas broke away from clan McIntosh, and why? Thank you, David McOmie Name: Dawn Burgdoff CommentsI am looking for my family,please if you know anything about my family tree please let me know thank you very much. Epmiraim Mcintosh he was born in Dundas County onteria,Canada in 1840. Name: Angus K MacIntosh Commentswhere did you get that picture of a piper, he looks like he is wresteling the bloody thing!
Name: Lesley Ruth Doyle CommentsI am the granddaughter of ROBERT BRUCE McINTOSH of Dundee - his mother was ETHEL LESLEY BRUCE and this is the first step I have made to trace back from there. There is very little written family history and hardly any oral history but I want to do some research before I go to Scotland. I am named for my great grandmother Lesley Ruth. Name: Andrea McIntosh CommentsName: Andrea McIntosh CommentsName: Lei Nani Adair CommentsName: James McIntosh CommentsName: Amy McIntosh CommentsMy great grandfather archibald w. McIntosh born in ayr, scotland in 1848 came over to the states and had my grandfather douglas peter mcintosh and then my father dennis mcintosh. My grandfather has a sister that stayed in scotland. If anyone has any info please e-mail me. thanks Name: Rod MacIntosh CommentsI have enjoyed This site for years, and it has encourages me to do more on our research on our families ancestory. I have good documentation from our arrival in North America, but I would like to get more information on the clan prior to it's arrival. Here's what I know thus far: ALEXANDER McINTOSH(1733-1802)was born in Inverness, Scotland. He fought in the Battle of Ticonderoga and was badly wounded on July 08, 1758. He was sent back to Scotland where he married JANET (b-1736 Kiltearn, Scotland). In 1776 they, and their 6 children emigrated to America and settled along the Mowhawk River near Schenectady, NY. Alexander died September 1802 and Janet February 1813, amd are buried in the McIntosh Cemetery, two miles north of Vischers Ferry Landing leading to Jonesville, NY. Their 6 children were (Margaret,Jennett, Laughlin, Jean, Alexander, Margery, and JOHN. John eventually emigrated to Ontario, Canada and is the second of our lineage in America. If anyone has any information out there to assist me in my search, I would greatly appreciate the help!! Name: Lorraine Keith CommentsLooking for my Scotish roots Name: letitia McRitchie CommentsName: Juli McIntosh CommentsHello fellow apples! I am a McIntosh born from Nancy Nickerson and G.B. McIntosh (deceased). Unfortunately, that's the problem. My father passed away when I was 2 and my mother never kept in touch with his side of the family. I would love to find any living relatives I have that share the same name. I know I have an aunt Edna somewhere, and I know my father had several boys with another woman before I was born. I think their names were Ricky, Lonnie, Tony, Steve. ?? I'm not really sure. It seems impossible that one can have so many relatives and not know any of them, but it is. I go through life feeling like I only know 1/2 of myself. I would love to find the other 1/2 of my family! My father was from Kentucky, but I know the family is spread out over Ohio, Michigan and Kentucky. If any of you are out there, please contact me. I know this is a long shot, but I believe in fate. Hopefully one of you will find me. Name: Diane Coy nee
McIntosh CommentsDaughter of William and Jean McIntosh,one of six children,Debra,Bill,Terry,Nicky,Andy.My father was one of six children he was born in Glasgow and moved south when he was young. My grandfather was in the army but died in Hong Kong during the war he is buried in Happy valley War cementry. One day soon I hope to visit it for myself. Name: Tamara Mackintosh CommentsI am very interested in the study of genealogy and was vondering if I could somehow get some information regarding my heritage on My grandfather's Archibald Mackintosh's, brother of Doug and Jean and father of Elizabeth Horribin, Doug and Iain Mackintosh. Doug who is the father of Myself; Tamara Jeanne, Kimberley skye and Margo Catherine. I am interested in searching up on our family heritage. Tamara Name: N. Forbes CommentsLooking for any information on Margaret McIntosh (Margaret Forbes), born approx 1912. Married Daniel Forbes on Aug 14, 1933. Please e-mail me with any information regarding her. Name: lisa mcintosh CommentsName: Brian McIntosh CommentsI am the son of Stuart A. McIntosh and grandson of P.R. (Pleasant Ray) McIntosh, a painter and professor of art from Illinois. My grandmother was Grace Baird McIntosh of the Bairds. Name: Brian McIntosh CommentsName: Valerie Jamieson CommentsOur family came to Australia in 1949, I was born in Govan, Glasgow, my grandfather (Andrew McIntosh) originally came from Glen Urquhart. My father was Thomas McIntosh, he had two sisters who went to Canada after the first world war, Meg Ruether, who had three sons Gordon, Donald and Harvey and Bet. Ryckman, who had Olive, Sara, Jean and Les. He also had a widowed sister-in-law in Scotland who had two daughters Virginia and Jean McIntosh. Love to hear from any of them. Name: Diane Heard Singh CommentsMy great-aunt had started with getting the genology together, but never finished it. I would like to get the history of the Clan. During World War II, my aunt sent CARE packages to Scotland. How should I go about getting Clan information to pass on to my children? Wasn't the movie Brave Heart tremendous? Please respond. Amrit2020 @ Yahoo.com Name: Diane Heard Singh CommentsMy great-aunt had started with getting the genology together, but never finished it. I would like to get the history of the Clan. During World War II, my aunt sent CARE packages to Scotland. How should I go about getting Clan information to pass on to my children? Wasn't the movie Brave Heart tremendous? Please respond. Amrit2020 @ Yahoo.com Name: Diane Heard Singh CommentsMy great-aunt had started with getting the genology together, but never finished it. I would like to get the history of the Clan. During World War II, my aunt sent CARE packages to Scotland. How should I go about getting Clan information to pass on to my children? Wasn't the movie Brave Heart tremendous? Please respond. Amrit2020 @ Yahoo.com Name: W.D.McIntosh CommentsHi there have finally checked back after months, years am interested in Edgar Mcintosh? was a sea captain and a great lakes captain, think he married a lady from Wabisheene and had a family, sure how big family was and the one person I could ask, dragged his feet until he died, typical bloody scotsman! Name: Megan louise
McIntosh CommentsHi this is my fist time i have been to this site but i was impressed as being a McIntosh myself. My father is Robert McIntosh. We have been searching to find out some of our families history. My fathers dads name is GIlbert Thomas McIntosh. If any one could help us please send me an email!! lots of luv to you all megan McItnosh Name: Megan louise
McIntosh CommentsName: Melanie
McIntosh-Voth CommentsGreetings to all. I haven't stopped by for a while. I celebrated my first Robert Burns Day this year, complete with hagus (sp??) I must be a true Scottman I liked the hagus. I hope this message finds you (my family near and far) in good health. Wishing you continued happiness in all of your adventures. Still waiting to see if my family connects to any of yours. Name: Liliane Heller (nee
McIntosh) CommentsI just thought I would visit and check out what was new in the clan of McIntosh. Name: sandy mcintosh CommentsName: Laurence J.Young CommentsHello to all our fellow Mcs, Macs and septs! This is my first visit to the McIntosh site and I am very impressed. I invite you to visit the Clan Mackintosh of North America site(clanmackintoshna.org). I hope, too, that many of you will be able to attend the CMNA Annual General Meeting at Edinboro University, Edinboro, PA 18-19May 01. There will be preliminary information in our newsletter and the site. Look forward to seeing you and best wishes. Ceud mile failte! Warm Regards, Larry Young, FSA Scot President, CMNA Name: Michael K. McIntosh CommentsI'm just starting to research my lineage. My Family is from The Swiss, Black Mountain region of North Carolina. I would appreciate any info on this subject. Name: Rev. John
K.McIntosh Commentsson of Rev. Burt A. and Elizabeth (Halfyard) McIntosh of Clinton,IL: grandson of Earl W.and Ruth McIntosh :great-grandson of John Fred McIntosh of Cisco, IL. great-great-grandson of John Frederick McIntosh born on a farm south of Glasgow in 1839,he the son of William Edwin McIntosh. Can anyone connect us from there? Name: McIntosh,Tom CommentsName: Mcintosh CommentsName: waldo emerson (dode)
mcintosh Commentswaldo emerson (dode) mcintosh (d) in 1991 at the age of 91. chief of the creek nation from 1961 to 1971. ww1 vet. Name: waldo emerson (dode)
mcintosh Commentswaldo emerson (dode) mcintosh dide in 1991 at tjhe age of 91. chief of the creek nation from 1961 to 1971. ww1 vet. Name: Ervin W. McIntosh CommentsBorn (1938) and raised in New Bern,Craven County, NC. Father, Claudius Allen McIntosh; Mother, Louise White McIntosh; 2 brothers, Benjamin Douglas and Jerry Allen. Grandparents, Ervin Linster and Carrie Ipock McIntosh. Roots in Carteret and Craven County of eastern NC. Great-grandfather referred to as Pa Ben. Great web site. Name: Vicki Smith
(McIntosh) CommentsName: Colin Mackintosh CommentsName:
William McIntosh Commentshello all Mcintoshes In South Africa Name:
William McIntosh Commentshello all Mcintoshes In South Africa Name:
William McIntosh Commentshello all Mcintoshes In South Africa Name: Richard McIntosh CommentsName: Pamela Joyce McIntosh
DeSha CommentsI am the daughter of Vernon Roy McIntosh, son of Thomas Allen Roy McIntosh, son of Thomas H. McIntosh, son of Henry McIntosh, son of Lochlin. Have a wonderful family tree history and proud to say that I keep learning more everyday! Glad to have found this website. Name: m walters CommentsPlease tell me why when i searchfor the following------ ADDRESS FOR L A WALTERS WIFE MARJORY LIVING IN THE MIDLANDS UK ---------- I GET 1 OF 1 SAYING JUST WHAT I HAVE REQUESTED AND ITS YOU SO DO YOU HAVE THE ADDRESS IF SO PLEASE PASS ON THANK YOU . MARTIN WALTERS. Name: Gemma, and John
and Ella ,McIntosh Commentswe have found this site and we have found out a lot about our past it has given us kiwi mcintoshs a better understanding of our past Name: Gemma, and John
and Ella ,McIntosh Commentswe have found this site and we have found out a lot about our past it has given us kiwi mcintoshs a better understanding of our past Name: Andrew Macintosh CommentsName: Rodney Gaston Mc
Intosh Boré CommentsIs very interesting to have this page with the family information and I think is a good way to join all Mc Intosh from the world. It's a way of kwoing our roots. Rodney. Name: William and Anne
McIntosh CommentsLooked into the website out of curiosity...we like it. Name: Derek McIntosh CommentsName: Steve and Julie
McIntosh CommentsPround son of Duane McIntosh of Albion Nebraska. Father of Adrian, Gavin and Liam McIntosh. Name: Steve and Julie
McIntosh CommentsName: jennifer sherwood CommentsMy comments are that you are doing a wonderful job on your geneology.I was looking up my best friend on the internet and found her name in your gene pool.I was just missing her and thought I d try and find some unanswered questions and found them.She was a very special person to me and loved very dearly by many.Brandie Lynn June Kearns died on july 5 1997 and a part of me left with her.Sorry to have added this to your gene pool but I was missing her and found her name in your reunion. Sincerly, Jennifer Name: Sally Mc Intosh
Grez CommentsEs muy interesante haber entrado a esta pagina Web, no se si logren comprender este mensaje. Mi bisabuelo llego a Chile en lo comienzos de 1900, Alexander Mc Intosh, casado con Lilly Munro. El, estaba aquejado de un enfermedad pulmonar asi es que emigro en busca de un mejor clima a esta hermosa tierra.Sin embargo, desconozco el origen del clan Mc Intosh, a que region de escocia pertenece. Me gustaria que ustedes puedan enviarme informacion, no importa si es en ingles, lo traducire. Desde ya mis felicitaciones y agradecimientos. Sally Name: Sally Mc Intosh
Grez CommentsEs muy interesante haber entrado a esta pagina Web, no se si logren comprender este mensaje. Mi bisabuelo llego a Chile en lo comienzos de 1900, Alexander Mc Intosh, casado con Lilly Munro. El, estaba aquejado de un enfermedad pulmonar asi es que emigro en busca de un mejor clima a esta hermosa tierra.Sin embargo, desconozco el origen del clan Mc Intosh, a que region de escocia pertenece. Me gustaria que ustedes puedan enviarme informacion, no importa si es en ingles, lo traducire. Desde ya mis felicitaciones y agradecimientos. Sally Name: barbara mackintosh CommentsName: Terry MacIntosh CommentsI have been looking for a color picture of our clan crest with no success. If someone could point me in the right direction or e-mail my one it would be greatly oppriciated. Name: Eric McIntosh CommentsName: Kelly Jones CommentsI'm not to sure about my Scotish ancestery, but I am VERY interested in its culture and history. If anyone out there can help me out, I would be very greatful. Name: Erma Payne CommentsMy mother is a McIntosh. Her great great grandfather, Daniel Sr., was born in Perthshire, Scotland in 1766. He immigrated to the U.S. in 1801 and supposedly built the first spiral staircase in New York City. He ended up in Lexington, KY. He died on October 28, 1850 in West Lebanon, IN in Warren County. We have been unable to find any information prior to this, except a possible connection to a John Ogg McIntosh. Any info would be greatly appreciated! Name: Douglas Ian
Mackintosh CommentsAttention Anne McIntosh of Ft Bragg NC USA Read your comments of 1/4/00 I tried to contact your email but no luck Your SPINNINGDALE, can you tell me what county or nearest town/city? It is possible we are looking at the same family. Name: George Robert
McIntosh CommentsName: George Robert
McIntosh CommentsName: Ewan Alexander
McIntosh CommentsWishing you all the best on Burns Night. May all your drams be large and your plates full. Name: Elizabeth Gallacher
nee McIntosh CommentsName: jonathan wood Commentshey we are studying the scottish herritage in darien we have had two visiters come to our school and talk to us about our herritage from scottland we realy enjoyed haveing them thank u bye Name: Brienne CommentsMy grandmother's name was Donna Hosick, and she was from Canada. Her father was born and raised in Scottland, and his syblings (he had at least one brother) never left. Unfortunatley, she died when my mother was still a child, so very little else is known about my ancestery, but I would like to know more. I'm very proud of my Celtic heritage (Scottish as well as Irish), and I'm always happy to learn more about it. This is a really great site, it was very well done. Name: Hamish McIntosh CommentsReasonably good geneology of NZ McIntosh clan if interested Name: Jamie McIntosh CommentsMy father, Jsmes GORDON McIntosh, was quite likely best known for his golfing and drinking prowess. The golf took place primarily in southern Ontario and Port Elizabeth South Africa. I am led to believe that the drinking took place just about anywhere.He deserted his Toronto home,wife [Margaret nee White], and family in the early 1950's. I met him in Vancouver for 1 hour in the late '60's and he died in that city within a few years after that event. That is virtually the extent of my current knowledge about my own clan...sad, eh. Name: Jamie McIntosh CommentsName: John Wood Commentsy mother was a McIntosh and has done a lot of family research. between her and a cousin of hers in Kansas, they just finished printing a family history. Her father's grandfather, William, came from Scotland. I never knew the MacKintosh clan was so big. Only knew of my own little family. My wife, youngest son and I were just at the Scottish Festivals yesterday in Central Fla. Had a great time with all the clans. I just learned of this web sight and it is great. Name: Doyle G McIntosh
Jr. CommentsI am looking for Hugh James McIntosh (might have been known as James or Mac) - On his death cert. it states he was born in Bathrush, Canada on 1/4/1886 and died on 10/24/1943. He married Saddie Mae Lewis (born 12/5/1880). I don't know if he was married before her. And his parents were Robert McIntosh (Scotland) and Margaret Barkley (no info on her). Hugh's son was George Foster McIntosh. And I remember my grandfather telling a story about Hugh. He loved to drink and have a good time w/his buddies and one night at a tavern - it was closing time and was asked to leave but they were still having fun so Hugh pulled out his wallet and bought the tavern. Afterwards, he gave the tavern to one of his friends. And a picture of Hugh is still hanging up in the bar. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Name: jan CommentsI'm looking for the Prince Edward Island McIntosh family. My grandmother was the daughter of Annie Belle McIntosh, born in Springton or Rosehill, P.E.I. (around the 1870's????) Any info would be greatly appreciated!!! Name: John Mackintosh CommentsResearching the history of the Mackintosh clan. Grandfather born at Moy Hall in 1905, illegitimate son of maid servant, ? who father was. Name: Brian Hugh
Macintosh CommentsOver the past few years we have been researching the history of the McIntosh,s and McFarlane,s in Gippsland Victoria commencing with Archibald McIntosh who lived and died in Sale in 1869. Any one needing information can contact me and of course any information you may have to fill gaps would be appreciated. Name: Jacqueline Wilson Ross
Mackintosh Elmer CommentsI am the granddaughter of Murdoch Mackintosh and Elizabeth Mackintosh (Keir) of Muir Of Ord, Ross Shire Scotland. I would like any info on my faily tree Please e-mail me at elmertown @ hotmail.com Name: Richard Andrew
McIntosh CommentsThe clan McIntosh rules Name: Richard Andrew
McIntosh CommentsThe clan McIntosh rules Name: John Adamson CommentsIwas born in Arbroath on the east coast of Scotland, but now live in California. I am director of special events at the Queen Mary in Long Beach. On February 17 & 18 2001 we will be holding the 8th annual Scottish Festival. There will be a Clan McIntosh table present onboard. Come and join us this Presidents Weekend. Name: Scott MacIntosh CommentsWhile doing some research of our name I came upon this web site and was surprised to see how many of us their are in the world. Name: Nathan Mcintosh Commentshey everyone.. Name: Melanie
McIntosh-Voth CommentsHappy New Year to McIntoshes near and far.My sister (Alison Anderson {McIntosh}) subimtted an entry last week and I stopped by to see if anyone made a connection to our family. Not yet, but... if our family liniage sounds familiar to anyone please contact one of us. Untill then, Blessings to all. Melanie. Name: Melanie
McIntosh-Voth CommentsName: Ian Hudson CommentsName: Lyvonne Helton CommentsSearching for Peter McIntosh born 1760 England and Peter's father, name:? born in Scottland. I have traced from my dad; Ruther james, my grnf.Albert, grt.grnf.James or Jim, grt.grt.grt.grnf.Leander,grt.grt.grt.grt.grnf.William Bill Banger, grt.grt.grt. grt.grt.grnf. Samuel, Then Peter. Don't know where in England he was born.He moved to Va. then shows he died in N.C. If anyone has any info on Peter's Father would appreciate hearing from you. Thanks Lyvonne Name: Alan McIntosh CommentsWhy not come visit us in the Fatherland - Bonnie Scotland in our Holiday Cottage. Please view at http://www.richmond.8k.com Thank you. Name: Alan McIntosh CommentsWhy not come visit us in the Fatherland - Bonnie Scotland in our Holiday Cottage. Please view at www.richmond.8k.com. Thank you. Name: Alan McIntosh CommentsWhy not come visit us in the Fatherland - Bonnie Scotland in our Holiday Cottage. Please view at www.richmond.8k.com. Thank you. Name: Alan McIntosh CommentsGreat to see there are many of us all over the world! Name: john ronald leonard
mcintosh Commentsyou can ban our tartan but you'll never take away our freedom !!!!!!!!!! Name: Ruth Ann McIntosh
Tibbles CommentsTrying to find when Cornealius McIntosh came over from Scotland. He Was born in 1754-59. The Story goes: Mrs. McIntosh took her 13 sons and left her home and husband for her religion. Mr. Mcintosh was playing the bagpipes for the ships departure not knowing his family was on board. Name: Alison Anderson
(McIntosh) CommentsMy father: Allan Wyman McIntosh Born: 1937 Kimberly British Columbia Canada Married: 1962 Grace Eileen Cooper Died:1973 Williams Lake British Columbia Canada Grandfather: Clifford Elbridge McIntosh Born: 1901 Silverton, British Columbia Married: 1923 Mary Ann Pollard Died: 1986 Salmo, British Columbia Great Grandfather: William Willis McIntosh Born: 1874 Nova Scotia Canada Married: 1901 Letitia May McMillian Died: 1926 ? Does any of this sound familiar to your family? if it does I would love to hear from you and see if we can piece together our family history. Happy New year to my McIntosh family. Name: Robert McIntosh CommentsA guid new Year tae ane an' a' Name: James C. MacIntosh CommentsI am looking for information on my father's parents,Angus MacIntosh and Catherine Robinson MacIntosh. All I know for sure, is that Catherine was born in 1864 and died in 1944. She is buried in St. Peter's Cemetery, in the town of St. Peters, on Cape Breton Island. Would really like to learn about my grandfather Angus. Perhaps someone might be able to help me. |