Clan McIntosh |
Name: Ronald L McIntosh CommentsI just found this site and I'm interested in finding out more about my people and how they came to settle in these western counties of Kentucky. Name: Bryan M. Ford CommentsMy grandmother is Stella D. (Glenister) Thatcher. She was born in England and came to the US during the second world war. She has told me that we are decendants of the Mac Intosh clan. I am looking into Scotish history because it is so rich. My Mother is full blood Chippewa Indian from North Dakota and I have researched the American history in my family and now am doing the Scotish history. American Indians and Scotish clans kind of have a lot of similarities. Bryan M. Ford. Name: Melanie
McIntosh-Voth CommentsThis is great! I want to learn all I can about where I came from and what this means for my future and the future of my children. I want them to know where they came from and be proud of that part of who they are. thank you for helping me do this. Name: Bruce McIntosh CommentsHave enjoyed reviewing info. Am trying to find my late fathers (Harold "Bud" McIntosh) half brothers and /or sisters. My grandfather & grandmother were divorced somewhere around 1920 in Washington D.C. and I never knew my grandfather who is now deceased. But I understand he remarried and had offspring. My grandfathers name was William McIntosh and my grandmothers name was Fern( Haney) McIntosh. She was from Bellaire, Ohio and I think he may have been from that general area of Ohio as well. Any information on the identification of these offspring from my grandfathers second marraige would be appreciated. Name: Bruce McIntosh CommentsHave enjoyed reviewing info. Am trying to find my late fathers (Harold "Bud" McIntosh) half brothers and /or sisters. My grandfather & grandmother were divorced somewhere around 1920 in Washington D.C. and I never knew my grandfather who is now deceased. But I understand he remarried and had offspring. My grandfathers name was William McIntosh and my grandmothers name was Fern( Haney) McIntosh. She was from Bellaire, Ohio and I think he may have been from that general area of Ohio as well. Any information on the identification of these offspring from my grandfathers second marraige would be appreciated. Name: James Richard McComb
Jr CommentsName: James Richard McComb
Jr CommentsName: Corrine Brook
McIntosh Commentsi am the granddaughter of corwill paul mcintosh. i have been attempting to research my paternal roots for quite some time, and have been unsuccessful until i stumbled upon this site. i'd love to hear others' stories and affiliations .. feel free to email me! Name: John McIntosh CommentsMerry Christmas to all the McIntosh families. John http://freepages.family.rootsweb.com/~johnmc46lc/McIntosh-L.html Name: Harold Wade McIntosh
IV CommentsMy wife, Renee and I, and our children Marisa Cailyn, and William Wyatt, live on a farm in southern IN that's been in the McIntosh family for eight generations now. Greetings to all fellow McIntosh's out there. Name: Harold Wade McIntosh
IV CommentsMy wife, Renee and I, and our children Marisa Cailyn, and William Wyatt, live on a farm in southern IN that's been in the McIntosh family for eight generations now. Greetings to all fellow McIntosh's out there. Name: Harold Wade McIntosh
IV CommentsMy wife, Renee and I, and our children Marisa Cailyn, and William Wyatt, live on a farm in southern IN that's been in the McIntosh family for eight generations now. Greetings to all fellow McIntosh's out there. Name: Marc McIntosh CommentsName: Randall Alexander
McIntosh CommentsName: Jamie Hendry CommentsMy family live in Avoch Ross-Shire, next to Inverness. My step-dad is Allan McIntosh, a prawn fisherman known to his pals as Tall Name: Cori Commentslove the web site.!! Name: Ronald Douglas
Sinclair McIntosh CommentsI am just starting to research my McIntosh ancestry and am looking for records of Thomas (?) McIntosh father of William Paterson McIntosh probably of Meaford, Grey County, Ontario, Canada circa 1850 to 1890. Any help would be much appreciated. Name: Brenda McIntosh CommentsName: Larry Davidson CommentsName: Melanie Foubert CommentsMy grandmother's name is Janet Sawyer Glen. Born in Edinborough. Looking for any help with ancestory and any relavtives out there. Thanks!! Name: Pat Griesenbeck CommentsLove the page!!! I have been TRYING to research my McIntosh roots, with little luck. My Great Grandfather was Brett M. McIntosh dob: 09/19/1875 died 11/18/1957. Wife was Minnie Belle Webb dob:08/18/1881 Brett was born in Little Rock Ark. but can't find anything on him. Minnie was suppose to have been born in Texas, but don't know where...They had 12 children: Maggie, Jake Napolian, Alvin, Lee, Woodrow, Ernest Ervin, + Twin, Charlie William, Easter, Callie, Myrtle, and Lois. Brett & Minnie Belle are both buried in Ringold Oklahoma where they lived for many years.... however a lot of the family moved to california.... My grandfather, Charlie William is buried in california, (Arvin) close to Bakersfield.... ANYONE OUT THERE HAVE ANY INFO ON THESE MCINTOSH'S ??????? Thanks for the web page Pat Griesenbeck (McIntosh) Name: Naomi CommentsI would be very greatful if anyone has any infomation of any kind. My Great Grandparents names were 'David Cameron McIntosh' and 'Elizabeth McIntosh' (maiden name 'Cutler')was the daughter of Abraham Cutler. I'm not sure when they moved to Australia- or why but I think it was because of the gold rush. They had 12 children which were all born in Ballarat, Victoria. The childrens names were Percy, Ida, Charles, Stella, Jane (died in infancy), Gertrude, David, Isabel, Donald and Gordon (Identical twins), Clifton (my grandfather) and Daisy. If anyone has any infomation please e-mail me. Thank you. Name: Stuart McIntosh CommentsFarther - Denis (English Born), Granfather - Harry (Scotish Born) Name: Peter Stewart Forbes
Ritchie CommentsTrying to build a picture of my past Father - James Forbes Ritchie - born Glasgow, Scotland - 14th Sept. 1910 Mother - Annie Elizabeth Harrington - born Burton-on-Trent, England - 19th April 1910 Brother - Patrick James Ritchie - born Bristol, England - 3rd November 1937 Myself - Peter Stewart Forbes Ritchie - born Bristol, England - 3rd September 1947 Name: william camerlin
mcintosh Commentslooking for more info. my gg grandfather alexander mcintosh born 12 jan 1827 in brora, sutherland shire, parish of clyne, scotland. dont know when he came to canada but the 1871 census of lambton county, ont says he was a 44 year old farmer and was married to margery douglas who was born 30 sep 1834 at st thomas ontario. they had 10 children-isabella, james, george, alexander, margery, john, mary, charlotte, william, and jennie. he had 2? brothers-george who died in st thomas and james who died in london. brother george married sarah evans and had 6 children-alexander d., james e., george h., charles w., william lloyd and sarah m. this was around middlesex county ont. my g grandfather was james, son of alexander, born 5 april 1856 in dorchester. died 1899. married miss lavina peacock had 5 children-william, john, ettie, emma, and henry. william was my grandfather-william james born 22 mar 1888 enniskillon township, lambton county, ontario died 8 april 1966 in chester west virginia. please email wmcintos @ weir.net Name: Debra McIntosh CommentsJoined this large family by marriage 10 years ago and have extended it by three. Alexander, Matthew and Zoe. Name: Michael "Scot"
McIntosh CommentsName: James Wallace
McIntosh CommentsName: Alissa Sexton CommentsJust beginning to look into my family's heritage. My grandfather was Reed McIntosh. He was originally from Breathitt County Kentucky. Thank you for this site! Name: Richard McIntosh CommentsHello. Nice to see so many McIntosh's Name: Tammy Bean-Day CommentsGreat site! Keep up the good work. Name: Ernest Johnson CommentsName: Nora Kathleen (Nikki)
McIntosh-Stinson CommentsMy parents were divorced when I was quite young, and I know very little of my father's family. What I do know is: His name was John Franklin McIntosh; he had one brother (William?); was born in Indiana c. 1922; his first wife (my mother) was Martha Eleanor Cowan, married c.1950/divorced c.1959; died perhaps 10 yrs. ago. I would very much like to know more of the McIntosh side of the family, for my own benefit, and to share with my children. Thanks for this web site! Nikki Name: William Craig
McIntosh CommentsI was just having a look to see how many McIntosh's were alive and well in the world glad to see we are still a thriving clan Name: judi Commentstrying to research my scottish ancestors the spelling of my surname is mcglashing i know my great or great great grandfather lived tidnish nova scotia canada and his spelling was mcglashen i've also seen spelling mcglashan i'm trying to find out what part of scotland he came from any help would be greatly appreciated Name: judi Commentstrying to research my scottish ancestors Name: Brooke Derbidge CommentsMy great grandfather was Albert Reiser Mackintosh, his son was Albert Raymond Mackintosh, my father is Lonny Ray Mackintosh, his son is Holden Ray Mackintosh. Can you put a message somewhere in your site that you acknoledge this part of our Clan? My granfather recently passed away in June 2000, and he would've been proud to know that he was a known, and very remembered part of our history. Thank's, Brooke Mackintosh Derbidge Name: william camerlin
mcintosh Commentslooking for info. my gg grandfather was alexander mcintosh born 12 jan 1827 in brora, sutherland shire, parish of clyne, scotland. dont know when he went to canada bu t he lived in plympton, lambton county, ontario. the 1871 census of lambton county says he was a farmer and 44 years old, married to margery douglas who was born 30 sep 1834 at st thomas, ont. they had 10 children - isabella, james, george, alexander, margery, john, mary, charlotte, wiliam and jennie. he had 2 brothers-george, who died in st thomas and james who died in london. brother george married sarah evans and had 6 children-alexander d., james e., george h., charles w., william lloyd and sarah m. this was around middlesex county. my g grandfather was james,son of alexander, born 5 april 1856 in dorchester. died 1899. married miss lavina peacock. had 5 children-william, john, ettie, emma, and henry. william was my grandfather-william james born 22 mar 1888, enniskillon township, lambton county, ontario. died 8 april 1966 in chester,west virginia. any info especially heritage in scotland would be appreciated. thank you wmcintos @ weir.net Name: William John
McIntosh CommentsMy Great, Great Grandfather came from Glasgow in the mid 19th century and came across the united states in a covered wagon. From what I understand from my mom, one of the children did not make it, having fallen from the wagon, and was buried somewhere near Illinois. We still have several books that belonged to my great great grandfather that were signed and dated in Glasgow. The McIntosh name seems to be rather popular in the Long Beach area here in California as there is a McIntosh Humanities building on the campus of California State Long Beach. My wife and three kids and I currently live in Placentia CA. Name: Trisha Simons CommentsMy father has a close friend who is very much Scottish. He looked up my Grandfather's last name, and he came over to tell me that not only am I Scottish, but I have a clan. I might be somehow related. My grandfather's last name is Ritchie. I am very interested in my roots. So if anyone can tell me if this is my clan, I'd be delighted. Please send me an e-mail. -Trisha Name: Lorinda Glee
McIntosh CommentsI am just really getting into this genealogy of Clan Mackintosh. I would love to know as much as I can . I will be getting married Dec. 2001 and would like to know Scottish Mackintosh wedding tradtions if there is any? If anyone knows please feel free to write me anytime. Thank you. Name: Jeff McComb CommentsHello all Mackintoshes. My name is McComb now but it used to Mackintosh about 3oo to 400 years ago.WHATS UP YALL !! Write me anytime. Name: Rebeca Joy McIntosh CommentsDaughter of Amada McIntosh (nee Orozco) & Malcolm Harold McIntosh, Grandaughter of William Fredric McIntosh & Sheila Rose McIntosh (nee Colins) of Yackandandah,VIC. I have 5 siblings: Amalia Elizabeth McIntosh, Joshua Esteban McIntosh, Margarita Halie Bignell (nee McIntosh), Caleb Philip McIntosh, & Sheila Talita Naomi McIntosh Name: Nick D. McIntosh CommentsName: Christine Mcintosh
Poff CommentsHave just begun to research my family tree. So need all of the help that I can get. Name: Cindy Miske CommentsI am researching my family tree.My Grandfather's name was John Ritchie. He was born in Hamilton Scotland as far as I know. He would have been born in the early 1900's. I know that we have family there as my mother's brother & sisters visited them in the mid 50's. My mother did not go as my grandfather had broken his hip. He was in his late 30's i believe. He came to Canada, but I do not know at what age. He married Dolly Woods and lived in Scarborough, Ontario all my mother's life. Please email me if you have any information on our family. From what I can find so far we are part of the above clan. Thank you. Name: Cindy Miske CommentsI am researching my family tree.My Grandfather's name was John Ritchie. He was born in Hamilton Scotland as far as I know. He would have been born in the early 1900's. I know that we have family there as my mother's brother & sisters visited them in the mid 50's. My mother did not go as my grandfather had broken his hip. He was in his late 30's i believe. He came to Canada, but I do not know at what age. He married Dolly Woods and lived in Scarborough, Ontario all my mother's life. Please email me if you have any information on our family. From what I can find so far we are part of the above clan. Thank you. Name: Cindy Miske CommentsName: Linsey Anne
MacKintosh CommentsName: Hugh Wilding CommentsUnusually, I'm looking for a McIntosh connection with Wales. Specifically, for the family of a John McIntosh who lived in Bangor, Caernarvonshire and who married a Margaret Parry in 1816 (according to the IGI). They had at least 5 chidlren (John, Joseph, Elizabeth, William and Margaret Ellen); I descend from Joseph who became a vicar and died at Llanerfyl, MGY, in 1882. I would be gald to hear from anyone with any information. TIA. Name: Mike McIntosh CommentsGreat site! About 5 years before my Grandfather died, he told me a little about our family. He said his Grandfather had came from Georgia to Kentucky, and we have a scottish and indian background, creek indian, which he said he had little info on, and cherokee, his mother being cherokee as well. He remembered a cousin who had came to visit when he was young to play bagpipes at a funeral. He also gave me an old copy of what he said was a family crest. It's similar to what the crest is you show, except mine has two cats facing each other with some other small designs inside. He didn't have much more to tell me. That's been about 12 years ago. 5yrs ago I began piping, and now I'm starting to do some research about our family. Any help would be great! I live in lexington,KY. But, most of my family live in Breathitt County, Jackson, KY. Name: Ray McIntosh CommentsI have managed to find some more recent details pertaining to my great grand father Imrie McIntosh, this may jog some ones memory. Imrie McIntosh born Dundee 16/12/1865 Married June Cameron of Coupar Angus (DOB 11/9/1861) on the 25 July 1890. Married by Rev William Right at 16 Fyfes Lane Lochee. Imrie died 5 April 1899. June Cameron (McIntosh) died 28 September 1909. Source a family bible. I can not find any reference on the LDS site Any assistance gratefully appreciated Regards Ray McIntosh Name: Emma Sarah McIntosh CommentsFather, Iain Redford McIntosh of Peterhead/ Aberdeen Scotland (sculptor, member of Royal Scottish Academy), currently living in St Andrews Scotland. Grandfather: James Redford McIntosh, Master Cabinet Maker, Peterhead and Aberdeen, Scotland UK. Name: Ryan N McIntosh CommentsI guess I am not the only one with the nick name MAC. My father is Marvin, his father is Robert, his father was Neil and that is all I can tell you for now. Name: Bruce McIntosh CommentsWandered into your site tonight and about the tenth message in I found my cousin whom I have not seen in 30 years looking for details of our grandfather Donald McIntosh. Small world !!!! Have contacted him with info re Donald McIntosh born Avoch Ross-shire 1875 married Jemima Sutherland 1896. His father was a John McIntosh married to a Margaret Jack in 1864. More work to be done. Good site . Best wishes to all readers. Name: Mary C. Brown CommentsAnn Eliza married Zachariah Martin and moved to Williamsburg Co.,S.C. from N.C. She had children Jane Elvira, Mary Ann,Daniel Zachariah, and John James Martin. Does anyone know of her family? I would like to find out more so that I can claim my McIntosh connection. For those seeking more info they might try the library at St. Andrews University,Laurinburg,N.C. I am a graduate and they have a fantastic Scottish Collection. Mary C. Brown Name: Bronwyn McIntosh CommentsI am married to a James McIntosh, son of Bernard William Harry McIntosh, son of Frederick Arthur McIntosh (who was born in Argentina in about 1892) to parents George Frederick William McIntosh (apparently originating from Co. Waterford, Ireland) and Catherine Baldwin. I am trying to trace Catherine Baldwin and George McIntosh, can anyone help me, are there any McIntoshes left in Ireland - they all seem to be Scottish. Thank you, Name: PAT CommentsMY MOTHER WAS MARY ALICE RITCHIE MOONEY, HER FATHER WAS ROBERT RITCHIE. MY MOTHER WAS AN ONLY CHILD AND WAS BORN AND RAISED IN BRIDGEPORT, CT. I HAVE NO INFO ON MY GRANDFATHERS SIDE AND WOULD BE INTERESTED IF SOMEONE OUT THERE IS RELATED. MY FAMILY IS ALSO RELATED TO THE MACRAES AND STUARTS. Name: Donna MacIntosh CommentsI always thought I had the most beauitful surname in the world. After looking at this site I'm sure I do. Thanks... Name: Colin Mackintosh CommentsI've only just started tracing all the avenues of my family tree and came across this web site. I'm very impressed so far and it won't be the last time I visit it. Hopefully I can come back at a later date with some further research. So far I only know my grandfather (Donald Mackintosh)and his family (Sister: Elizabeth Mackintosh)originated around the Inverness area before moving south to Edinburgh around 1940. Name: William Dennis
McIntosh CommentsHi From Central California Coast, Family was from Wyoming, Montana area. Name: Lucilla McIntosh CommentsThink my father is related to a Clan Chief who is still alive, but can't remember the name right now. Nice to find the site and see so many other Mac's around the world! Name: Adam John McIntosh CommentsInteresting to see all these people who share my name, a name i am honoured to have. Do any of you know what our war cry means. Name: jack CommentsI am currently writing a novel about the early settlement of Georgia and the Highlanders who helped to establish and protect the settlment. I would love to hear from anyone who has background of the Highlander prior to leaving Scotland. Name: James Matthew
Mackintosh CommentsGreetings All! As far back as we have been able to figure, we trace our ancestors back to the mid 1800's. My Great -Great grandfather was William Mackintosh,of Glasgow, he had three children: John Mackintosh who died a bachelor at 90, a daughter who married a chap named McArthur. Their first names our lost to time, but I know they had a son Robert Mackintosh McArthur who moved from new Jersey to Florida befor he passed away. My Greta Grandfather was born in 1881 and was named James Drysdale Mackintosh, he married a Jeanie Stewart and had three children: Willim MAckintosh, Helen and Agnes(Higgins). All five moved to the United States from Glasgow to Bayonne, N.J. in 1916 or there abouts finally taking root in Kearny, N.J. and its large Scottish sway. Helen died at the age of 17, and shortly after so did Jeanie Stewart Mackintosh. James Drysdale Married a widow named Christine Timonny and lived with her until his death in 1965 at the age of 83. My granfather William married Rose Maher and produced one child: William Stewart Mackintosh in 1938. My father Married Margaret Ann McCann of Kearny , N.J. in 1957 and they had five children: William Patrick in 1958 , KAren Marie (now Robbie) in 1960, James MAtthew and Virginia Anne (now Dunphy) in 1962 and Patricia Rosemary ( now Hull) in 1965. I married Donna-Marie McCormick of Kearny in 1985 and we have three sons of our own: Christopher Patrick born in 1990, Colin James and Michael Joseph born in 1994....before she passed on my aunt Agnes Mackintosh Higgins (known as Nancy)...told me I should be thrilled as our family branch had born three new leaves after my sons were born...in a strange way I took that as a blessing from all the family past and have cherished it. Good luck to all!!! Name: Walter Rader
Macintosh CommentsMy great great grandfather spelled Macintosh, (McIntosh), My great grandfather changed it to Mackintosh, and my grandfather changed it finally to Macintosh. I know I belong to this clan, and it makes me proud to be Scottish Name: Joanne Lillos CommentsI was so happy to finally find my maiden name (spelled right!) I am one of the last remaining Eggie's, the only one of my generation but my Uncle and his two sisters are still with us. My father has long since passed away along with his memories of the history of our name. I know he was in contact with the Black family, in Scotland (his distant cousin)but have had no contact since his death. I would appreciate any information of any kind of connections with distant family. One thing for certain;I thank the Lord for the Internet that I may pass this on to my own children. This is a wonderful site! Name: debbie h CommentsGreat Great grandfather William C McIntosh wife Sarah? Great Grandfather Cornelius McIntosh wife Isabella Boyls Mott McIntosh? a second marriage. Grandmother Almira Bessie Ruth McIntosh born 6/20/1888 had brother Earl and sister Lettie had half brother Edward and half sister Elvira Mott all believed to be born in Potowatami Co. Iowa Looking for any mother information on relatives of these people Name: JAMES MARSHALL NOBLES
McIntosh CommentsFATHER GORDON OF MA. WIFE CHIEKO, GRANDFATHER JAMES OF SCOTLAND WIFE MABEL. Name: Robert Toshack CommentsWWW.Toshack.com Name: MISSY RUNYON CommentsTRYING TO FIND INFO ON JAMES MCINTOSH AND DOUGLAS MCINTOSH LIVED IN KNOXVILLE, TN ANY INFO WILL HELP ME THANKS Name: Gillian Mclntosh CommentsI was born in Greenock Scotland 1966, my father's name was Robert(bob) McIntosh he married Yvonne Smith. My Grandfather's name was Robert McIntosh who married Peggy Cummingham they had two children Isobel and Robert (my dad). My grandfarther was one of ten children Margert known as Meg. I understand that some children moved to New Zealand. Please Email if you have any information. Great Site Name: Steve McIntosh CommentsName: Michael L. McIntosh CommentsMy geneology includes James Russel Lowell, the English poet, and Henry McIntosh, one of the five men who escaped the Conferate Prison - Andersonville Prison - during the Civil War. I was born in Alexandria, Minnesota, but grew up in Southern California. I found this web site while looking for the McIntosh coat of arms; my daughter Colleen wanted to see it for one of her school projects. God Bless All. Name: Michael W. McIntosh CommentsName: Michael W McIntosh CommentsName: Gene Daryl Mcintosh CommentsName: Byron Lee McIntosh CommentsName: Dale K. McIntosh CommentsMy deceased sister Margaret Stokes (McIntosh) was very heavy into geneology. She has done much research and I have been left with much of it. So, now that I have found this website I will have to get the geneology stuff out and see what I can see re: McIntosh geneology Dale McIntosh _ out |