Clan McIntosh |
Name: Colin John
Mackintosh CommentsI just had a quick look at the site. Looks great! Name: Ms. Dayle McRitchie CommentsName: JAMES CLAY McINTOSH CommentsIT IS NICE TO SEE HOW MENY McINTOSHS THERE ARE OUT THERE ,Email some time. Name: Rick Matthews CommentsGood site. I am a decendent of Jennette McIntosh and Robert McKay from Iredell County NC. I am researching the McKay and McIntosh lines Name: Mark A. McIntosh CommentsGreat web site! my first visit. Looking forward to learning more about my heritage. Name: Ken Crarer CommentsGreetings, My brother Alan and I are interested in developing our family website. We are welcoming any input from family members and are looking around for ideas in developing a site with links to sites such as yours and others. Our web address is www.crarer.com. We are at the preliminary stages of it and would welcome any input. Thanks Ken Name: John McIntosh
Phillips, VI CommentsI enjoyed reviewing your site. Thanks for the opportunity to learn more about the McIntosh Clan. Best Regards, John Name: Lee Ritchie CommentsName: Kenneth
Thompson-McIntosh CommentsName: Kenneth
Thompson-McIntosh CommentsName: Diona Lolette
Hollinger CommentsName: L. Alex Scarbrough,
Jr. CommentsGGG-Grandson of John Og McIntosh (b. 5 March 1753, Inverness Shire, Scotland, d. 28 January 1829, Palmyra, Illinois, USA. Son of John McIntosh (b. ABT 1727, Scotland and Margaret Og (b. ABT 1731, Scotland). Line is following John Og Mcintosh, William McIntosh, James Sweeney McIntosh, Ada Frances McIntosh, Dortothy Frances Huffman. Interested in learning more about the ancestral home, customs, and times of my McIntosh line in Inverness Shire, Scotland. Name: John McIntosh
Blakney CommentsI was named after my grandfather,but I don't know what clan. He arrived in the USA from Scotland in the late 1800's. Name: William McIntosh CommentsSpeechless what a site time to start doing some research i think Father William, Granddad David, both from Glasgow. But grand dad moved to australia with the rest of the family Name: William Adamson CommentsI'm not really sure what connection my family has with the MacIntoshs. If anyone has any information on any Adamsons that left around 1730 I'd appreciate it. I was traveling through Scotland back in 1992 and saw some train care sitting in the station with CLAN MACINTOSH written on the side. It was good to see that the clan was alive and well. -Will Adamson Sergeant, United States Army Name: Blair Cameron
Mcintosh CommentsGlad to see the MCINTOSH,S on the web. From myself,my wife Adrienne and the kids Cameron staurt,Cerrisa anne,Rhiannon viola louise Mcintosh. Name: Blair Cameron
Mcintosh CommentsGlad to see the MCINTOSH,S ON THE WED Name: Linda Adamson Kelly CommentsGood information on this site. I'm looking for relatives of my grandfather, DAVID WEBSTER ADAMSON (Laramie, WY); G-grandfather ARCHIBALD RENNY ADAMSON (North Platte, NE and Arbroath & Glasgow, Scotland); gg-grandfather JAMES WEBSTER ADAMSON (Arbroath & Glasgow, Scotland); and ggg-grandfather CHARLES ADAMSON (Arbroath, Scotland). Willing to share genealogy information and any anecdotes, etc. Name: Bonnie Urick CommentsHello, Looking for members of our family. Trying to locate the children of Simpson G. McIntosh born 1870 who is from Estill Co. Ky. He had children: Lona, Abraham Lincoln, William, George, Ida, Lillie, Clara, Leroy, Franklin, Miles, Etta and Simpson G. Jr. He was married first to Sarah Richardson, then Mary Chaney then Florence Walters. I am descended from his marriage to Florence and have been in contact with the descendents fo that marriage. We are trying to locate the ones from other marriages. Would appreciate any and all help! Name: Bill Daniel CommentsWith a strong affiliation with the MacIntosh. Notably from John Mor MacIntosh of Inverness. I have a good bit of info,and will share as soon as it looks legible. Feel free to contact me. Name: Margie Cannon CommentsI have just begun to do research on my ggrandfather, Donald McIntosh, who lived in Manitou, Mannitoba. He and his wife, Elizabeth immigrated from Scotland. He died in 1892. Any help would be appreciated. Name: MISSY RUNYON CommentsTRYING TO FIND INFO ON THIS MCINTOSH HE HAD A SON JAMES MCINTOSH AND MARRIED A MARGERY CAMPBELL. JAMES HAD A DAUGHTER CLEMENTINE MCINTOSH WHO MARRIED GEORGE WASHINGTON EVERETT. SHE IS MY GREAT GRANDMOTHER BUT I HAVE NO INFO ON HER FAMILY. NEED HELP IN FINDING THIS. Name: John Stuart Reed CommentsMy GGGGrandfather was Alexander McIntosh born summer 1799 Glascow. Married Margaret MacFarlane 1827 Perth. She was born 1801.Their children were Mary Anne 1829, who died the following year. John 1830, Tripelets Henry, Lavinia and Catherine 1832. Margaret 1835,[ my Grandmother's Grandmother].Mary Ann 1838, John Alexander [Jock adopted son]. Thomas and Christina 1842.[ Christina believed to be adopted]Except for the last two, this family arrived New Zealand 12/12/1840 on London with other members of the MacFarlane family. The husband of one of them was a blacksmith who before he died was the honarable Thomas Maxwell Henderson, member of the upper house of Parliment of NZ, one of the most promident men in NZ 1840 to 1886, shipping line owner, exporter, importer, founder member of The Bank of New Zealand and Insurance Company and so on Name: AMANDAGLENNIE(NEE
JOHNSON) CommentsI'v been doing the family tree for along time now and ould like to know some more about the family clan. I know that the glennie's have a family crest and I would like to know about the crest and how the glennie's go the crest if anyone could help me could you send me a line please. thank you amanda glennie(nee Johnson) by email. Name: Betty McBride CommentsI am now looking for the parents of George W. McIntosh, borned 27 Nov. 1843 in Virginia. Died in Howard County Missouri on 20 Apr. 1882. He married Sarah Elizabeth Gerhart in Morgan County Missouri on 29 Jan. 1879. Is there any Virginia McIntosh's that can help? Love to hear from you. Sincerly Betty McBride PS. The people above are my great grandparents. Name: William G. A. Shaw CommentsBravo on your site. I am in the process of setting one up myself! If you would like my history of Clans Mackintosh and Shaw, let me know and I will email it to anyone! I am the Seannachaidh for Tordarroch and the worldwide Clan. I also have the honour of holding a Lieutenant's Commission from Tordarroch (Lyon Court, Writs Sectin April 1996), and am the Member of Council for the U.S. for Council of Clan Chattan Association, Inverness. Drop me a line anytime! Aye, W.S. Name: Melodi (McIntosh)
Kline Commentsinteresting site! i have always wanted to know more, and this appears to be the place to get it! thanks Name: Ross Mackintosh CommentsThe tree so far goes back as follows: me of David Bruce (1937) & Noeline Joyce Hutchins; Henry (1904) & Margaret Alice Hodgson;Angus (1860) & Elizabeth Barbara Hogg; John (1834) & Grace McPhail; Angus (1797) & Janet McBain; Donald Mackintosh of Glenfrichen Love to hear from any distant relations... Name: graham noble CommentsWould like to exchange info with any descendants/researchers of McIntosh of Bute. They were merchants & shipowners in Rothesay and many emigrated to persue similar ventures in other parts of the Empire. My 3x ggrandparents Benjamin McI & Mary Crawford; family of eight. Nice site! graham noble (gcnoble @ go.com) Name: Michael McIntosh CommentsAn intersting site. Name: Terri Boyle CommentsWell, the short version is I'm looking for John McIntosh who was born in Leicester, North Carolina and should be between 53 to 55 years old. His father is named Ralph McIntosh (who was a Major in the military) and though I don't his mother's name, I was told she was a school teacher. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Terri Name: Jill Mary Sanders CommentsMy parernal great grandfather John McIntosh and his wife Jessie Rose (daughter of Hector Rose, the head gardener to Queen Victoria) both from Nairn or Cawder in Scotland came to Australia in the early half of the 19th century. My grandfather was George Farquar (known as Farquar), and my father Frederick Henry McIntosh. I am currently trying to find the name of my great-great grandfather. Name: Jill Mary Sanders CommentsMy parernal great grandfather John McIntosh and his wife Jessie Rose (daughter of Hector Rose, the head gardener to Queen Victoria) both from Nairn or Cawder in Scotland came to Australia in the early half of the 19th century. My grandfather was George Farquar (known as Farquar), and my father Frederick Henry McIntosh. I am currently trying to find the name of my great-great grandfather. Name: Jill Mary McIntosh CommentsName: Kelley L. McIntosh CommentsJust discovered this page! I am the second daughter of Bob L. and Anita L. McIntosh. I have five other siblings. Lisa, Michael, Robert, Jason, and Sarah. We all live on Washington state. My grandparents were Arnold and Marjorie McIntosh from Beattyville, KY. My grandparents were Walker and Dora Belle McIntosh, from the same town in KY. There were 16 children in Walker and Dora Belle's family. My two remaining aunts in the area are Joyce Cundiff and Judy Wilson. Both live in Lee County, KY. Roger Dale McIntosh, my father's brother, died in 1999, from cancer. He had lived in Washington since 1972. My father's other brother, Charles McIntosh, died in 1966 in the Vietnam War. Would be interested in hearing from any other members from Walker McIntosh's family. Name: Kelley L. McIntosh CommentsName: Harry McIntosh CommentsVery happy to find this page. We are one of the few clans that can claim kinship to each other. CEUD MILLE FAILTE Name: Raymond Charles John
Mc Intosh CommentsI was born on the 11th March 1930 in Melbourne Australia.(2 children).My Father (Charles Henry Duncan) was born in Buelah Victoria on the 7th August 1893.(7 Children) I am interested in the hope that I can find more details of my Grandfather (William Hannah McIntosh) from what I believe he resided at 2 Princes St Edinburgh before immigrating to Australia and what year I don't know or what year he was born neither. I have no clues but I can guess he was have born around 1850 and where I don't know.Would be grateful for imformation if possible Tks & Rgds Name: Raymond Charles John
Mc Intosh CommentsI was born on the 11th March 1930 in Melbourne Australia.(2 children).My Father (Charles Henry Duncan) was born in Buelah Victoria on the 7th August 1893.(7 Children) I am interested in the hope that I can find more details of my Grandfather (William Hannah McIntosh) from what I believe he resided at 2 Princes St Edinburgh before immigrating to Australia and what year I don't know or what year he was born neither. I have no clues but I can guess he was have born around 1850 and where I don't know.Would be grateful for imformation if possible Tks & Rgds Name: Raymond Charles John
Mc Intosh CommentsI was born on the 11th March 1930 in Melbourne Australia.(2 children).My Father (Charles Henry Duncan) was born in Buelah Victoria on the 7th August 1893.(7 Children) I am interested in the hope that I can find more details of my Grandfather (William Hannah McIntosh) from what I believe he resided at 2 Princes St Edinburgh before immigrating to Australia and what year I don't know or what year he was born neither. I have no clues but I can guess he was have born around 1850 and where I don't know.Would be grateful for imformation if possible Tks & Rgds Name: Raymond Charles John
Mc Intosh CommentsI was born on the 11th March 1930 in Melbourne Australia. Name: Ruth Tibbles CommentsI have traced my family back to 1759. Cornealus McIntosh was born in 1759 in Scottland. I'm have not been able to verify that info. I'm searching for his date and place of birth. Name: Betty McBride CommentsI am looking for George Washington McIntosh, born 1848, died 1882 in Missouri. In 1879, Howard County Missouri he married Sarah Elizabeth Gearhart or Bettie Gerhart. born 1850, died 1885. They had a child, Jennie Lind McIntosh, Cooper. Please help me. Thank you..Betty McBride Name: Valerie Jamieson CommentsName: Valerie Jamieson CommentsName: william camerlin
mcintosh Commentsmy grandfather was william john mcintosh born 12 mar 1888. he married denise flora(?) camerlin born 22 aug 1903. he died 8 apr 1966 and she died 2 mar 1973. they had two boys john (jack) born 14 sep 1932 and william camerlin born 17 jan 1937. jack died 27 sep 95 and bill 19 dec 84. i am just starting the family tree but i do know there were relatives around KITCHENER, ONTARIO. if anyone has any info i would appreciate it. william john and denise lived in chester west virginia. if any of the mcintosh's in canada read this--please ask your relatives of my grandfather. my aunt said we may have relatives by the last name of Smith around Kitchener. thank you. Name: Charles T. Smith CommentsMy Grandfather Thomas Simpson Smith and Grandmother Annie Laurie (McMillian) Fountain were born, raised and married in Scotland (Monroe County), Alabama. They both attended the Old Scotland Presbyterian Church which still stands today. It is the oldest Presbyterian Church in the South. If you have any information about my Grandparents or their families and the Old Scotland Presbyterian Church, please e-mail me. Thanks Name: Kathy Lynch CommentsName: Lynden Young McIntosh
IV CommentsMy immediate family all immigrated to Indiana from Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. Lynden Young McIntosh III (born 2-25-42) Lenore Angela McIntosh (born 5-21-42) Lynden Young McIntosh IV (born 7-18-64) Patricia Lee McIntosh (born 8-18-66) Douglas Lee McIntosh (born 1-19-70) Name: Deborah Brake CommentsIam researching my fathers mothers side of the familytree, Irvin Thomas Brake. His grandfathers name was Louis Brake m. Rena McIntosh abt. 1900 in Webster County, Kentucky. Renas Mother Luivina Farmer McIntosh m. Rory McIntosh b.abt. 1857 d. abt. 1927. Luivina was a fullblooded Cherokee or Creek (I've been told, no proof yet)and d. 2.9.1952 in Evansville, Indiana. I have been unable to find anything on my ggrandparents, they seemed to have dropped from the sky, although I still have a lot of places to research. I would appreciate any information that would help me in my search. I'am willing to share any information from this California sidevof the family. I LOVE THIS SITE AND SO GLAD I FOUND IT! I HAVE GOT A LOT OF USEFULL INFORMATION AND LEADS. I HOPE SOMEONE IS LOOKING FOR THE SAME FAMILY. Thanks so much Deb Name: Steven McIntosh CommentsThis web site is the best for finding my famliy's past Name: Nita Kinney CommentsI have been searching for whatever I can find about the McComas name. Iknow that they came to America in the 1700's and soon after their arrival they moved into the Highlands of Appalachia. My grandfather John McComas was born approx 1885 in West Virginia. I would appreciate hearing about the McComas connection to the MacKintosh Clan Name: ROD MAC GILLIVRAY CommentsI WOULD BE MUCH OBLIDGED IF YOU SEND ME ANY INFO ON THE MAC GILLIVRAY CLAN AS OUR CLAN CREST IS THE SAME YOURS ROD MAC GILLIVRAY Name: shawn mcintosh Commentslooking for info.....father is ricky l mcintosh born 11-24-48 in davenport iowa....grandfather is james r mcintosh..have no idea where or when...he's 74.....if u have anymore info email me please Name: Robert Andrew
McIntosh CommentsName: Wendy Harding CommentsJust a note to update my previous. Have a new email address. Its great to see so many McIntosh's all around the world. I'm still tracing John Grant McIntosh's parents Alexander McIntosh and Jane McKenzie. John Grant was born on 19th August, 1829 at Fishnie, Nairnshire Scotland. I have an almost complete history of John Grant and his wife Jessie Rose born 1834 Cawdor. Anyone needing info please give a yell. They lived in Ballarat Victoria and are buried in the Buninyong Cemetery. Many of the relatives still live in Victoria. Name: Donna McIntosh CommentsHave just begun to trace my family tree on my Dad's side. Excellent information found on this web page. Name: Connie Blackledge CommentsLooking for Ancestry info: Kindcardine, Ontario, Canada Richard McIntosh m. Caroline Rooklidge 8 Children #4 my GGrandfather William Rooklidge m. Ellen Marilda Stark Name: Dana McIntosh CommentsThis is a wonderful site! My fathers name is James Levi McIntosh Born Dec 18 1930 in Hayes Kansas.I know there are still relatives back there .Would love to here from some! Name: Jen Cairns CommentsI'm looking for my relitives who live in Scotland still...I know my great aunt Gladys Benn and my Great uncle Robert McIntosh live in lancashire and Wallsall england.. Name: anne CommentsLooking for relatives of my great-grandmother, Elizabeth McIntosh, b. Sept.3. 1844, married John Selfridge on Feb. 16, 1865, in Allegheny, PA, now Pittsburgh. Also, Robert and Will McIntosh, Camden, NJ, Robert McIntosh married Mae Ruth, they had no children, Will married and had two daughters, Ruth Stahl,who had two sons, and Rebecca McIntosh, who was in the Navy WAVE in Hawaii and now lives in Delaware. I do not know Rebecca's married name. Robert and Will's mother lived on Pearl or Point Street in North Camden, NJ, in the 1920's. Name: David MacKillican CommentsHi, I am just looking around to find my history, so I can show it to my daughter when she is old enough. She is one month old at the moment! Name: Carolyn S. Clark CommentsNeed parents of Solomon McIntosh born about 1795. Married Elizabeth Ann "Betsy" Edmonston in 1816 Christian Co.,Kentucky. Lived in Weakley Co., Tennessee and Green Co.,Arkansas. Name: Todd William
McIntosh CommentsSon of Charles Duncan McIntosh Charles Duncan McIntosh Son of Charles McIntosh (Glasgow) Name: Todd William
McIntosh CommentsName: Joyce McInnis Avery CommentsSearching for Thomas McInnis. He had a brother John P who married a Maude McIntosh. John P had a son John D. Could be middle name of Dunlop as this seams to be a family name. Any info e mail at buckeyeavery @ juno.com Name: Lisa Warthen de
Garrido CommentsThis history has been in my family for years. If you would like more information please email me: HISTORY OF COL. JOSIA WILLIAM TAYLOR, PRINCESS MARIE BRITO AND FAMILY JOSIA WILLIAM TAYLOR was born on the Isle of Jersey in 1782. He served under Wellington as Captain, later promoted to the rank of Colonel. He fought in Spain and Portugal, at Salamanca, Vittoria, Toulouse, Badajos, Albaniera. He belonged to the regiment called The Buffs Leaving Spain and Portugal he came to the Isle of Wight, marrying Princess Marie, daughter of Baron Brito of Lisbon, Portugal. She went to the war zone with him and mended the British flag when torn and riddled by bullets. She never did any work but needle; this she occupied her time with, making clothing which she gave to the poor and needy as they passed by. During the war they buried a three-quart pail of jewels, which was never recovered. From the Isle of Wight they went to Ireland, the Colonel serving part of his time as a Military officer. Left Ireland, came to Canada and were stationed at Fort Henry, Kingston, Ontario, in the 14th regiment. While there some of his family were born. Leaving Kingston, they settled in Perth, Ontario. Wile there he paid out pensions, drew deeds and was Passport Master and Merchant. He was a Member of Parliament for the Conservative House in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He sold out his Pension and received a large sum of gold. When he came to Perth he was considered the best looking man, and first gentleman of that part. He owned two square miles of land in Perth The Hazeltons in Renfrew, Ontario, own a large oil painting of him, which was copied from the original when he was a member of the House of Parliament at Toronto. It is claimed there is a large fortune in a Catholic Church at Lisbon, Portugal, unclaimed, which includes two very valuable diamond necklets. Colonel Taylor died at Perth, Ontario in 1844. The names of Colonel Taylor's family were: Mary Taylor, who married Doctor Peter McIntosh of Glasgow, Ontario -- Mrs. Routledges grandmother (b. 1818) Liza Taylor, Mrs. John Hazelton, Douglas, Ontario Harriet Taylor, Mrs. John Shaw, Bouchere Point, Ontario (b. 1824)\par Madeline Taylor, Mrs. Neil Campbell, Perth, Ontario\par Caroline Taylor, Mrs. John Smith, Renfrew, Ontario\par Emy Taylor, Spinster, Bouchere Point, Ontario\par Marice Taylor, Spinster, Bouchere Point, Ontario\par James Taylor, Anglican Minister\par William Taylor, Medical Doctor, Peterborough, Ontario.\par Joseph Taylor, in USA\par Josia Taylor, in USA\par We don't know much about the family and cannot say if any are still alive. This history of Colonel Taylor and family was given to me by the Hazelton family of Renfrew, Ontario, in the year 1915. It is now June 1st, 1971. Doctor and Mrs. Peter McIntosh's eldest son was my father, Josia McIntosh. He was born at Castelford, Ontario, on December 11th, 1840, and died at Webb, Saskatchewan, Canada in June 1931. I, the writer, am the youngest daughter of Josia McIntosh, Margaret McIntosh. My married name is Margaret Routledge. My late husband, Doctor James Anson Routledge was born at Dunkeld, Ontario, July 25th, 1881 and died in Victoria, British Columbia on July 26th, 1957. We have one son, Doctor James Holden Routledge, born March 25th, 1916, whose present address is Oshawa Clinic, 117 King Street, East, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. My present address is Mrs. J.A. Routledge or Mrs. Margaret Routledge, Apartment 411, 2025 Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, British Columbia. DATED AT VICTORIA this 1st day of June 1971. (The original signed by Margaret McIntosh Routledge) Name: John William
McIntosh CommentsMy grandfather was William McIntosh who lived in Owsley County Kentucky. My father's name was Hubert and he married Edna Mae (Wilson) McIntosh. I grew up in Southwestern Ohio. Name: Donna CommentsI'm looking for the family of George Washington McIntosh born 1848 pennsylvania. Married garah E. Gerhart born 1850. George and Sarah died at young age and left orphan Jenny Lynn McIntosh. Jenny Lynn married a Cooper. They lived and died in Missouri. Thanks Donna concrete55 @ aol.com Name: Euan McIntosh CommentsName: Scott McIntosh Commentsnice work Name: Zebulon Thomson CommentsName: Zebulon Thomson CommentsName: Eric Parker
McIntosh CommentsPARENTS:Judy May(parker)McIntosh,Cheif master sergent, James Eldon McIntosh GRANDPARENTS:MSTG.(retired)Clearence Eldon McIntosh, Laverne (craig)McIntosh Dee Parker, Connie Parker BROTHER:PFC. Aaron James McIntosh Name: Joseph F. MacIntosh CommentsBorn in Nairn Scotland , came to Canada in 1229 along with 10 other children and mother & father settled in the Essex Co. area close to Windsor Ont. Enyone out there from the Nairn area ? E mail me i will answer. Name: Joseph F. MacIntosh CommentsBorn in Nairn Scotland , came to Canada in 1229 along with 10 other children and mother & father settled in the Essex Co. area close to Windsor Ont. Enyone out there from the Nairn area ? E mail me i will answer. Name: Laura Ann Bink CommentsMy great grandfather was William Alexander McIntosh b. Herkimer County, New York son of Thomas and Catherine [Blue] McIntosh. Thomas was the son of William and Hannah [Finger] McIntosh of New York. Looking for information on William and Hannah McIntosh and the parents of William believed to be William McIntosh and Avas McKay who immigrated from Scotland in the late 1700's. Name: Catherine E.
McIntosh CommentsName: Catherine E.
McIntosh CommentsName: JoAnn
McIntosh Barber CommentsI have been searching for information on my gggrandfather, William Taylor McIntosh. I know he resided in North Carolina where his son Odom (or O.P.) was born in Iredell County. I only have initials for his wife, S.E.McIntosh. Can anyone help me?While looking through old notebooks I've determined he may have come to this country in 1847, but I'm not sure about that. This is a neat site! Name: mikie CommentsName: Heather L McIntosh CommentsGREAT GRANDFATHER, ROBERT, BOOTMAKER, CAME FROM DUNDEEE, SCOTLAND ABOUT 1851 WITH WIFE, MARGARET, nee WHITE. A SON, ROBERT, WAS 8. THEY ARRIVED IN NSW FIRST THEN MOVED TO VICTORIA. NEED MORE FROM BEFORE THIS POINT. REGARDS H M Name: Heather L McIntosh CommentsGREAT GRANDFATHER, ROBERT, BOOTMAKER, CAME FROM DUNDEEE, SCOTLAND ABOUT 1851 WITH WIFE, MARGARET, nee WHITE. A SON, ROBERT, WAS 8. THEY ARRIVED IN NSW FIRST THEN MOVED TO VICTORIA. NEED MORE FROM BEFORE THIS POINT. REGARDS H M Name: Heather L McIntosh CommentsGREAT GRANDFATHER, ROBERT, BOOTMAKER, CAME FROM DUNDEEE, SCOTLAND ABOUT 1851 WITH WIFE, MARGARET, nee WHITE. A SON, ROBERT, WAS 8. THEY ARRIVED IN NSW FIRST THEN MOVED TO VICTORIA. NEED MORE FROM BEFORE THIS POINT. REGARDS H M Name: Heather L McIntosh CommentsName: Deborah Suzanne Mary
McIntosh CommentsMy father, Charles, is originally from Kilmarnock, Scotland. He immigrated to Canada from Scotland in the late 50's. I'm trying to trace my family tree. Name: Tracy Schultz
McIntosh CommentsMy husband is Philip Stuart McIntosh, son of Philip Elbert McIntosh, son of Oscar Lewis McIntosh, son of Elbert C. McIntosh. Elbert probably lived in North Carolina and was married to Laura Ramsey, who was descended from Daniel Boone. Would love info on this line for our family tree. Stuart and I went to Scotland for our honeymoon and visited Moy Hall, seat of the Clan Macintosh. Then clan chief Lachlan McIntosh showed us the small museum adjacent to the house. We met his wife and daughter, too. Who is the current chief? I heard Lachlan died a while back. Name: Gordon Scott
Ritchie CommentsI traveled to Scotland in 1982 while stationed in England as I served in the Air Force. I traveled to Scotland by train and stayed in Bed Breakfast for the night along the way. I feel strongly that anyone of Scotish decent should travel to Scotland at least once. Think of it as our Meca. It is a wonderful and beautiful world unto its own. Edinburgh and Inverness were nothing short of magical to me. I look forward to taking my son and daughter there one day. No matter the time of year...take a sweater. Name: Pennie Trevillian CommentsMy grandmother was Bessie McIntosh Musselman. I know that she was born in PA on 8/16/1885(? I thought it was 1895 but her SDI cert says otherwise!). Her SSN was 108184161. Looking for any info. Trying to start my genealogy. Thanks! Name: GEORGE EGGO Commentsplease help me with info on the name EGGO this is the nearest I have come.e.mail me please. thanks George Name: James F McIntosh CommentsWow, this is the best site on the web. I did not realize we were such a popular people. Keep up the good work. Name: James F McIntosh CommentsName: Brian McIntosh CommentsWhere are all my relatives? Great grandparents-->Melvin and Olive retired in Palmyra, NJ before passing away. Grandparents-->John and Dorothy of N. Grafton, MA. Any connections, please e-mail. Name: Laura McIntosh-Wade CommentsName: Stephen M.
McCartney CommentsGreat web page.. Always love to hear from anyone who can speak to the McCartney connection to the clan. Name: Kim House CommentsAn informative site, well done. I am researching the surnames Paton and Gibson in Stirling, SCT and Lennox from Lanarkshire. Name: Dean Milton PETTIS CommentsMy great great great grandfather John McIntosh, son of Alexander McIntosh and Jannett ( ) born in 1777 in the Mohawk Valley of New York moved to Matilda Township, Dundas County, Ontario where he married Hannah Dorn. They were the original propagators of the McIntosh Red Apple. At first called Granny's Apple because Hannah Dorn McIntosh nurtured it in their garden and shared the fruit with her numerous descendants. Sons Allen and Alexander McIntosh carried on a nursery which provided grafted McIntosh Apple trees to a wider audience. The youngest daughter Charlotte Elizabeth McIntosh married George Augustus FOX and moved to Minnesota Territory in 1856. I have collected much McIntosh (Apple Family) History and have an old photograph album of some of these people. Please contact me to connect our lines. Best Wishes Dean Name: John Andrew Thomas
McIntosh CommentsName: James Robertson
Ritchie IV CommentsName: BARBARA JEAN
MCINTOSH CommentsName: Bethany (McIntosh)
Haight CommentsI have just started researching my McIntosh heritage. My father's name was Maurice McIntosh, son of Robert and Margaret (Auton) McIntosh. Robert McIntosh was born 06/16/1889 the son of Janet and Lacklin in Penwrith Scotland (although now I see that this is England). He married Margaret Auton on 12/25/1911 in England, and the imigrated to the US via Canada in 1922 to Flushing, Michigan. I believe Robert had a brother, John W McIntosh born 09/04/1879 who came to the US and died in the Flushing area on 03/29/1963. I am searching for anyone who has any information on other brothers and sisters of Robert McIntosh or knows anything of this line of the ancestory. Robert served in WWI with the English in Egypt. Again Robert had a son Maurice (my father), and another daughter Margaret(named after her mother). Please contact me if any of these names sound familiar. Name: Joseph F. MacIntosh CommentsName: Luis Roberto R.
Mackintosh CommentsGreat Page! Name: Linda Emlyn CommentsMy mother is Carol Ann Florence McIntosh, her father was George Gilbert McIntosh(deceased) probably born in the Cascade Mountains Washington. I know he has/had sisters Daisy, Violet, Florence?. He married JoAnn Tochail(deceased). I am looking for relatives, my mother's only brother Gordie is deceased. I am also hoping any relatives may have information on when/where my grandfather met my grandmother or where they were married, I have not found any history of Tochail's anywhere. Name: Linda Emlyn CommentsMy mother is Carol Ann Florence McIntosh, her father was George Gilbert McIntosh(deceased) probably born in the Cascade Mountains Washington. I know he has/had sisters Daisy, Violet, Florence?. He married JoAnn Tochail(deceased). I am looking for relatives, my mother's only brother Gordie is deceased. I am also hoping any relatives may have information on when/where my grandfather met my grandmother or where they were married, I have not found any history of Tochail's anywhere. Name: Kaththea
Borland-Mills CommentsName: Douglas McIntosh CommentsExcellent guest book and resource! I've just recently begun looking into my ancestors. My ggreatgrandfather was Alexander McIntosh(b.1825) who emigrated from Scotland to the St. Thomas area of Ontario. His children were Isabella(b.1854), James(b.1856), Alexander(b.1860), Margery(b.1863), John(b.1867), Mary(b.1870), Charlotte(b.1873), William(b.1876), Jennie(b.1879) and my greatgrandfather George Douglas McIntosh(b.1858). If you think any of these could be your ancestors as well, please email. Thanks Name: Joseph J. Ripley CommentsSurprised to find my family name affiliated. If you have some info on the ties of the Ripley to the Mackintosh, please share with me. My father died when I was 11 years old and have no idea of the Ripley background. Name: Darren CommentsWonderful site, very informative and well presented. Name: Micaela McIntosh CommentsMy father is Adam McIntosh, and he has four brothers and one sister, respectively named Peter, Tom, Paul, Margaret, and the late David. Their parents' names were David Kenneth and Glad Rose McIntosh. If you have any information about these people, and where they come into play with the Clan McIntosh, please email me, as I am very interested in my heritage. Thank you. Name: Ada Barrett CommentsMy grandmother was Odea McIntosh Holland, her parents were Jerry McIntosh and Laura Johnson, from Perry Co./Breathitt Kentucky. I am trying to make a connection. Jerry remarried, Laura died in 1910 at age 30. Jerry's line is William, Henly, William, Peter McIntosh. I would appreciate any help. They are in the 1900 Breathitt Census, Jerry was born in 1871 and Laura Johnson, 1880. Thanks, ADA :) Would love to hear any McIntosh History. Name: Kim McIntosh-McLean CommentsWhat a great sites........Love it! My McIntosh family is from New Brunswick,Canada.My Great Grandfather was Arthur McIntosh.I would love to hear from any relatives and anyone with any information on this family. Name: Robert McIntosh CommentsI am a Long Island, NY born McIntosh. My father (Robert) was born in Scotland (Parish of Ballingry - County of Fife) in 1907. His brothers included: James, Lachlan, Thomas, Alex, and William. His sister was named Elizabeth. His father (Robert) was a pitheadman who married Ann McLean on 29DEC1899 at Dundee (Scotland). Any direct links to them would be greatly appreciated! SEMPER FI! Robert McIntosh *****P.S. Please visit our fledgling site... http://sgtmajmac.tripod.com Name: MADELINE LINDSEY
Connor CommentsName: Rpbert Bruce
McIntosh CommentsI was born in Victoria, B.C., Canada on November 15, 1952. I am trying to locate family geneology for my family. My fathers name is Alexander Stewart McIntosh, born somewhere near Kingston, Ontario, Canada on Oct. 1, 1925. My mothers maiden name was Josephine Gertrude Johnson, born near Vancouver, B.C., Canada on Feb. 29,1928. I am trying to find out how to get started on my own family geneology. Can anyone help me? Please email me. Mahalo... Name: Jamie Mackintosh
Curran CommentsName: JAMIE MACKINTOSH
CURRAN CommentsName: Marion Davis CommentsI have been doing research on the McIntosh families in KY, especially Clay, Perry, and Breathitt. I left a message in early 1999 with e-mail address of davisrm4 @ gte.net. That address has changed to the above. I would be glad to share what information I have. My paternal grandfather was Henly McIntosh and I have traced him back to Peter & Margaret (Peggy) McIntosh who came over to NC on the Manomia. I have not been able to locate much on them. Any information would be welcomed. Name: george eastman Commentsggggggrandfather was John McIntosh .Arrived with his parents on the ship "Prince of Wales"in 1736. Settled in Georgia. Married Margeret McGillivary . Lived at 110 Ogelthorpe ave. in Savannah, Georgia. Interesting site Name: Marion Davis CommentsName: Gerald McIntosh CommentsJust wanting to know more about my surname. Name: Barbara and Haskell
Combs CommentsIt is a nice setup. I wonder if there was somehow a way to show how these septs branched off and when, and the key people that did separate. Also, did a lot of these people go to England from Scotland. We are descended from John Combs who came aboard the Marigold in 1623 to Jamestown, Virginia. It would be interesting to know what precipitated the move and his family before him. Barbara and Haskell Combs Name: Hilda McIntosh CommentsHoping to find some information on my husband family. All we know is his father's name was William Turner McIntosh he was born in Jackson,Ky on 12/25/1908. His Grandfather"s name was Ben and his Grandmother"s name was Molly,she was a Indian who died in around 1916. Think there was other family that moved to Iowa. Any information would be greatly appreciated Name: Hilda McIntosh CommentsHoping to find some information on my husband family. All we know is his father's name was William Turner McIntosh he was born in Jackson,Ky on 12/25/1908. His Grandfather"s name was Ben and his Grandmother"s name was Molly,she was a Indian who died in around 1916. Think there was other family that moved to Iowa. Any information would be greatly appreciated |