Clan McIntosh |
Name: Mcintosh CommentsName: James I McIntosh CommentsName: Shanthe Gawn (nee
Glen) CommentsName: Rayann Moench CommentsI'm just starting to find my family history & I'm not sure if I belong here. My father's mother's maiden name was Mac Intosh (Mary Janet - goes by Jan). Married name is Vorm. Does that make me a Mac Intosh? Or do the lines follow fathers and sons? Mother's father was born in Glasgow. James E. Waggett. I can't seem to find a clan with his name. Any and all information/tips to help me on my search is greatly appreciated. Thank you! Name: Michelle CommentsMy real Grandfathers name was Julius McIntosh & he Married Mary magdalene Patton (my grandmother) in Kentucky...Ive heard he was part cherokee as was my grandmother . I cant find any information on it. Name: Chris E McIntosh CommentsHi Looking for any news on my famly tree fathers name is Merle William McIntosh . Mother Ann Maire . Both from Limestone area in the great state of Maine. Any news, love to here from ya.Thank you . Moighman Name: Chris E McIntosh CommentsName: Kathy
(McIntosh)Christensen CommentsThis is a great site. Just started doing research on my family tree. Have dated my GGGGG Grandfather Peter McIntosh md. to Margaret (Turner), back to the mid to late 1700's. My family is from Eastern Ky. Before that I think Virginia?? Any info, please e-mail me... Thanks. Good Luck to other researchers.. Kathy Name: Kathy (McIntosh)
Christensen CommentsName: Rich Glennie CommentsTerrific site. I don't know much about the Glennies of Scotland, so I could use some help. I have information on the American Glennies that I am willing to share. The Glennies of my clan came from Scotland to Canada and then settled in Michigan about 1866 before moving to Minnesota in the early 1900s. Name: Shirley Dallas CommentsHullo from Arizona, rooting about studying my heritage. Also looking for a website for McIntosh House of Tartan, but it didn't come up in the search. Planning to attend the Secret Gathering at Glencoe Township, Kansas in May, maybe see you there. Name: Lynn Anderson CommentsLooking for information about my ancestors. The only information I have is that my gg Grandmothers name was Martha Ellen McIntosh. She was born on March 16.1879,Kentucky, Died Feb, 22 1929 near Stroud, Ok. We don't know her maiden name. McIntosh is her married name. Sorry I can't say who she was married to but I do know their childrens names. Ruth Ellen, Dave, Dovey, Nellie Mae, Frank, Jewel Iva, Pearly Elizabeth, Johnny Thomas. If anyone has more information let me know Name: Lynn Anderson CommentsLooking for information about my ancestors. The only information I hwave is that my gg Grandmothers name was Martha Ellen McIntosh. She was born on March 16.1879., In Kentucky. We don't know her maiden name. McIntosh is her married name. Sorry I can't say who she was married to but I do know their childrens names. Ruth Ellen, Dave, Dovey, Nellie Mae, Frank, Jewel Iva, Pearly Elizabeth, Johnny Thomas. If anyone has more information let me know Name: Lynn Anderson CommentsLooking for information about my ancestors. The only information I hwave is that my gg Grandmothers name was Martha Ellen McIntosh. We don't know her maiden name. McIntosh is her married name. Sorry I can't say who she was married to but I do know their childrens names. Ruth Ellen, Dave, Dovey, Nellie Mae, Frank, Jewel Iva, Pearly Elizabeth, Johnny Thomas. If anyone has more information let me know Name: Fern Stimson CommentsWilliam McIntosh 1784-1868 was my gggrandpa on my mothers side.He married a SaraCampbell and had a son John and two daughters Sara and Margaret (who was my ggrandma ).His family married and settled around Newmarket and Simcoe county in Ontario. I would like to know of any of his siblings and/or his ancestors. This is fun what else can one do on a Sat.Night???
Name: Judith Rice-Jones CommentsJohn Mackintosh was among a shipload of 272 Scotch prisoners from the battle of Worcester who arrived in America May 14, 1652. His great grandson was Ebenzer MacIntosh who played an important part in the Boston Tea Party. Ebenezer's youngest son John-daughter Caroline Lorinda McIntosh Reed-daughter Rhoda Adelle Reed Rice-Abner Bertram Rice-Ruth Rice Jones-Judith Rice-Jones. Would like to know where in Scotland John lived. Name: Colin John
Mackintosh CommentsInteresting site, my family comes from around Newtonmore and Laggan, Invernesshire, Scotland. Have read through the guest book see no mention of the local game of Shinty, which has a friendly rivalry between the neighbouring villages of Newtonmore and Kingussie,do any of the over seas clansmen follow or play the sport of which my father Robert John and his father Jock Paul played, he later becoming chieftan of Newtonmore. Name: Donald Gensemer CommentsName: Vernon Hassell CommentsLooking for info on my gggrandmother - Christiana P. McIntosh - she married on 28 Dec 1846 Rev. Allen M. Box in Wilcox Co., Ala. she was born app 1829 in Ala. Would like to know her parents. Name: Allan Reid CommentsName: Shanna Spradlin CommentsMy grandfather's mother was Girtha Ann MacIntosh, daughter of James MacIntosh, son of Catherine Hockner MacIntosh. All I know so far, but lovely to find so many folks from so far afield! Name: Karen Jo Anne
Pickering CommentsTrying to find out information on my family tree. My mother was Carol Ann McIntosh Pickering, she had one sister Jean McIntosh Myers, their parents were Irene and Clarence Laverne McIntosh, and his father was William McIntosh. All from the Chatham area. Any help would be great!! I want to know more about my Scottish backround. Name: Ronald K. McIntosh.
Sr CommentsTrying to find parents of Hezekiah P. McIntosh B.1840-44. He had 3 children, Zachary Manson McIntosh, B11-28-1879,Hatti McIntosh B.1878 and Raymond McIntosh B.1880. Any help would be greatly appricated. Name: scott ripley Commentssept of mackintosh, grandmother is a stewart, grandfather a ripley. i am trying to find out more about the family, will update if possible. I am getting a chance to go to Scotland to study for a year next semester. any advice on places to visit or miss would be appreciated. Name: Gloria McIntosh
Eldridge CommentsName: Gary Gordon
McIntosh CommentsNew to the net, thought I'd look up the family name. Happily surprised to find so much info. Should any one be interested we come from Liverpool U.K. Where there are still quite A few around. My father's full name is Stanley Gordon McIntosh (born 1934)now retired and living in Spain. My grandfather's name was Gordon McIntosh (dec.1967), he had A brother called Robert (Bob). I know nothing else about our family line and it would be interesting to discover more. Name: Carol CommentsGreat site!! The only info I have re my McIntosh family is: Bride - Anne McIntosh - age 21 - born Toronto, Ontario spinster - parents - Alexander and Anne McIntosh Groom - Edward Wright - age 22 - born Manvers bachelor - farmer - residence Minden, Ontario parents - William and Catherine Wright Witnesses - William James Wilson Eliza Ann Wright Religion - Groom - Episcopalian Bride - Presbyterian Marriage - by License - Rev. J. Wilks - November 14,1877 Kinmount, Division of Somerville, County of Victoria ---------------------------- Cemetery Records for Minden, Ont., Canada McINTOSH/ In Memory Of/ Alexander Campbell McINTOSH/ 1831-1917/ Ann GRAHAM/ Wife of Alexander McINTOSH/ Died May 26, 1914 Aged 82 Yrs & 9 Mo,s./ Their son/ Frederick Augustus/ Died Jan. 24. 1871 Aged 3 yrs 5 mos. Anne(nee McIntosh) and Edward moved to U.S. and appear first on the N. Dakota 1885 Census. Next in the 1900 Census, living in Cavalier N.D. Their children, all born in N.D. were: Augustus(Gus) b1880, Marguarite(Maggie) M. b1885, Winnifred(Winnie) L. b1888, Catharine(Rebecca) b1889, William A. b1891, Elsie L. b1892, Flora L. b1895 & James(Jim) D. b1898. Any info re any of the above...in Canada or the USA greatly appreciated. Thanks. Name: Judith P. Comfort CommentsMy grandfather was James Finnley McIntosh, born In Scotland in 1884. He lived to be 98. He married Margaret Anne Gunn from Cathiness. He emograted to St. louis MO. in 1904, worked on the worlds fair and then began building a strong future, never stopping never afraid of anything. Name: Patty Petesen CommentsMy grandfather was Alexander McIntosh from Scotland, his mothers maiden name was Jean Spencer. Glad I found this site. Name: Patty Petesen CommentsName: Michael McShane CommentsMy Grandfather, Wilfred James McIntosh (deceased 1990) lived in Hamilton, Victoria. He married Teresa Sullivan, who grew up in a convent in Ballarat. My uncle Syd McIntosh (Mount Gambier), has been doing some research into the family tree. He believes that some of the first McIntosh settlers were whalers in the Portland (Victoria) area. Wilfred and Teresa had 4 children, Syd, Ian, Carol and Doreen (all now around 50). Most of my mothers side still reside in Victoria. Could anyone provide me with more information about the family history, or confirm/deny my uncles' research?? Name: Hayden McIntosh CommentsName: Sally M. McIntosh CommentsName: mick fletcher Commentshi, my great grandmother was pearl McIntosh Fletcher she married my great grandfather Bruce Singleton Fletcher about 1900 in Fremont County Iowa. Her fathers name was Galen McIntosh born 1844. any info on them would be appreciated. thanks Name: Joanne MacKintosh CommentsWe are trying to trace of James MacKintosh b. 1794 in Perth, married Grace Stewart b. abt 1798, also in Perth. Son Daniel MacKintosh and his wife Elizabeth Ingles Hogg left Scotland sometime before 1855, traveling to Salt Lake City in that year. We are planning a trip to Scotland this summer, if anyone has any suggestions as to how to possibly track down info when we get there, would be much appreciated. Name: Christopher Lawrence
McIntosh CommentsI just discovered this site and I look forward to checking it out in more detail! If you are a McIntosh and wish to contact me and discuss our Scottish heritage, please feel free to do so. I am very new to the internet, and I only have access at work so please contact me at: WJHL-TV c/o Chris McIntosh p.o. box 1130 Johnson City, TN. 37605 I look forward to hearing from you! Chris Name: Marilyn J. Wulff CommentsMy father's mother's maiden name was Vida Lucille McIntosh. I have some family history of her family in a book in my attic. I'll dig it out soon, so I can give you more information. My birth name is Marilyn Jean Gibbs (my married name (now divorced) is Marilyn Wulff. My father's name was Emmett Earl Gibbs. He was born in Dunlap, Iowa in 1925. I'll look further at the website. Thank you for being here! Name: Hazel CommentsNot too many from Canada signing. Looking for info on Miles McIntosh who lived in Guysboro County,Nova Scotia in 1838 Name: Jennifer
Pendergrass CommentsI am searching for any information on the family of Samuel McIntosh born 2 Mar 1814 - Married Sarah Sophronia Chamberlin 1 Jan 1855 in Canada. Their daughter Ella Jemima McIntosh(from Burford Township,Brant, Ontario) married Joseph Shaver Wilson 26 Nov 1873 in Princeton, Ontario. On the back of a picture was written that Samuel McIntosh was a fisherman in Nova Scotia. If You have any McIntosh relatively from this area, I would like to compare records and share what I have in our records. Thanks Name: Jennifer
Pendergrass CommentsI am searching for any information on the family of Samuel McIntosh born 2 Mar 1814 - Married Sarah Sophronia Chamberlin 1 Jan 1855 in Canada. Their daughter Ella Jemima McIntosh(from Burford Township,Brant, Ontario) married Joseph Shaver Wilson 26 Nov 1873 in Princeton, Ontario. On the back of a picture was written that Samuel McIntosh was a fisherman in Nova Scotia. If You have any McIntosh relatively from this area, I would like to compare records and share what I have in our records. Thanks Name: Jennifer
Pendergrass CommentsI am searching for any information on the family of Samuel McIntosh born 2 Mar 1814 - Married Sarah Sophronia Chamberlin 1 Jan 1855 in Canada. Their daughter Ella Jemima McIntosh(from Burford Township,Brant, Ontario) married Joseph Shaver Wilson 26 Nov 1873 in Princeton, Ontario. On the back of a picture was written that Samuel McIntosh was a fisherman in Nova Scotia. If You have any McIntosh relatively from this area, I would like to compare records and share what I have in our records. Thanks Name: Lori McIntosh
O'Connor CommentsIn searching for my first cousin, Kermit (aka Tony/Sonny)I have found that he is deceased. I have also found that he had two children, Sonny & Crystal McIntosh, maybe living in Washington State in 1993-94. If anyone has any info on these 2 McIntoshes, please let me know. I am working on genealogy and would really like to include these two and their families. I only had 2 first cousins to begin with, and now I find that I only have one. Thanks in advance. Name: Robert J. McIntosh
III Comments"Life Is Beautiful" Name: Fred and Sandy
McIntosh CommentsSon of Donald H.Mcintosh and Mary J. Mcintosh of Villisca Iowa Name: Anneke Dubash CommentsMy mother was from Scotland. Her father was James McIntosh and mother Annie Tocher. Her father was a minister in Dumfries until just after WW2. I am trying to find out more about the family. My Grandfather was estranged from his family who lived in Glasgow, the break coming during the war. One side of the family were Sooters or Souters. I recall my mother telling the story of my grandfather going in to the battle at Vimy Ridge in WW1, passing a column of Canadians coming out. He called out to see if any were relations. One called back and they turnd out to be cousins. The man was from (I think) Winnipeg. They spoke briefly and never spoke again. Did he survive? I'd like to know who he was and who his relations were. I'd love to hear and so would my Mom. Name: Joyce Ann Harburn
McIntosh CommentsMy Father was Harry P.McIntosh Grandfather Percival James McIntosh d.o.b.june30,1888 Brown City, Mich d.o.d. March3,1946 Great-Grandfather Robert McIntosh. Percy nick name married a Mamie Glazer at Brown,City Mich. they were divorced and he married a Mary Metzer at Brown,City.WE feel James came here from Canada, thru Port Huron.Going thru this site i found no Percival's so does this ring a bell? This is a great site.Answer me or my Brother on this site. Walter McIntosh in Cotton Wood,Az. Go thru the site you will find him. Thank You Joyce Name: Ian McIntosh Commentshi Name: Ian McIntosh Commentshi Name: Chester McIntosh,
Jr. CommentsName: Linda Jean West CommentsI found the website very helpful. I am researching Alexander McIntosh,born Moore Co, N.C.(?) ,in 1776 . He married Mary(maiden name unknown), and had eight known children born in N.C. before moving to the Hopkins Co. area of Kentucky in 1827/1828,and purchasing land from a Jeptha Lacy and his wife a long Drake's Creek in Hopkins Co.There was also a Murdock McKinzie and his wife Barbara in this area at the same time. They also came from Moore Co.This family seemed to be related and I wish to find out how. If anyone can help, please contact me. Thank you , Linda West Name: Deborah McIntosh CommentsI'm married to Thomas Alexander McIntosh III and although I've heard some family history I don't recall the details...so I'd like to return with more info! Name: Oliver MacIntosh CommentsI am trying to find information on my ancestors. Any help would be appreciated. Please email me if you have any information. My ggg grandparents were John Macintosh and Euphemia Taylor and lived in or near Scone, born 1785. My gg grandparents were John MacIntosh and Elizabeth Garvie, also Scone, born 1810. John was a gardner at Scone Palace. My great grandparents were Oliver Macintosh and Betsy Middleton. Oliver emigrated from Scone to Friern Barnet, near London as a youth and remained there, where my grandfather, Thomas was born in 1870. He came to the U.S. in 1900 and married my grandmother, Susan Briggs. They settled in Rumson, New Jersey where he was also a gardner. Any relatives out there, please let me know. I really enjoy this site. Name: Oliver MacIntosh CommentsI am trying to find information on my ancestors. Any help would be appreciated. Please email me if you have any information. My ggg grandparents were John Macintosh and Euphemia Taylor and lived in or near Scone, born 1785. My gg grandparents were John MacIntosh and Elizabeth Garvie, also Scone, born 1810. John was a gardner at Scone Palace. My great grandparents were Oliver Macintosh and Betsy Middleton. Oliver emigrated from Scone to Friern Barnet, near London as a youth and remained there, where my grandfather, Thomas was born in 1870. He came to the U.S. in 1900 and married my grandmother, Susan Briggs. They settled in Rumson, New Jersey where he was also a gardner. Any relatives out there, please let me know. I really enjoy this site. Name: Al Luckenbach CommentsLooking for Virginia McIntosh lines. My grandmother was Jane McIntosh Coyle b.1917? - her parents were Harvey and Edna McIntosh (living in Louden co. in 1920)- Harvey's parents were Crawford b.1847 in Va. and Angeline McIntosh (living in Prince Wm. co. in 1900)- in 1880 census Crawford is listed with brothers Lucian, William, and James and their mother Adeline (Adlaid?) - McIntosh name is common in many Virginia census records from 1850 and before - Can anyone fill in some gaps? Name: Carl Richmond
McIntosh CommentsMy family is from the Western Part of North Carolina. Father was Carl McIntosh, Grandfather William N. C. McIntosh. Would appreciate any information about them. I plan to visit Moy Hall on Loch Moy this fall. Mrs. McIntosh of McIntosh lives there now. Her husband who was Chief for many years died about two years ago. I met Chinubbe McIntosh this past summer at the Williamsburg Scottish Festival. He is a GG Grandson of William McIntosh, Chief of the Creek Indians. Slainte Malte to all McIntosh Loch Moigh Name: Cathy Oquist CommentsMy great-grandfather, JOHN CRAWFORD McINTOSH was born in Glasgow in 1865. His parents were WILLIAM JOHN McINTOSH and MARGARET (nee CRAWFORD). The names of known siblings of my great-grandfather are Margaret Smith McIntosh (born 1863), Mary (1866), William (1868), Elisabeth (1870), Hugh (1872) and Ann (1874). All were born in Glasgow. I know nothing about those siblings other than that one of the sisters was reputedly in the USA in the 1890s or early 1900s working for the Salvation Army. My great-grandafther emigrated to New Zealand around 1900. I welcome contact with descendants of any of his siblings. Name: Pamela Pruiett CommentsIf anyone has any information on Ambrose or his wife Susan James I would appreciate any input. They were the parents of Susan and Mary. I think that the elder Susan died during childbirth. They were known to have lived in Edgar county, Illinois. Thank you. Dont know if we are connected or not but I found your site very interesting. Name: Robert
Mcintosh CommentsNice site. So many different Mcintosh's Name: Fiona Downie (nee
Mackintosh) CommentsMy Father has traced our family tree back to the 1600's and is interested to hear from anyone whose ancestors hail from the stratherrick area. Name: Amy Day CommentsHi, looking for info regarding Thomas McItosh from Thomasville, GA. He lived there in the early 1800's. The family stuck around there and so I am also researching the names of Jane McIntosh Dillon, Minerva McIntosh Dillon, and James Dillon. Any help appreciated! Thanks! Name: April McIntosh Commentshusband (Bernard McIntosh. His great-grandfather Henry McIntosh came over to Prince Edward Island in Canada. He then migrated south to Maine. Name: April McIntosh Commentshusband's great-grandfather Henry McIntosh came over to Prince Edward Island in Canada. He then migrated south to Maine. Name: Lester & Tracey
McIntosh CommentsMy husband is the son of Clifford McIntosh born in Ione, WA to King McIntosh. We don't know a whole lot about the lineage except that the name was originally MacKintosh but due to a split up of three brothers our ancestors changed the spelling to McIntosh. Any confirmation of this or other info would be greatly appreciated. Name: Betty Husband
Kinney CommentsI am trying to find parents of Allen McIntosh who was born, according to the 1850 census of Harrison Co., Ms, in KY in 1813. I find him on the tax list for that county and state in 1858. After that nothing, other than his children. On the 1850 census it shows a Selina McIntosh age 28, (he was 37) with children ranging from 14 down to 1 year. I really don't know that Selina was the wife since she would have only been 14 at the time of the oldest child's birth. My grandfather said his ancestors came from GA, but so far, I have not been able to find the parents. Some think it was a Roderick. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Betty jude @ lcc.net Name: Muriel Dunford CommentsAm trying to do my family tree but am coming to a lot of dead end. And help would be appreciated. Name: Kristy George CommentsIm trying to find out about the McIntosh castles Any information I would appreaite Name: Ian MacOlive CommentsGreat website! I'm astonished that there is only one other South African visitor to this website. My descendants came from Ireland as the Auliffes and settled in Scotland sometime before the War of Independance. Naturally, they assumed the "Mac" prefix and the name became MacAuliffe. Somewhere along the line it was modified (through poor pronunciation, I imagine) to MacOlive. Our tiny village became a proud member of Clan Mackintosh and this has been carried through to the present day. As far as I know, my son Michael is the last in the line of MacOlives on this planet as I have tried to locate others in the UK without success. My father, John MacOlive, came to South Africa after WWII and married my mother, Winifred (nee Loxton). I have a brother, Douglas, and a sister, Deborah. I would appreciate contact from any other MacOlives or MacAuliffes out there. Thanks. Name: Ann Mitchell Horne CommentsSearching for McIntosh in Albany, GA 1900 and later. Descended from Lucretia (Wilson) Steele. Please respond if you know about them. Name: jacque pierce Commentsmargaret mcintosh was my great grandmother. all i know of her is she was married to william mckay and address is listed as inverness. i found a william and margaret 1869 both from old cumnock, ayr, scotland. not sure if this could be them. somehow we are related i guess thru her...lol hey cuz. Name: Steven Patrick
Carter CommentsI am a direct descendant of John McIntosh Mohr, who landed in Savannah, Ga with James Olgethorpe. John McIntosh Mohr, as well as many others of the Mackintosh Clan, later settled in Darien, Ga which is also known as McIntosh County. For those of you who enjoy the Highland Games, you should check out the Savannah Games at Fort George in Savannah, Ga. They may be smaller than most areas, but they are rich in heritage for the Mackintosh Clan. Name: Iain McIntosh CommentsHi. I have visited this site previously and the guest book certainly seems to have filled up. I am Iain, one of three sons born to Craig mCIntosh, son of David, son of another David i.e my great grandfather. It was he who travelled the world in the Seaforth Highlanders, seeing action in the NW frontier of India, both Boer Wars and the Great War (having left the army between the Boer and Great War, only to be recalled!). Beyond this I have yet to start researching, but one day I will get round to it. By the way, the most recent member of the clan is my son James David born May 24 1998. The next to be educated in the history of Clan MackIntosh. Cheers! Name: Richard Beeching CommentsLooking for more detail on William MacIntosh who maried Barbara Cowie, probably in Inverness. At least one child - Margaret MacIntosh, chr 31-10-1695 in Inverness. Margaret married John Hossack, at various times Provost of Inverness. I am descended from one of their children - Katharine, chr 24-4-1724 and who married Rev. Murdach McKenzie. Name: Colin W. Fraser CommentsDonald McIntosh & Isobel Grant m. Petty, Inverness, SCT 1829. Emigrated to Canada 1850's To Quebec abt 1860. Dtr. Marjory m. Colin Fraser 1863. Name: Sandy McIntosh CommentsName: jerry ronald mcintosh
jr CommentsName: Hilmar Robert Noble CommentsName: Paul Artie McIntosh CommentsJust looking for information about my grandfather James Sweeny McIntosh who was born in 1843 and died in 1910. He was a docter in Covengton TN. We attended a reunion in 1998, but would like any other information which can be provided. He had many children, I believe most of them lived in TN. Name: Paul Artie McIntosh CommentsJust looking for information about my grandfather James Sweeny McIntosh who was born in 1843 and died in 1910. He was a docter in Covengton TN. We attended a reunion in 1998, but would like any other information which can be provided. He had many children, I believe most of them lived in TN. Name: Alasdair D L Forbes CommentsWhen I was young, this glen was full of Mackintoshes because it is the home of the clan . My grandmother, who was also a MacKintosh(grandfather was half MacKintosh),could recite the lineage of our family, from memory, right back to 1541. She passed on various stories which were handed down through the family about the '45 Rising and incidents which happened then involving our relatives.One of them relates to her great-great grandmother who lived two miles away from where I live now and was visited by a group of Government troops after the battle. One of them hit her with a flaggon when she was giving them the drink they demanded. She told the officer in charge. He said " Point him out and I'll have him flogged".(strange display of justice considering the unspeakable butchery of the Government troops generally). She decided to withdraw her complaint as maltreatment of a 'guest', even such a bully, was not acceptable behaviour in the Highlands. A hundred years ago, 97% of the people in this glen spoke Gaelic as their first language but continuous persecution from the Occupiers government in Westminster, particularly the 1872 Education Act which forbade the use of Gaelic in schools, has brought it back to a small percentage now. Most of these are children who have gone through the Gaelic Medium teaching system which was started in Inverness in 1985 and others are people who have come to live amongst us from the Western Isles. In the last 30 years, three-quarters of the native population has been replaced with people from England so the feeling of identity to the glen, and having an historical connection to it, is confined to the remaining few who are native. One word of warning to ALL clan members! Don't get hung up on ANY level of respect being given to clan chiefs. Although the clan chief at Moy who died a few years ago(Lachlan) was one of the good ones, in general clan chiefs have always felt more sympathy to the English culture rather than that of their clansmen. They sold out to protect themselves after the'45 and they still sell out today. They don the kilt and try to impress you in the States but back in the Highlands, among the native population who remember what has been passed down to them, clan chiefs symbolise the power of Westminster and suppression of our people, language and culture. Name: Finley Scott
McIntosh CommentsName: Sharon A. Andrus CommentsI am looking for information on James H. McIntosh of Milton and Brooklyn, New York. He had two children of which I'm aware: Frances and George Guion McIntosh. I believe George lived in NY, also. Name: Robert (Bob) McIntosh
McGimsey CommentsLooking for decendants/relatives of a Samuel McLeod McIntosh born the 7th of June, 1897 Moore County or Rockingham county or city or Richmond County, North Carolina, married to Annie Belle Rhyne 26 of June, 1918. Father of Samuel is Samuel James Rufus? McIntosh and his wife was Mary Naomi Elizabeth "Betty" Lawhon. My mother Lillie Belle McIntosh McGimsey was born to Samuel McLeod McIntosh and Lillie Belle Rhyne. Last heard Samuel McLeod McIntosh passed away in South Carolina---ANY HELP?? Name: Ian Mackintosh CommentsI've researched my branch of the clan's history back to the early 1600's My father is from the Inverness area and my mother is from Portree but we recently moved to the states; Califoria I'm delighted to see the member's of the clan so enthusiastic about our heritage. If you would like to compare notes on the clan please e-mail me. IAN Mackintosh Name: Alfred Vahlkamp CommentsI am searching vor one Fielding McIntosh who live in Carter Co, Tn in the latter half of the 19th century, his wifes name was adeline or something like that. Name: christopher glennie CommentsGood to find my roots. Anyone want to get in touch for a chat-most welcome Name: Walter H. McIntosh CommentsNew to computter. Need help tracing ancestory HOW and what web sites. My father was Harry P. McIntosh Flint Mich. Granfather Percival James McIntosh Born Brown City Mich. Great Granfather Robert McIntosh of Ontario Canada listed occupation Farmer That all I have so far folks Thanks for any help. Name: Walter H. McIntosh CommentsNew to computter. Need help tracing ancestory HOW and what web sites. My father was Harry P. McIntosh Flint Mich. Granfather Percival James McIntosh Born Brown City Mich. Great Granfather Robert McIntosh of Ontario Canada listed occupation Farmer That all I have so far folks Thanks for any help. Name: Alison McIntosh CommentsGreat website! Name: Lila Jane McIntosh
Shockey CommentsMOTTO: TOUCH NOT THE CAT WITHOUT A GLOVE CREST: A LEAPING WILDCAT PROPER Name: Lorna McIntosh CommentsI now live in Atlanta teaching in a downtown school for a couple of years. I lived away from Scotland last year also and realize that Scots can wander but rarely do their hearts leave their homeland. Name: WAYNE McINTOSH CommentsANTHONY McINTOSH WHO LIVES ON EASTBOURNE . BRIGHTON AREA SEXUALL ABUSED ME, HIS BROTHER, FOR THREE YEARS. OUR FATHER, PTER NORRIS McINTOSH FROM NAIRN, MIOVED TO CHORLEY LANCASHIRE AND HAS THRE BROTHERS, CHRIS, KEITH AND ANTHONY. PETER MCINTOSH, OUR GATHER, SEXUALLY ABUSED ME FOR A PERIOD OF FOUR YEARS. ARE THERE ANY OTHER McINTOSHES OUT THERE WHO HAVE SUFFERED AS I HAVE? Name: William Caredio CommentsGreat Idea. Thanks Name: James M. McIntosh,
Sr. CommentsName: Patricia J.
Knudsen CommentsI have a wonderful book of history of descendents of Alexander McIntosh( b. Inverness area about 1720) and his wife Clara Younkhouse or Junghans. There are over 300 large pages and hundreds of names and lines of descendents. They are my direct ancesters through 2 lines of McIntoshes and Ceases. I would be willing to share information, and am especially trying to trace the original Alexander back to Scotland. His parents may have come over to America with him about 1740 but reportedly died at sea. Name: Patricia J.
Knudsen CommentsI have a wonderful book of history of descendents of Alexander McIntosh( b. Inverness area about 1720) and his wife Clara Younkhouse or Junghans. There are over 300 large pages and hundreds of names and lines of descendents. They are my direct ancesters through 2 lines of McIntoshes and Ceases. I would be willing to share information, and am especially trying to trace the original Alexander back to Scotland. His parents may have come over to America with him about 1740 but reportedly died at sea. Name: David Bruce
McIntosh CommentsI am interested in my family history and have got back to the mid 1800's. I am looking for more information on a David Graham Mcintosh who had 2 Brothers and 2 of the 3 emigrated from the U.K. to Australia what I'd like to know is which 2 of the 3 emigrated. Name: Harry McIntosh CommentsName: Pamela Villafuerte CommentsI have been doing a search for a Daniel b 1766 in Scotland and his wife Jane b 1783, also in Scotland.They were in Ohio 1810-1830? and later moved to Warren County, Indiana. They had several children. Rachel was born c. 1825 in Ohio. I also am related to the KNOX from Scotland and the FERGUSONs from SCOTLND (West Lothian). Name: Pat Wilson CommentsLooking for information on Margaret MacKintoch b 1700's in Scotland. md John Davidson 4 Dec 1778. Name: oliver macintosh CommentsMy great great grandfather was John MacIntosh, a gardner at Scone Palace, born 1810, married to Elizabeth Garvie. I believe his parents were John Macintosh and Euphemia Taylor. Anyone with any other information, please email me. I would be most appreciative in hearing from other decendants or anyone with knowledge of earler macintoshes. Name: Bruce Richard
MacKintosh CommentsI am finally taking the wife & kids over to Scotland this summer. Children are Erin,17 & Cullen, 13. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. One of my ancestors was Daniel MacKintosh, who was the bookeeper for Brigam Youngs wagon train. Name: Scott Lawrence
McIntosh U.E. CommentsI have traced my kinsmen back to Finlay E. McIntosh a British 76th Highland soldier in the U S Revolutionary War I beleave he was from Invernesshire Scotland but I am having great challange tring to find anything on the other side of the pond I know that he was in Boston Mass.1774 & heard the shot heard round the world . After the war he settled in the town now known as Shelburne Nova Scotia Canada a United Empire Loyalest in 1783 . I am begging anyone to please help me. Todd contact me I have a great deal of names and dates compiled by Mrs Far quire Finlay Mcintosh's brother is Her direct decendant She has written a book that WILL solve many inquerys Name correction Muriel M.Farquar Davidson 25 crestview Ave Bramton Onterio Canada L6W 2R8 Tel#(905)451-3542 it was Printed with kind permission of Public Archives Of Nova Scotia' Halifax 'Nova Scotia 'Canada My mother is also a Canadian scottlandyardcan @ yahoo.com is my e mail address keep in touch Name: Diana Burgess CommentsI am decended from one Mary McIntosh born in Glasgow ca 1837 to John and Mary(neeRichardson)McIntosh. This is yet to be fully confirmed but am confident it is correct. Mary Married Alexander McKellar in Glasgow ca 1855. Looking for anyone who may also be related through John and Mary. Great to see a site devoted to one name. Name: Scott Lawrence
McIntosh U.E. CommentsMy 7x great grand farther Finlay E. McIntosh of the H.M 76th Highland Regement after extensive fighting from the start of US Revoloutionary war the battle of Bunker Hill'Lexington'evaucua tion of Boston to Halifax Nova Scotia ' Then to the Battle of Montreal & Quebec to Ticondroca eventually to New York city where He joined the Port Roseway Assoates & recieved a number of Land Grants with 15 thousand other United Empire Loyalests . Later in 1783 Lord Shelburne of the head Of British Loards visited and the town that doubled the population of Nova Scotia at the time was re named Shelburne the crown gave land grants on the conditions that one would build a house farm & improve the land raise cows oxen sheep the first winter was brutal people living in tents & log cabbins there where fights over lands there were riots with the freed slaves that would work for far less pay than the dis- banded soldiers but Finlay McIntosh and his brothers Alexander & John why you must have heard of him HE INVENTED the McIntosh APPLE later moved to Branford Onterio (same town a few years later on my mother's family sold a house to Alexander Gram Bell's farther it stands today as The Bell Meusieum) Finlay McIntosh's son Cornieulis His son William 1 his son William McIntosh2 His son George Victor Mcintosh on the 6th boat through the Panama canal while in the mearchant marienes a steam engeneer (the way they got the malaria mosquitos under controle was to flood the entire Panama Canal with oil 4 inches thick ) George Victor McIntosh After WW1 imigrated to Nashua N.H.USA and ran a textile mills that streached from Concord NH to Boston Mass,his son Roy Lawrence McIntosh D.M.D. Professor at Harvard Dental School a Captain in 82 Airborne Rangers after WW2 a Dentist in Nashua N.H. his son me Scott Lawrence McIntosh U.E. also Born in Nashua N.H. I moved Back to Shelburne County Married A Scottish girl & live 20 min drive from where my 7x ggf landed in 1783 with the United Empire Loyalest e mail me I will help my fello Clansmen. Name: Kathleen M.
McIntosh CommentsFather-Donald Mother-Dorthy Brother- David of Milwaukee,Wi Searching for descendents of the Eternal Order of the Twelve Knights. Name: Toni Krause CommentsAlthough I am a "heinz 57"...I would like to know more about my heritage. My Great Grandmother: Jane MacIntosh married John MacCormack which produced 5 children: Louis John (my Grandfather)who married Helen Madore on 11-05-1907, Anna, Helen who married William Buckley, Bill who died from wounds received in WW1, Jack who married Anna Kavanaugh, and Julia. Since the MacCormacks are from Cape Breton Nova Scotia, I hope that relatives can fill me in on more family details. Name: Richard Wesley
McIntosh CommentsI would lov to obtain more information about my family history. Name: Susan
FabianChizmadia CommentsMy grandfather was George McIntosh Foster, his mother Edith Agnes McIntosh, both from Cleveland, Ohio. I dinna know we had such an illustrious history until my great aunt, Mary Stanley Foster York, looked into our family tree. The more I learn about the McIntosh's, the more I am proud to be one! Name: Dustin McIntosh CommentsHiiiyaaah kids!!! HEHEHEHEHE? Name: Dustin McIntosh CommentsHiiiyaaah kids!!! HEHEHEHEHE? Name: CLAY McINTOSH CommentsName: JOHN EDWARD
(MacKintosh) CommentsMy gggfather was Daniel MacKintosh born Tarbat by Fearn Scotland, married Ane Ross of Portmahock on 27 July 1819 in Nairn. My ggfather was John MacKintosh born in Thurso, Scotland on 22 Aug 1833; he married Margaret Urquhart in Nairn on 13 Dec 1861. My gfather was Daniel MacKintosh, born Nairn on 14 Feb 1862, married Jessie Shaw on 30 Dec 1892 at Duthil, Inverness. My father was George MacKintosh born Dulnain Bridge on 18 Nov 1905; he married my mother Annie Jamieson in 1935. Other family names are Urquhart, Bain, McArthur but I'm really stuck on Daniel Mackintosh who married in 1819. I can't seem to go back any further, can anyone help please? Name: Mary (McIntosh)
Massaro CommentsAm McIntosh named by Grandfather. Grandmother was Cherokee Indian from Poplar Bluff, Missouri. Looking for any information of ancestry in that area. Name: Alfred Vahlkamp CommentsMy wife is Merle Ruth McIntosh, her father is Verney Eugene McIntosh born in Braemer,Carter Co. Tn. in 1916. His father was John Mcintosh who married Zillie Jane Kite,John's mother's name was adeline but I don't know his fatehr's name> I think he was the immigrant and I think he came from Ireland. Thanks for any help. Name: Cory Levesque CommentsAm a greatgrandson of a McKillican amd am wondering how it is we are related to clan MacKintosh Name: Pam Humphreys CommentsMy grandfather, Harry McIntosh was from Rhinebeck New York, married Ethel Latta in the late 1800's or early 1900's. Would love information about other McIntosh's from the NY area. Name: James H. Senner CommentsName: Ruthye McIntosh CommentsFathers name is Gordon Charles, born in Penn.,His father Joesph Martin born in Dundee, Scotland area. He married a Johnstone. Would enjoy any info. any- body woulds have on grandfather and/or ancesters.thanks Name: Donna R MacIntosh CommentsAm searching for relatives/ancestors. My father was Donald Charles MacIntosh, born in Detroit to Genevieve and Daniel Fraser MacIntosh. Daniel was born in 1921 in Boston Massachusetts to Daniel MacIntosh and Christine Fraser. I don't know any of the family history, as my Grandparents divorced shortly after my father's birth, and my father never met or got to know his father. My father and grandfather both died in 1980. Grandfather lived in Inkster Michigan, working for the State of Michigan, was remarried to Delores, a nurse in the VA. Grandfather was a POW in Japan. They did a lot of traveling around the world, and I remember him telling me about visiting the Clan burial grounds, and cousins Hugo and Shirly Mackintosh in Scotland...any familiarities anyone? If so, please email me! Thanks and AYE! I am so proud to be a MacIntosh!! Name: Craig William Anthony
McIntosh Comments...Wondered where I can get a genology background check for the McIntosh family...Father came from Foley/Old Monroe/ Joplin, MO. and grandfather from Eureka Springs, AR....great grandfather Georgia (poss. Macon, Darien, Savannah)? Thanks, Craig Name: Sheila Kingswood (nee
McIntosh) CommentsA McIntosh stranded in MacDonald country. Don't know much about my own ancestry. Father's family came from Perthshire. Have cousins, Jenny and Duncan McIntosh in Tain/Alness area. Father William Buick McIntosh. We have self-catering accommodation here in Arisaig on the beautiful West coast in the Highlands of Scotland, so if you would like to visit a distant relative.... ! Name: Sheila Kingswood (nee
McIntosh) CommentsA McIntosh stranded in MacDonald country. Don't know much about my own ancestry. Father's family came from Perthshire. Have cousins, Jenny and Duncan McIntosh in Tain/Alness area. Father William Buick McIntosh. We have self-catering accommodation here in Arisaig on the beautiful West coast in the Highlands of Scotland, so if you would like to visit a distant relative.... ! Name: Sheila Kingswood (nee
McIntosh) CommentsA McIntosh stranded in MacDonald country. Don't know much about my own ancestry. Father's family came from Perthshire. Have cousins, Jenny and Duncan McIntosh in Tain/Alness area. Father William Buick McIntosh. We have self-catering accommodation here in Arisaig on the beautiful West coast in the Highlands of Scotland, so if you would like to visit a disitant relative.... ! Name: Timothy John
McIntosh CommentsName: Edward Carmichael
McIntosh CommentsI am the son of Robins Pharr McIntosh, Born in Camden, Ala. Name: Rodney McIntosh CommentsBorn in Florida 3/2/59. Son of Thomas Hartridge McIntosh that was born in Georgia 12/4/1916. Name: george eastman Commentsggggrandfather was chief William Mcintosh Name: Cora Bunn CommentsI am researching my husband's McIntosh line. His ggfather was Donald/Daniel McIntosh born either 15 May 1843 or 5 May 1842 in Ontario. His wife was Emma Weeks. Their children were Duncan Galbraith b 27 April 1870, m Anna Bertha Gould, d 9 May 1951, Charles Haggart b 25 December 1872 d 9 December 1964, Mace Donald b 14 May 1875 d 25 April 1923, Mossom Sinnett b 8 June 1877 d 14 October 1964, Russell William b 31 January 1879 d 1971, Maxwell Margeret b 17 March 1881 d 11 July 1886, Violet Isabella b 17 August 1883 d 10 July 1886, Martha Pearl b 21 November 1885 d 30 March 1980. Russell McIntosh moved to Manitoba. Mossom McIntosh moved to Australia and had three daughters - Gladys, Violet and Emma Pearl. Charles married, moved to the Yukon during the gold rush and ended up settling in California (Novato). Would enjoy hearing from anyone who is related or who knows Donald McIntosh's parents or birthplace. Name: Vanessa Eversole CommentsI am looking for the immigrant ship Monomia's passengers list. If anyone can help me locate it I would appreciate it. My gggggrandfather Peter McIntosh and his wife Margaret {Peggy} supposedly came to the US on it about 1775 and I can't find the passenger list to corrabate this can someone help. Thanks a bunch. Name: Shaun B. Graham CommentsHave recently been looking for more information on scotland mainly ancient history and family history the most I now of my own history is shaun graham son of Cathy McIntosh daughter of oliver Mcintosh son of George Mcintosh... Anyone knowing anything more please contact me at thecaber @ hotmail.com Also anyone with info on the graham's shaun graham son of joe graham son of joe graham... Name: Patsy Edwards CommentsI am the gr.-gr-granddaughter of Elizabeth McIntosh m. Nelson Shields . Her father was Daniel McIntosh b.ca.1750 in Scotland. Name: Angus Mackie CommentsWow! It is too big to research in one evening,so It is now a must do , on my list. I am extremely surprised at how few entries are from Nova Scotia. The place is largely Scotish,especially the northern half. Name: James Stolz Commentsrelated to Janet Macritchie born 1819 in Angus or Dundee county Name: Andy McIntosh CommentsCan anyone help me with some of my ancestors who emigrated to USA / Canada. John: Born 1886. Died.12 Nov 1964 Alexander: Born.1888 Died. 29 Nov 1946. Margaret: Born.1890 Died 1 July 1974. Joseph Duncan: Born 1891. Died. 15 sept 1936. There are more siblings namely Ann, Rodric, Mary Catherine, and possibly Elsie???They did not Emigrate. All were the children of Alexander Donald McIntosh and Margeret McLean ne` Mcintosh. The family belonged to Albert Street, Nairn Invernesshire.
If anyone can help with the blanks please contact me at my E Mail Address. Scotland Name: Thomas W. Ritch CommentsName: Kirstie McIntosh CommentsI am researching my geneology, and I need more info on my great-grandfather. He was born in Scotland, and came to the US in the 1890's. His name was David Mackintosh and he was married to Alva Barbara Fabri. David settled in Grand Rapids, MI to work at Kent Country Club. He lived the end of his life near Chicago, IL. He had two sons David jr. and Jock, who have since passed away. HELP!!! I just started this and need all the info that I can get. PLEASE E-MAIL!!!!!! Name: Kirstie McIntosh CommentsI am researching my geneology, and I need more info on my great-grandfather. He was born in Scotland, and came to the US in the 1890's. His name was David Mackintosh and he was married to Alva Barbara Fabri. David settled in Grand Rapids, MI to work at Kent Country Club. He lived the end of his life near Chicago, IL. He had two sons David jr. and Jock, who have since passed away. HELP!!! I just started this and need all the info that I can get. PLEASE E-MAIL!!!!!! Name: Kirstie McIntosh CommentsName: Joyce Nystrom CommentsName: Bruce Collins
McIntosh CommentsName: Robert McIntosh CommentsI am a Long Island, NY born McIntosh. My father (Robert) was born in Scotland (Parish of Ballingry - County of Fife) in 1907. His brothers included: Lachlan, Thomas, Alex, James, and William. His sister was named Elizabeth. His father (Robert) was a pitheadman who married Ann McLean on 29DEC1899 at Dundee (Scotland). Any direct links to them would be greatly appreciated! SEMPER FI! Robert McIntosh http://sgtmajmac.tripod.com Name: Angela Wolverton CommentsI am researching my geneology and would like information on Elizabeth McIntosh. I know only that she was married to Donald Urgehart and had a son James Urgehart in 1776. Name: Thomas C. McIntosh CommentsI am interested in obtaining any information on Hector McIntosh (born @ 1750, son of William & Margaret), his parents, grandparents and so forth (any information on Scotland). Hector came over from Scotland @ 1772 to North Carolina. Hector is my gggggranddad. He had several children but only two married, William (my ggggd)and John McCoy (I have heard from a few people from John McCoy McIntosh's line and would like to hear from them or any others again and hopefully share some information). My line goes from Hector, son William, grandson John William, ggs Jacob William, gggs Julius Alexander, ggggs Calvin Woodrow (my dad) and gggggs Thomas Craig and I have two sons, Scott Joseph and Paul Thomas. We all are still in North Carolina...LOL. Who can break a 228 year tradition! I also would like to say that I love being a McIntosh and of Scottish herritage. Name: Connie Hoy CommentsMy Grandmother is Jean Falconer Mackintosh born in India on the 4th Nov 1942. She had a brother Maxwell George Mackintosh born in India on the 9th March 1923. Their parents were George & Elizabeth Mackintosh, met and married in India on the 22nd Nov 1920. George Mackintosh's parents were Robert Balfour Mackintosh born in Scotland and his wife Jane Falconer also born in Scotland. They married on the 24th Dec 1875 in Dyke, Moray in Scotland. Is anybody related to any of these Mackintosh's? If so I would love to hear from you. Name: Kathryn McIntosh
O'Dea CommentsI am looking for any relation to my great granfather Alexander McIntosh, around 1860 in Independance Missouri. Name: Kathryn McIntosh
O'Dea CommentsI am looking for any relation to my great granfather Alexander McIntosh, around 1860. Name: Kathryn McIntosh
O'Dea CommentsName: Kathryn McIntosh
O'Dea CommentsName: Bonnie MacIntosh CommentsName: Barbara R. Van
Billiard CommentsMy paternal grandmother was Margaret McIntosh Harvey, born in Calais Maine to David and Margaret McClaskey McIntosh. My grandmother's siblings were Rob, Will, David and Emily. She married Arthur Sinclair Harvey in the late 1890's. I would LOVE to know more about my McIntosh heritage. I've read a few times in your great guest book a saying about --touch the cat not the glove-or-did I get it backwards. Would someone please tell me what it means??Thanks Name: K. Wilson CommentsI'm looking for a contact with descendents of Chief William McIntosh, Jr. According to my family records, he was my ggggg-grandfather. I sent mail to a guest in Oklahoma, but my mail did not go through,at that address.If you are interested in corresponding, I would like to e-mail you, and exchange info. I visit the McIntosh web site often, and,I have learned a good bit about this branch of my family from it's participants.Hope to hear from Oklahoma soon. Thanks, and keep up the good work. Name: Wayne McIntosh CommentsMy great grandfather, George R. McIntosh was born May 12, 1837 in Franklin County Ohio. He was married to Amanda Lee July 21, 1872 in Colorado. He served on the union side during the civil war. We have been unable to develop confirmed information beyond this. We believe his parents were John W. McIntosh and Jerusha Ferris in Portage County Ohio. Would appreciate any further information. Name: JULIA RUTH MCINTOSH CommentsName: LOCH MOIGH CommentsQ.DO YOU KNOW WHO THAT FAT BELLY ASSED ENGLISH MAN IS THAT FOUGHT AGAINST US IN THE 45 RISING? I'D LIKE TO HEAR SOME FUNNY ANSWERS. P.S. WE WERE THE MOST ARGUMENTATIVE CLAN IN THE HIGHLANDS, THIS FITS MY DESCRIPTION FULLY,ANY ONE TAKES THE MIKY OF MY CLAN,ON SEVERAL OCASIONS IV SHOUTED LOCH MOIGH AND HAVE FOUGHT. I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT,I LOVE IT. SO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO IS FOLLOW BY EXAMPLE AND OUR CLAN WILL STILL BE A FORCE IN THE NEXT MILLENIUM Name: Paul McIntosh CommentsMy Grandfather was Alexander McIntosh from Glasgow,Scotland Name: Richard Crane
McINTOSH CommentsI am searching for my great-grand fathers. Name: Richard Crane
McINTOSH CommentsI am searching for my great-grand fathers. Name: Deborah Wall CommentsI am related to the Mcintoshes on my mother's side. She is from E. Ky- Breathitt, Perry, and Clay Counties. On her mother's side, her G Grandmother is Delilah Mcintosh, b. 1845, Breathitt Co.d/o Bejamin Mcintosh and Katherine Haddix.Delilah married George Mullins,b. 1838 Breathitt. And on her father's side my mother's grandmother(Grandfather was Thomas Barrett,b.1855)was either Vina Mcintosh b.1863d/o Benjamin Mcintosh and Katherine Haddix or Levinia b.1854 d/o William 'Bangor Bill'Mcintosh.I don't know which one- my grandmother's bible only had'Viney'Mcintosh and no date. I've enjoyed your website very much! Thanks, Deborah Name: Dan Tindall CommentsLooking for info on Anna Bella(?) McIntosh that married Simon Munro. Thanks Name: Alan McGeachie CommentsI recently started trying to find out my family tree and from some older relatives found out about family in the past who had emigrated to N.Z. and Australia. Some of the names and places where they had gone to had been put aside as family folklore until my Aunt was contacted by John McIntosh from New Zealand(jrdksmci @ xtra.co.nz) and discovered that he was (and we were)distant cousins.We now keep in contact about once a month, and it is a great fealing to know that what was once a family myth about long lost family is now a reality. Name: Alan McGeachie CommentsI started doing some research into my family tree and at the same time by coincidence our family in Glasgow discovered by John McIntosh from New Zealand Name: Kate McDonald CommentsMy father is Duane McIntosh. He was born in Burlington, Wy.. I am new to the computer world and have not gotten email yet. Thanks for the web site though! Name: Jim Macintosh CommentsName: Bruce W. McIntosh CommentsName: Bruce W. McIntosh CommentsName: Sara Owen Boyer CommentsMy paternal great-grandmother was Anna McIntosh who was married to Allen Gilchrist. They had two children, Allie Lee Gilchrist (my grandmother) and Henley Gilchrist. According to the very little information I have, Anna was born, raised and died (at an early age) in the Bennettsville, SC area. After Anna died my great-grandfather re-married and he, his new wife and the two children by Anna moved to Roseboro, NC. As a child, my parents took my grandmother back to Bennettsville to try to find her old home and the cemetary where her mother was buried; however, due to my grandmother's declining health and age plus the obvious changes in Bennettsville over approximately 60 years we cannot remember if she was able to recognize her home or if she was able to find her mother's grave. Any help anyone may be able to offer will be greatly appreciated. Name: Philip Kimmet CommentsSeeking info on my gg. CHRISTINA MARIA MCINTOSH, who married JOHN KIMMET 11/21/1879, in Edinburgh. Name: David McIntosh CommentsGreat job Todd on the website. I'm related to the Iowa/Virginia clan. My father was Daniel Boone,grandfather Harrison Edward. I'm damn proud to be a clan Mackintosh/McIntosh. Name: Faye D'Amore CommentsI am trying to trace my roots and I am having a great, but frustrating time. Because I was adopted, I have to use my ingenuity. Would like to hear from others doing research. My great grandfather was Simpson Green McIntosh of Kentucky. Have a lovely day and a Happy New Year!!! I am hoping for a great one. Name: Anne McIntosh CommentsHello there, I am looking for some more info, this what I have so far. If you have more,please contact me. Thank you. A. Dempster McIntosh, b. Providence R.I., U.S.A. 1896. His mother was Susan Reid, Irish Catholic, I know very little about her. His father was: George McIntosh from Spinningdale, Scotland. b. 1861. Don't know when he came to U.S. He had 7 brothers, some stayed in Scotland: William, Alexander, James, John, Farquhar Dempster, David. Their father: Roderick, b. 1806 (I guess in Spinningdale) Scotland. He married Christina (Chirsty) Campbell (born 1827), in Creich Parrish. Roderick McIntosh's father was: William McIntosh who married Mary Murray. Most of them are buried in Creich Cemetary (Spinningdale). The grave stone shows the name as "Mackintosh". The marriage record of 1845 shows the name as "McIntosh". Name: Lori CommentsI am just beginning to work on my family history Name: John McIntosh CommentsURL below was faulty http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~johnmc46lc/ Name: John McIntosh CommentsMy family are descended from William MacKintosh and Alexanderina (McLeod), Inverness shire, Scotland. Their son John was born about 1845, possibly Urquhart, Inverness. John married Catherine Ryan in Stirling, Scotland in 1870. Their children were John William,Duncan, Norman, James (1880), Andrew and Matthew (1884), Thomas, Mary (1889). More information on http:/freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~johnmc46lc/ John Name: J Gilmore CommentsMy grandmother and I are searching for any information on the ancestors of Chief William McIntosh, Jr. the son of Capt. William McIntosh and a Creek Princess. Chief McIntosh's descendants (my family) now live in Oklahoma, and he was my grandfather's gr-gr-grandfather. Name: Duncan Craig
McIntosh CommentsMy McIntoshs hail from Argyll from around 1750 then Glasgow, where I was born and raised .Argylle connections are from Nether Lonr then the Oban area in the parishes of Kilninv3er, Kilbrandon and Kilmelforde Name: David Clark
McIntosh CommentsMost of my relatives are either dead or lost,so it's nice to see there are a few others to carry on the name. Name: David A McIntosh CommentsNever knew there where so many of us out there. Good to be the first McIntosh in the book in the year 2000. |