Clan McIntosh |
I bet you didn't know there were McIntoshes in Cuba, did you? Happy 1999 to everyone!!
Glad to find the site. Let me know if y'all want to come down to Darien, McIntosh
County, Georgia. Gen. Oglethrope brought us here in 1736 to protect the southern frontier
from the Spainish. Keep up the good work! Harry
thank you ...this is an excellent way to introduce my children to the history of thier
thank you ...this is an excellent way to introduce my children to the history of thier
After years of trying to find a clan affiliation for the Nairnes, it was wonderful to
reach your site and finally find I have one! My grandfather, Francis, emigrated to
Australia from Glasgow in 1911. His brother, Ronald, emigated to Vancouver,Canada at the
same time. I am trying to trace any relatives near vancouver as I am the last male of our
branch in Australia & I have not been able to find any relatives left in Scotland. Not
exactly 'Macintosh' info. but here's hoping!
Easy to find.
Mother's maiden name was McIntosh,and hopefully that makes me a part of the McIntosh
A very merry christmas and all the best for 1999 to fellow clan members. This message
coming to you from the Scott oil and gas production platform in the middle of the North
Sea. I'm here 'til January the 5th.
I am currently staying with my daughter in Edinburgh for Christmas. Happy Christmas to
all associated with Clan Mackintosh and Clan Chattan.
Greetings to all. I am fortunate to have McIntoshes on both sides. My mother had a
grandmother who was a McIntosh. I would appreciate any information a reader may have
regarding my paternal GG Grandfather, Scott McIntosh. He died at Vicksburg before it fell
during the Civil War. He served in the Leake Guards, a Mississippi unit. I believe he was
a young man then, and was probably born in the 1840's. His only child was my G Grandfather
Jacob Alexander McIntosh. I have always heard that my paternal forebears came from the
Carolinas to Mississippi. Any leads? MFM
My grandmother has a plack on her wall that has our clans crest on it. it shows or
family names which my grandfaters name is MacAndrews and my granmothers maiden name is
I don't recognise the Tartan in the background of the webb site. Most people tend to
wear Modern Hunting nowadays, this might be a better backdrop and certainly a more
pleasant one! I was born Chantilly, France on 6th December, 1965 son of Charles Ernest
Whistler Mackintosh (Born 1903, Heidelberg). Home/Home is still in Scotland.
Interesting web site, the tartan and crest now adorn my pc as wallpaper, slightly more
relevant than microsoft stuff.
My husband's family crest is the Turnbull crest which was given to them around the time
of the Jacobite Rebellion. The story goes that my husband's ancestor saved Bonnie Prince
Charlie from a stampeeding bull by grabbing its horns and wrestling it to the ground
(turning the bull!). His mother's maiden name was Esson. Thank you for compiling such an
interesting site.
Sorry, but previous message had an incorrect e-mail address. It should have read
gormly98@tir.com Thanks, George
My mother-in-law, is a McIntosh, descendant of James McIntosh, believed to have landed
in Nova Scotia on the ship Hector probably before 1800. He had children named Duncan,
Donald, John, William and Elizabeth. Son John had 12 children. Would appreciate any
connection. We have a large Family Tree Maker file on this family with 554 individuals.
This is a great web site! George Gormly
My grandmother told me that we were related to the scottish clan Mackintosh. Her
lastname as a girl was Hallberg and her parents lived in a city called Uddevalla.She told
me that someone on her moththers side came from Scotland with the name of Mackintosh.
Please could you be so kind to help me to find out if this is true and what name "the
Mackintosh women" could have. I really would want to know if I'm related to the Clan
of Mackintosh. Yours sincerely Magnus Salmonson
My grandmother told me that we were related to the scottish clan Mackintosh. Her
lastname as a girl was Hallberg and her parents lived in a city called Uddevalla.She told
me that someone on her moththers side came from Scotland with the name of Mackintosh.
Please could you be so kind to help me to find out if this is true and what name "the
Mackintosh women" could have. I really should want to know if I'm related to the Clan
of Mackintosh. Yours sincerely Magnus Salmonson
I just had a browse of your home page and found it most interesting. I have an interest
in the history of the MacIntosh Clan and have been reading a lot of information via the
internet . It is nice to see that there are some active groups holding Clan meetings and
keeping an interest going in the name . Thank-you for taking the time to present your home
page for all to see and good luck with your annual gatherings. ------ Bob
May I post a genealogy here? If not, please ignore. Our first McIntosh ancestor, that
we can establish, was John McIntosh who lived at Colchester, Fairfax County, VA, who died
between May and June of 1769. His wife was Elizabeth ????. His children: Locklin, John II
who married an Alice, Thomas, Catherine, Ann and Valinder. John II (whon died about 1818)
and his wife Alice had: Eleanor who m. Charles STEWART; Elizabeth m William SELECTMAN;
Maria and John III. Can anyone fill in the past or the future of the two Johns and their
While we were Edinburgh, Scotland, in May, we had a pie called Banoffee Pie, a cream
pie. I am looking for the recipe since I would like to serve it to my family as a special
reminder of our trip (all 9 of us went). Could you help me find this recipe? Thanks
My mother was Nancy Holland, her mother Odea McIntosh, and her father Jerry McIntosh,
and William, Henley, William, and Peter. I am trying to to trace the family but have
difficulty finding, Odea and Jerry. My mother died at an early age and her mother also.
Odea was only 31. When Odea died,my mother was placed in the Open Door Childrens Home. I
cannot find anything on Odea, Jerry and Laura. Any info would be great. One of my favorite
memories of my mom was her playing the bagpipes. I have always loved to here Scottish
Music. I just re- cently discovered that I was from the Scottish Clan, and Odea McIntosh
was my grandmother. I found Jerry McIntosh in Kentucky, on the 1880 census. Odea was
buried in the Napier Cemetery, on death certificate and she lived in Rural Combs. Hello to
all the McIntosh, Thank You for any help. Ada
Great site. Looking for info on Abner Mcintosh b. abt 1816 in TN. Lived in Indiana by
1840 and in Iowa by 1856 and Taney Co. Mo by 1880. Brothers were, John, Beverly, James,
Aaron and at least one sister Malinda. Names associated with Abner, are Mcbride, Pigg,
Waymyer in Indiana...Randall in Iowa,.... McFann, Arnold, Hunnicutt in Missouri. Any help
Am looking for info on James Ritchie
Unable to access main page !? Am descended from a Georgina McIntosh, b.c.1840
Inverness. Georgina was a daughter of William McIntosh and Jane nee Gordon. Unfortunately
I have very little info, siblings etc. Only details of her descendants.
Hi there, Does anyone know which clan members emigrated to Surinam in previous
centuries? My father's family is from this South American country which had been under
British rule before it was traded for New Amsterdam (New York). I suspect some
Mackintoshes were involved in the plantation business. Any information on this matter will
be very welcome. Ingo Mackintosh
ABERDEEN, March 23, 1802; LACHLAN (at Recharcherie) McIntosh was born to JAMES McIntosh
& Isobel McKenzie in Glengairn by Ballatar. In 1835, moved to St. Catherine's in
Ontario where his children Lachlan (2nd), James, Donald, Charles (1835), Margaret, Anne,
Elizabeth, Ellen & Louise were born, before moving to Dodge County, Wisconsin. Ring
any bells? Drop a line and say hi.
I would love any information on McIntosh family members who settled in North Carolina
in the Yancey County area.
Nice Web Site!
Hi cousins, I am working my way back through the Elders who came to Canada not long
before 1860. My gggrandfather was Alexander Elder, born in Scotland about 1835. He married
an English woman (!) and they had children in Ontario. If any names ring a bell, please
let me know. Doug Baker
Looking for information on McIntosh - Have information back to Aaron McIntosh married
to Martha Pigg - both apparently born in Terre Haute, Indiana, in about 1825. Their son,
Charles, was my grandfather - born in Charlottesville, Indiana (?) Help!!
My grandfather, Duncan Mcintosh was b 1859 at the farm of Balmore, Parish of Dull. His
parents were Alexander McIntosh b 1805 in Balmore and Grace Menzies b c1825. Alexander's
parents were John McIntosh b 1763, Balmore and Jean Kennedy c 1800
I am interested in finding out more information about the Clan.
My parents have just gone on the net. They are going to love this page. My folks moved
from Stirling to NZ in 1962. I was 4 years old at the time. Mum and Dad have been back to
visit the old country 3 times but I haven't gotten that lucky so far. Never mind the man
who made time made lots of it eh? I intend to be back one day. Congratulations on a good
GGrandmother, Julia McIntosh 1869-1907, daughter of Nimrod McIntosh married Callaway
Strong on 6-24-1889. Had 6 little Strongs in Kentucky: Harlan (my grandad), Tom, Grace,
Robert, Lily, & Beech. I am interested in any information about Nimrod's other
children and his ancestors such as when they entered America. Great website. -Bill
I was very pleased if a little surprised to find a website for my 'family'. I live in
Botley a small village in Hampshire close to Southampton but my family originate from
Crieff in Scotland (my Grandfathers name was Angus McIntosh who moved to Kent to work at
Chatham Naval Base before WW2). I am particularly interested in any reunions you have
planned either in U.K or U.S in 1999. Would it be possible for you to contact me on my
e-mail address above Regards Neil McIntosh
My father did family research and found that we belong to the Clan. Would someday like
to venture across the water to see the homeland myself.
My grandmother was the daughter of Squire McIntosh (I don't know if this was his given
name). She lived in Taylorsville, NC. I have not done any research into the McIntosh
background, but hope to at some time further explore these roots. I am certain that I will
visit this site again when I have more time to explore. If anyone has further information
concerning the McIntosh clan in Alexander County, North Carolina, I would like to hear
from you.
I have received two contacts through the Clan McIntosh entries. Thank you for keeping
this Guestbook.
It was my son who pointed out this site to me. I was glad to find you there!
The name Cash and MacCash/MacCaish appear as Sept names under Clan MacIntosh. Does
anyone know where these Cash's/MacCash's came from or what the source record is? Many Cash
researchers have been trying to link our ancestor, William Cash, born abt 1653, Died 1708
Westmoreland Co. Virginia to his suspected home country: Scotland, but have been unable to
do so because of a lack of record. Any help in the way of references to the name or
geographic location to Clan MacIntosh would be greatly appreciated. I have heard that
there are some connections to Moray and Inverness. Thank you in advance.-Chris Cash
Looking for information on John Mackintosh, Provost of Inverness 1794-1797, also
1800-1803, he was my 4xgt grandfather. Was from the Aberarder branch.
Looking for any information linking to my GG-Grandfather, John Henry McIntosh, dob
10/10/1823. Married Clary Ann Jones, 01/02/1845 in Loundon County VA. He drove mules on
the Potomac toepath canal from Cumberland to D.C. Children were John Thomas dob
11/16/1845, William Henry dob 05/18/1848, James Robert dob 11/13/1849, George Washington
dob 07/20/1851, Mary Susan dob 04/26/1853, David Franklin dob 04/09/1856 and Mahaley Ann
dob 09/25/1859.
Hi there any one want to chat or tell me something about the McIntosh history would be
Researching my husbands family, his mom was a Katherine Nettie McIntosh, her dad was
Harry Vanschoick McIntosh he married Bessie June Alexander. Harrys parents were Adelbert
McIntosh and Carrie Vanschoik (Vansckoik?) That is about all I know except that they were
born and lived in the Jefferson Cty area of NY (Adams,Henderson, and Watertown) Bessie
Alexander I believe was born in Rodman NY. If anyone has any connection and/or information
it would be a great help. Thanks, keep up the good work.
Looking for discussions on McIntosh family history
I have a complete geneology of the "Decendents of Alexander McIntosh" born
3/8/08 at Auldearn, County of Nairn, Scotland. I will be please to send this material and
other McIntosh historical records to the Clan McIntosh website administrator.
My mother was a McIntosh decended from an Alexander to Elijah Benjamin to Benjamin
Solomon to James Lloyd. The first info we have is that Elijah was born in 1799 probably in
Monongalia or Harrison Co's Virginia. Any Info on Alexander is desparately wanted.
Please accepts my respects as a clan member of the MacBains who have served under the
McIntosh banner throughout history. It is a sad fact that the MacBains are so inactive as
a clan. Would I be welcome to associate myself with the McIntosh society as a MacBain?
Sincerely, Robert Bain cfacorp@us.net
A MacIntosh of the Ritchie sept. Currently researching the Ritchie name from
Connecticut through Quebec back to Sam Ritchie, Episcopalian minister, England, 1776.
Family came to North America during famine of 1847; to U.S. before turn of the century.
Would be interested in hearing from anyone with information or ideas on research. Thanks,
I am told my grandfather, George Morton Meglasson changed his name from McGlasson. He
moved to Texas from Kentucky. He was born in 1875.
Can't remember if I signed here before or not! My mother was Mary Helen Catherine
McIntosh, daughter of Franklin Lewis McIntosh, son of Eli McIntosh and Catherine Smith.
Would enjoy hearing from any other McIntoshes.
very interesting,quite a bit of knowledge
maureen bennett
Related to the Alexander McIntosh who came with McBane to Columbiana County, Ohio. Evan
McIntosh, James Calder McIntosh, my dad Edwin Lucian McIntosh DVM.
I have always been interested in finding out exactly where my name was derived from. My
wife was a Ramsey, which is also a Scottish name. If any one is interested, there is a
place in Harpers Ferry WV that can make a plaque with the clan sheild on it. If interested
email me and I can get the phone number for you. My wife and I got one for our wedding
with both of our sheilds on it that are connected in the middle. It is really cool.
Hi, We have just returned from Scotland, where we found "Broadley Farm" in
Nairn, where my great great grandfather, Alexander McIntosh, son of Donald & Christian
McLeod McIntosh was born in 1827. We also visited Crarae, Cumlodden, Argyll, where
Alexander's son, Donald was born in 1855. What a beautiful country and the people were
even nicer! Would love to know more about ggg grandparents, Donald & Christian McLeod
McIntosh. Thanks! Gloria
Just looking to see where in the world our Clan members have emigrated to after the
'45! My father and mother are both sitting with me (Craig and Carole), who tell me my G
Grandfather David originated from the area of Fraserburgh in the last century and spent
most of his adult life in the Seaforth Highlanders and saw action in the NW frontier of
India, the Boer War in S. Africa and the Great War in France. Now we have found this we
will avidly research the family tree. I have just added a new memmer to the Clan, James
David as has my older brother who has had a daughter, Lauren Joan. Bye for now Iain
Great-grandfather came from Dundee, Scotland. Moved to Perry and Knott Counties of
The clan stretches far and wide and its name stands tall.
Plan to make more Mackintoshes! just got married... www.vivid.co.nz/wedding.html
I have half sisters living in England, I have never met any of them which is my life
long dream. Father's name is Hecter McIntosh from Wesmoreland, Jamaica. My sister should
be in their 30's by not, if you are out there please E-mail me.
I have half sister living in England, I have never met any of them which is my life
long dream. Father's name is Hecter McIntosh from Wesmoreland, Jamaica. My sister should
be in their 30's by not, if you are out there please E-mail me.
Originaly from Marietta Ohio. I am interested in any information about MCINTOSH'S in
I have just located my GGGrandparents William McIntosh and Alexanderina McLeod in the
1841 census. They were both located in the Kilmuir Parish of Skye (Inverness shire).
William's parents were Charles (45 Crofter)and Isabella (42) McIntosh. In the parish
records I found that Isabella was also a McLeod. The children were Ann (18) John (16)
William (14) John (10) Betsy (7) and Marion (4). The family lived in the villiage of
Herbusta. Alexanderina's family were John McLeod (50) Crofter, Euphemia McLeod(45)
Alexanderina (15) Flora (10) Angus (10). They lived at the villiage of Breackradle (unsure
of the spelling). Do these names ring any bells? Cheers John
Looking for links to the McIntoshes of Moulin parish, Pitlochry.
Looking for information on our armour, and shield and sword for Mackintosh, also
bagpipes and music
I am looking for Daniel Hosick (Farmer) Hutton Mains Berwickshire Scotland father's
name. Daniel was born 1754 or 1745 and died Dec 1799
I am trying to track my family as I have found out that my great-great grandmother's
maiden name was McIntosh. I am also married to a McIntosh (Clan McIntosh). My
grandmother's name was Effie Leggett. Her mother was Nancy Leggett (1852-1886). Grandma
was raised by her grandparents, Jesse Leggett (1823-1904) and Elizabeth McIntosh Leggett
(1832-1924). Elizabeth McIntosh Leggett was the daughter of Rebecca and Joseph McIntosh. I
have no further information except that everyone except my grandmother are buried in
Harrison Co, Ohio. Thank you for the opportunity to search this connection. My husband and
I have joked frequently about the chance of our being related way back when ... also he
adopted my son and it is nice to know that he is truly a McIntosh ... just wish I knew
where and who.
My ggg(?) garndfaether emigrated from Scotland to Southwestern Ontarion (near London)
in the early 1800's. The McIntoshes have lived in that area for several generations since
then. Does anyone out there have any coonections to or information about this branch of
the clan?
My 6X Grandfather was John Mohr Mackintosh. My 5X Grandmother was his daughter Ann who
married Robert Baillie, of Coulter Allers, Scotland. Would appreciate any help on finding
out more about my ancestory. PS: Am proud to be a Scot.
Nice to see so many McIntoshs in one place!
Hi all you Mac's out there. This is a wonderful web site, and proved to be very
intresting reading through it. My sister Barbara is the geneologist in our family and she
has been researching the family tree way back to Cananda and Scotland. She has had some
good results, but would like any information that could help her go back even further.
Thank you for reading my little message,,,and remember us Mac's stick together...we have
to, no one else wants the job :)
I'm back! My brother, Bruce L. McIntosh, has done extensive research, tracing our roots
to James McIntosh, born ABT 1809, Kirkaldy, Fife, Scotland, married Agnes Davidson, born
ABT 12 Sep 1813. Children: Elizabeth, b.11 Jan 1836; Spohia, b.30 Sep 1838; Margaret, b.11
Mar 1841; Andrew, b. 26 Jul 1843; James, b. 15 Feb 1845; John Robert, b.24 Jul 1848 m. 5
Nov 1872 Chyahoga Co, Ohio, d.24 Ju 1896, Cleveland, Ohio; Robert, b.24 Jul 1848; William
b.30 Jan 1850. All the childern were born in Markinch, Fife, Scotland. James, b.1809 is as
far back as we have been able to go. Anyone with information that will help fill in the
blanks? We know nothing more of any of the childern, except for John Robert, our direct
ancestor. We will be happy to share any information we have that may help others.
I am really glad I found this web-site, I would love to learn more about my surname,
especially from the ancient times.
Great web site. I'll visit it often
I have some more information about my relatives. I am told that I am a Macintosh of the
Macintoshed. My father was James Donald Macintosh born 1928 in Glasgow Scotland. He
married my mother who is Britt-Marie Mattsson from Gothenburg Sweden. My paternal
grandfather was James Wright Macintosh (from Glasgow) who married my grandmother Janet
Whitehill Clark of Barhead. Both born at the end of 1800-cent. My grandmother Janet Clark
had 3 sisters and 1 brother. Jean Clark (who later married a Thompson) Annie Clark (who
never married) Nellie (or maybe Gwendelyn) who also never married) Jimmie or James Clark
(never married) The family lived in Barhead, and the name of the house was GRATIA. My
grandfather also had siblings as far as I know he had 2 or 3 sisters and 1 or 2 brothers.
One brothers name was George Macintosh. One of the sisters was Aina (she had 4 children)
Jessie who later married Ian Barrie (former mayor of Glasgow city) Maggie (who I think
never married) This is all I know, every information would be appreciated. If anybody has
something to tell me pls send me a mail
Looking for information on my grandfather's brothers.James Russell McIntosh's parents
were Arthur McIntosh and Abbey McBride.Jame's mother died when he was about 10 years
old.James had a older brother Henry McIntosh,and younger brothers named Garnett,and
Earle.I do think his brothers settle in the Detroit,Michigan area.I think one of his
brother's owned a construction company.If there are any connection,please e-mail.I check
this site out everyday.My grandfather's ancestors,are from the Chatham,Dresden area of
I have always wondered if I'm truly in the MacIntosh clan. I have wondered this because
my name (MacGlashan or MacGlashing) is under many clans, but my father is pretty sure I'm
in yours. So if I brought all my Info do you think you could help me find out what clan I
am in for sure?
I supervise Jane and have done so for the last 32 years.
This is a real nice website. I stumbled across it while trying to locate David Mcintosh
born in Glasgow, Scotland to Hugh Mcintosh and Sadie Montague sometime in the late 50's.
The spelling of Mcintosh may not be correct, thre are so many!!! Any info is appreciated!
great web page. I am in the process of adding a MacGregor girl to the family,
(may,1998), and plan to increase the clan numbers with her over the next few years.
My husband and I are members of Clan MacKintosh of USA and help convene at the
Ligionier Highland Games each year.
I just started to do a research of my family. I am a Macintosh, daughter of James
Donald Macintosh from Glasgow Scotland born 1928 and Britt-Marie Mattsson Gothenburg
Sweden. My grandmothers name was (Janet Clark) married to James Macintosh. My father also
had a sister, Jean Macintosh, she was unmarried until she died and had no children. If
anyone has some information about my family please give me a mail. I will be back to give
some more information.
I just started to do a research of my family. I am a Macintosh, daughter of James
Donald Macintosh from Glasgow Scotland born 1928 and Britt-Marie Mattsson Gothenburg
Sweden. My grandmothers name was (Janet Clark) married to James Macintosh. My father also
had a sister, Jean Macintosh, she was unmarried until she died and had no children. If
anyone has some information about my family please give me a mail. I will be back to give
some more information.
Retired US Army Officer here -- Have been to Scotland several times and we truly enjoy
our visits there.
I am proud to see a site where I can learn about the orgin of the McIntosh folks.
Very nice homepage My husband was born in Inverness and a former Royal Marine. He would
love to hear from any former RMs living in U.S
My maternal Grandfather was Walter Kenneth McIntosh (1878-1949). We know his mother was
Minnie Flemming (Scottish 1853-1900?) and that his father was John Finley McIntosh. The
Flemmings immigrated in the eary 1800's, but we have not been able to trace back any
farther on the McIntosh side.We do know John Finley and Minnie were settled in the New
England area before moving to the Midwest in the 1870's. If the story sounds familiar to
anyone, please write.
My mother is/was Victoria McIntosh; d/o John William Mc b. 1880 Prince Edward Island,
Canada; s/o Charles Cumming Mc b. 1839 PEI; s/o Alexander Mc b. 1806 Scotland (Isle of
Skye?); s/o Lodevick Mc b. 1782 in Scotland. We're going there next spring and need all
kinds of advice on how to do it economically, plus what to see and not. Great page. I'm
still exploring.
Waay cool page. Anyone with any info regarding the following will be greatly
appreciated. I am d/o Hurshell C. McIntosh, s/o Smith Ray McIntosh, born Green County
Tennesse, May 1892, s/o David McIntosh, dob April 1844 (do not know wife's name). David
(NMI) McIntosh had another son whom I understand to be named William Alexander McIntosh,
dob 1871. Past these names I hit a major roadblock. Any info would be appreciated.
Your website had given me a huge leap ahead (or should I say back) in my family
research!! Thank you so much. I have been asked to make a correction to an e-mail address.
Perry Frank McIntosh's corrected address is papple22@imcnet.net for those interested in
obtaining photos of the original McIntosh apple tree and homestead.
Nice site! Was surffing for Scotish drum music and found it. I work for the Air Force
and there are three of us at the hospital here on Elmendorf AFB. Have traced my linage to
two brothers, William and John, who came to Ga. to fight the Spanish in the war for FL.
Then they moved to NY. Still have a William and John family name going strong. At our last
family reunion there were 5 williams there.
Cool site.....All I know is that my ggggetc...grandfather was a guard of the Blackwatch
at Edinburgh castle in the 13 century. His name was DDavid Glendenin or Glendenning....if
anyone can help to find out what cclan that name belongs to I would be indebted
It's nice to see that the family name lives on so strongly.
I am in the process of gathering old photography of my family history. I have managed
to secure some photos dating back to the early 1900's. I will be developing a web site
shortly that will display the family tree and history. If you are interested in discussing
this information further, I would be happy to recieve your eamil. Kind Regards.
I was very suprised to find a web page just for the McIntosh's. I think it was a great
After speaking with one of my uncles, I believe that I have a connection with Peggy
Roberts and possibly with Catherine Williams. I believe the connection with Peggy goes as
follows: my father was Roy McIntosh of Adams Center NY, grandfather- Morris McIntosh of
Adams Center/Henderson NY, ggrandfather Adelbert McIntosh of Henderson NY. I was told that
there was a connection with the origional McIntosh apple tree in Ontario, Canada. If the
links are correct then I do have a connection with Catherine Williams. Please feel free to
E-mail me if you think there is a link. Waiting to hear. Mary Alice
I would like to purchase a kilt in the ancient McIntosh tartan. If you have one to sell
please email me with information, thank you.
I am a New Zealander whose grandfather William Donald McIntosh was born in Glasgow in
1906. My grandfather left Scotland by boat for a life in NZ at an early age.
In an earlier message I made note of my ggg grandfather, Duncan McIntosh who married
Margaret Cameron as having been born in 1887 and married in 1817. This obviously needs
changing. He was born in 1787! Still hoping to make connections. Margaret
I was surprised to see so many people sharing the same name, If u have the same name as
i do E-mail me, thAT WOULD BE COOL
I've run into a huge brickwall in researching my g-grandmother Margaret Blanche
MCINTOSH's family. This site/guestbook should be a great help. Margaret Blanche MCINTOSH
was born1 Feb 1844 to John & Elizabeth (GOLLAN) MCINTOSH somewhere in Scotland. By
September 1866 Margaret was living in Richfield Springs, Otsego County, New York.
Elizabeth (GOLLAN) MCINTOSH was born about 1820 in Gollansfield, Inverness-shire,
Scotland. She married John MCINTOSH in 1841. Besides Margaret, John & Elizabeth had
one other child, a daughter. I would greatly appreciate hearing from anyone who has any
info regarding the above or could give me guidance on what avenues I should be exploring.
Just a thought, with most of the entries in this guestbook being little more than queries;
does anyone have the time, knowledge, or ambition to start-up a MCINTOSH mailing list
under the auspices of RootsWeb? Thank you for your time, help, & consideration. Peace,
love, joy, Cher |