Clan McIntosh |
My husband's family came from Fort Wayne, Indiana. Through John McIntosh, his son
Alexander McIntosh went to Stockton Ca. in the mid 1850's. Anyone have information about
John McIntosh please email us. It's great to see so many McIntosh's. I'd love to attend a
reunion where we could find some of our ancestors.
We were surprised to see that there were so many other McIntosh's in the U.S.A.
Just returned from Isle of Lewis,[7/98] where my ggrandparents were born in 1846. They
came to Canada in 1855 - Ripley, Ontario. I met cousins there that we have kept in touch
with, as my gggrandparents had down to my time. I have genealogy on the MacRitchies to
1760 to present & some on paternal side ( MacDonald - MacIver - Graham - MacLennan ).
A great Web Page.
Are any of you researching a McIntosh family tree on which your
McIntosh ancestor from Scotland came to the US with several brothers in the 1790-1800
timeframe? My ggggrandfather came to the US with as many as ten brothers that I cannot
identify. His name was Peter Ira McIntosh and his father may have been named Alexander.
Somewhere there are a bunch of McIntosh Family trees with a start similar to mine. Send me
a note if your family tree has this beginning, we can compare notes.
I am a descendant of William McIntosh born Nairn, Scotland 1720, whose son William
McIntosh, born 1777 came to America and had son Aaron born 1798 in Mercer, Kentucky. I
would be happy to visit with fellow cousins. So glad to see this web site. Feel like one
great big happy family. Welcome. Vickie
I've just begun tracing my family's history and was thrilled when I happened to find on
your site that my maternal grandmother's family, the Glenny's, is a sept of the MacIntosh
clan. I am currently looking for information on my great-great-grandfather, William George
Glenney. He was born around 1848 and died around 1924. He married a woman named Emery
Beecher, a possible native of Pennsylvania, and had several children, one of whom was my
great- grandfather, Leland (Lee) James Glenney. Any info would be greatly apperciated.
I'm looking for any information on John McIntosh. What little info I do have is that he
was married to Sara Brown, he was born in County Derry Ireland (about 1780-1790) and is
the father of Alexander McIntosh, born Oct. 3, 1829, in Ft. Wayne, Indiana.
Searching for all information on my grandmother Catherine Selma McIntosh b.31 October,
1876 possibly Dumas, AR m. Thomas Monroe Hogue on 07 July, 1895. This marriage produced 10
children. This is all the information I have on my grandmother. All information on her
ancestors appreciated.
A beautiful Webpage. I am very proud to have run across it.
Ceud millia failte, My Grandmother was Tyeman McIntosh 1918-1997 d/o Perry McIntosh
1888-1955, Perry was s/o William McIntosh 1847-?, William was s/o Henly McIntosh 1820-?,
Henly was s/o William McIntosh b1790 in VA. William was s/o Peter Dewes McIntosh b1760
died in Moore CTY, NC. Does anyone have further information on Peter?
My Grandmother was Tyeman McIntosh 1918-1997 d/o Perry Mcintosh 1888-1955, Perry was
s/o William McIntosh 1847-?, William was s/o Henly McIntosh
I am originaly from Indiana. My Maternal grandmother was Audrey Vivian McIntosh. Her
father was Oscar Daniel McIntosh. Both from Indiana. I have lots more in my genealogy
database. If you want to more information, e-mail me. Our family came to Indiana from
Kentucky and Virginia.
I am originaly from Indiana. My Maternal grandmother was Audrey Vivian McIntosh. Her
father was Oscar Daniel McIntosh. oth from Indiana. I have lots more in my genealogy
database. If you want to more information, e-mail me. Our family came to Indiana from
Kentucky and Virginia.
I am searching for parents of or siblings of BRITT MCINTOSH and MINNIE BELL WEBB
(MCINTOSH) my great grandfather and mother. Britt was b. in Sept 1875, d. 1951 born in
Little Rock ARK. but moved to Ringold OK. in 1918 and lived there until 1950, I have not
been able to find out who his parents were or anything else about them. anyone having any
info Please let me know, I would appreciate it so much. Love the home page........thanks
Pat Griesenbeck
I have been doing some research and I believe Hossack who were a sept of the MacItosh
Clan. Can ANYBODY HELP in me proving Hossack was derived from Tosh and was pronounced
Toshiceh then became Hossack with the anglicing of the names, this is a great web site
Hossacks are based in the Cromarty area of scotland a great little village north of
inverness thank you Alexander
My connection to the clan is through my grandfather, David Middleton Mac Intosh. He was
born in Brechin, Scotland, in 1863 and died in Islip, L.I.N.Y in 1912. He married Alice
Marie Hunt, of Ilford England. The reared nine children, in Islip.Any information about
his brothers and sisters as well as the names of his forebears, will be greatly
really liked your program
This is truly a beautiful website. Congratulations!
Just browsing around looking for roots and family history. Have
a record of family back to my great grandfather William Ritchie born in 1837 in Inverness
County Nova Scotia. Do not have a record of his father who was said to have come from the
Inverness are of Scotland. Wonder where to find this?
Hi all, I was surprised and happy to find this site. Well, I suppose I can start by
saying that my fathers name is Victor J D McIntosh, my grandfathers name is Charles
McIntosh (whom married Lorna) and that is about as much I know about my family history, I
hope to go allot further soon. Thanks to whomever got this site going, its great.
I am gathering information for my wife's mother Evelyn McIntosh b. who is a daughter of
William McIntosh b. Queenton, Queensland, Australia 1892. William was the son of John
McIntosh b. 1852 Dunfermline, Scotland and Annie Hunter b. 1855 Low Torry, Torryburn.
I'm new to genealogy; my wife just got me started a few months ago. I haven't gotten
very far back in my family tree yet, so my request should be an easy one to comply with:
My grandfather, Howard J. McIntosh, was born in Cdar Rapids, IA in 1914 and died in Cedar
Rapids in Nov. 1973. He married Prudence Watson (his second wife)and had one son with her,
John Oliver McIntosh (my father), who was born in Texas. Any contact from relatives of
Howard J. McIntosh would be greatly appreciated.
Hi all, I am a MacPhail on my mother's side. I have just started trying to find out
about my Scottish ancestors. The Scottish Genealogy page list 4 possible clan affiliations
for the MacPhails. My ancestors came to the U.S. from Paisley. Can anyone confirm whether
or not my MacPhails are part of the McIntosh clan? Thanks
hi,I am part of the mackintosh clan.I can prove it because i am a smith and that might
help and i am also a mackillican.My grandmother has has a badge thing on her wall that
says our clan,the cat,and the saying dont touch the cat bot a glove.please email me.
hi,I am part of the mackintosh clan.I can prove it because i am a smith and that might
help and i am also a and a mackillican.My grandmother has has a badge thing on her wall
that says our clan,the cat,and the saying dont touch the cat bot a glove.please email me.
Thanks for creating this site - I look forward to exploring more. Marian
GGGGrandfather was Peter McIntosh, born 1802 in North Carolina. Had a brother John,
born in Virginia in 1790s. They came to Kentucky about 1820. They married sisters, the
daughters of Major King. Peter's wife was Malinda King. Looking for info on Peter's
parents, and any info on where in North Carolina he was born.
my name is derek mcintosh my fathers name was hugh muir mcintosh of campbeltown
scotland if any one is from there let me know or if you just want to e-mail me thats fine.
this site is great.
Great site! I'm a direct descendent of John McIntosh, who was born in Scotland and
first came to America as a soldier in the British Army during the American Revolution.
John later resigned his commission and returned to Scotland to bring his family to
America. Unclear about where John McIntosh and his family originally settled...Virginia,
Tennessee or North Carolina? His son, Roderick McIntosh, eventually settled on a farm in
Leslie County (Hyden), Kentucky in 1810, and is buried in the cemetery behind the
Presbyterian Church in Hyden. Roderick had several children: James (went to Arkansas),
William, John, Nancy (married James Lewis), Jenny (married John Lewis), Elizabeth (married
John Hyden), Susan (married Samuel Maggard), Margaret (married Thomas Roberts) and Polly
(married Moses Feltner). I'm told that several Scottish immigrants settled in the
Appalachian mountains in part because the mountains reminded them of the Highlands of
Just found your website this evening and I was elated! I have become so frustrated
trying to trace my paternal grandmother's roots. My Grandmother, Ruth Thelma Janousek
Dentel, born 1903 in Perry, OK. She passed away in 1996. My problem is that my family just
never talked about their heritage and now there really isn't anyone else to ask. The
MacIntosh, (could be another spelling, that is just what I was told), connection is my
grandmother's, mother. As best as I can tell from the OK census of 1900 & 1910 is that
her mother was born in 1872 in Michigan. Her parents came from Ohio. I was told that her
name was Annabelle, but the census lists her as just Belle and Anna Belle. She married my
gg grandfather, Joseph Janousek in approx 1882. He was originally from Kansas and then
moved to OK while still a boy himself. I would really appreciate any help that anyone can
offer. I would dearly love to know how they went from OH to MI and then she ended up in OK
with my g-grandfather. Eventually, she and my g-grandfather ended up back in MI. I am
originally from Port Huron, MI. Thanks.
Just wanted to let all the Mackintoshes know about my new site, called the MACKINTOSH /
CLAN CHATTAN CYBER-SENNACHIE. The sennachie was the story-teller of the clan chief, and
this site posts stories about episodes from the history of the Mackintoshes and Clan
Chattan. I will be adding about new story every few weeks, so please stop by often. The
URL is http://www.geocities.com/~brooms/sennachie.
I am pleased to announce the recent organization of the Clan Phail Society in North
America. Clan Phail was a member of Clan Chattan and, as such, affiliated with Clan
Mackintosh. The seat of the Clan Phail (Macphail) chiefs was Inverarnie, about 7 km west
of Loch Moy. Please stop by our website at http://www.geocities.com/~brooms/phail.
MCINTOSH KIDD HARPER, My grandfather Alexander McIntosh 1874 married Georgina Kidd.
emigrated to Canada about 1907.Can find nothing about Georgina Kidd, they had 5 children
Alexina Jessie Angus William and John. My ggrandfather is Angus McIntosh married Rebecca
Harper in 1869 they had 5 children Elizabeth Catherine Margaret David and Alexander. Would
appreciated knowing anything about this family.
I am trying to gather evidence on the Cash name and it's relationship to Clan
MacIntosh. The Cash family is said to have come from "the Lands of Cash(Casche,
Casch)" near Strathmiglo, Fife, Scotland. The family is thought to have decended from
the Earls of Fife also(through Duncan 6th Earl and Ada, based on the family crest, land
charters and records, and traces of the name), and was driven from their lands at the
return of James I to Scotland in 1424. It is very feasible that the Cash family would find
protection under a clan with affiliation to the Fife Earls, it seems. My problem involves
finding out where the family went to from Fife. As the name appears as a Sept under your
Clan, I would like to find out the location(s) of Clan MacIntosh and possible locations of
the Sept Cash. Are there any Perthshire connections? Any info or reference to the name
would be greatly appreciated. Thank You in advance, Sincerely, Christopher D. Cash
I am just beginning to search my ancestry. I should have done this years ago but
history was not one of my interests. My father, Roy Irving McIntosh of Adams Center NY and
my grandfather Morris S. McIntosh of Henderson NY are both gone now and my need to know
more is strong now. If anyone can help me begin my search please E-mail me. Thanks. Mary
I am greatly interested in my heritage and history. There is difficulty in finding the
Coat of Arms and other items which go with the name as well. If you have any insight,
input, or help, please e-mail me at Daniel.M@juno.com or visit my web page at Barnabas and
McIntosh lineage on mother's side as far back as Roderick McIntosh who, with wife Mary
Anderson McIntosh and two sons immigrated to North Carolina in 1781. If anyone is tracing
this line please contact me. Excellent site...thanks
Mothers name: Frances Mary Humin Fathers name : Sefor Abdemoulaie
Loved the website, trying to track down a few missing McIntosh links in the family
tree..I'll be back for more info!!
I am trying to learn information about my ancestors.
Looking for any information on my family. Alexander McIntosh, born 1820 in Ohio
(probably around Batavia or Bantam), son of James McIntosh (DOD 1841). Alexander and Mary
Jane McCullom family included William, John, James, George, Ellen, Ebben, Walter, Louis,
Mattie and Mary (Twins) and two who died at birth. Alexander and several of his family
moved to Burns, Kns in 1882 and later. James McIntosh's father (Name unknown) was suppose
to have kidnaped in Scotland when he was about 11 years old and shipped to America where
he was sold for passage. Probably landed in NJ. Anyone who can help please e-mail me.
Thanks. PS Great site.
If you could please give some information On who I might be affiliated with. I would be
very greatful. Thank you.
Coming from Santiago,Chili Hello to all of you
Looking for information on my gggrandmother Emmaline MacIntosh (probably born in
1840's, d.1918, buried at Ballston Cemetery) who married Matthew Armer. We believe she was
born in Schoharie County , New York and moved to Saratoga County when young. We believe
she had a sister who married Matthew Armer's brother. Any help identifying the MacIntosh
line would be appreciated. By the way, the games at Moy Hall this year were well
attended--had a great time--particularly enjoyed the terrier races.
This is a great site. I have been researching my family and have traced it back to
Peter Ira McIntosh, son of Alexander McIntosh. Peter was born in Scotland (1781 (or 1777
or 1774)) and came to the USwith several of his brothers. The brothers each went their own
way on reaching the US. Peter settled in Albany NY where he married Maria LaGrange in 1806
and had seven children. He later moved to Williamsburg ON Canada in 1818. I would like to
find out about any of the brothers and where they originated from in Scotland.
Hi Todd! Just browsing your site. Very nice job; it seems you've struck a chord with
others in your clan. Hope things are going well.
Fantistic Home Page. Thank you for providing it for others to enjoy. ANY Mc INTOSH'S
My ggggrandfather Peter McIntosh married Margaret "Peggy" Son William born
1790 NC Married 3-1-1809 to Farankie Fugate born 1796 Virginia. son John McIntosh born
1813-1815? Clay Co KY , Married 2-18-1834 in Perry Co, Ky to Catharine? born 1815-18?
buried Turkey Creek Breathitt Co, Ky Son Levi Mcintosh My Great Grandfather born 9-28-1858
Turkey Creek Breathitt Co, died 1905-1908? married Elizabeth Johnson Born 10-1867 died
1905-1908? both Levi and Elizabeth died of the fever in the early 1900's Leaving my
grandfather Steve an orphan in Breathitt Co Ky. They had 9 other children Fanny b 9-1884
Green b 4-1886 John Roland? 4-1887 Henry b 10-1889 Margaret b10-1891 Albert b 9-1893
Roland Hiram? 12-1895 Steve b 8-1899 Amanda b 1903 Polly b 1904. I would like to hear from
anyone with any info relating to this bloodline as this is as far as I have been able to
get so far. I will look forward to hearing from you and if I can be of any help to anyone
please let me know so far it looks like I'm the only One from Hazard Ky Perry Co.
Looking for any and all information on my fathers family,have information to share with
others.gggg grandfather Matthew McIntosh born in Londonderry,Ireland,ggg grandfather Hugh
McIntosh also born in Londonderry.gg grandfather Samuel McIntosh born in Ontario Canada.g
grandfather Adelbert McIntosh born in New York. Does anyone have a family connection?Thank
Looking for information on MCINTOSH,SCARLETT,BOBIER,MCBRIDE.James Lauchlan McIntosh had
sons named Lauchlan,Alexander,William,Daniel.Lauchlan is my ggg grandfather.James married
Mary McDonald,looking for information on Lauchlans brothers.James McIntosh also had
daughters named Grace,Isabella,and Amelia Elizabeth.Amelia married Malcolm Weir,they
resided in Chatham,Ontario.If there is any connection anywhere or if anyone has any info
on these families,please e-mail.Thanks Terry McIntosh.I visit this site every day.Great
site. Terry McIntosh
Well this is a really neat site.
seeking any info MAHALA MACINTOSH, reputed to be descendant of John MacIntosh who
developed the tree, she was from Wadington, NY ST Lawrence Co, near Canadian border. Great
site! Thanks to you all!
From Ayr in Scotland
I enjoyed the page and will visit often.
I have just finished reading about my namesake Brigadier General Lachlan McIntosh and
his involvement in the early history of Georgia. Facinating and informative. Great site.
Have just finished reading the history of Savannah GA and the part my namesake
Brigadier General Lachlan McIntosh played in the early years. My grandfather was Murdoch
McIntosh, at one time closely associated with the Clan Chattan Association, which I am
also a Member of. Regards
Good to see the Clan is still Strong
My ancestor came out on the Duchess of Argyle to New Zealand in 1842. His name was
James McIntosh and he was accompanied by his wife Christina nee Munro and 3 chidren.
"The Duchess left from Greenock Scotland. Contact from any relatives would be great.
James was born in 1809 but have yet to find out his parish.
This web site has a lot of great info. I plan on visiting Scotland soon and seeing were
our ancestors tread.
from the central missouri McIntoshes
Am interested in researching my branch of the McIntosh clan. My great-great-great
grandfather William McIntosh thought to have been born ca. 1769, in Scotland, place
unknown. He was married to Eupham HUTTON on 14 Dec 1784. She was born Circa May 1766 in
Dundee. Their child William McINTOSH is thought to have been born Circa Jun 1789. He
married Betsy SHARP on 8 Feb 1831 in Dundee and their children were Euphemia Hutton
McINTOSH and Ann McINTOSH. Euphemia was born in 1834 in Newcastle, England. She moved to
Australia, and married James Thomson SMITH on 14 Jul 1854 in Adelaide. James and Euphemia
were my great-great grandparents, and had 12 children. Euphemia's sister Ann McINTOSH also
moved to Australia, and married Glengarry FISHER. Can anyone help here?
searching for information on ancestors. Great,great,great grandfather James Mcintosh
born.Carlops,Edinburgh, 1848. died 15 Brunton Terrace,Edinburgh, April,1906. married Ellen
Bowman Martin, Mar, 1871 in Edinburgh, His father, Alexander Mcintosh.mother, Janet
Notman. James and Ellen had 5 children. Elizabeth ( Margaret ),born 1871.
Janet(Jessie),born 1872. Helen,born,1874. Catherine,born 1875. Thomasina,born 1879. Any
help would be greatly appreciated. GREAT WEB SITE.
If anybody is interested i have extensive photographs of Culloden Battlefield and the
graves of our ancestors, also very good shots of Urqhuart castle on the shores of Loch
Ness which is, as i'm sure some of you are aware one of our ancestors' castles
originally from the West Indies
Micki: accidently delected your E-MAIL,please write back
Great to hear from everyone around the world! I was able to visit Scotland three times
(and look forward to more trips in the future). I am envious of you all who got to attend
the Mackintosh games (going on as I write)--my parents were able to attend them a couple
of times in the past. My dad has made quite an impression on clan members at the games,
wearing his kilt and all. If any of you plan to go, bring your kilt along! My folks got
the best seats in the house--both at the chieftan's tent at the games, and at Haddo
House--(my mom's a Gordon), where they were treated to private tour by Lady Aberdeen
herself! I help serve in the clan tent at Scottish games in Southern California. We have a
lot of fun sharing family history and pride. E-mail me if you would like info on games in
this area. Also, I would like to purchase a large quantity of Dress Mackintosh Plaid, and
Ancient Mackintosh Plaid. There were no deals to be found in Scotland or England, so I was
thinking of contacting some mills directly. Let me know if you would be interested in
getting in on a bulk order (no promises that this will work, but we'll give it a try!) God
I just returned to Houston after my first trip to Scotland. I met Celia McIntosh
(mother of current 31st Mackintosh and widow of late 30th Lachlan) at Moy Hall, toured the
little museum, and had a wonderful time. She was very kind, and met with my wife and I and
a family of Canadian Macintoshes. It was a wonderful, inspiring experience. The Clan
Chattan festival is taking place at Moy Hall this weekend (Aug. 7-9). Wish I could have
stayed for it.... Thanks for the great site and keep up the great work. Patrick Grant
Grandson to Daniel N. McIntosh (himself a brother to Waldo Emerson "Dode"
McIntosh, Chief of the Creek Indian Nation for 10 years and who visited Moy Hall in 1964
as one chief meeting another)
My mother was MaryHelen Catherine McIntosh, born in Agra, OK; she was daughter of Lewis
Franklin McIntosh and Effie Lavada Dennis; he was the son of Eli McIntosh and Sarah
Catherine Smith; he was son of Charles McIntosh. Other Scottish family names are Chestnut,
King, Elliott. My McIntoshes were settled in the Jackson County, Tennessee area before
migratiing to the Ripley County, Missouri (South East), and Mansfield, Missouri areaas.
I have always known that our family name (McOmie) was Scottish in origin, but had not
given it much thought until a couple of weeks ago when we attended the Portland Scottish
Highland Games here in Portland Oregon. It was there that we were able to determine our
affiliation with clan MacKintosh. The Clan Tent was very informative. I am now on a quest
to learn all that I can about our family history and our Scottish roots. Your site has
been most informative. I have bookmarked it and will visit often. Thanks!
This site is really interesting. I'm not sure but I think the Ritchie name comes From
the Clan Mackintosh..Cool Site....
I love this website! It's great to get to learn a little about my family history.
My sister and I will be visiting Scotland in the fall and hope to contact relatives of
our grandfather William Forbes McIntosh (formerly of Glasgow).
My great, great, great grandfather was John McIntosh--of the edible McIntosh apple
fame. I know that he graphted these apples in a little town in Southern Ontario, but I
would like to trace my roots even further than that if possible. Any help that you are
able to give me in this matter is most appreciated. I think this web site is a wonderful
idea for people who are trying to find out who they are, by learning who their family was.
My father told me that we are part of the MacIntosh and Stewart clan. I can't find any
Thoms's. My grandfather was born in Dundee, Scotland his name was Ronald Thoms, I can't
find any info. on him. Would like some help.
I was just wondering if there was a site on the net for McIntosh and as you can tell I
found it.
Looking for connections. Ggg grandfather was Duncan McIntosh (b.1887) married to
Margaret Cameron 1817-parish of Kilmore and Kilbride, Argyllshire. Gg grandfather John
McIntosh born 1818 married to Jane Cowan 1848, Oban. G grandfather James born Oban 1851
married Mary Gorman Armour 1873 Glasgow. Grandfather John McIntosh married Eliza Niven
McHardy, Milngavie 1905. Sister of gg grandfather, Janet McIntosh (1834-1913) married a
John McIntosh (b.1819-1882) Kilninver. Children-Betty 1856, Duncan 1859, Dugald 1864,
Hellen 1862, John 1871, Annie, Jessie, Maggie.
hi, all i know is that on my mother's side i am affiliated somehow with the mcintosh
clan...i am interested in researching it. i know her great grandparents were from
edinburgh, and that her maiden name is adamson. her mother's maiden name is haberland,
although i believe that is a dutch name. my last name is brandt, also dutch, but i feel a
strong connection to scotland. if anyone knows of a website that is helpful with
researching genaology, please let me know. a lot of our family's history was thrown out
when my grandmother died. thanks a lot...
I am originally from Florence, SC. My father is David Laurence McIntosh, and Attorney
in Florence. My grandfather was Junius M. McIntosh and was originally from Kingstree, SC.
Any geneological information would be welcome.
Am looking for artwork of coat of arms. Any help would be great.
I am looking for ANY information on M/SGT of the AACS, Warren Sherman McIntosh, DOB
June 15, 1992 DOD June 22, 1991. His last known address was in Melbourne, Florida. In
addition, ANY information on Jackye I. McIntosh, who lived at the same address would be
appreciated. Warren was born in Iowa, and no location of death is known. I have more
information, if you think you may know of Warren, please email me. I have been,
unsuccessfully, searching for information about Warren/his family/his life for many years.
I hope that someone has some knowledge of Warren or Jackye and would contact me. Thank you
Having married a McIntosh I find the history great to read.
Just returned from the 43rd annual GrandFather Mountain Highland Games. Plan to join
the clan this week. Interested in info on clan attire etc...
I came across this page by accident. My mother was Fina McIntosh.
Greetings: I am a self employed beekeeper by trade[15years][possibly an inherited
trait]son of Edmund McIntosh a successful salesman,and Dorothy McIntosh both born in
Boston Massachusetts.Edmund[1911-1994] was the 4th&last child of Neil
McIntosh[6th?][1878-1958]born in Paisley Scotland&Annie Ida McKinnon of Nova Scotia
birthdate birthplace unkown. Neil McIntosh was the fourth child of eight born to Neil
McIntosh [5th?][1848-1916]a mill worker and Agnes McGowen daughter of John &Jane
McDougall McGowen of Scotland. Neil McIntosh[5th?]was the only child of Neil
McIntosh[4th?][unkown] a weaver by trade&Sarah Hardie of Scotland and so on. My only
child was Catherine Diane-Marie McIntosh[1981-1992]a warrior who died of cystic
fybrosis.Would like to know if her ashes could be buried on clan ground near Loch Moy. I
am married to Falanika Falaniko[McIntosh]a direct decendent of the Maleotoa King of
Western Samoa.Western Samoa is the final resting place of Robert Louis Stevenson another
famous Scotchman.
I'm trying to learn more about my heritage and it was wonderful to find such a complete
web page. Thanks for all the work!
Hello Clansmembers, Just wanted to say I love reading the guest book and that I hope I
can connect with some of you with my family line. Please look on May 24, 1998 for that
line. If you have any connection please get in touch with me. I would be ever so grateful.
Thank you Rita-Louise (LEIGHTON) Ely ps: If any of you have Leighton family I would like
to hear about them also.
Grandfather: Duncan Mackintosh emmigratedto New Zealand from Badenoch Farm in
Invernesshire circa 1880. Married Jessie Neilson whose family emmigrated from Glasgow
earlier. Four children: Ronald, Jessie, John and Winsome. Sixteen grandchildren and
numerous great-grandchildren. Established farm at "Dunkeld",Warrengate
Road,Wanganui which is still farmed by the family. We hold occasional reunions at the
original homestead.
Well, I haven't started looking for anyone yet......but this page is really making me
think. I'm 34, trying to make my "mark " on the world. I have my
greatgrandfathers birth certificate / marriage cert. I know I'm from the proudest and
strongest of clans. Any suggestions on how to get started? I'd love to "talk"
with any of you. Kindest Regards.
Hello, I am starting to run into a dead end with my verbal search through my McIntosh
history and ran across this website. I would like to throw out some names, places, and
dates to see if anyone has any information on them. My father's (Stewart A. Coomer) mother
was Martha Jane McIntosh,B:3-22-1922 in New Albany IN,;married to Charles F. Coomer.She
was the daughter of Purdella M. Leist and Benjamon Harrison McIntosh,B:01-21-1886 in
Levenworth,IN; D:02-06-1959 in New Albany,IN. I know that Benjamon H. McIntosh's mother's
maiden name was Cornelius but this is as far as I have gone. If anyone has any information
on this line of McIntosh's please contact me. Thank You.
Hello clansmen. I am a Member of the Society for Creative Anachronism. My S.C.A. name
is Angus Mackintosh. I have been working on my family tree but haven't got far yet. My
Grandfather Was King McIntosh from Weippe, Idaho. If this rings a bell with anyone, please
feel free to contact me.
I was born and raised in Dundee, Scotland. I moved to Colorado in 1986, surname was
Strachen. Interested in any pictures of Dundee or surrounding areas to show my wife and
children their heritage.