Clan McIntosh |
My family was from Dornock or Rockfield in Tarbat parish. I have traced them back there
to about 1830 but have lost track. Anyone with any information please contact me. Thank
Greetings to all!
My mother was Rosalind MacIntosh, born in St. Lawrence County, NY in 1922. Her father
was Easter MacIntosh born on Easter Sunday, place unknown, 18??. He was married to Beulah
Dashner, Born in St. Lawrence County NY in 1888. They had several children, including
Rosalind, Mildred, Reginald (Reg), ? (Bub), and ? (Polly). Any other information on this
family would be appreciated. I am a member of the Clan MacKintosh of North America, having
joined at the Milwaukee WI Highland Games in 1977.
Christina McIntosh
Fit like a you loons an quines. A thought eh wid spic tae ye in mi ain Aberdonian
(Doric) accent jist for a change. a'm jist checkin oot the web site again tae see if
onybody hid responded tae mi last communication bit nae sich luck. Still it's nae sic a
bad web site. So cheerio for noo, see yi next time.
This is a great site. I wish I could contact every McIntosh and stuff. I did not know
that there were so many of us. this is Great!!!!!
I really like the information I just read in the guest book. I will update my ancestry
information as soon as I retrieve it from my bookcase. Till next time.
Hi! I'm Mark McIntosh son of Ron and Barbara. I have 2 brothers John and Stuart.
We came out to Australia in 1814. His name was Robert McIntosh and his wife was
Ellen. If anyone knows more about them or think they are related to him, please contact
us. Thanks.
Great Web site.
Nice Site. My G William McIntosh and his wife Sarah were from Canada and settled in in
Indianapolis, In. and had one son, William Bell McIntosh,who was my Father. My Mother was
Anna Lee Alexander who came from Maysville, KY. Bye for now.
Aberdonian been living in Canada for 23years.The Glennie name comes under the McIntosh
clan,my wife Moira is also a McIntosh on her mothers side, her name was Elizabeth
McIntosh(Betty)married name McDonald.We both grew up in Northfield.Interested in hearing
from anyone who knew us before we emigrated.New to the net just stumbled on this site.
Will check in again.
I am looking for anyone related to a Leander Mcintosh & Martha (Spicer) Mcintosh.
They are my great grandparents.
This is a return visit to catch up on the posts and to give email address change. Still
searching for any links with Melba M. McIntosh, daughter of Neil McIntosh. Melba was from
the Darien, CT area at one time, moved to New Jersey, then TX, has since passed away. Neil
was in Darien, CT, and married a one Laura Bently(Bentley). Any info will be appreciated!
This is still one of the better clan pages!!
Your page is very interesting and informative.
This is my first visit to the web site. In fact, I just now discovered there is a site.
I'm anxious to look around and see what there is to see
I would like to find out more information about my heritage and find out what all the
clan crests look like.
A very informative web site
Looking for any information on Floyd McIntosh who married Maude Gabbard
Nice looking page. Does anyone know anything about Schuyler McIntosh, born 9 Nov 1837
in Meredith NY? His father is Alexander and his mother is Catherine.
I have a tip for people looking for genealogy info...... There is a church by the name
of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints". Better known as the Mormon
church.They have their own genealogy library. It is open to the public but an appointment
is usually necessary. It has been very helpful to me and suggest you visit the library.
My brother, sister and I are doubly descended from Capt. John Mohr McIntosh
(1700-ca1761) and his wife Marjory Fraser (1701-?). While I have considerable info on the
line leading to my grandmother I am lacking in info on my grandfathers. My grandfather was
a direct descendant of Maj. Gen. Lachlan McIntosh while my grandmother was a direct
descendant of his brother Lt. Co. William McIntosh (both were sons of Capt. John Mohr
McIntosh). This family came from Scotland and settled McIntosh County, GA (Darien). While
I have a large family history I would appreciate any additional info. Thanks
Looking for ancestors of grandfather, Elle McIntosh and grandmother, Ednie, from
Beattyville, KY, (Red River Gorge area). Would like to know the history. Didn't see
anything in the archives but will keep searching. Nice sight!
This has been great looking up the history of the Mackintosh family! I am new at this
and would like some help finding coat of arms and family info. If anyone feels that they
can help please contact me! "Loch Moigh" James Michael McIntosh
I am looking for the immigration of WILLIAM TOSH. He was born in Ireland in 1777(1850
census says 1789-but I think that's wrong). He married Eleanor Nesbitt in Cecil Co. MD in
1808. His marriage record is the earliest information I can find on him. I've started
searching MACINTOSH for a clue as to whether the name was changed when going to Ireland
from Scotland, or when coming to the US. Any suggestions?
My gg-grandmother was Julia Ann McIntosh, d/o Benjamon McIntosh and Jane Waddle. Julia
born in Mason County, KY and married Enoch Bettis in Mason County and eventually moved to
Wayne County, IA. Jane Waddle was born in Somerset, Pulaski County, KY. I have run into a
dead-end on these Mason County lines. I visited Mason County library last summer with no
real leads or findings. According to the LDS Ancestral Files there were several Benjamon
McIntosh(s), and each obviously married different women; it's possible that this Benjamon
married two sisters, but I can't nail it down for sure. This is my first signing of a
register on the net. I hope this isn't too wordy, but I know I was looking for key names
as I scanned the entries. So, I thought I would provide those key names first. Nice site!
Great web site!! Just found it while surfing the net. It's wonderful to be able to tap
into a bit of history. I grew up in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. My father is Norman
Alexander MacIntosh, originally from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. His father's name
was John MacIntosh. I'd love to hear from anybody who might have any info about the family
or might possibly be related. Cheers, Beth.
Good site. I'm new on the net and just browsing.
I follow and contribute to other MacKintosh pages but have not yet made a family
connection. I hope someone will find a lead to other members of my line of the clan.
Here's what I know. My Gggrandfather was William McIntosh (born either Petty or Kilmuir).
Does anyone know where Kilmuir is ? His wife was Alexanderina McLeod. I know of only one
son John (b.1845) at Urquart. John married Catherine Ryan at Stirling in 1870. Both John
and William were in the 93rd Regiment. John and Catherine had seven sons and a daughter
born at or near Stirling in Scotland. John (1872), Duncan (1874), Norman (1876), James
(1880), Matthew and Andrew (1884), Thomas (1886), Mary (1889). Norman, Duncan and Andrew
came out to New Zealand in 1906, their mother followed three years later. Andrew moved to
Australia and the contact was lost. John and Thomas lived in Glasgow. John had a son also
named John. I think his wife's maiden name was Mouatt. Norman's sweetheart, Susan Wallace,
followed him out to NZ. They had four children: James, Mary, Josephine, Tom. James (Jim)
McIntosh was my father. If anyone thinks they have a family connection please feel free to
I am descended of John H. MCINTOSH who married Martha Jane SCOTT in Dearborn Co., IN in
1836. He was born in MD, March 21, 1800. He ended up in Daviess Co., IN. If anyone has any
information on him PLEASE contact me! I look forward to hearing from you.
Father-in-law's name = w.f. mcintosh of Vonda, Saskatchewan, Canada. any connections
for me to get in touch with?
I am visiting Scotland March/April to visit Moy Castle which I have always been told
was the original 'seat' of the McIntosh clan. Looking at Moy Castle on the Internet it
seems only to mention the McLean clan. Can anyone advise me?
My great uncle was a McIntosh and I am very close with his children and his wife who is
still alive at 81. I am tracing their genealogy for them and myself. Thanks! Mike
Hey Cool Page If any one wants to write me Please feel free to Thanks!!!!!!!!!
Norman MacIntosh married Christy MacNeil Aug.23,1845 in Arichat,Cape Breton,Nova
Scotia. They had a large family, my great grandfather John being only one of them. I'd
love to find out what happened to the rest of the family...it doesn't appear that anyone
but John and Angus stayed on the island. The family lived in West Bay,Cape Breton...in the
census of 1871..Christy is widowed and living with her children in St.Peter's,Cape Breton.
I'd love to hear from anyone who may know what happened to the family.
John MacIntosh
My dad will love this site...good job!
My dad, Robert McIntosh, will love this sight! He travels often to Scotland and is very
interested in our heritage. Good job with the site!
I have reached back to James Ritchie born 1750. He was married to Polly(?) . James was
the father of Alexander Crockett Ritchie born 1790 who was married to Elizabeth Grigsby
and both are buried at the Ritchie Cemetary up Clear Creek at Richie, KY outside of what
is now Hazard, Ky. I think James was buried in North Carolina or Virginia. But I'm not
sure. I would like to know if anyone has the emigration record of the Ritchie's late
1700's from Scotland and family records. The family folklore tells of three brothers
emigrating from Scotland in the late 1700's. Thanks much and happy genealogical hunting!
I've traced our ancestry back to County Down, Northern Ireland. Robert McIntosh came to
Boston, MA in 1850 from there. Our family remained in that area for the most part. My
family has several members in MN. I'm interested in finding clues to the migration before
1850 if anyone has any tips.
My great-grandfather, William McIntosh left, Kinnmont(possibly Kinnmount) Canada in
1889, at the age of 16. He left all family ties that we know of, and moved to Jamestown,
N.Y.. Any information on the family left behind would be helpful.
Just researching my Elder roots. Would love to know for sure if I belong to this Clan,
but haven't researched enough yet. My ancestors are Samuel and William Elder (father and
son) from late-1600's to early 1700's Scotland/Ireland.
Was just looking up the McIntosh genealogy.
We have certainly enjoyed this Web page. Just discovered it today. We have a family
reunion each year in August. We will add it to your schedule after we find out the exact
date and location this year. Keep up the good work! George Daniel McIntosh (Wife - Linda
McIntosh, who has the E-Mail address).
Discovered this page while setting up my home computer. Hello from Scotland
I discovered this page while setting up my home computer. Hello from Scotland
Steve "doobie" McIntosh
Wow. cool site...its interesting to see/learn more about your heritage.. especially at
4:24 in the morning.....yeehaw fun. I'll be sure to tell the rest of my family about this
site so we can get some Canadian blood into the mix.... (yeah yeah yeah its all good) take
I am looking for the descendants of Norman MacIntosh & Christy MacNeil from West
Bay/St.Peters, Cape Breton,N.S. I know that Norman & Christy were married at Arichat,
Aug.23,1845. Their children were Angus, Alexander,Donald, John-my great grandfather, Mary
Ann, Murdock,Ann, Catherine and Sarah. In the 1871 census, Christy was a widow living in
St.Peter's. From what I understand the majority of the family moved to the US by the
1920's. I would love to be able to trace the siblings of John.
I am descended from David McIntosh b.1760-1770 d.1829-30 Greene Co., Ga. m. 1795 in
Green Co. Ga. Ruth Polly Dawson, daughter of George Dawson and Katie Ruth Marsen Skidmore,
George was a Rev. War Vet. We think David had two brothers who also came to Ga.in the
early 1790s Jesse McIntosh b. 1760-1770 d. 1835 Fayette Co., Ga. m. June Cartwright Daniel
McIntosh b.1760-1770 m. Sarah Cartwright. All three had a large family. I need help
locating place of birth and parents of these three.
I am the son of William Edward McIntosh of Shelbyville, Kentucky. My grandfather was
Hiram McIntosh of Shelby County, Kentucky. His mother was known as Ma Emmy. I have no idea
what her real name was. I believe our family originated around Stanton, Irvine, and
Ravenna, Kentucky. Would like to hear from any relatives, especially Sonk, Tiny or any of
Mama Nora McIntosh's kinfolk. I have ties and other items in our tartan but fear that the
cost of a kilt might be astronomical. I measure 54 inches 'round my waist! Would love to
hear from the Kentucky McIntoshs! There are scads of us still in Shelby County;Roy,
Leonard, Charles, et al. Want to meet more.
Born in Glasgow in 1960 my fathers name is William Thompson McIntosh born in 1932.Most
of the family are still in Glasgow.
Son of Harold McIntosh Sr. and Hazel Holliday. Hazard,Ky. Grandfather Fillmore
McIntosh. Enjoyed the web site and interested in more direct family info.
Interesting page. well done. My Grandfather Murdoch MacKintosh turned 90 this year. He
was born in Madawaska Ont. Canada in Nov.28 1907 He was married to Geraldine Mitchell and
lived for many years in Waterloo Quebec. He now lives in Victoria B.C. His father was John
Neil Mackintosh from Lochiel Ontario Canada Born April 17 1872. in Ontario His father was
John Mackintosh born in 1823 in Scotland married to Flora Mcgillivary His father was
Donald Mackintosh born in Scotland in 1781 and had a wife Nancy. I'm very proud of my
Scottish roots, if anyone believes they are directly related drop us a line ..... Alaba go
Just passing through, thought I'd say hi.
My father's name was Clarence V. McIntosh, born in Bisbee AZ 1919,but apparently the
family was rooted in KY. He died there in 1989. His mother was Ruby Jane Bell McIntosh;
she was born in 1895, died in Kentucky in the early 1990s; she was in her late 90s.
Clarence's father was Berry McIntosh; he died young--probably in his 40s--in KY in 1938.
Berry's mother Elizabeth ("Lizzie"--I don't know her maiden name or husband's
name) lived to her late 90s, died in Crofton, KY in the 60s, so I assume she was born in
late 1860s. I am tracking down a Civil War discharge paper that is supposed to exist for a
Henry McIntosh, supposedly my gggrandfather. (I do know there are other McIntoshes in the
same small town, Crofton KY who were not related to us that I know of--but I'll bet if we
dug far enough back we'd find that we are. Great web site . . . will check back often!
Research for my novels has reactivated my interest in finding my own Scot/Irish roots. Joy
Balmer joyuuriter@aol.com
I am tracking the history of several family groups with names of McKilligan,
McKillican, and similar spellings. My personal ancestors came from Aberdeenshire Scotland
to Toronto. One west west to Vancouver, the other south through Michigan to St. Paul,
I think your pages are wonderful. Love the pipes! You have a way of making one feel
welcome. I have a pretty long line Of McIntoshes,but have not went into England yet. Thank
you, Mary
Ancestors came from north east West Va.
Great web site, but would anyone know of a MacGlynn affiliation. I have been told that
the MacGlynns' were a subset of the Mackintoshes but have not been able to verify this
information. Whomever started the web site great idea...
This is a great site, I was wondering if anyone else puts 2 lines under the C in
Very informative.
My Grandfather was James Cameron Elder, who's family came over from Scotland around
1900. He was placed in an orphanage in New Jersey as a young boy after his Father died as
his Mother couldn't care for him or his brother. Does anyone out there know about this
part of the Elder Family before they left Scotland? I have a fairly good amount of
information about them after they immigrated but not before.
I have just started looking through the family tree and REALLY need help. My husband
John Charles McIntosh is the son of John David McIntosh (NJ) and Helen Badaracca; son of
John James McIntosh (NY) and Katherine Mary McEvoy; son of David McIntosh (who came from
Scotland in 1894) and Mary Brennan: son of John McIntosh and Catherine Oram; son of James
McIntosh and Christian Stuart. I know that there is a Thomas McIntosh (son of James
McIntosh) who never left Scotland. There is a William McIntosh who married a woman named
Lillian and settled in Ottawa Canada. (William was the son of David and Mary Brennen).
There is also a John McIntosh who married a woman named Alice Collier and they had three
sons, Harry, Walter and Travis. I have been able to find out that Harry had a daughter
named Sirely Alleyne McIntosh (Krasinski) who was at one time writing a family history
(which I would dearly love to get my hands on! My husband and I have 5 children: Kimberlee
McIntosh; Melissa Colleen McIntosh; Caleb J. McIntosh; Evan P. McIntosh and Dylan G.
McIntosh. If anyone has any information on any of these people listed above, please don't
hesitate to contact me!
I'm looking for Roderick McIntosh (b circa 1750) who came to Robeson County, NC about
1780. He and his wife Mary Anderson were from Inverness, Scotland. I'll appreciate any
info and will exchange info re Roderick's descendants.
Looking for other relatives...Anguish McIntosh,who lived in North Carolina, and then
moved to Carter County in East Tennessee was my 4th great grandfather.
My gggg grandfather was James Lochlin McIntosh,he was born in 1759- 1761,not sure what
year.He was born in Scotland,somewhere on the Spey River.He came over with General
Cornwallis as a drummer in the 71st Highlanders,at age 15.He married Mary McDonald,not
sure what year she was born or when they were married.They had 7 kids.Two of the boys
Alexander & William fought with there dad at the battle of Queenston Heights in the
war of 1812.The other children were,Daniel,Lochlin, Grace,Isabella,and Amelia who married
a Malcom Wuir in 1837.Lochlin is my ggg grandfather he was born in 1808 in Nova Scotia.He
married Esther Scarlet in the county of Kent on the river Thames,not sure of the year.They
had children Charles McIntosh who married Emma Moore. Henry McIntosh who is my gg
grandfather.He married Winnifred Bobier. Jane McIntosh who married Joshua Bobier.Mary
McIntosh who married William Scarlet.Amelia McIntosh who married D.D. Willerson,and
Winnifred who died at age 4 years.Lochlin McIntosh left his family in 1849 for California
never to be heard from again.Henry and Winnifred married in Euphemia,Canada in 1852.They
had children Thomas McIntosh who married Matilda McBride.Arthur C. McIntosh who married
Abbey McBride,who is my great grandfather.Emily Jane McIntosh,Mirmie,John W McIntosh who
married Lottie,not sure of maiden name.Milford McIntosh who married Zelphia Hartman,and
Leilan.Henry and Winnifred must had more kids.I found a Mary Lou or Mary Joe who married
Russell F Walker in 1906.Her age was 25 at the time it would put her birth year in 1881 In
my records the last child born was Leilan in 1869.Henry and Winnifred names are on the
marriage cert.as parents.Like to know if they had more kids.Most of my family is from the
Guelph,Kent county Chatham,and Dawn Township area.Most all in the Ontario area.Thomas
McIntosh changed the spelling of the last name to Mackintosh in the 1891 Dawn Township
census.They had 10 or 11 kids.My great grandfather Arthur Charles McIntosh moved to
Caseville Mi.He owned a farm on Gotts Corners.Arthur and Abbey McBride had 4
kids.Henry,James who is my grandfather,who married Pearl Collis.Garnet,and Walter Earl If
anyone out there can supply me with more information please e-mail me.Sorry for so much
babble,but I have really hit a dead end.By the way great site.
This is a neat home page. I found out last year that my family name is a Sept of Clan
McIntosh. I hope to learn more about my people. Thanks for sharing.
I'm a descendent of Chief William McIntosh (of whom the county I live in is named
after). Its strange to see that it was not marked of the map of US people who are in
relation to the McIntosh clan. I know of many people in this county that have the last
name McIntosh but I'm not sure of how they are related....and I think you should check
into the county in Georgia.
WOW! that plaid is really something!! Checked out your site because my husband is a
descendant of JOSEPH WALLACE McINTOSH. I'll bookmark the site and let him have a look!
Searching my McIntosh ancestry..... Looking for a Peter McIntosh around
1840....probably East--New York State.. that's as far back as I got (about a great, great,
great grandfather of mine)
GREAT SITE!!! I'm from Ohio but my grandpa came from KY. He did not know his father
very well. From what I can remember he said I think he had quite a few brother and
sisters. His name is Benjamin McIntosh. Any one with any info PLEASE contact me. THANKS!
My son's birthday is there, 1979 but he was born on the 11th of July not the 8th.
Thank you.
Just checking out the site
Very interesting site if only my father could have seen it I know his interest would
have been far greater than mine and could have made some good additions to it. signed on
behalf of Robert McIntosh from Buckie Inverness.
Looking for a connection for a Francis McIntosh. Family lore says she married Joseph
Cary. Both born about 1800-1805. Were in IL, Clark Co. 1830 - AR ,Carroll Co., 1840 and
both died before or shortly after 1850. May have been related to a Mahaley Rains (married
Thank you for your sight I loved reading about my fellow McIntosh's. My family are
located in California.My Father was Richard Lloyd McIntosh,Mother Alma, I have three
brothers and one sister.
Son of Margaret MacIntosh of Prince Edward Island, grandson of Catherine MacDonald of
North Sidney, Nova Scotia. No wonder I like bagpipe music.
Nice site. I find it hard to believe the lack of Scottish entries in the guestbook.
Happy new year to all Mcintosh`s around the world.
My grandfather was James Arthur McIntosh from Kentucky. He journeyed to Milwaukee, WI
and married my grandmother, Dorothy Pearl McConkey, in the 1920's. Anybody else have a
scoop on McIntoshes in KY? I hear that the family ran a general store in a small town. I'm
just starting to get interested . . .
Anyone got a Kate Mackintosh on their tree? Last known of 1920 around London. My
Husbands Grandmother
I like your web site. I am curious about family genealogies as I have lost track
of recent family tree.
Descendant of Col. Dan McIntosh ... who married a Chief's daughter and became Chief of
the lower Creeks... One of the Five Civilized Tribes.Led them over on the Trail of Tears
to Indian Territory. His plantation is a Historical Site in Georgia. His family was
prominent in Oklahoma and a County is named after him. He is in the Okla. History Books.
My Great Cousin...Dode McIntosh was appointed Chief of the Creeks by Washington DC. Okla.
Historical Society may have some more information. Also his son Chili McIntosh was a
Confederate Officer and I believe a Warchief.
I would love to hear from fellow McIntosh Clan members from around the world
It's great to have this web site! Any Ritchies from N.W. of Aberdeen? We could be
related. Please write. |