Clan McIntosh |
According to one Clan/Tartan genealogical database, my last
name is a Sept of the Clan MacIntosh. I was surprised. My
grandfather always told me that our name was Scots-Irish. The
same source also listed Ritchie as a Sept of this clan. Perhaps
the English forced us to change our last name upon immigration to
Ireland as so many others were forced to do. A genealogical
source listed the name as a Sept of your clan. Maybe you could
help me out even more. Thank you and all the best. Looking for descendants of James born 4 June 1838, Robert
born about 1840, Thomas born 14 Oct. 1843 in Blairgowerie, Perth,
Scotland, brothers of my great-grandfather William MCINTOSH born
about 1850. Children of Thomas MCINTOSH and Elizabeth ROSS. Love
to share info. Excellent Web Site! All the best, Rob. Boy!! There are a lot of us.... I am interested in
researching my tree over the net, but I have no idea how to
start. Any suggestions would be welcome. It would really be neat
if all of the clan could gather and have one big reunion. Great
web page Todd. My great grandfather was David McIntosh who married Sarah
Nelson. They settled in Bruce Township, Bruce County. Our
ancestors came from Edinburgh, Scotland and originally settled in
Glengary Township (Applehill), Ottawa Valley, in Eastern Ontario,
Canada. I am still in high school and live with my parents, Norm
& Janette McIntosh. Any McIntoshes out there interested in
hockey? If so, send me an e-mail. My great-great grandmother was Nancy McIntosh who married a
Frenchman named Bessey. Just enjoying the web page so that I can
share our heritage with my daughter's home-school co-op class.
I'm proud to see that this is such a nicely set up page! I'm a proud member of clan MacKintosh and clan
Kirkpatrick(Sept of clan Douglas). I was recently at the Highland
Scottish festival in Estes Park, Colorado. It was a lot of fun
and I found out quite a bit about clan MacKintosh. But I would
love to know more. In fact I would love any information that
anyone could give me. I have been told by my mother that we are McIntosh
descendents. The farthest back that she can remember is a man
named Lochland McIntosh. Can anyone give me any history? Thanks. Great job on the homepage! Although I married into the
McIntosh name, I'm the proud mother of a McIntosh! If you're
able, visit the newest McIntosh's home page, Graeme James
Frederick McIntosh at:
http://users.uniserve.com/~hmcintos/welcome.htm ...and sign the
guestbook! I can guarantee he's one of the handsomest members of
the clan! Heather I am always interested in the history of my roots. So any
time I find anything with a name from the history I know, I go
there and see what new information I can find to share with my
family here. I've been looking for as much info on Clan MacKintosh as I
can. I found out about 5 years ago that I was half Scottish and
half English, At least it's all on the same island. I went to the
highland games Ligonier PA a few weeks ago, It was great, I had
so much fun and those pipers were grand. I did get to find some
info on Clan MacKintosh, I found out what tartans were MacKintosh
and what the motto was. I want to know as much as I can. My
brother traced our family tree back to the 14th century and to
John the Elder. Somewhere along the line John married a
MacKintosh woman and started the Elder's on a long and proud
family membership as a MACKINTOSH. I'm glad to find someone who
has the same interest as I do. I don't see anything referring to Mackintoshes living in
Canada? Do you have any information on these? It would be great
to see it listed along with the ones from the United States.
There are a whole bunch of us. I just set up McPhail Clan Web Site @
http://www.wxcaliburknights.com/www/~mcphail/ Decided to pursue the Noble part of my line, and discovered
that it is a Sept of your clan. I sure wish that there was a
bibliography of people/ books associated with the Septs on your
Sept page. http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~buchan I am trying to search my family history. Thank you, As McIntoshes, we send our congratulations to the People of
Scotland, after the spectacular success of the referendum to free
their Nation from the overriding arrogance of 290 years of
English Rule. While this is not a political forum, we McIntoshes
should be aware that many of us are in North America (and
elsewhere) as a direct result of that English rule. We hope that
Scotland will flourish anew, free of their encumbrance. I've just discovered today that the DOLES family surname is
considered part of the Clan Mackintosh. I'm not sure what all
that means, but I look forward to finding out. I have done some
genealogical research on the Doles family (at least my line of
it) going back to Thomas Doles in 17th century Virginia, and a
number of descendents, and I have put up a web page with that
information. You can visit the site at:
http://home1.gte.net/jvdoles/doles.htm My Name Is Kyle McIntosh and I am from Cheshire
Connecticut. I go to college at Syracuse University. Here, I play
football for the Orangemen and I am their starting runningback.
Just thought I would drop a line and say hi to all the other
McIntoshes out there. Go Orange. Kyle Patrick McIntosh I am the son of Donald Mackintosh. I am very proud to have
the surname of the Mackintosh clan. We stay in South Africa. I
will be coming to England in January 1998, with my girlfriend
Leona Osborne from England. Best regards to everyone. I was born in Auckland New Zealand and now reside in
Honolulu, Hawaii. My great grandfather came from Scotland and
married a Maori Princess. They settled in the South Island of New
Zealand. I have two sons, Darryn and Layne who both live in
Hawaii. My Friends: I am attempting to learn more about my
grandfather, who died when my mother was almost 4 years old. His
name is Daniel Newnan McIntosh, and he was born Nov. 6, 1890 in
Carthage, Tennessee. He died just shy of age 44 on Oct. 18, 1934.
Served in WW I and then studied in Scotland at U of Edinburgh. He
is a direct descendant of Chief William McIntosh who was a chief
of the Creek Nation in the US. I hope one of you close to my
lineage has already researched him and can share info with me.
Patrick Grant pgrant@enron.com Hi! My name is Lezley McIntosh, I am the
great-great-granddaughter of the John McIntosh who grew the first
McIntosh apple tree. I am not sure if my family here in
Morrisburg, Ontario Canada has any relation to the McIntoshes in
the U.S., but it sure is neat to see a McIntosh home page on the
net. I am doing research on my family background for a report on
a famous part of Canada's heritage. Any one interested in writing
me, please do so immediately. I trace my McIntosh ancestry back to Murdoch McIntosh m Ann
Muckersie in Perth (Scotland) in 1836 Their son, John McIntosh
(b1856) m Elizabeth Scott in Glasgow (1878) and their daughter
Marion Crockett McIntosh (b 25.12.1878 in Glasgow married William
Paul on 23 Apr 1903 in Calton, Glasgow. They were my
grandparents. Anyone who can provide links would be greatly
appreciated. Hey there Todd. How are you, and Lauri and boys? I bet
Daniel is getting really big now. I've gotten some more material
about Lauri and Mark's ancestors -- I'll try to give you a call
soon. Love, Aunt Katy McIntoshes rule.It is the best name ever and for once it
was spelled right (without an a). I am a New Zealander but my
great grandfather is pure Scottish blood. (P.S.: Keep the
McIntosh spirit up.) Joel I always swore I wouldn't get sucked into the genealogy
hobby (obsession) because I knew how much time it seems to claim
once it gets a hold on a person. A trip to Scotland last June and
rummaging through extensive genealogical files left me by my
mother have started me looking at my McIntosh roots. Todd, your
Clan McIntosh page and guest book are wonderful! I've read
comments from cousins I've only met in my mom's notebooks,
enjoyed your family reunion notes, and smiled to see that F.W.
McIntosh of Corona, CA is still out there helping record McIntosh
bloodlines. He and my mother, Margaret Siler McIntosh of
Robinson, IL, corresponded for nearly two decades. I would be
interested to see if anyone else knows anything about my William
McIntosh, born 1776 in VA, married to Catherine "Mary"
Moore in 1799 in Mercer County KY. They had children Moore,
William Jefferson, Joseph, Jacob, Nancy, Mary (Pollyanna),
Frances (Fanny), Elizabeth, and Dilly Ann in KY from 1800 to
1820, then moved to Owen and Greene Counties in Indiana. I am
looking for siblings and/or parents for my William. Hi Just thought I'd drop in. My McIntosh family live here
in Southern California and back east. Nice web site. Keep in
touch. Scott McIntosh Claim Jumper Restaurants a braw wee site and lang may yer lum reek we ither folk's
coal, maccombie's are the original breeders of the world famous
aberdeen angus cattle in aberdeenshire scotland.alba mo dhachaidh
or in the english scotland my home, i am at
http://www.island.net/~macduff/ I have been looking for a web page like this forever, keep
up the good work!! Here's my info: My father was Victor McIntosh
(born 3/11/16) and his father name was Augustine McIntosh. They
were both born in Panama. That's all I know!! Any information
would be greatly appreciated. I loved it!! But What I really want to know is are all
these people really relatives of mine. I want more info An excellent, informative site. I wish you well. Here is my McIntoshes. Father was Russell Lewis McIntosh,
from Taylorsville Miss. His father was Daniel White McIntosh,
Leake County, Miss. His father was Daniel S. McIntosh from N.C.
(only information) about where he was from. He married Elizabeth
from Kentucky. He was born about 1819, and was an tailor. Both
disappear by 1860 census. Children spread out among varies
families in Clarke, Jasper Counties MS. Great site! Love finding out the info. Anyone have
information on a Wallace McIntosh born possibly (1895-1905),
please email me at roathescott@juno.com. He got married in Reno
(possibly 1929.) Married to an Irene Wills for a year then
disappeared before my Dad was born. Have been trying to find relatives of Alexander McIntosh of
Sarnia, ON Father William - Mother Mary Jane Dempsey. Alexander
McIntosh of Sarnia, ON married Caroline Janet Tanner. Alexander
(Sandy) lived in Strathroy, ON. Had children, Madalean Mary Jane,
Lillian, Edward, Charles, William and Gordon. Brothers - James,
Charles, Wm? Anyone knowing of this family sure would appreciate
contacting us. Thomas A. Hague, Great to see a home page for McIntosh Happy to meet a brother Scot My wife Barbara and I have started tracing our family
trees. We found that my great-great-grandmother's maiden name was
McIntosh. Her full name was Matilda Ann McIntosh and she was born
in Taylor county WV. Her parents were Benjamin Solomon McIntosh,
born 3-11-1834 in Taylor county and Julia Ann Freeman. Benjamin,s
parents were Elijah Benjamin Mackintosh born September 1799 in
Barren Plains TN. and Rebecca Sayre. Elijah,s parents were
Charles Mackintosh born around 1759 in Culpepper county Virginia
and Candace McAelhaney. Elijah,s father was John Mackintosh, born
between 1708-1737 in the Scottish Highlands. His family migrated
to America between 1708-1759. Does anyone know of any more
information on John Mackintosh from Culpepper county Virginia
especially who his parents were? Looking forward to hearing from
you. For the past several years I have been trying to obtain
info on my McIntosh roots. My mother was Dorothy Alice McIntosh,
daughter of William P. McIntosh II(?) of Redlands CA. He died in
1910 at 33 years of age. I believe he had brothers named: Walt,
George, and Alan, all of whom also lived in California. Are there
any of their families connected to this page who might be able to
give me more information? I would greatly appreciate hearing from
you. My aunt (W.P.III's wife) has given me what little data I
have. My great grandfather was William P. McIntosh I, born in
Canada, whose parents emigrated there from Scotland. He married
Kate D. Wade, and my grandfather was their second son, born in
Carson City NV. If anyone reading this knows of these people, I
would be most grateful to hear from you. My mother, her brother
and sister are all deceased and this site looks like my best hope
for any information. Thanks for such an interesting web page.
Scotland: "Land of My Heart Forever" Hi all, I moved to Canada from England in 1990. My father
Kenneth was born and raised in Glasgow. I know very little about
my heritage apart from we are part of the clan MacIntosh. If
there is anyone that can point me in the right direction to find
out more of my family line. Thanks in advance, Jonathan Attempting to research roots of McIntoshes in Northern New
York State. Last lead, Great Great Grandfather was Henry McIntosh
who fought in the Civil War and married Caroline Jock McIntosh.
Any info e-mail me please. Address:
BMcIntosh@clinton-elem.moric.org or write me at 258 Higby Rd New
Hartford, NY 13413. Researching my Grandmother MacCleery's line. Great
homepage. A few months ago, I signed the McIntosh page and wondered
if anyone might be able to help me trace my McIntosh roots. I
received a response from Carol Small Knee and I never got back in
touch with her. Just wondering if anyone has her info so I may
reach her. If not, then maybe someone can answer this question:
Was there a McIntosh who was mixed with an African American or
Native American, and had a son by the name of John McIntosh? I'm
asking because that's my grandfather and I know he was mixed with
Native American, Irish (hence the last name) and some German but
I'm just beginning the search and since he died before I was
born, I wondered if anyone might be able to help me. By the way,
are there any Family reunions scheduled for the Chicago area any
time soon? 5th great grandfather is General Alexander McIntosh, who
was exiled brother John, after imprisonment after the battle of
Culloden. Made it to the Pedee area of South Carolina about 1750
and became a large land owner, leading churchman and civic
leader, the first President of the St. David's Society and
militiaman, rising to General during the Revolution. Was at the
siege of Charleston and died in November 1780, I understand as a
result of a duel. Married Jane and later Elizabeth James of the
Welch Neck Baptist Church in SC, an offshoot of the Welch Neck
Church established in New Castle, Delaware in 1701. Some
indications his (Alexander's) mother was Anne Farquarhson
McIntosh, who rallied the Clan and led them at Culloden. His
father was a member, a captain of the Black Watch, not at
Culloden. Looking for links. 7814 Foxcove Court Glen Burnie, Md.
21061 410-863-0957 My father was John Thomas McIntosh born in 1886 in
Stockton, California, His father , James C. McIntosh was born in
Nova Scotia . Good job!!!!!!!!! I have traced my family tree back to Inverness
Sutherland-Shire Scotland John McIntosh married Margret Ross in
1820's had a son Donald approx. 1825. Emigrated to Canada 1830
and settled at Martinstown near Cornwall, Ontario. They had about
6 more children. I have names etc. John McIntosh is my
gggrandfather. Dear McIntoshes, This is a super site! Somehow I put my
address in wrong. So - in addition to not being able to work the
tab, I can't input correctly. Oh well, if I can find a McIntosh
Match ........ If there are any SC McIntoshes lurking out there I
really want to connect. This is my one and only shot to find THAT
connection! (-: Theresa I am in Clan Mackintosh through Elder's. Hi Y'all! Looking for my family! I am so new at this that I
can't even indent for a paragraph. I tried the tab key. I have to
take the computer back to school in two weeks...so any help you
McIntoshes have will have to come soon. Next is the good old US
mail......... The tab did not work! My McIntosh family is as
follows: Elizabeth, m ? is the first McIntosh in Ala. She, on her
deathbed, willed her estate to her son, John, and daughter in
1835. She said she was "late of SC". Her son married
Sarah Ann. Every person named is B-SC. They are all in Ala. Sarah
Ann McIntosh has a will in Montgomery, Ala, and names her
children. Her only daughter, Emma Jerusha, married my GG
Grandfather,Edward Hutton Grant.. My grandfather always said his
grandmother was a mean old Indian. I would love to have someone
in my family who was a native American....but my grandfather
liked to talk a lot! Hey... It is hereditary! Does anyone out
there have information on the McIntoshes in SC? (The tab key
didn't work again) Sarah married John and in 1830 would have
possibly had 1 child (William). Elizabeth would have been either
a widow or ? ... Anyone out there interested? Elizabeth
apparently had a large estate. It would be great to hear from
anyone who has info on the SC McIntoshes. I will only be on for
the next week, so time is a problem. My email address is
YOU FOR YOUR TIME DWIGHT MCINTOSH Son of Ken Mackintosh, Son of Alexandra Duncan Mackintosh,
Son of Angus Henry Mackintosh (born 1960) who settled in NZ
1890's, Son of John, Son of Angus (1797-1847), Son of Donald (of
Glenfrichen) Have details of a William Mackintosh who got his
head chopped of in 1550 - if this is any help to you Larry please
e-mail me. Regards, Andrew I love this site.It's great to keep up on the news. I have
attended 3 Scottish games here in Canada so far this year and
have at least 2 more planned. Our Canadian reps. Dave and
Catherine Elder do a great job at the clan tents. I have been
trying to track down my g-grandfather's history but it is
difficult. If anyone can help this is all I have to go on.
William Charles McIntosh born Ontario Canada(on marriage license
it says Lincoln township) born 1856 and father was William and
mother Mary. If anyone can identify please respond. Thanks Larry
IF SO I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THIS INFORMATION. Great Work, Todd! President of Clan Mackintosh of North America 1991-1996,
Vice President 1987-1990. Been to games in Michigan and could not find any clan tents
for your clan at two different games this year. I am a descendant of Lochlin McIntosh, from Nova Scotia, he
married Esther Scarlet. They had children Charles, Henry, Jane,
Mary, Amelia and Winnefred. He left them in 1849 for California,
never to be heard from again. His Father name was James Lochlin
McIntosh, from the Spey River area of Scotland. Came over with
the 71st Highlanders as a drummer in General Cornwallis army. He
married Mary McDonald, they had children, Alexander, William,
Lochlin, Grace, Isabella, and Amelia. Need to prove about James.
Need help e-mail me if you have any info. Great sight, Terry I am the son of Raymond D. and Lucille E. Mc Intosh, the
son of Duncan H. and Lunetta J. Mc Intosh. My wife is Patti and
my son, Robert D. Mc Intosh. We took an opportunity a few years
back to visit Moigh as it is today. Loved our short visit but
wished then that the Loch was a bit more visible as I had to
trespass to see more of it. We are sad that we were there so late
in the afternoon that a lot of our pictures did not turn out of
primarily the Cemetery and the Loch. Sorry we are unlisted at
home but my e-mail should work well. Doug Excellent website! Very informative. Keep up the great
work! Am the youngest daughter of Margaret Helen McIntosh Gray.
Through the hard work of F.W. McIntosh of Corona California, I
have been able to learn much about my McIntosh heritage. Thanks
to him!!! Also, Todd (whom I don't believe I have met) thanks to
you for this wonderful home page! I need to send some family
pictures to you. THANKS A LOT! I am proud to be associated with the MacIntosh clan! If it's not Scottish, it's crap! Great Homepage! Thanks! Any relatives out there please contact me. My family home
is in Inverness. I am waiting to here from you !!!!!! Wow! There sure are lots of us McIntoshes out there. My
father is Stuart Foden McIntosh, his father was Norman Edward
McIntosh, his father was John Alexander (Jock) McIntosh, and his
father was Alexander (Sandy) McIntosh, who emigrated to New
Zealand from Glasgow in 1840. Sandy had 9 children, and settled
first in Wellington, and then moved to McIntosh Bay (now Menzies
Bay!) on Banks Peninsular, near Christchurch in the South Island
of New Zealand. Would love to hear from any other
"Kiwi" descendants of Alexander. Over a period of 45-plus years I have accumulated much
McIntosh data from all over the U.S. (limited info from Canada
& Scotland). I offer my help to inquirers where possible but
prefer regular mail to E-mail in most instances (am old, not
truly computer efficient - and probably old-fashioned?) because I
can get more details with which to make a match with my data.
Provide sufficient details (esp. vital stats) including siblings
of ancestor to help facilitate making a connection. Include
E-mail address for later correspondence (and save postage; am a
true Scot). I do not charge for whatever I can do to help but I
ask that you provide enlarged info on your line down to yourself
for my own files. Warning: Any response may be SLOW due to my
age, volume of inquiries in this and other surnames of my
interest, and time available. My postal address: 939 E. Francis
St., Corona, CA 91719-2318. I am the son of Robert Kingsley McIntosh, from Auckland New
Zealand. My great grandfather came to New Zealand and married a
Maori Princess. I have two sons carrying on the McIntosh name,
Darryn and Layne. Don't forget to attend the "Highland Games" @
Stone Mountain, Georgia in October. My wife and I will be there!!
If anyone has information on "family trees" please
E-mail. I haven't got a clue how to get started!! |