Clan McIntosh |
Just came back from a gathering of the clans in
Northampton, MA, where I met Albert McIntosh of Stafford Springs,
CT. who headed up the clan at this event. My family lives in
Milngavie, near Glasgow, and summers in Elie in Fife. I would
like to learn more about my clan back ground. Glad to find this
website. Bob Ritchie. I have a James McIntosh who married a Ruby Hamilton,
(according to my great grandfather's death certificate). It lists
that they both came from Scotland, but no exact location. They
had a son William, (my great grandfather),b Dec 1827-28? in
Canada, according to the same death certificate. He married Sarah
Gee, b Jan 13, 1858, in Canada. These death certificates only
list Canada as place of birth. William & Sarah had a son
named William Bell McIntosh, b Jan 31, 1883,in Indianapolis, In.
This is my grandfather. We know nothing of him since he left my
father's mother, Anna Alexander, in about 1920 or so, except that
he might have run moonshine in the Detroit - Toronto area! If
anyone sounds familiar, please note me. I am running into brick
walls trying to find anything on my McIntosh's. Thanks in
YEARS AGO.THANKS AGAIN. Was surfing for Scottish festivals in Texas and found your
page. I am a member of CMNA. Your Page looks great. It is very interesting to see the Raull last name on your
page as a Mackintosh Septs. According to my grandfather the Raull
family is from Barcelona (Catalunya, Spain). Do you have any
suggestion of how to trace the genealogy of this name ? Thanks
and nice job ! Just stopped by to say hello. I too am proud of my Scottish
Heritage. Aonoebe re cheile UNITE. Just ran across your page. Was born and raised down in
Wayne county. Been gone from there since 1975. By the way. Is the
Buccaneer restaurant still open down there? Use to be a good
place to go. Charlie I found the name Sivewright in your web page. Is there any
history I could get on this. Thank You Anthony Sivewright Its good to see so many people that are McIntosh. As of now
I'm the only McIntosh in my county. I would like to know if there
were any McIntosh's that played an important role in American
History, if someone can please give me some info. Great Web Site.
oh yeah What does the McIntosh name mean?? Nice to be with the family. My father was born Henry Wallace McIntosh, in 1910, in OR;
his father was John Andrew McIntosh, born in 1879 in Or; John's
father was Henry Wallace McIntosh, born 33-16-1840 in Balbrigon,
County Wexford, Ireland. Henry moved to Hawaii and did carving on
the palace there for the queen; Henry's father was Henry Wallace
McIntosh, born in Balbrigon, Co. Wexford, Ireland and married to
Eleanor Magee, also born there. Originally they or their
ancestors came from Dalkeith, Scotland, near Edinburgh. I'd like
to know more, if this sounds familiar to anyone. Very informative site. Thanks I have an Enos or Anos Mackintosh, married. to Elizabeth in
VA they had 7 children in the Charles Parish, York co., VA gave
the info. Wife Elizabeth died 8 years after Enos/Anos Sept 6,
1695 one of their granddaughters Sarah married. into my
Mallicote/Mallicoat. She married a Thomas Mallicoat/Mallicote, I
have Sarah born around 1740. Thomas is the g-grandson of my 8th
great Grandfather John Mallicote/Malicoat/Medlicoat (name was
Spelled Medlicoat in Shropshire England. It is believed that the
Mallicoat/Medlicoat's org. from Scotland. In the Tyler Quarterly
vol 21/22 pg 166 - 170 the story "Two Families of
Warwick", it tells about the Mackintosh Clan and that E/Anos
came after they had lost everything in Scotland. You may want to
ready this if you have not found it yet. Sandy in Tucson would
love to know if my Sarah and E/Anos is related I was wondering how one might come to join Clan MacKintosh. Great to be Scottish, eh? This is the first actual set of web pages that I have been
able to find dealing with Clan MacIntosh. I love the information
that you have presented and I made sure I bookmarked it. You
provide a lot of information and I will probably using it to the
utmost! Some bits of info that have been gleaned from our family
genealogist, the McIntosh clan has connections to Daniel
Boone(one of his daughters married a McIntosh). Also, we had a
descendant who par- ticipated in the Boston Tea Party. Our family
came out of Iowa in 1957. My father has 5 brothers and 1 sister,
George,Floyd,Russ,John, Wayne,and Belle. I don't know if this
information is useful, but I hope it helps. Researching Creek Indian history of McIntosh family. Rich
and full, reading many books about Chief William's day and
planning to write a book of the family line for 12 generations
through my children today. McIntosh men were the leaders in
politics throughout Creek history. They have been seen as men of
vision and as traitors. Hope someday to have a movie made about
the McIntosh line from Georgia Colony that will make people walk
away shaking their heads, unable to say "Those were the good
guys, those were the bad guys," but instead having a richer
understanding of the conflict within the nation that destroyed
the great Muskogee confederacy. I want to understand why the
people made the choices they did and would appreciate contacts in
Alabama and Georgia who could help me acquire copies of personal
journals that exist but cannot be checked out of library
archives. Curious, McIntosh is 25%of my ancestry. I am the grand daughter of John William McIntosh of Indian
Old Fields Kentucky. He was married to Bessie Clemons. They had 5
sons - Doyle, Charles, Walter Andrew, Ishmael and Virgil. Of
these only Walter and Ishmael (nicknamed Sam) survived to be
married. Walter married Mildred Smith and had 4 children -
William Joseph, Walter Ronald, Patricia, and Ruth. Ishmael
married Dorothy Denniston and I am one of the two children -
Barbara Sue and Sammy Charles. Wonderful page - keep up the good work. I am researching
descendents of John Mackintosh, b. Scotland 1699 - d. GA 1781, m.
Margaret Fraser, b. 1705. Children: William, Lachlan, John,
Phineas, Lewis, Janet, Anne, George. Would like to share info. I am looking for the Lockhart connection to the McIntosh
through Byrd Lockhart and Nancy McIntosh. I am interested in learning more of my heritage. Nice to see we have a site! Very Informative Home page! GREAT My lineage is from Tazewell Co., VA 1770. I have little
knowledge beyond that. It is not a direct line. -Eddie Wow, it's great to meet fellow McIntosh's. My husband
George was born in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1956 and I inherited
his name back in 1980 (before that I was a McFarlin) . Would like to fill in the gaps in these family lines.John
McIntosh sailed from England in 1645 at about 12 years of age.His
family settled in Pennsylvania.He married Rebeka Metcalf in
1659,and died in 1691.His son William b. 1666 married Experience
Holbrook,died in 1724.William b. 1700,married Johanna Lyons,died
?.Jeremiah b.1723,married Mary Merrifield in 1750,died in
1771.Steven b. 1754,married Sarah ?,died ?.Phineas b.
1799,married Harriet Atkins in 1821,died in 1832.Edward H.R.
b.1822,married Martha Meacham,died in 1901. EDWARD CLARENCE b.
1862,married Emma Kauffman in 1886,died 1896.ALICE IRENE b. 1887,
married Stephen Grover Cleveland in 1910,died in 1960. Burton C.
b. 1917,married Ella Margaret Bougher Dillon in 1947,died
1993.Richard Wallace b. 1948,married Kathleen Graham in 1966,have
4 sons,eight grandchildren.I believe Edward and Emma were married
in Iowa, both died there. Any information you have on the
McIntosh's or Kauffman's would be appreciated. I have been trying to trace my lineage and the farthest I
got with information was Neil Watkins McIntosh born 1819 Camden
AL. His father was Neil McIntosh, birthdate and location unknown.
If anyone has any information it would be greatly appreciated. Kia Ora from downunder! Its great to see a web page bearing
such a distinguished name. Would like to see some more fellow
Kiwi-clansmen/women on the page. Keep up the good work! An excellent site. I would like to correspond with anyone
with the name of TOSH. My family came to Maryland from Ireland
between 1785 and 1808. would like to find when they went to
Ireland and from what part of Scotland. I am looking for the whereabouts of Pruit (sp??) McIntosh.
He is a lost relative. Can anyone help? It is possible his roots
are in Virginia. My sister is very much into the clans of Scotland. I
thought that she might like to find out more about the MacIntosh
clan. She is also trying to find out more about our Sinclair
forebears. You site has a lot of interesting information, keep it
up Great page I am currently in the process of creating a CLAN
PHAIL webpage. Thanks for the good ideas with yours and I hope
you don't mind if I make a connection. Great web. Love this - hoping the Internet will be my connection to
the past. My father - William McIntosh was born in Saskatchewan,
but his father was from Glasgow also a William born March 16,
1883 m. Louisa McDougall Lyall b. June 16, 1886 in Paisley. His
father William (do you see a pattern here?) was born about 1850
m. Jemima Sivewright in Aberdeen, his father was Thomas m
Elizabeth Ross Dec. 20, 1835. Their other children were: James b.
June 4 1838, Robert 1840, Thomas b. Oct. 14, 1843, all in
Blairgowrie. I'm looking for descendents of these people,
hopefully, with more information! Thanks! HEY! CLAN MCINTOSH. GOOD JOB KEEP IT UP! TODD, GREAT WORK.
THANKS AGAIN! What a great site!. I guess I'm going to have to trace my
family history now that you have piqued my interest. Any other
McIntosh's in Texas drop me a line. I am Thomas Craig McIntosh (born: 1958), son of Calvin
Woodrow McIntosh (born: 1926), who was the son of Julius
Alexander McIntosh (1877-1953), who was the son of Jacob William
McIntosh (1854-1907), who was the son of William Jr.
(1821-1908/Civil War Vet. of 52 Reg't NC Infantry), who was the
son of William Sr. (1784-post1830/War of 1812 Vet. of NC
Militia), who was the son of Hector McIntosh (1750's-@1797).
Hector McIntosh was born in Scotland and emigrated to North
Carolina in 1772. Any information on Hector would be appreciated.
By the way, GREAT SITE! Looking for great grandfather in Scotland. Daniel Duncan
Clark, Anne and James appear in Edgefield SC census in 1850.
Suspect they came from Scotland. I come from near Cameron, NC
which is very Scotch/Irish. The McIntoshes are mentioned on both
sides of my family. Daniel Clark I am very interested in finding kinfolk that I might not
know about. I'm looking for unknown family members that might
have been lost throughout the many years. I very proud to be a
McIntosh! I am very proud to be part of the Home Clan of Inverness
and of the Local Chapter of Maryland. In fact, I am taking a trip
home in a few weeks, and look forward to breathing some good ol'
fashioned Scottish air. Tonight I am attending a Ceilidh at the
British Embassy this evening, which will include Bag Pipers,
Highland Dancers and the like. Good luck with your Home Page. I
am also in the process of putting one together myself. Aye,
Alison MacIntosh Vannauker Your page is really nice it gave me a lot of information.
This summer my uncle is having a full out MacIntosh wedding
everyone will have cults on and maybe me. My great Grandfather is
Hugie MacIntosh from Florence, Cape Breton, my grandfather is
Evertt (TOSH)MacIntosh from Florence,my dad is George MacIntosh
from North Sydney. Well that's all if anybody thinks they are
related to me send me some E-mail. Was born in Robinson IL. My brother Jerry lives in NM and
has researched the history of our clan. This is a very interesting site. My father was Norman
MacIntosh who was a geologist in Alberta (petroleum) and was born
in 1931 in Bras d' Or, Nova Scotia. His father was also Norman
MacIntosh and his mother was Katherine. They has a large family
of 12 children, some of whom still reside in the family home in
Bras d' Or and cousins operate the family business Norman
MacIntosh and Sons Ltd. My wife Pat and I are travelling to
Scotland in mid June '97 and would appreciate info about places
to see relevant to the Clan Mackintosh and/or Clan Chattan. Also,
if anyone is aware of good literature regarding the same, please
let me know. Thanks. I am looking for information about Clark's links to Clan
MacIntosh and hopefully an address to a local chapter. Todd: GREAT WORK!! YOU HAVE MADE IT POSSIBLE TO FIND OUT
SCOTLAND. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. Hi everyone, I am looking for any info on William McIntosh,
b in 1827-28, in Canada, d on April 11, 1901, in Indianapolis,
In. He was the son of James McIntosh and Ruby Hamilton from
Scotland. He married Sarah, the daughter of John Gee and Lucy
Bowen from Canada. Sarah died on Aug 27, 1923, in Indianapolis,
In. William was about 30 years older than Sarah, from the info on
their death certificates. He could have been married before and
could have had other children. I don't know where in Canada they
were from because this info came from their death certificates
and all it said was Canada. If anyone knows how I can get more
info, or if anyone has anything, I look forward to hearing from
you. Thanks in advance. Lori McIntosh O'Connor
loriocon@iamerica.net My father is tracing our roots. He has gone back to Robert
Elder, born about 1679 in Edinburgh, Scotland. I was curious
about our Clan Affiliation. So thanks for the information on your
site. Very interesting. Thanks for the interesting home page. BTW, my brother is
getting married soon and would love to be married in a MacIntosh
kilt. Does anyone know where he might buy one/have one made on
the East Coast? Many thanks and goodwill to all! I am pleased to see that the good name of Mackintosh is in
cyberspace. I love your web site! It is good to see fellow countrymen,
and even better to see a good historical account.....Keep it
up...George Cameron...Aonoebe re cheile....UNITE! Curious about my maternal grandmother's surname, I decided
to do a McIntosh search. So, I guess we're cousins. This is quite
a nice site. Cheers! John Hardin In surfing the net we came across your page. We had been
looking for the Maxwell Clan and the McIntosh clans. Both clans
are in my family tree. My family has been in the coast of Georgia
history since King George. We have the original grants from King
George. Currently our home is located on the McIntosh Plantation
home site on the Sapelo River. I have been working on family
history as I failed to write things down that were told to me by
my grandmother and want to find what I can before it is lost. Any
information is greatly appreciated. By the way the Scottish Games
will be in Savannah Georgia on May 10 and 11 Ft Jackson hope to
see you there. Halloo, hallay, Todd! Good for you for building this web
site for the good of Clan McIntosh! I have you included in my
bookmarks, and will return someday when I'm better prepared with
genealogical information. If it's of any interest to anyone else,
I'm a fiction writer, and though I'm presently writing a
historically based novel on one of my other family lines (Welsh),
I've been considering another "McIntosh Chronicle" for
our historical forebears. If any historically savvy folk know of
a particular time in history when the McIntosh's were
particularly active and/or showed actions which distinguished
them as a clan, I would appreciate the info, and would consider
working with them as co-writer(s). Contact me: KidComet@aol.com
(The Kid Comet part comes from my first novel, a science fiction
story. I am 40 years old/young this month, so I'm not a kid
either! Keep up the great work on this great clan! I'm 20 years old and from Canada and recently found out
that I was from the Clan McIntosh. My link to the clan is through
my father who came to Canada from Scotland. I hope to find out
more about my heritage and about the clan. E-mail me if you'd
like to talk. My Grandmother was a Dallas and I recently learned that I
was lucky enough to be associated with the Great McIntosh clan, I
am In a historical recreation group and wanted to get a Great
Kilt to wear. I was told that There was no true clan
McIntosh..thank goodness that's true, but I need to know what our
Tartan is, so I can get it, are the Dallas' more associated with
clan Chattan or McIntosh as far as the Tartan is
concerned?...thanks! I am a twelve year old and am glad at finding information
about my wonderful clan. Keep up the good work with the page! I would like to know about the Tosh family history. Your
page is very well put together. This is a very well put together home page. I cannot wait
until it is complete. It is very nice to see our clan making the
most of the information superhighway. Martha Matilda Mackintosh was the daughter of Alexander
MackIintosh, she was my fathers grandmother who was William
George Brown from Dunedin New Zealand. Alexander George
MackIntosh was a sergeant in the 93rd Highlanders and was in the
Battle of Inkerman and at the Relief of Lucknow under General
Colin Campbell. I am Arthur Brown a hunter of deer and fisher of
trout and generally roam the Lochs & Glens of New Zealand.
(Born 7th January 1919) Really great site! Do you want me to send you my descent
from John McIntosh through his daughter Nancy who married Bird
Lockhart? Toni Anyone related to McIntosh family in New Brunswick, Canada?
If you are please E-Mail me. I am an eleven year old McIntosh just beginning to learn
about my family. I like this site. My mother was a Clark whose grandfather came from
Grantown-on-Spey, Invernesshire, with his father, Alexander,
coming from Morayshire and his mother, Anne McIntosh from
Banffshire. I am very pleased to know that I can now claim a clan
as my own, the McIntosh, as the Clark's may be septs from a
couple of clans and the White's could have come from (shudder)
England, or (shudder) Ireland. But a McIntosh is a McIntosh
right? I am delighted. Now I can belong to a clan named for an
apple which is better than I am now, named for a color on a can
of paint. Perhaps if I just changed my name to Robert James,
leaving off the White or just change the spelling of it to Whyte? Laurel Ann McIntosh is my mother. Her mother is Janet Hope
McIntosh and her father is Brian Harrington McIntosh born in
Victoria, BC, Canada in 1929, son of James Harrington McIntosh
who was born in Victoria BC Canada in 1900 died in Hirari,
Zimbabwe in 1975. His father was James Andrew McIntosh, born in
Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada. Brian has a brother, Murray Rodrick
Harrington McIntosh who resides in Hirari Zimbabwe and is a dairy
farmer there. His sons (my second cousins) are Ian Harrington
McIntosh who just moved back to Hirari, Zimbabwe from Germany and
Ross Harrington McIntosh who is persuing his masters degree at
Louisiana State University. My uncle (Mom's brother) Murray
Harrington McIntosh resides in Redondo Beach, California and her
other brother Mark Harrington McIntosh resides in San Antonio,
Texas. His son (my cousin), David McIntosh is in the US Airforce
and resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. I think this site is wonderful!!! I have been looking for
some family information and I think I've come the right spot! I
wanted to get some information for my own web page and was really
looking for the family crest. I think that the tartans of
Scotland are beautiful and should never be forgotten. I have also
developed an interest in learning the language of our
forefathers, Gaelic. I had the pleasure of meeting an individual
from Scotland recently and learned that the word "Mac"
means "son of" in Scottish. So, my interpretation is
that McIntosh means "son of Intosh". Is this correct??
I welcome any mail from fellow clansmen to help me in my pursuit
of family heritage. Also, if anyone knows of a program or
language course that teaches the Gaelic language, I'd be
interested in that too!! Keep up the good work on this site and
I'll be marking it as a favorite!! Wonderful! Have searched long and hard for this Web Page.
Any info on the Easson's and our family history would be of great
help. Very nice site. A credit to the clan! I have no comments. I have been a member of Clan Chattan and by marriage, a
member of Clan MacKenzie. When our sons were young, we were very
active in local Scottish games. We also have three Macintosh
computers at home. ;-) Hello kinsfolk! and well done Todd! Well, this is an absolutely wonderful page!! I'm JUST now
beginning to read about Scottish Gaelic history. Even taking some
lessons in the language. Hopefully I can do a genealogy, but I
have no idea where to begin. I'll visit here more often.
Fantastic! Any Hossacks out there, drop me an email. My family
emigrated from Scotland to Canada in the late 1800's. I play
Highland snare drum in the Mesa Caledonian Pipeband here in
Arizona. I was just married in my MacKintosh Kilt on April 5th,
1997. I'd like to know where the rest of my family is and what
07001. GREAT PAGE THANKS I was born in Glasgow, Scotland and I'm proud of my
heritage. I am glad to see others just as proud. My grandfather came from Scotland. One of my hopes is to
travel there to see my origins. Shortly after I signed in last December, I left the net and
just returned so I'm checking back in. I'll be here for at least
a month. Reading these entries makes me realize how ubiquitous we
McIntoshes are. Todd, did you realize when you began that you
were opening the door to a quintessential McGee's closet? Thanks
for keeping it open. Now for an update on the Illinois St.
Andrews Highland Games. Oakbrook Polo Grounds in Oakbrook,
Illinois, this year's site, is just west of Chicago. Saturday,
June 21: band, dance, & athletic competitions all day; clan
tents; Celtic crafts; children's games; Scottish food &
libations; massing of the bands; ceiligh; etc. It's always great.
It's nice to see so many people with the same last name.
Most of my family lives in Des Moines, Iowa. We have a large
reunion every June in Bonderant, IA. Your site is great! My grandfather was Alfonso Galindo
Mackintosh. He grew up in Chihuahua, Mexico and moved to San
Francisco and then to Mexico City during the revolution. I would
like to trace his genealogy. If anyone has information on
Mackintosh in Mexico I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance
Carlos Galindo-Leal Looking up info. for a class on Celtic/Gaelic Traditions.
Your web site is beautiful and full of information. Thank you.
Although my father was an Italian from Tuscany, Italy, he married
my mother Margaret Jean Moss. Her parents were from England. I
have not taken the time to look into the genealogy of either but
with all the information available on the net I think I will do
so now. Again, Thank you. Bonnie Jean I'd appreciate a clarification of the different tartans
available. I want a kilt made, but am unclear about whether it
should be traditional, hunting, or modern. Any suggestions? (And
I happen to know that Mary Babbitt's mother is a Glennie, too) Any other Glennie's out there? Like to talk to any other
clan members in the Denver, CO area, or any around the age of 19. It has come to my attention that the name McQuilkan could
have been Mckillican at one time . Could someone give some
history of the Mckillican's and there relation to the McIntosh's
other than what Black's says Hi. I am really happy to see this. I am 17 and feel a need
to try and find out who I am, and where I came from. What I know
of my family is this. My family came over and settled in the New
York area before the revolution. They were Loyalists. They later
settled in Glengary country Ontario. My grandfather, Donald Hugh
McIntosh moved west as a harvester in the late 40's, early 50's.
I still have family down East, but I haven't been in too much
contact. I was wondering if anyone knows of my family. They are
in Apple Hill, Ontario. Thanks. Hey, Todd! I'm sorry I haven't contacted you earlier, but I have been sick off and on ever since Christmas. I am still planning on coming up soon to see my McIntosh grandnephews! Love to Lauri, Brian and Daniel, from Aunt Katy. My father's name was Robert George McIntosh. He was born in
Watertown NY In 1911 or 1910. He was raised by a Mr. Smith In
Watertown. I am looking for any information about my father's
mother and father. I am looking for info on my grandfather, William Bell
McIntosh. He was born 1-31-1883, and married Anna Lee Alexander
on 6-24-1903. He had 5 sons in Indianapolis, In. He left the
family in approximately 1919. The last info I have was that he
was in Detroit or Toronto. I don't know if he remarried or where
he died. His parents names were William McIntosh, b approximately
1855, d 4-14-1901, and Sarah Jane Richardson, who died 8-29-1923
in Indianapolis. If you have any info on William Bell McIntosh or
his parents, please send me a note. I have nothing past this.
Thanks. A few of the Richie family members are browsing the Web to
check out the information on our families, the MacNabbs and
Richies, originally from Scotland. We have enjoyed thoroughly
your beautifully well-done homepage. I am doing genealogy on the McIntosh family tree. At
present I do not know where in Scotland my
great-great-grandfather came from, but believe it was Kinlock
Rannoch, near Perth. A Donald McIntosh arrived in Nova Scotia
about 1826, married and raised a family. The following are direct
line descendants to me from him - John Petterson McIntosh,
Alexander G. McIntosh, Isabell MacKenzie McIntosh and then me. If
anyone can assist me please feel free to do so. Many thanks..
Lindsay FRASER |